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1001 hits
  1. Needs and characteristics of children and youth placed in child welfare institutions in Norway

    Needs and characteristics of children and youth placed in child welfare institutions in Norway


    We conducted a rapid review of Norwegian primary studies on the needs and characteristics of children and adolescents in child welfare institutions.
    Mapping review
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  2. The school situation for children and youth placed in child welfare institutions

    The school situation for children and youth placed in child welfare institutions


    We conducted a rapid review, aiming to summarise research on the school situation for children and youth placed in child welfare residential care – preferentially in Norway.
    Mapping review
    Rapportens forside. Bilde
  3. Information and support services for children aged 9 to 12 years

    Information and support services for children aged 9 to 12 years


    This is the third and final sub-study in a larger research project, which adopted different methods to investigate 9 to 12 year-old children's use of services they can contact for information, guidance or help.
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  4. Offering a support person to parents who lose custody of their child

    Offering a support person to parents who lose custody of their child


    We conducted a rapid review of research on the provision of support persons for parents who have lost custody of a child.
    Mapping review
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  5. Treating scabies

    Treating scabies


    Scabies does not go away by itself and should always be treated. Treatment for pregnant or breastfeeding women or children under two years of age should be administered in consultation with a doctor.
    Information note
    skjermdump av infoark om behandling av skabb
  6. MoBa 'variable list' and 'biological material form'

    MoBa 'variable list' and 'biological material form'


    MoBa variable list and biological material form
  7. Protocols for the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

    Protocols for the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)


    Protocols for the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study.
  8. Interim Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Northern Hemisphere 2025/2026

    Interim Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Northern Hemisphere 2025/2026


    The report gives an overview from Norway over the influenza season 2024 and so far for 2025, dominating influenza subtypes and vaccine coverage.
    Bilde av forsiden på rapporten
  9. Interlaboratory Comparison on POPs in Food 2024

    Interlaboratory Comparison on POPs in Food 2024


    The twenty-fifth round of an international study
    Picture of the front page of the report
  10. DPIA for MoBa

    DPIA for MoBa


    MoBa has conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment in accordance with the new Personal Data Act, which has been approved by the Data Protection Officer at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
  11. Health effects of removing amalgam fillings in people with subjective health complaints

    Health effects of removing amalgam fillings in people with subjective health complaints


    This systematic review summarizes research on the health effects of removing amalgam fillings (either extracting the tooth or replacing the filling) compared to no removal in individuals with subjective health complaints they attribute to amalgam fillings.
    Systematic review
    Rapportens forside
  12. Draft report 2024- Interlaboratory Comparison on POPs in Food

    Draft report 2024- Interlaboratory Comparison on POPs in Food


  13. Cost-effectiveness of robot assisted surgery for prostate cancer

    Cost-effectiveness of robot assisted surgery for prostate cancer


    We have evaluated the extent to which robot-assisted prostatectomy fulfills the priority setting criteria for the Norwegian health service; disease severity, resource use and health benefits.
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  14. Robot assisted hysterectomy

    Robot assisted hysterectomy


    The purpose of this health technology assessment was to investigate the clinical effects, and to conduct a health economic evaluation of robot assisted hysterectomy for individuals with endometrial cancer and benign conditions.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde
  15. Robot–assisted hysterectomy for benign conditions

    Robot–assisted hysterectomy for benign conditions


    The purpose of this rapid health technology assessment is to examine the clinical effect of robot-assisted hysterectomy, compared with laparoscopic and open hysterectomy, in benign indications.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  16. Robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer

    Robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer


    The purpose of this health technology assessment (HTA) was to evaluate the clinical effects and to conduct a health economic evaluation of robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. bilde.
  17. Robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer

    Robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer


    The purpose of this HTA was to evaluate the clinical effects and safety of robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Robot-assisted prostatectomy was compared to open prostatectomy.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  18. Influenza Virological and Epidemiological 2023-2024 season report

    Influenza Virological and Epidemiological 2023-2024 season report


    Overall, the 2023-2024 influenza season was of low-to-moderate magnitude, had a protracted course, with influenza A(H1N1) dominating also this season, but cocirculating with A(H3N2) viruses and with much less influenza B/Victoria-lineage viruses.
    forside_influensarapport 2024.png
  19. Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women

    Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women


    Information about coronavirus and influenza vaccination during pregnancy.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv til gravide om korona- og influensavaksine
  20. Influenza vaccine

    Influenza vaccine


    Information note about vaccine against seasonal influenza. The publication contains information about risk groups and health benefits of influenza vaccination.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv influensavaksine risikogrupper
  21. Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines

    Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines


    Brief information from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus in several languages.
    Information note
    Skjermdump infoskriv kortversjon influensa- og koronavaksine
  22. Building and strengthening climate resilient health systems in low- and middle-income country contexts

    Building and strengthening climate resilient health systems in low- and middle-income country contexts


    This report provides a comprehensive overview that addresses seven critical aspects necessary for building and strengthening climate resilient health systems, supported by a scoping review.
    Cover of the report
  23. Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?

    Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?


    Two different versions of a poster for health care workers.
    Skjermdump av engelsk versjon av plakat om influensavaksine, rettet mot helsepersonell
  24. Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus

    Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus


    Pregnant women and infants have a higher risk of a severe disease course form coronavirus and influenza. Talk to your doctor about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus.
    Skjermdump av plakat til gravide om influensa- og koronavaksine
  25. Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere 2025

    Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere 2025


    During the 2023-24 season, both A(H1N1) 5a.2a and 5a.2a1 viruses circulated, with a slightly higher prevalence of the 5a.2a1 during the winter outbreak. The A(H3N2) viruses have been mainly from the 2a.3a.1 clade, with J.1 during the winter and J.2 the latest months.
    Influenza report for 2024