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Fagseminar migrasjonshelse: Healthy Lifestyle Counseling for preventing type 2 diabetes among immigrants in Finland




Maliheh Nekouei Marvi Langari, PhD student fra Finland vil presentere fra sitt doktorgradsarbeid på engelsk


  • 17.02.2023
  • 11:00 - 11:45
  • Seminar
  • Teams

Enhet for migrasjonshelse har for tiden besøk at Maliheh Nekouei Marvi Langari, PhD student fra Finland som er her på en måneds forskerbesøk gjennom Erasmus Exchange Programme. Maliheh vil presentere fra sitt doktorgradsarbeid på engelsk:

Maliheh is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Science at University of Eastern Finland. Her doctoral research is about immigrants and healthy lifestyle counseling to prevent chronic diseases especially T2D in Finland, with main focus on Russians and Asians groups which are the biggest groups of foreign nationals living in Finland. Her project includes three sub-studies using both qualitative and quantitative methods and has been conducted in close collaboration with StopDia and COPE projects from the Finnish institute of Public Health ( THL). Besides her research Maliheh is working full-time as a teacher at the Department of Nursing Science, UEF, Finland.

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