All about the Centre for Fertility and Health
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- Parenthood, childlessness and mental health in times of falling fertility
Parenthood, childlessness and mental health in times of falling fertility
Our overarching aim is to understand how mental health is linked with reproduction among men and women.Project - ADHD medication in pregnancy: understanding the population and outcomes related to treatment use and discontinuation
ADHD medication in pregnancy: understanding the population and outcomes related to treatment use and discontinuation
Our aim is to assess risks of ADHD medication use or discontinuation during pregnancy to advise health professionals and women of childbearing age with ADHD and provide scientific innovations.Project - EPPEC 2025
EPPEC 2025
- 15.09.2025 - 16.09.2025
- 13:30 - 16:00
- Conference
- Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel
We are excited to welcome you to the 3rd European Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology Conference (EPPEC) in Oslo, Norway!Event - The 8th Annual CeFH Symposium
The 8th Annual CeFH Symposium
- 15.05.2025 - 16.05.2025
- 07:00 - 13:00
- Conference
Welcome to the 8th Annual Symposium with the Centre for Fertility and Health in Oslo, Norway!Event - Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology (START) – Epigenic mechanisms
Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology (START) – Epigenic mechanisms
The main aim of the project is to understand health consequences of subfertility in women and men.Project - Women’s fertility – an essential component of health and well-being
Women’s fertility – an essential component of health and well-being
The results from the project will provide increased knowledge about Norwegian women's fertility and what it means for their health in general.Project - COVID-19 and pregnancy (CoronaPreg)
COVID-19 and pregnancy (CoronaPreg)
This project will use the Norwegian health registries to understand the consequences of COVID-19 in pregnant women.Project - Telomere length and fertility in women
Telomere length and fertility in women
This study will look at the relationship between telomere length and fertility in women.Project - Grade point average at age 16 may predict who is at risk of dying as a young adult
Grade point average at age 16 may predict who is at risk of dying as a young adult
Each year, around 400 young adults between the age of 17 and 32 die in Norway. Young adults with poor school performance have a significantly higher risk of dying young compared to peers with average or good grades.Research findings - YoungWork: Young adults’ mental health and labor market exclusion – causes, consequences and trends
YoungWork: Young adults’ mental health and labor market exclusion – causes, consequences and trends
The purpose of the project is to shed light on the extent to which school pressure, demanding job conditions, and openness about mental health issues explain the increase in mental health diagnoses among young people.Project - YoungPsych: The interplay between social media and mental health in adolescents and young adults
YoungPsych: The interplay between social media and mental health in adolescents and young adults
The purpose of the project is to investigate the interplay between mental health and social media use, and to what extent this contributes to the increase in mental health issues among young people.Project - The Gro Harlem Brundtland Visiting Scholarship
The Gro Harlem Brundtland Visiting Scholarship
The Centre for Fertility and Health visiting scholar program hosts early career researchers from Norway and abroad.Notification - The maternal effect on childhood asthma
The maternal effect on childhood asthma
The background for this project is that the risk of asthma in children is higher when the mother has asthma than when the father has asthma.Project - Using MoBa to understand the COVID-19 pandemic
Using MoBa to understand the COVID-19 pandemic
This project will follow the spread of COVID-19 disease in Norway over the next few years, and investigate why someone becomes infected and possibly seriously ill.Project - Sickness in the family (SickFam) : A register study on the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members
Sickness in the family (SickFam) : A register study on the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members
This project will study the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members.Project - CEFH Annual report 2023
CEFH Annual report 2023
The Annual Report describes the research in the Centre for Fertility and Health and sums up 2023.Report - Norwegian researcher receives prestigious Advanced Grant
Norwegian researcher receives prestigious Advanced Grant
Vegard Skirbekk from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) receives the ERC Advanced grant, which supports the most ground-breaking research in Europe.News - Reproduction, partner disruption and health
Reproduction, partner disruption and health
The main aim of the project is to understand the health consequences of changes in fertility patterns and partner disruption.Project - Risk of breast cancer in persons born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
Risk of breast cancer in persons born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
This research project is funded by the Norwegian Cancer Society and the Breast Cancer Society with funds from the Pink Ribbon campaign.Project - BIOSFER - Untangling biologic and social causes of low fertility in modern societies
BIOSFER - Untangling biologic and social causes of low fertility in modern societies
Project - The 7th Annual CeFH Symposium
The 7th Annual CeFH Symposium
- 15.05.2024 - 16.05.2024
- 07:00 - 13:00
- Conference
- Høyres Hus, Stortingsgata 20, 0161 Oslo
Welcome to the 7th Annual Symposium with the Centre for Fertility and Health in Oslo, Norway!Event - Safety of Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy
Safety of Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy
The main objective in this project is to study the safety of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancyProject - YoungWork: Young adults’ mental health and labor market exclusion - causes, consequences, and trends
YoungWork: Young adults’ mental health and labor market exclusion - causes, consequences, and trends
The main aim of this project is to provide a comprehensive analysis of changes in the bidirectional relationships between young adults' mental health (ages 15-29), educational attainment, and labor market participation.Project - Changing lives, changing brains
Changing lives, changing brains
We will study life-course effects of and interactions between family and work in adulthood for risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and cognitive impairment in older adults.Project - Intrauterine environmental exposures and pregnancy outcomes
Intrauterine environmental exposures and pregnancy outcomes
This project will investigate whether various intrauterine environmental factors have a causal effect on pregnancy complications by using genetic markers as instrumental variables.Project