Brit Oppedal
forsker, PhD
Prosjekter og publikasjoner
- Broer: Oppvekstforhold, tilpasning og læring i Europa
- Effekten av Identitetsprosjektet på identitetsutvikling og livskvalitet hos elever i flerkulturelle skoler
- Helsemessige konsekvenser hos barn når foreldrene er nære slektninger
- Identitetsprosjektet. Norsk utgave, IP-N
- Livskvalitet og mestring blant elever 16 – 19 år med kort botid gjennom Covid-19 nedstengningen, mars – mai 2020 (HEL-KOBO-Covid)
- Tilpasning og evaluering av psykisk helsefremmende tiltak, TRT, for barn i asylmottak
- Salman Türken, Brit Oppedal, Warsame Abdullahi Ali, Hayat Abdu Adem, (2024). From Avoidance to Competence? How the Identity Project Inspires Teachers to Engage with Ethnicity and Culture with Their Students. Identity. An International Journal of Theory and Research s. 379-398. doi: 10.1080/15283488.2024.2373476
- Anne Kristine Nilsen Solhaug, Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, Rachel Calam, (2024). Life Satisfaction among Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: Associations with Traumatic Events and Daily Hassles. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma s. 597-610. doi: 10.1007/s40653-023-00579-1
- Anne Kristine Nilsen Solhaug, Espen Røysamb, Brit Oppedal, (2023). Changes in life satisfaction among unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee minors who participated in teaching recovery techniques (TRT). Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) doi: 10.1186/s13034-023-00595-x
- Linda P. Juang, Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor, Maja K. Schachner, Ann Frisén, C. Philip Hwang, Ughetta Moscardino, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Brit Oppedal, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Amina K. Abdullahi, Rebecca Barahona, Sofia Berne, Chiara Ceccon, Nadya Gharaei, Ursula Moffitt, Anastasios Ntalachanis, Sharleen Pevec, David J. Sandberg, Angeliki Zacharia, Moin Syed, (2022). Ethnic-racial identity in Europe: Adapting the identity project intervention in five countries. European Journal of Developmental Psychology doi: 10.1080/17405629.2022.2131520
- Maja Västhagen, Metin Özdemir, Ata Ghaderi, Birgitta Kimber, Clover Jack Giles, Sevgi Bayram Özdemir, Brit Oppedal, Pia Enebrink, (2022). Refugee parents’ experiences of coming to Sweden: A qualitative study. International Journal of Intercultural Relations s. 97-109. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2022.08.010
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, Espen Røysamb, (2022). Subjective Well-Being Among Unaccompanied Refugee Youth: Longitudinal Associations With Discrimination and Ethnic Identity Crisis. Frontiers in Psychology doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.920657
- Elisabet Rondung, Anna Leiler, Anna Sarkadi, Anna Bjärtå, Elin Lampa, Sandra Gupta Löfving, Rachel Calam, Brit Oppedal, Brooks Keeshin, Georgina Warner, (2022). Feasibility of a randomised trial of Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT) with refugee youth: results from a pilot of the Swedish UnaccomPanied yOuth Refugee Trial (SUPpORT). Pilot and Feasibility Studies doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-00998-1
- Marieke Sleijpen, Serap Keles, Trudy Mooren, Brit Oppedal, (2022). Attachment insecurity in unaccompanied refugees: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care doi: 10.1108/IJMHSC-05-2021-0045
- Serap Keles, Brit Oppedal, (2022). Social Support From Friends Among Unaccompanied Young Refugees: The Role of Collectivist Values and Related Self-Construals. European Journal of Health Psychology s. 50-60. doi: 10.1027/2512-8442/a000098
- Georgina Warner, Natalie Durbeej, Raziye Salari, Karin Fängström, Elin Lampa, Zaruhi Baghdasaryan, Fatumo Osman, Sandra Gupta Löfving, Anna Perez Aronsson, Inna Feldman, Filipa Sampaio, Richard Ssegonja, Anna Bjärtå, Elisabet Rondung, Anna Leiler, Elisabet Wasteson, Rachel Calam, Brit Oppedal, Brooks Keeshin, Anna Sarkadi, (2020). Evaluation of the teaching recovery techniques community-based intervention for accompanied refugee children experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Accompanied refugeeS in Sweden Trial; ASsIST): Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open s. 1-11. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035459
- Anna Sarkadi, Georgina Warner, Raziye Salari, Karin Fängström, Natalie Durbeej, Elin Lampa, Zaruhi Baghdasaryan, Fatumo Osman, Sandra Gupta Löfving, Anna Perez Aronsson, Inna Feldman, Filipa Sampaio, Richard Ssegonja, Rachel Calam, Anna Bjärtå, Anna Leiler, Elisabet Rondung, Elisabet Wasteson, Brit Oppedal, Brooks Keeshin, (2020). Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques community-based intervention for unaccompanied refugee youth experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Swedish UnaccomPanied yOuth Refugee Trial; SUPpORT): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials s. 1-11. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3814-5
- Seth J. Schwartz, Sophie D Walsh, Colleen Ward, Eugene Tartakovsky, Robert S. Weisskirch, Paul Vedder, Elena Makarova, Anat Bardi, Dina Birman, Brit Oppedal, Maya Benish-Weisman, Elma I. Lorenzo-Blanco, Derya Güngör, Gonneke W J M Stevens, Veronica Benet-Martínez, Peter F. Titzmann, Rainer K. Silbereisen, Nicolas Geeraert, (2020). The role of psychologists in international migration research: Complementing other expertise and an interdisciplinary way forward. Migration Studies s. 356-373. doi: 10.1093/migration/mnz054
- Brit Oppedal, Visnja Ramberg, Espen Røysamb, (2020). The asylum-process, bicultural identity and depression among unaccompanied young refugees. Journal of Adolescence s. 59-69. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2020.07.007
- Hildegunn Fandrem, Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2020). Reactive and proactive aggression among immigrant and non-immigrant early adolescents in Norway: The relations to emotional and conduct problems. Adolescent Psychiatry s. 219-230. doi: 10.2174/2210676610666200327165927
- Toril Jore, Brit Oppedal, Guido Biele, (2020). Social anxiety among unaccompanied minor refugees in Norway.The association with pre-migration trauma and post-migration acculturation related factors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110175
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, Charissa Cheah, Espen Røysamb, (2020). Culture competence and mental health across different immigrant and refugee groups. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-8398-1
- Ingelin Westeren, Anne-Marie Halberg, Heloise Marie Lee Ledesma, Astri Heen Wold, Brit Oppedal, (2018). Effects of mother's and father's education level and age at migration on children's bilingual vocabulary. Applied Psycholinguistics s. 811-833. doi: 10.1017/S0142716417000595
- Serap Özer, Brit Oppedal, Selcuk Sirin, Gökce Ergün, (2018). Children facing war: Their understandings of war and peace. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies s. 60-71. doi: 10.1080/17450128.2017.1372652
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Özer, Sirin Selcuk, (2018). Traumatic Events, Social Support and Depression: Syrian Refugee Children in Turkish Camps. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies s. 46-59. doi: 10.1080/17450128.2017.1372653
- Serap Keles, Oddgeir Friborg, Thormod Idsøe, Selcuk Sirin, Brit Oppedal, (2018). Resilience and acculturation among unaccompanied refugee minors. International Journal of Behavioral Development s. 52-63. doi: 10.1177/0165025416658136
- Brit Oppedal, (2017). Mental Health among immigrant background youth in Norway. s. 67-87. doi: 10.4337/9781785365973.00010
- Brit Oppedal, Eugene Guribye, Jane Kroger, (2017). Vocational identity development among unaccompanied refugee minors. International Journal of Intercultural Relations s. 145-159. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2017.04.004
- Serap Keles, Thormod Idsøe, Oddgeir Friborg, Selcuk Sirin, Brit Oppedal, (2016). The Longitudinal Relation between Daily Hassles and Depressive Symptoms among Unaccompanied Refugees in Norway. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology s. 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10802-016-0251-8
- Serap Keles, Oddgeir Friborg, Thormod Idsøe, Selcuk Sirin, Brit Oppedal, (2016). Depression among unaccompanied minor refugees: The relative contribution of general and acculturation-specific daily hassles. Ethnicity and Health s. 300-317. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2015.1065310
- Kristian Garthus-Niegel, Brit Oppedal, Halvard Vike, (2015). Semantic Models of Host-Immigrant Relations in Norwegian Education Policies. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research s. 48-71. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2014.996593
- Kristian Garthus-Niegel, Brit Oppedal, (2015). (No) time to learn: Learning effectiveness temporalities in Norwegian first-grade classrooms. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology s. 41-61. doi: 10.3167/sa.2015.590303
- Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2015). The role of social support in the acculturation and mental health of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology s. 203-211. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12194
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Kristin Gustavson, Espen Røysamb, Brit Oppedal, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, (2014). Preadolescents with immigrant backgrounds: the relationship between emotional problems, parental achievement values, and comparison. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology s. 124-134. doi: 10.21307/sjcapp-2014-017
- Eugene Guribye, Brit Oppedal, (2014). Life in Exile Before and During a Crisis in the Country of Origin. s. 88-100.
- Gil G Noam, Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, Naaila Panjwani, (2014). Mental Health Problems and School Outcomes Among Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Early Adolescents in Norway. School Mental Health s. 279-293. doi: 10.1007/s12310-014-9129-5
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Heather L Corliss, Espen Røysamb, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Brit Oppedal, Kristin Gustavson, (2014). Immigrant Preadolescents and Risk of Emotional Distress. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology s. 41-51. doi: 10.21307/sjcapp-2014-007
- Karoline Brobakke Seglem, Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2014). Daily hassles and coping dispositions as predictors of psychological adjustment: A comparative study of young unaccompanied refugees and youth in the resettlement country. International Journal of Behavioral Development s. 293-303. doi: 10.1177/0165025414520807
- Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2012). Conduct Problems and Depression among Unaccompanied Refugees: The Association with Pre-Migration Trauma and Acculturation. Anales de Psicología s. 683-694. doi: 10.6018/analesps.28.3.155981
- Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Espen Røysamb, Brit Oppedal, Stuart T. Hauser, (2011). Factor structure of the child attachment interview. European Journal of Developmental Psychology s. 744-759. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2011.631293
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Espen Røysamb, Brit Oppedal, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, (2011). Emotional problems in preadolescents in Norway: The role of gender, ethnic minority status, and home- and school-related hassles. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) doi: 10.1186/1753-2000-5-37
- Eugene Guribye, Gro Mjeldheim Sandal, Brit Oppedal, (2011). Communal proactive coping strategies among Tamil refugees in Norway. A case study in a naturalistic setting. International Journal of Mental Health Systems doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-5-9
- Karoline Brobakke Seglem, Brit Oppedal, Sabine Raeder, (2011). Predictors of depressive symptoms among resettled unaccompanied refugee minors. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology s. 457-464. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2011.00883.x
- Jörg Richter, Åse Sagatun, Sonja Heyerdahl, Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2011). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) - Self-Report. An analysis of its structure in a multiethnic urban adolescent sample. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry s. 1002-1011. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02372.x
- Caroline Dalhaug, Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2011). The role of sociocultural context for culture competence and depressive symptoms among ethnic minority youths in junior high school. European Journal of Developmental Psychology s. 280-294. doi: 10.1080/17405621003710843
- Brit Oppedal, (2008). Psychosocial profiles as mediators of variation in internalizing problems among young immigrants with origins in countries of war and internal conflicts. European Journal of Developmental Psychology s. 210-234. doi: 10.1080/17405620701577850
- Brit Oppedal, (2007). Psykososial tilpasning og psykisk helse blant ungdom med innvandrerbakgrunn i Norge. s. 8-19.
- Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2007). Young Muslim immigrants in Norway: An epidemiological study of their psychosocial adaptation and internalizing problems. Applied Developmental Science s. 112-125. doi: 10.1080/10888690701454583
- Lars Lien, Brit Oppedal, Ole Rikard Haavet, Edvard Hauff, Magne Thoresen, Espen Bjertness, (2006). Own and parental war experience as a risk factor for mental health problems among adolescents with an immigrant ackground: results from a cross sectional study in Oslo, Norway. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health doi: 10.1186/1745-0179-2-30
- Lars Lien, Brit Oppedal, Ole Rikard Haavet, Edvard Hauff, Magne Thoresen, Espen Bjertness, (2006). Own and parental war experience as a risk factor for mental health problems among adolescents with an immigrant background: results from a cross sectional study in Oslo, Norway. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health doi: 10.1186/1745-0179-2-30
- Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, Sonja Heyerdahl, (2005). Ethnic group, acculturation and psychiatric problems in young immigrants. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry s. 646-660. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2004.00381.x
- Lars Lien, Kristian Tambs, Brit Oppedal, Sonja Heyerdahl, Espen Bjertness, (2005). Is relatively young age within a school year a risk factor for mental health problems and poor school performance? A population-based cross-sectional study of adolescents in Oslo. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-5-102
- Brit Oppedal, Warsame Abdullahi Ali, Oda Solesvik Oppedal, Hayat Abdu Adem, Espen Hasselgreen, Tharcile Okoko, (2022). Identitet og livskvalitet i flerkulturelle skoler. Implementering og evaluering av Identitetsprosjektet – norsk utgave (IP-N) .
- Brit Oppedal, Anne Kristine Nilsen Solhaug, Oddgeir Friborg, Guido Biele, (2019). Mestring i mottak og kommuner. Implementering og evaluering av Teaching Recovery Techniques i asylmottak, omsorgssentre og bosettingskommuner i Norge.
- Karoline Brobakke Seglem, Brit Oppedal, Sabine Raeder, (2012). Predictors of psychological adjustment among young unaccompanied refugees after resettlement: a population-based study.
- Brit Oppedal, Laila Jensen, Karoline Brobakke Seglem, Yngvild B. Haukeland, (2011). Etter bosettingen: Psykisk helse, mestring og sosial integrasjon blant ungdom som kom til Norge som enslige mindreårige asylsøkere.
- Brit Oppedal, Eugene Guribye, (2011). Norsk og tamilsk. Livskvalitet og sosial integrasjon. Flerkulturelle oppvekstmiljøer. Arbeidsnotat.
- Brit Oppedal, Karoline Seglem, Laila Jensen, (2009). Avhengig og selvstendig. Enslige mindreårige flyktningers stemme i tall og tale.
- Brit Oppedal, Laila Jensen, Karoline Seglem, (2008). Når hverdagen normaliseres. Psykisk helse og sosiale relasjoner blant unge flyktninger som kom til Norge uten foreldrene sine.
- Brit Oppedal, Gada Ezat Azam, Stine Bjørløw Dalsøren, Silje Marie Hirsch, Laila Jensen, Parvin Kiamanesh, Elisabeth Moe, Evguenia Romanova, Karoline Brobakke Seglem, (2008). Psykososial tilpasning og psykiske problemer blant barn i innvandrerfamilier.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, (2024). Longitudinal Trajectories of Heritage and Majority Culture Competence among Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Norway.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, Espen Røysamb, (2023). Long-term effects of war trauma on the well-being of unaccompanied refugee youth.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, (2018). Is culture competence a valuable construct in the study of psychological adjustment among immigrant children and youth?.
- Irmelin Kjelaas, Lauritzen Solvor Mjønes, Tine Kristin Jensen, Ketil Eide, Moa Nyamwathi Lønning, Hilde Lidén, Nora Sveaass, Brit Oppedal, Guro Brokke Omland, Lutine de Wal Pastoor, Eugene Guribye, Atle Dyregrov, Torunn Flatland, (2017). Mot bedre viten om barns beste.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, (2016). The associations of pre-migration trauma and post-resettlement discrimination with changes in ethnic identity among unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers.
- Serap Keles, Brit Oppedal, (2015). Resilience among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, Oddgeir Friborg, selcuk sirin, Thormod Idsoe, (2015). Socio‐cultural adaptation and mental health among youth who arrived in norway as unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.
- Serap Keles, Brit Oppedal, (2014). Resilience among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees: The role of acculturation stressors and resources.
- Serap Keles, Thormod Idsøe, Oddgeir Friborg, Selcuk Sirin, Brit Oppedal, (2014). The longitudinal relation between acculturation hassles and depression among unaccompanied refugees in Norway.
- Serap Keles, Brit Oppedal, (2013). When support matters the most: Collectivism, relatedness and perceived support among Unaccompanied Refugees.
- Serap Keles, Brit Oppedal, Oddgeir Friborg, Thormod Idsøe, Selcuk Sirin, (2013). The relative contribution of acculturative and general stressors to depression among Unaccompanied Minor Refugees.
- Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles, Thormod Idsoe, Oddgeir Friborg, (2013). Social support from friends, everyday problems, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among unaccompanied minor refugees.
- Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2011). Attachment and Psychosocial Adaptation in Unaccompanied Minor Asylum-seekers: The role of formal and informal networks.
- Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2011). Gender differences in network reconstruction, acculturation and mental health among resettled unaccompanied minor asylumseekers.
- Brit Oppedal, Gil Noam, Thormod Idsøe, (2011). Post Traumatic Stress and Attachment Insecurity in Long Term Adaptation of Unaccompanied Minor Asylumseekers.
- Thormod Idsøe, Brit Oppedal, Atle Dyregrov, (2011). Cross-Cultural Measurement Invariance of the Children's Impact of Event Scale (Cries-8) Measuring Symptoms of Traumatic Stress.
- Hildegunn Fandrem, Thormod Idsøe, Brit Oppedal, (2011). Reactive and proactive Aggressiveness Among Immigrant and native Preadolescents: The relation to Emotional and Conduct problems.
- Millicent Adubofour, Jane Kroger, Oddgeir Friborg, Brit Oppedal, (2011). The relationships among perceived ethnic discrimination, ethnic identity crisis, and ethnic identity exploration.
- Kyunghwa Kwak, Brit Oppedal, Thormod Idsøe, (2010). Sociocultural Understandings of Parenting in the Norwegian Context.
- Eugene Guribye, Brit Oppedal, (2010). Breakdown of coping resources among Tamil refugees in Norway.
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2009). Absence in gender differences in internalizing symptoms among ethnic minority preadolescents.
- Brit Oppedal, Espen Røysamb, (2008). Association between parents’ achievement values and mental health among immigrant and non immigrant youth in Norway.
- Brit Oppedal, (2008). Social skills and culture competence in adaptive outcomes among high and low risk immigrant youth in Norway.
- Brit Oppedal, (2007). Betydning av samspill mellom individuelle forhold og miljøfaktorer for barns og unges psykiske helse.
- Brit Oppedal, (2007). Psykisk helse blant ungdom med innvandrerbakgrunn.
- Brit Oppedal, (2007). Acculturation Development and Mental Health among Young Immigrants in Norway.
- Brit Oppedal, (2007). The association between perceived parenting styles and culture competence in relation to mental health among children of immigrants.
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Brit Oppedal, Stuart Hauser, (2007). Pathways to adolescent depression in immigrant youth.
- Daniele Evelin Alves, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Brit Oppedal, (2007). Validation of a short version of the Depression Experiences Questionnaire for Adolescents in a predominantly minority sample in Norway.