Tonje Holt
forsker, PhD
Utviklingspsykologi, familiedynamikk og familiepsykologi, foreldrestøtte, sosial ulikhet, foreldrekonflikter, samlivsbrudd, bostedsordninger, barns aktørskap, behandling av barn og unge utsatt for traumer.
Prosjekter og publikasjoner
- Familier i Norge: Foreldreskap, Samhold og Konflikt
- Familier i Norge: Foreldreskap, samliv og konflikt (FamilieForSK)
- Improving Services’ Proactive Efforts: The Impact of Covid-19 and Vulnerability on Exclusion from Health and Welfare (CoV-clusion)
- Sammenhengen mellom adoptivforeldres helse og ressurser og adoptivbarnas helse og tilpasning
- Maria Morbech, Ruth Sellers, Kristin Gustavson, Tonje Holt, (2024). Interparental Conflict and Children’s Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Four Residence Arrangements. Family Transitions s. 355-380. doi: 10.1080/28375300.2024.2382991
- Linda Larsen, Nelli Buchmann, Maria Morbech, Tonje Holt, Espen Røysamb, Maren Sand Helland, (2024). Cohort profile: the Dynamics of Family Conflict (FamC) study in Norway. BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080772
- Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Linda Larsen, Kristin Gustavson, Bruce Smyth, (2024). Interparental conflict trajectories across various child residence arrangements when parents live apart. Family Process s. 2563-2580. doi: 10.1111/famp.13028
- Lara Augustijn, Anja Steinbach, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Linda Larsen, (2023). Physical Custody Arrangements, Children’s Age, and Children’s Mental Health: A Comparison of Germany and Norway. Journal of Comparative Family Studies s. 106-130. doi: 10.3138/jcfs.54.2.020
- Maria Morbech, Kristin Gustavson, Tonje Holt, (2023). Characteristics of parents living apart in Norway: Comparing four residence arrangements. Journal of Family Research s. 433-452. doi: 10.20377/jfr-862
- Linda Larsen, Stefan Schauber, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, (2023). Longitudinal Covid-19 effects on child mental health: vulnerability and age dependent trajectories. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) doi: 10.1186/s13034-023-00652-5
- Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, (2023). Validation of the Conflict Resolution Scale from the Conflicts and Problem-Solving Scales and a New Abbreviated Short Form. Journal of Child and Family Studies s. 2915-2930. doi: 10.1007/s10826-023-02644-7
- Tonje Holt, Linda Larsen, Maren Sand Helland, (2022). Den skjulte volden: foreldre og terapeuters rapportering av fysisk vold mellom foreldre. Fokus på familien s. 334-357. doi: 10.18261/fokus.50.4.6
- Idunn Brekke, Otto Robert Frans Smith, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Leif Edvard Aarø, Espen Røysamb, Gun-Mette Brandsnes Røsand, Leila Torgersen, Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar, Heidi Aase, (2022). Effectiveness of the International Child Development Programme: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Child & Family Social Work s. 1-15. doi: 10.1111/cfs.12973
- Solveig Mortveit Dittmann, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Tonje Holt, (2021). Foreldre underrapporterer om konflikter og utfordringer i forkant av mekling. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) s. 766-775. doi: 10.52734/3WfR437s
- Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, (2021). Hjelpe- og velferdstjenester under covid-19-pandemiens første fase: familiers behov, udekkede behov og hjelpesøkende atferd. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning doi: 10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2021-02-03
- Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, Kristin Gustavson, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Espen Røysamb, (2021). Validation and short-form development of Conflict and Problem-solving Strategy Scales. Journal of Family Studies s. 1-20. doi: 10.1080/13229400.2021.1981977
- Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Maria Morbech, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Kristin Gustavson, Anh Ha, Edward Mark Cummings, (2021). Agreement between child and parent reports of children's reactions to interparental conflict. Journal of Family Psychology s. 1138-1148. doi: 10.1037/fam0000861
- Maren Sand Helland, Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, Tonje Holt, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Espen Røysamb, (2021). Effects of Covid-19 lockdown on parental functioning in vulnerable families. Journal of Marriage and Family s. 1515-1526. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12789
- Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, (2021). The impact of school closure and social isolation on children in vulnerable families during COVID-19: a focus on children’s reactions. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry s. 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00787-021-01758-x
- Elisa Pfeiffer, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Dunja Tutus, Tonje Holt, Rita Rosner, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2020). Does the therapist matter? Therapist characteristics and their relation to outcome in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology s. 1-10. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2020.1776048
- Eline Aas, Sanju Silwal, Pascale-Renée Cyr, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2020). Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children and adolescent with post-traumatic stress symptom: A comparison of 16D and condition-specific instruments. Nordic Journal of Health Economics s. 46-71. doi: 10.5617/njhe.6929
- Maren Sand Helland, Linda Larsen, Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, Michael Gähler, Tonje Holt, (2020). Foreldrekonflikter: Mønstre innenfor og på tvers av familieform når familiesystemet utfordres. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift s. 131-150. doi: 10.18261/issn.2535-2512-2020-03-02
- Marianne Skogbrott Birkeland, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine K. Jensen, (2020). Perceived social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and youth in therapy: A parallel process latent growth curve model. Behaviour Research and Therapy doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2020.103655
- Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Kristin Gustavson, Edward Mark Cummings, Anh Ha, Espen Røysamb, (2019). Assessing Children’s Responses to Interparental Conflict: Validation and Short Scale Development of SIS and CPIC-Properties Scales. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology s. 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s10802-019-00586-7
- Marie Lindebø Knutsen, Cedric Sachser, Tonje Holt, Lutz Goldbeck, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2019). Trajectories and Possible Predictors of Treatment Outcome for Youth Receiving Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.. Psychological Trauma doi: 10.1037/tra0000482
- Siri Thoresen, Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Grete Dyb, (2019). Foreldreskap - Å være forelder når barnet ditt er i livsfare. s. 42-56.
- Lasse Bartels, Lucy Berliner, Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Nathaniel Jungbluth, Paul Plener, Elisabeth Risch, Elizabeth Risch, Roberto Rojas, Rita Rosner, Cedric Sascher, Cedric Sachser, (2019). The importance of the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of cognitions and mood in traumatized children and adolescents: two network approaches. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry s. 545-554. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13009
- Eline Aas, Tor Iversen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2019). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Randomized Control Trial among Norwegian Youth. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology s. S298-S311. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2018.1463535
- Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Krister Fjermestad, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, (2018). Change in post-traumatic cognitions mediates treatment effects for traumatized youth — A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology s. 166-177. doi: 10.1037/cou0000258
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Grete Dyb, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, (2017). Emotional reactions in parents of the youth who experienced the Utøya shooting on 22 July 2011; results from a cohort study. BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015345
- Cedric Sachser, Lucy Berliner, Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Nathaniel Jungbluth, Elizabeth Risch, Rita Rosner, Lutz Goldbeck, (2017). Comparing the dimensional structure and diagnostic algorithms between DSM-5 and ICD-11 PTSD in children and adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry s. 181-190. doi: 10.1007/s00787-017-1032-9
- Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2017). A follow-up study from a multisite, randomized controlled trial for traumatized children receiving TF-CBT. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology s. 1587-1597. doi: 10.1007/s10802-017-0270-0
- Cedric Sachser, Lucy Berliner, Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Nathaniel Jungbluth, Elizabeth Risch, Rita Rosner, Lutz Goldbeck, (2017). International development and psychometric properties of the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS). Journal of Affective Disorders s. 189-195. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.12.040
- Tonje Holt, Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, (2016). Barn og traumer: Et utviklingspsykologisk perspektiv. s. 281-295.
- Tonje Holt, (2016). Betydningen av foreldres reaksjoner og støtte. s. 63-75.
- Tonje Holt, Judith Cohen, Anthony Mannarino, (2015). Factor structure of the Parent Emotional Reaction Questionnaire: analysis and validation. European Journal of Psychotraumatology doi: 10.3402/ejpt.v6.28733
- Tonje Holt, Judith Cohen, Anthony Mannarino, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2014). Parental Emotional Response to Children’s Traumas. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma s. 1057-1071. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2014.953717
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, (2014). The change and the mediating role of parental emotional reactions and depression in the treatment of traumatized youth: results from a randomized controlled study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) doi: 10.1186/1753-2000-8-11
- Silje Sommer Hukkelberg, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tonje Holt, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2014). Diagnostic utility of CPSS vs. CAPS-CA for assessing posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders s. 51-56. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2013.11.001
- Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Karina Egeland, Lene Granly, Live E. C. Hoaas, Silje Sommer Hukkelberg, Tore Indregard, Shirley Stormyren, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, (2014). A Randomized Effectiveness Study Comparing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Therapy as Usual for Youth. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology s. 356-369. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2013.822307
- Kristin Alve Glad, Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2013). Exploring self-perceived growth in a clinical sample of severely traumatized youth. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect s. 331-342. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.02.007
- Tonje Holt, Linda Larsen, Olav Bertin Tveit, Maren Sand Helland, Maria Morbech, Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Aurora Oftedal, Randi Sekkeseter, Heidi Aase, (2024). Foreldre i konflikt og familier i endring: Barns perspektiv på bostedsordninger, deltakelse og foreldrekonflikt, og saker med vold i familievernet. Resultater fra FamilieForSK-studien.
- Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Linda Larsen, Tonje Holt, (2023). Arbeid-Familiekonflikt:Kjønnsforskjeller og Betydning av Familiekonstellasjon .
- Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Linda Larsen, Tonje Holt, (2023). Foreldresamarbeid om Den Daglige og Praktiske Oppfølgingen av Barns Hverdag på Tvers av Ulike Familiesituasjoner.
- Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, (2022). Likestilling under Covid-19 Pandemien? Kjønnsforskjeller i Arbeidsdeling og Tidsbruk på Omsorgs- og Husarbeidsoppgaver i Hjemmet.
- Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Tonje Holt, (2022). Barn- og Unges Psykiske Helse Gjennom Covid-19 Pandemien .
- Idunn Brekke, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Otto Robert Frans Smith, Gun-Mette Brandsnes Røsand, Tonje Holt, Leif Edvard Aarø, Maren Sand Helland, Espen Røysamb, Ingrid Grimstad, Heidi Aase, (2021). Effektevaluering av International Child Development Programme (ICDP). En randomisert kontrollert studie.
- Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Linda Larsen, (2020). Validering av kartleggingsverktøy for foreldrekonflikt: Oppsummeringsrapport basert på artikler og supplerende analyser fra forprosjektet og første del av hovedprosjektet i FamilieForSK-studien.
- Nima Wesseltoft-Rao, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, (2017). Gruppetiltak og kurs for foreldre. Norsk praksis, erfaringer og effektevalueringer.
- Linda Holen Moen, Ingunn Rangul Askeland, Tonje Holt, (2016). Kartlegging av behandlingstilbudet til: Barn som er utsatt for eller som utøver vold og seksuelle overgrep og voksne som utøver vold. En pilotstudie om behandlingstilbudet i fire norske fylker.
- Ingunn Rangul Askeland, Linda Holen Moen, Lisa Govasli Nilsen, Anja Emilie Kruse, Ole Kristian Hjemdal, Tonje Holt, (2016). Behandlingstilbudet til voksne som utøver vold: En nasjonal kartleggingsundersøkelse.
- Tonje Holt, Lisa Govasli Nilsen, Linda Holen Moen, Ingunn Rangul Askeland, (2016). Behandlingstilbudet til barn som er utsatt for og som utøver vold og seksuelle overgrep: En nasjonal kartleggingsundersøkelse.
- Grete Dyb, Kristin Alve Glad, Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, Tonje Holt, Mia Cathrine Myhre, Kristin Skjørten, Siri Thoresen, Simen K. Warp, Mona-Iren Hauge, (2016). Juridiske, etiske og metodiske problemstillinger ved gjennomføring av omfangsundersøkelser med barn og unge om vold og seksuelle overgrep.
- Lars Jørun Langøien, Trine Bjerke Johansen, Heid Nøkleby, Tonje Holt, Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Maria Morbech, Linda Larsen, Aurora Oftedal, (2024). Svar til Dahl og Meland. Klassekampen
- Tonje Holt, Maria Morbech, Kristin Gustavson, Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Linda Larsen, Trine Bjerke Johansen, Heid Nøkleby, (2024). Svar til Meland og Kjellås: Vi har ikke argumentert mot delt bosted i noen av våre publikasjoner.
- Jan Stokkebekk, Per Øystein Steinsvåg, Thomas Nordvik, Trine Charlotte Eikrem, Tonje Holt, Hanne Cecilie Braarud, Ingunn Eriksen, Dag Øystein Nordanger, Kari Sjøhelle Jevne, Kjetil Lysne, Ingeborg Huglen, Helene Kindle-Skau, (2023). "Foreldrefremmedgjøring" bør skrotes. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
- Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, (2022). Toward a Backlash in Gender Equality? Nuances in the Gendered Division of Family Work among Norwegian Mothers and Fathers during the Covid-19 Pandemic..
- Stefan Schauber, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, (2022). Child and adolescent mental health during Covid-19: Results from a Norwegian longitudinal study.
- Stefan Schauber, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, (2022). Child Mental Health and Wellbeing During Covid-19: A Focus on Children’s Self-Report.
- Maren Sand Helland, Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Michael Gähler, Tonje Holt, (2021). Patterns of interparental conflicts across family constellations .
- Linda Paarup Neigaard Larsen, Maren Sand Helland, Tonje Holt, (2021). The Impact of Home Schooling and Social Isolation on Children During COVID-19 .
- Ingunn Rangul Askeland, Tonje Holt, Linda Holen Moen, Lisa Govasli Nilsen, (2016). Behandlingstilbudet til barn og unge som er utsatt for og som utøver vold og seksuelle overgrep.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Grete Dyb, (2015). Emotional reactions in parents of youth experiencing the 22 July Utøya shooting-Results from the Utøya study conducted at NKVTS, Oslo, Norway .
- Tonje Holt, Tine K. Jensen, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2015). The change trajectories in parental emotional and depressive reactions during and after their traumatized child receives treatment..
- Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, (2014). Won't they be very upset? Ethical considerations when assessing for trauma and trauma symptoms in child and adolescent mental health clinics.
- Lene Granly, Tonje Holt, (2014). Barn og unge utsatt for traumer. Samtaler og oppfølging.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2014). Posttraumatic cognitions in two samples of highly traumatized youth.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2014). The role of parental and child reported social support in treatment of traumatized children and youth.
- Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2013). Predictors of Nonresponse in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) With Youth.
- Tonje Holt, (2013). Barn som opplever vold i familien.
- Tonje Holt, (2013). Foreldres emosjonelle reaksjoner i behandling av traumatiserte barn og unge.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2013). Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for traumatized youth: mediators of treatment outcome.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2013). The Role of Parental and Child reported Social Support in Treatment of Traumatized Children and Youth.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Randi Saur, (2012). Trauma Focused CBT - results from an effectiveness study in Norway.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2012). Parental Influence on children's post-traumatic symptoms.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2012). The Mediating Role of Parental Factors on Therapy Outcome of Traumatized Youths: Results from A Randomized Controlled Study in Norway.
- Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, (2012). Behandling av traumatiserte barn og unge: resultater fra en behandlingsstudie i Norge.
- Tine Kristin Jensen, Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, (2012). Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - the Mediating Role of Negative Trauma-Related Cognitions.
- Tonje Holt, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2011). Parents of traumatized cchildren: How do they react and support their children after traumatic experiences?.
- Tonje Holt, Silje Mørup Ormhaug, Tine Kristin Jensen, (2010). Trauma Focused CBT - How to get clinicians, parents and children involved. Results from an effectiveness study.