Hubert Dirven
avdelingsdirektør, Dr
Toxicology including genetic toxicology, acute toxicology, repeat-dose toxicology and reprotoxicology. Exposure assessment. Risk assessment of chemicals using New Approach Methologies. Projects that I am involved in are EuroMix (risk assessment of mixtures of chemicals), ONTOX (Using New Approach Methologies in the risk assessment of chemicals), POLURISK (exposure and health effects of nano- and microplastics), Eximious (where the exposome meets the immunesystem) and PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals). In PARC, I am grant signatory for Norway, and task leader in 5.1 (to study the hazards of chemicals for human health with a focus on mycotoxins and BPA-alternatives)
Prosjekter og publikasjoner
- Alternativer til dyreforsøk: Nye innovative tilnærmingsmetoder
- Athlete-Avanserte verktøy for å studere eksposomet i tidlig leveår og forstå årsakssammenhenger med ikke-smittsomme sykdommer
- Drikkevannsstudien
- EuroMix (prosjektbeskrivelse)
- EXIMIOUS - Mapping Exposure-Induced Immune Effects: Connecting the Exposome and the Immunome
- Flaskevann-studien
- Immuncelleprofiler hos pasienter med ukjent mekanisme for allergiske reaksjoner mot mat
- Kunstgress-studien
- Methods and tools for assessing chemical exposure in humans: protocol for a systematic scoping review
- Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment (ONTOX)
- Risks of microplastic and nanoplastic particles (POLYRISK)