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News by year

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  1. Patients support a broader use of their biological material and health data

    Patients support a broader use of their biological material and health data


    A survey conducted by Biobank Norway shows strong support for expanding the current consent model for medical research toward a more general form of consent.
    Research findings
    Forskning på blodprøver
  2. New study links number of children to dementia risk

    New study links number of children to dementia risk


    Individuals with no children, one child or more than four children have a higher risk of dementia at age 70 than those with two or three children, according to a study from The Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Research findings
    Illustrasjonsbilde av en familie
  3. Significant Decline in Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Nordic Countries

    Significant Decline in Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Nordic Countries


    The past decades, prostate cancer mortality rate has significantly decreased in all the Nordic countries, with the most substantial decline observed in Norway, shows a new study from the Cancer Registry of Norway at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
    Research findings
  4. Do Norwegian consumers care about sustainability when they shop for food?

    Do Norwegian consumers care about sustainability when they shop for food?


    37 percent of survey respondents believe that their own food consumption is sustainable, but taste, quality and price are still the most important factors when grocery shopping.
    Research findings
    Handlekurv i en dagligvarebutikk
  5. Grade point average at age 16 may predict who is at risk of dying as a young adult

    Grade point average at age 16 may predict who is at risk of dying as a young adult


    Each year, around 400 young adults between the age of 17 and 32 die in Norway. Young adults with poor school performance have a significantly higher risk of dying young compared to peers with average or good grades.
    Research findings
    Elever med ryggen til som går innover en skolegård
  6. Oslo invites to participation in the Public Health Survey

    Oslo invites to participation in the Public Health Survey


    Oslo municipality and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) are conducting a public health survey in Oslo. The survey will map the well-being, health, and quality of life among the city’s residents.
    Sjekkliste med penn og papir
  7. NIPH designated as an EU Reference Laboratory

    NIPH designated as an EU Reference Laboratory


    The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) is head of a consortium that has been designated as the EU reference laboratory in public health for food- and water-borne viruses.
  8. Norway is among the first countries in the world to have achieved the global treatment target among people diagnosed with hepatitis C

    Norway is among the first countries in the world to have achieved the global treatment target among people diagnosed with hepatitis C


    Over 80% of people diagnosed with an active hepatitis C infection have received treatment for their infection. This is the main finding from a new study by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), published in the journal Eurosurveillance.
    Research findings
  9. Face masks reduced the risk of respiratory infection

    Face masks reduced the risk of respiratory infection


    A recently published FHI study in the renowned journal BMJ shows clear results confirming that face masks have a protective effect against infection.
    Research findings
  10. Less dementia among occupational groups with cognitively demanding jobs

    Less dementia among occupational groups with cognitively demanding jobs


    A study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health shows that people with cognitively demanding jobs during their 30s to 60s have a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia after 70 years of age than people with less cognitively demanding jobs.
    Research findings
    Illustrasjonsbilde av en skolelærer
  11. Norwegian researcher receives prestigious Advanced Grant

    Norwegian researcher receives prestigious Advanced Grant


    Vegard Skirbekk from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) receives the ERC Advanced grant, which supports the most ground-breaking research in Europe.
    Bilde av Professor Vegard Skirbekk
  12. Suicide and mental health: Half of those who lose someone to suicide see a general practitioner themselves afterwards.

    Suicide and mental health: Half of those who lose someone to suicide see a general practitioner themselves afterwards.


    Around 650 people take their own lives in Norway every year. Many of those bereaved by suicide themselves face challenges with mental health afterwards. Many have also had more frequent contact with the GP in the run-up to the suicide.
    Research findings
    En kvinne som tar seg til hodet mens hun snakker med doktoren
  13. Continued geographical disparities in premature mortality in Europe

    Continued geographical disparities in premature mortality in Europe


    Despite declines in almost all subnational- regions in Europe, geographical disparities in premature mortality from all causes persist, both within and between countries of the EEA. The differences are linked to socio-economic factors. This is shown by a new study from researchers from the European Burden of Disease Network, co-led by a researcher at Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Research findings
    Kart som viser land i Europa omfattet av studien
  14. Social media can be an arena where young people can seek and receive support

    Social media can be an arena where young people can seek and receive support


    The vast majority of young people who have shared difficulties with friends on social media experience support afterwards. This is shown by a study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Research findings
    Mobiltelefon i hånd
  15. Good effect of smoking cessation programmes among cancer patients

    Good effect of smoking cessation programmes among cancer patients


    A combined offer of individual follow-up and free nicotine replacement products can be of great help to cancer patients who wish to stop smoking. This is shown by a study from NIPH.
    Research findings
    Sigarett med knute på. Illustrasjon
  16. EPHI welcomes ENABLE: a global consortium working with pregnant women in Ethiopia

    EPHI welcomes ENABLE: a global consortium working with pregnant women in Ethiopia


    The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) have launched the ENABLE project: Enabling environments for non-communicable disease (NCD) risk reduction in Ethiopia.
    Enable logo
  17. Large variation in supply of free daily school meals between lower and upper secondary school

    Large variation in supply of free daily school meals between lower and upper secondary school


    Findings from our national survey indicate that six percent of upper secondary schools provided a daily free meal, compared to  45% of lower secondary schools.
    Research findings
    Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox
  18. Negative experiences on social media can affect young people's mental health

    Negative experiences on social media can affect young people's mental health


    Secondary school students with negative experiences from social media have an increased risk of symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is shown by a study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Research findings
    Mobiltelefon i hånd
  19. How are the career and income of parents of children with disabilities affected?

    How are the career and income of parents of children with disabilities affected?


    Being a parent of a child with disabilities can impact family life in several ways, both short and long term. In 2022, a group of researchers examined how income and employment were affected for this group. The findings revealed that mothers were significantly more affected negatively in terms of their career and income compared to fathers. Moreover, the severity of the child's condition correlated with a higher likelihood of mothers working fewer hours and earning less.
    Research findings
    Far går tur med barn. Bilde.
  20. Higher prevalence of overweight and obesity among 8-year-olds with immigrant backgrounds

    Higher prevalence of overweight and obesity among 8-year-olds with immigrant backgrounds


    Children with an immigrant background have a greater incidence of overweight and obesity than those without.  Parental education level does not seem to affect the results, according to a study by researchers at the NIPH.
    Research findings
    Tegning av målbånd og badevekt
  21. The nutritional brand Nutri-Score can work in Norway

    The nutritional brand Nutri-Score can work in Norway


    Nutri-Score can function in the Norwegian food market, according to a new study from NewTools, which has tested how these algorithms correspond to Norwegian dietary guidelines.
    Research findings
    Ernæringsmerket Nutri-Score
  22. Free school fruit showed no positive effect on academic performance

    Free school fruit showed no positive effect on academic performance


    From 2007 to 2014, pupils in Norwegian lower secondary schools and combined primary and lower secondary schools were offered free school fruit because a healthy diet was believed to improve learning. However, when NIPH researchers studied academic performance, they could not confirm that students receiving free school fruit performed better in national exams.
    Research findings
    Forskjellig frukt samlet. Bilde
  23. Five years after HPV vaccine introduction: Significant decline in HPV prevalence

    Five years after HPV vaccine introduction: Significant decline in HPV prevalence


    The first cohort of girls offered the HPV vaccine in the 7th grade has a significantly lower prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) than girls in older cohorts who were not eligible for HPV vaccination.
    Research findings
    Modell av HPV-virus
  24. Cervical cancer almost eradicated in Norway by the year 2039

    Cervical cancer almost eradicated in Norway by the year 2039


    Cervical cancer could be almost eradicated in Norway by the year 2039 thanks to an effective vaccine and the world's highest vaccination coverage, according to a new study.
    Research findings
    Ungdom får vaksine i overarm
  25. Mental Disorders are Common Among Norwegian Students

    Mental Disorders are Common Among Norwegian Students


    Many students report such significant mental health problems that they meet the diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder. This is indicated by a survey of more than 10,000 Norwegian students.
    Research findings