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  1. Seminar on safeguarding Africa’s health: With H.E. Director General Kaseya and Minister of Health and Care Services Jan Christian Vestre

    Seminar on safeguarding Africa’s health: With H.E. Director General Kaseya and Minister of Health and Care Services Jan Christian Vestre


    • 18.03.2025
    • 12:15 - 14:00
    • Seminar
    • Auditorium, Lovisenberggata 8, NIPH
    NIPH invites to a seminar 18 March from 13.15 to 15.00 with Director General Jean Kaseya and the Minister of Health and Care Services Jan Christian Vestre.
  2. Ukraine and Norway: institutional cooperation

    Ukraine and Norway: institutional cooperation


    The main goal of the collaboration is to strengthen The Public Health Center of Ukraine's capacity through strategic and technical twinning with a focus on infection control systems (IPC), health crisis preparedness and access to health data.
    Norge og Ukraina flagg
  3. The BIS program in Uganda

    The BIS program in Uganda


    Under the BIS program, NIPH is exploring long-term collaboration with Uganda to contribute to strengthening public health capacity within the Uganda National Institute of Public Health.
    NIPH and Makerere visit UNIPH offices, February 2023
  4. The BIS program in Nepal

    The BIS program in Nepal


    Under the BIS program, NIPH is collaborating with several institutions with public health functions to contribute to strengthening public health capacity within Nepal.
    A field in Nepal
  5. Building and strengthening climate resilient health systems in low- and middle-income country contexts

    Building and strengthening climate resilient health systems in low- and middle-income country contexts


    This report provides a comprehensive overview that addresses seven critical aspects necessary for building and strengthening climate resilient health systems, supported by a scoping review.
    Cover of the report
  6. The BIS programme in Ethiopia

    The BIS programme in Ethiopia


    Building Stronger Public Health Institutions and Systems (BIS) in Ethiopia: Our overarching ambition is to strengthen both Ethiopia and Norway’s public health institutions towards competent and resilient public health systems.
    Illustrative photo of street in Ethiopia
  7. Horizon Europe grant awarded to NCD project in Ethiopia

    Horizon Europe grant awarded to NCD project in Ethiopia


    A four million Euro grant has been awarded to the ENABLE research consortium to help prevent non-communicable diseases (NCD) and improve health and welfare in Ethiopia.
    Photo of wall art in a street in Addis Ababa
  8. Strengthening Health Security and Preparedness in Ghana

    Strengthening Health Security and Preparedness in Ghana


    Five fellows from the University of Ghana were hosted for at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, as part of the Building Stronger Public Health Institutions and System programme.
    visiters from Ghana
  9. The BIS programme in Malawi

    The BIS programme in Malawi


    Under the BIS programme, NIPH is continuing long-term collaboration with the Public Health Institute of Malawi.
    Photo from Malawi
  10. The BIS programme in global and regional networks

    The BIS programme in global and regional networks


    The BIS programme, through its work with global, international and regional institutions, seeks to strengthen global and regional networks in their support of low and middle- income countries (LMIC).
    antique map COLOURBOX5119160.bmp
  11. HEV vaksinestudie hos fertile kvinner i Bangladesh og risikofaktorer for alvorlig HEV

    HEV vaksinestudie hos fertile kvinner i Bangladesh og risikofaktorer for alvorlig HEV


    The project aims to evaluate the protection against hepatitis E virus (HEV) disease in pregnant women by immunization with the HEV vaccine (Hecolin).
  12. The BIS program in Palestine

    The BIS program in Palestine


    Under the BIS program, NIPH is continuing long-term collaboration with Palestine to contribute to strengthening public health capacity within the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health (PNIPH).
    Photo of building
  13. WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Meningococci

    WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Meningococci


    The World Health Organization (WHO) is committed to eliminating meningococcal disease as a public health problem.
  14. The BIS program in Ghana

    The BIS program in Ghana


    Under the BIS program, NIPH is continuing long-term collaboration with Ghana to contribute to strengthening public health capacity within the Ghana Ministry of Health.
    Illustrative photo
  15. FHI supports biosafety training in Malawi

    FHI supports biosafety training in Malawi


    In collaboration with the Public Health Institute of Malawi (PHIM), the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) organized two short trainings of biosafety and biosecurity in the capital Lilongwe and Blantyre (the second largest city) in Malawi in November.
    Photo of a group discussion
  16. Strengthening public health systems in Malawi

    Strengthening public health systems in Malawi


    The director of the Public Health Institute of Malawi (PHIM), Dr. Benson Chilima, visited the NIPH to discuss the collaboration between the two sister institutes.  
    The director of the public health institute in Malawi, Ben Chilima, meets his "sister institute", the NIPH. From left: Country coordinator for Malawi, Trude Arnesen (NIPH), Ben Chilima, NIPH director Camilla Stoltenberg, Norad director Bård Vegard Solhjell and BIS program director Ragnhild Dybdahl (NIPH). Copyright: FHI
  17. Peer-to-peer collaboration between the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health

    Peer-to-peer collaboration between the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health


    NIPH and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a collaboration and to build strong peer-to-peer relationships within the urgent topic of environmental and climate health
    delegation from NIPH met with employees and leadership from EPHI
  18. NIPH signs Memorandums of Understanding in Nepal

    NIPH signs Memorandums of Understanding in Nepal


    The NIPH signs Memorandums of Understanding with the Nepal Health Research Council and the Kathmandu University School of Medical Science, with a shared goal of promoting public health research and knowledge.
    A field in Nepal
  19. NIPH signs memorandum with Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

    NIPH signs memorandum with Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention


    The memorandum is between Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) to strengthen public health institutions and systems.
    Photo of signing ceremony
  20. The BIS program visits Palestine

    The BIS program visits Palestine


    The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) travels to Ramallah in Palestine to continue work in strengthening the Palestinian National Public Health Institute.
    BIS-team in Palestine
  21. Topic identification, selection and prioritisation for health technology assessment (HTA)

    Topic identification, selection and prioritisation for health technology assessment (HTA)


    The aim of this project was to provide insight into the range of options for topic identification, selection and prioritisation (TISP) for health technology assessment (HTA) in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
    Topic identification HTA report 2021 Picture of report
  22. Malawi: Knowledge to curb the increase in traffic injuries

    Malawi: Knowledge to curb the increase in traffic injuries


    While the number of traffic injuries and traffic fatalities is declining in rich countries, the number is increasing significantly in poor countries. Malawi has now introduced measures to reduce traffic accidents, based on a project initiated by NIPH.
    crashed car
  23. About the High North

    About the High North


    The High North is an important area of commitment for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Utsnitt av High North rapport
  24. Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi – with special focus on the role of alcohol

    Road Traffic Injuries in Malawi – with special focus on the role of alcohol


    The objective of the study was to generate new knowledge about road traffic injuries in Malawi and the extent of traffic accidents related to alcohol use.
    Forside_Malawi full report_ENG.jpg
  25. Interval between pregnancies, obstetric history and unwanted pregnancy outcomes

    Interval between pregnancies, obstetric history and unwanted pregnancy outcomes


    A longitudinal retrospective cohort study on the effect of gestational interval on maternal and child health.