Aurora Oftedal
postdoktor, Ph.D
Prosjekter og publikasjoner
- Mona Bekkhus, Aurora Oftedal, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Berit Mortensen, Anne Kaasen, (2024). Acute symptoms of depression and traumatic stress in men and women who terminate pregnancy after detection of fetal anomaly: A prospective observational study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.17884
- Elizabeth C. Braithwaite, Aurora Oftedal, Anne Kaasen, Ziada Ayorech, Mona Bekkhus, (2024). A history of depression and prenatal depression are associated with a lower likelihood of breastfeeding initiation and maintenance, and more breastfeeding problems. Archives of Women's Mental Health s. 139-146. doi: 10.1007/s00737-024-01479-5
- Aurora Oftedal, Stella Tsotsi, Anne Kaasen, Lilian Juliane Kozlowski Mayerhofer, Espen Røysamb, Dinka Smajlagic, Tom Gunnar Tanbo, Mona Bekkhus, (2023). Anxiety and depression in expectant parents: ART versus spontaneous conception. Human Reproduction s. 1755-1760. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dead133
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Odin Hjemdal, Nikolai Olavi Czajkowski, Anne Kaasen, (2022). Long-Term Impact of Diagnosed Fetal Anomaly on Parental Traumatic Stress, Resilience, and Relationship Satisfaction. Journal of Pediatric Psychology s. 181-192. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsac085
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Nikolai Olavi Czajkowski, Anne Kaasen, (2022). The impact of diagnosed fetal anomaly, diagnostic severity and prognostic ambiguity on parental depression and traumatic stress: a prospective longitudinal cohort study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica s. 1291-1299. doi: 10.1111/aogs.14453
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Elizabeth Braithwaite, Jens Bollerslev, Kristin Godang, Per Medbøe Thorsby, Anne Kaasen, (2021). Changes in maternal cortisol, cortisol binding globulin and cortisone levels following diagnosis of fetal anomaly. Psychoneuroendocrinology doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105574
- Mona Bekkhus, Aurora Oftedal, Elizabeth Braithwaite, Guttorm Haugen, Anne Kaasen, (2020). Paternal psychological stress after detection of fetal anomaly during pregnancy. A prospective longitudinal observational study. Frontiers in Psychology s. 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01848
- Tonje Holt, Linda Larsen, Olav Bertin Tveit, Maren Sand Helland, Maria Morbech, Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Aurora Oftedal, Randi Sekkeseter, Heidi Aase, (2024). Foreldre i konflikt og familier i endring: Barns perspektiv på bostedsordninger, deltakelse og foreldrekonflikt, og saker med vold i familievernet. Resultater fra FamilieForSK-studien.
- Lars Jørun Langøien, Trine Bjerke Johansen, Heid Nøkleby, Tonje Holt, Silje Kvam Bårdstu, Maria Morbech, Linda Larsen, Aurora Oftedal, (2024). Svar til Dahl og Meland. Klassekampen
- Kristine Løkås Haftorn, Elizabeth C Braithwaite, Christian Magnus Page, Aurora Oftedal, Ziada Ayorech, Anne Kaasen, Robert Lyle Murgatroyd, Mona Bekkhus, (2023). Does DNA methylation at the OXTR gene mediate associations between maternal lifetime history of depression and poor breastfeeding outcomes?.
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Anne Kaasen, (2022). The development of parental traumatic stress following the detection of fetal anomaly.
- Aurora Oftedal, Stella Tsotsi, lilian mayerhofer, Anne Kaasen, Dinka Smajlagic, Mona Bekkhus, (2022). Maternal and paternal anxiety and depression in pregnancies using assisted reproductive technology compared to spontaneous conception.
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Anne Kaasen, (2022). The impact of diagnosed fetal anomaly, diagnostic severity, and prognostic ambiguity on parental depression and traumatic stress..
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Anne Kaasen, (2021). Utvikling av symptomer på depresjon og posttraumatisk stress etter påvist fosteravvik ved ultralyd.
- Aurora Oftedal, Mona Bekkhus, Guttorm Nils Haugen, Anne Kaasen, (2021). The relation of traumatic stress to cortisol following the detection of fetal anomaly.
- Aurora Oftedal, Martine Strand, Mona Bekkhus, Anne Kaasen, (2020). Personality as a risk factor for depression following the detection of fetal anomalies.
- Aurora Oftedal, Tomislav Zbozinek, Michelle G. Craske, Raphael Rose, (2016). Baseline predictors of treatment response to self-guided, technology-based stress management and resilience training.
- Aurora Oftedal, Tomislav Zbozinek, Michelle G. Craske, Raphael Rose, (2016). Development and evaluation of self-guided, multimedia stress management and resilience training for NASA.