Idunn Brekke
forsker, Ph.D sosiologi
Idunn Brekke har en master i sosiologi (2001) og Phd. i sosiologi (2008) fra Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi (UIO).
Prosjekter og publikasjoner
- Direkte og indirekte kostnader som følge av å ha et barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne
- Improving Services’ Proactive Efforts: The Impact of Covid-19 and Vulnerability on Exclusion from Health and Welfare (CoV-clusion)
- Sosioøkonomiske og geografiske forskjeller i bruk av stønader og tjenester
- Tilgang til og bruk av stønader og tjenester (UPTAKE)
- Andreea Ioana Alecu, Idunn Brekke, Henrik Holmstrøm, Astri Syse, (2024). Uptake of cash benefits among children with a disability in Norway: The role of parental socioeconomic characteristics and immigrant background. International Journal of Social Welfare doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12705
- Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Idunn Brekke, Helen Johnsen Christie, Astri Johnsen, Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar, (2024). International Child Development Programme (ICDP).
- Halldis Niesser Grøtvedt, Sverre Varvin, Ivana Vladisavljević, Bojana Trivuncic, Idunn Brekke, (2024). A cross- sectional study of refugees in Norway and Serbia: Levels of mental distress and social-demographic risk factors. Journal of Migration and Health doi: 10.1016/j.jmh.2024.100238
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea I. Alecu, Celestia Ohrazda, Jiwon Lee, (2024). Implications of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder for Maternal Employment: United States vs. Norway. Maternal and Child Health Journal s. 1707-1715. doi: 10.1007/s10995-024-03961-z
- Michael Yisfashewa Wondemu, Åsmund Hermansen, Pål Joranger, Idunn Brekke, (2024). Sickness absence among mothers caring for a child with disability: Examining the impact of mechanical and psychosocial occupational exposures. SSM - Population Health doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2024.101610
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea Ioana Alecu, (2023). The health of mothers caring for a child with a disability: a longitudinal study. BMC Women's Health doi: 10.1186/s12905-023-02798-y
- Anurajee Rasalingam, Idunn Brekke, Una Stenberg, Mette Haaland-Øverby, Sølvi Helseth, (2023). ‘Struggling to participate in everyday life’: emerging adults’ experiences of living with long-term health challenges. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-16291-6
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea Ioana Alecu, Elisabeth Ugreninov, Pål Suren, Miriam Evensen, (2023). Educational achievement among children with a disability: do parental resources compensate for disadvantage?. SSM - Population Health doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101465
- Idunn Brekke, Otto Robert Frans Smith, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Leif Edvard Aarø, Espen Røysamb, Gun-Mette Brandsnes Røsand, Leila Torgersen, Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar, Heidi Aase, (2022). Effectiveness of the International Child Development Programme: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Child & Family Social Work s. 1-15. doi: 10.1111/cfs.12973
- Michael Yisfashewa Wondemu, Pål Joranger, Åsmund Hermansen, Idunn Brekke, (2022). Impact of child disability on parental employment and labour income: a quasi-experimental study of parents of children with disabilities in Norway. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-14195-5
- Anurajee Rasalingam, Idunn Brekke, Espen Dahl, Sølvi Helseth, (2021). Impact of growing up with somatic long-term health challenges on school completion, NEET status and disability pension: a population-based longitudinal study . BMC Public Health s. 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10538-w
- Aleksander Årnes Madsen, Idunn Brekke, Silje Bringsrud Fekjær, (2021). Women’s Attrition from Male-Dominated Workplaces in Norway: The Importance of Numerical Minority Status, Motherhood and Class. Work, Employment and Society doi: 10.1177/09500170211004247
- Kristine von Simson, Idunn Brekke, Ines Hardoy, (2021). The Impact of Mental Health Problems in Adolescence on Educational Attainment. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research doi: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1869077
- Idunn Brekke, Miriam Evensen, Rannveig Kaldager Hart, (2020). Uptake of Attendance Benefit for Children with a Disability in Norway: Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Immigrant Background. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research s. 127-136. doi: 10.16993/sjdr.669
- Julie Vinck, Idunn Brekke, (2020). Gender and education inequalities in parental employment and earnings when having a child with increased care needs: Belgium versus Norway. Journal of European Social Policy s. 495-508. doi: 10.1177/0958928720921346
- Liza Reisel, Marjan Nadim, Idunn Brekke, (2020). The impact of having a child with special needs: Labour market adaptations of immigrant and majority mothers. Acta Sociologica s. 403-419. doi: 10.1177/0001699320971695
- Anurajee Rasalingam, Liv Fegran, Idunn Brekke, Sølvi Helseth, (2020). Young people with long-term health challenges experiences in transition to adulthood: A qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing s. 595-607. doi: 10.1111/jan.14641
- Vivian Nystrøm, Brita Fosser Olsen, Idunn Brekke, (2020). Practised sedation in mechanically ventilated patients: A survey of nurses’ perceptions. The Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR) s. 105-112. doi: 10.1177/2057158519899548
- Anne Karen Jenum, Idunn Brekke, Ibrahimu Mdala, Mirthe Muilwijk, Ambady Ramachandran, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Eivind Andersen, Kåre Rønn Richardsen, Anne Douglas, Genevieve Cezard, Aziz Sheikh, Carlos Celis-Morales, Jason M.R. Gill, Naveed Sattar, Raj S. Bhopal, Erik Beune, Karien Stronks, Per Olav Vandvik, Irene G.M. van Valkengoed, (2019). Effects of dietary and physical activity interventions on the risk of type 2 diabetes in South Asians: meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised controlled trials. Diabetologia s. 1337-1348. doi: 10.1007/s00125-019-4905-2
- Idunn Brekke, Kåre Rønn Richardsen, Anne Karen Jenum, (2019). Sickness absence in pregnancy: associations with sedentary behavior. A population-based cohort study from Norway. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-6379-4
- Randi Andenæs, Idunn Brekke, Astrid Momyr, (2018). Reporting of pain by people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Comparative results from the HUNT3 population-based survey. BMC Public Health s. 1-10. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5094-5
- Idunn Brekke, Elena Albertini Früh, Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Henrik Holmstrøm, (2017). Long-time sickness absence among parents of pre-school children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and down syndrome: a longitudinal study. BMC Pediatrics doi: 10.1186/s12887-016-0774-8
- Inger Lucia Søjbjerg, Elena Albertini Früh, Idunn Brekke, Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Ingrid Helen Ravn, (2016). Livskvalitet hos foreldre til barn med spesielle behov. s. 55-67.
- Idunn Brekke, Marjan Nadim, (2016). Gendered effects of intensified care burdens: Employment and sickness absence in families with chronically sick or disabled children in Norway. Work, Employment and Society s. 391-408. doi: 10.1177/0950017015625616
- Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Elena Albertini Früh, Idunn Brekke, Ragnhild Gardsjord, Liv Halvorsrud, Hilde Lidén, (2016). On duty all the time: Health and quality of life among immigrant parents caring for a child with complex health needs. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) s. 362-371. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13056
- Idunn Brekke, Liza Reisel, (2015). The impact of birthweight and adolescent health on educational attainment. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research s. 60-75. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1066442
- Idunn Brekke, (2015). Health and educational success in adolescents: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1966-0
- Idunn Brekke, (2014). Long-term labour market consequences of dropping out of upper secondary school : Minority disadvantages?. Acta Sociologica s. 25-39. doi: 10.1177/0001699313495056
- Idunn Brekke, Pål Schøne, (2014). Long sickness absence differences between natives and immigrant workers: The role of differences in self-reported health. Journal of International Migration and Integration s. 217-235. doi: 10.1007/s12134-013-0276-6
- May Karin Rognstad, Idunn Brekke, Eva Holm, Cecilie Linberg, Nina Lühr, (2013). Underernæring hos eldre hjemmeboende personer med demens. Sykepleien Forskning s. 298-307. doi: 10.4220/sykepleienf.2013.0137
- Idunn Brekke, Marianne Røed, Pål Schøne, (2013). Påvirker innvandring investeringen i utdanning?. Søkelys på arbeidslivet s. 169-188.
- Idunn Brekke, (2013). How Do Husbands Affect the Labour Market Participation of Majority andImmigrant Women?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies s. 1639-1657. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2013.833693
- Idunn Brekke, Pål Schøne, (2013). Kan forskjeller i sykefravær mellom innvandrerbefolkningen og majoritetsbefolkningen forklares med forskjeller i selvrapportert helse?. Søkelys på arbeidslivet s. 40-53. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2016-04-04
- Idunn Brekke, John Erik Berg, Line Sletner, Anne Karen Jenum, (2013). Doctor-certified sickness absence in first and second trimesters of pregnancy among native and immigrant women in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health s. 166-173. doi: 10.1177/1403494812472005
- Idunn Brekke, Jon Christian Rogstad, (2011). Godt gift? Betydningen av ektefellens landbakgrunn for kvinnelige etterkommeres arbeidsdeltakelse. Søkelys på arbeidslivet s. 107-123.
- Idunn Brekke, Liza Reisel , (2010). Minority Dropout in Higher Education : A Comparison of the United States and Norway Using Competing Risk Event History Analysis. European Sociological Review s. 691-712. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcp045
- Silje Bringsrud Fekjær, Idunn Brekke, (2009). I samme båt. Frafall fra videregående skole og arbeidsmarkedstilknytning blant etterkommere av innvandrere og unge med majoritetsbakgrunn. s. 75-90.
- Idunn Brekke, Arne Mastekaasa, (2008). Highly educated immigrants in the Norwegian labour market: permanent disadvantage?. Work, Employment and Society s. 507-526. doi: 10.1177/0950017008093483
- Idunn Brekke, (2007). Ethnic background and the transition from education to work among university graduates. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies s. 1299-1321. doi: 10.1080/13691830701614080
- Idunn Brekke, (2007). Ethnic background and the transition from vocational education to work: A multilevel analysis of the differences in labour market outcomes. Journal of Education and Work s. 229-254.
- Idunn Brekke, (2006). Betydningen av etnisk bakgrunn for overgangen fra høyere utdanning til arbeid. Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet s. 173-180.
- Idunn Brekke, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Otto Robert Frans Smith, Gun-Mette Brandsnes Røsand, Tonje Holt, Leif Edvard Aarø, Maren Sand Helland, Espen Røysamb, Ingrid Grimstad, Heidi Aase, (2021). Effektevaluering av International Child Development Programme (ICDP). En randomisert kontrollert studie.
- Idunn Brekke, Jon Erik Finnvold, (2018). Økonomiske levekår for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Ulike metoder for kartlegging..
- Liza Reisel , Idunn Brekke, (2013). Kjønnssegregering i utdanning og arbeidsliv : Status og årsaker.
- Idunn Brekke, Liza Reisel , (2012). Klasse og kjønn i et likestillingsperspektiv : En kunnskapsoversikt.
- Idunn Brekke, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Kaja Larsen Østerud, (2024). Svikter velferdsstaten noen kvinner? .
- Idunn Brekke, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Kaja Larsen Østerud, (2024). Svikter velferdsstaten kvinnene?.
- Idunn Brekke, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Elena Albertini Früh, Andreea I. Alecu, Cecilie Høj Anvik, Marthe Hårvik Austgulen, Vegar Bjørnshagen, Therese Dokken, Miriam Evensen, Jon Erik Finnvold, Åsmund Hermansen, Henrik Holmstrøm, Sigurd Eid Jacobsen, Pål Joranger, Gun Roos, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Elisabeth Ugreninov, Michael Yisfashewa Wondemu, Kaja Larsen Østerud, (2024). Svikter velferdsstaten kvinner?. Fontene
- Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Cecilie Høj Anvik, Idunn Brekke, (2024). Presentasjon av funn fra Uptake og Budget.
- Idunn Brekke, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, (2023). Key findings from two projects on disability, employment and welfare provision .
- Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Idunn Brekke, (2023). Noen hovedfunn fra prosjektene Budget og Uptake .
- Andreea Ioana Alecu, Idunn Brekke, (2023). Uptake of cash benefits among children with a disability in Norway: the role of parental characteristics .
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea Ioana Alecu, Ohrazda Celestia, Jiwon Lee, (2023). Implications of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder for Maternal Employment: United States vs. Norway.
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea Ioana Alecu, (2023). The health of mothers caring for a child with a disability: a longitudinal study.
- Idunn Brekke, Eia Elena Skjønsberg, (2022). Effektevaluering av International Child Development Programme (ICDP): En randomisert kontrollert studie - En presentasjon av funnene fra ICDP-studien, Nettverkskonferansen for ICPD-trenere 2022.
- Idunn Brekke, Andreea Ioana Alecu, Miriam Evensen, Elisabeth Ugreninov, Pål Suren, (2022). Educational Attainment among children with a Disability: the impact of family characteristics .
- Idunn Brekke, Julie Vinck, (2019). Gender and education inequalities in parental employment when having a young child with increased care needs: Belgium and Norway compared .
- Idunn Brekke, Evensen Miriam, (2018). Ethnic variation in take up of attendance benefit for children with a chronic illness or disability in Norway .
- Anne Karen Jenum, Idunn Brekke, Ibrahimu Mdala, Mirthe Muilwijk, Ambady Ramachandran, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Eivind Andersen, Aziz Sheikh, Jason M.R. Gill, Naveed Sattar, Raj Bhopal, Erik J.A.J. Beune, Karien Stronks, Per Olav Vandvik, Irene G.M. van Valkengoed, (2018). Effects of dietary and physical activity interventions on the risk of type 2 diabetes in South Asians: individual participant data meta-analysis of randomsed controlled trials .
- Idunn Brekke, Julie Winck, (2018). Who bears the burden in the social investment state? Gendered effects on parental employment when having a young child with increased care needs: Belgium and Norway compared.
- Idunn Brekke, Julie Vinck, (2018). Who bears the burden? Gendered effects on parental employment when having a young child with a disability: Belgium and Norway compared.
- Balci Sonja, Idunn Brekke, (2017). Omsorg for funksjonshemmede barn går mest utover mors yrkesliv.
- Idunn Brekke, Kåre Rønn Richardsen, Anne Karen Jenum, (2017). “Sickness absence in pregnancy: physical activity and sedentary behavior".
- Idunn Brekke, Marjan Nadim, Liza Reisel, (2016). Ethnic differences in labour market participation and sickness absence among mothers who care for disabled or chronically ill children.
- Idunn Brekke, Elena Albertini Früh, Hilde Lidén, (2016). Foreldre som har barn med spesielle behov: arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær.
- May Karin Rognstad, Idunn Brekke, Eva Holm, Cecilie Lindberg, Nina Lühr, (2015). Underernæring hos eldre personer.
- Idunn Brekke, Elena Albertini Früh, Hilde Lidén, Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Marjan Nadim, (2015). To presentasjoner: 1. Arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær blant mødre og fedre som har omsorg for et funksjonshemmet eller alvorlig kronisk sykt barn 2. Innvandrerfamilier med kronisk syke barn og deres tilknytning til arbeidslivet. Et kvalitativ studie av foreldreopplevelser..
- Idunn Brekke, Marjan Nadim, (2015). Gender differences in labour market participation and sickness absence among parents who care for disabled or chronically ill children.
- Idunn Brekke, Liza Reisel, (2014). The impact of infant health and adolescent general and mental health on educational attainment.
- Idunn Brekke, Marjan Nadim, Liza Reisel, (2014). Ethnic differences in labour market participation, health and sickness absence among parents caring for disabled or chronically ill children.
- Idunn Brekke, (2013). Minority dropouts in upper secondary education. How do they fare in the Norwegian labour market.
- Idunn Brekke, Pål Schøne, (2012). Health and sickness absence among native and immigrant workers in Norway.
- Idunn Brekke, Pål Schøne, (2012). Sickness absence differences between natives and immigrant workers: the role of differences in self-reported health.
- Idunn Brekke, (2011). Long term labour market consequences of dropping out of upper secondary school. Ethnic differences?.
- Idunn Brekke, (2010). Immigrant women's adaptations to the Norwegian labour market.
- Idunn Brekke, (2009). Highly educated immigrants in Norway, ethnic disadvantages?.
- Silje Noack Fekjær, Idunn Brekke, (2006). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Ethnic Differences in Dropout from Norwegian Upper Secondary Schools.
- Idunn Brekke, (2005). Ethnic Background and the Transition from Education to Work among University Graduates.
- Idunn Brekke, (2005). Ethnic Background and the Transition From Vocational Education to Work.