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All about vaccines for adults

15 hits
  1. Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women

    Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women

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    Information about coronavirus and influenza vaccination during pregnancy.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv til gravide om korona- og influensavaksine
  2. Influenza vaccine

    Influenza vaccine

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    Information note about vaccine against seasonal influenza. The publication contains information about risk groups and health benefits of influenza vaccination.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv influensavaksine risikogrupper
  3. Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines

    Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines

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    Brief information from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus in several languages.
    Information note
    Skjermdump infoskriv kortversjon influensa- og koronavaksine
  4. Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?

    Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?

    Last update

    Two different versions of a poster for health care workers.
    Skjermdump av engelsk versjon av plakat om influensavaksine, rettet mot helsepersonell
  5. Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus

    Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus

    Last update

    Pregnant women and infants have a higher risk of a severe disease course form coronavirus and influenza. Talk to your doctor about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus.
    Skjermdump av plakat til gravide om influensa- og koronavaksine
  6. Talk to your doctor about vaccination. Poster for vaccines for adults

    Talk to your doctor about vaccination. Poster for vaccines for adults

    Last update

    Skjermdump av plakat om vaksiner til voksne
  7. Vaccine against pneumococcal disease - information leaflet

    Vaccine against pneumococcal disease - information leaflet

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    This leaflet is intended for people who are recommended to take the vaccine against pneumococcal disease. It is available in several languages as a PDF file and can be printed out for distribution to patients.
    Information note
    skjermdump av infoark om pneyumokokksykdom
  8. Vaccine against coronavirus

    Vaccine against coronavirus

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    Information letter containing information about risk groups and the health benefits of coronavirus vaccination.
    Information note
    skjermdump av koronavaksine
  9. Vaccine recommendations for influenza season 2024-2025

    Vaccine recommendations for influenza season 2024-2025

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    Almost 1.6 million people in Norway belong to groups with an increased risk of complications from influenza. They are recommended to take the seasonal influenza vaccine.
    Illustrasjon av mann og dame på benk
  10. Influenza vaccine for risk groups

    Influenza vaccine for risk groups

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    Anyone can become seriously ill from influenza, but certain risk groups are more susceptible to a severe disease course than others. The health benefits can be considerable if people in these risk groups are vaccinated.
    Tegning av en eldre mann
  11. Which vaccines do adults need?

    Which vaccines do adults need?

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    Some vaccines you take in childhood require booster doses. Some vaccines are also recommended for the elderly because age poses a risk for a severe disease course for some diseases.
    eldre mann og dame sittende ved siden av hverandre på benk
  12. Are you 65 years or older? Poster for vaccines against pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus

    Are you 65 years or older? Poster for vaccines against pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus

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    Thumbnail of poster for pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus vaccines
  13. Are you 65 years or older? Poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccines

    Are you 65 years or older? Poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccines

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    Two alternatives for the poster, available in blue or black and white, in A3 and A4.
    Thumbnail of poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccination - couple walking
  14. Coronavirus vaccine

    Coronavirus vaccine

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    The purpose of vaccination against COVID-19 is to prevent a severe disease course or to give a milder disease course without being exposed to serious side effects.
    Tegning av en eldre dame
  15. Pneumococcal vaccine for risk groups

    Pneumococcal vaccine for risk groups

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    Everyone over 65 years of age, or who has a disease or condition that puts them at higher risk of a severe pneumococcal disease course, should take the pneumococcal vaccine.
    Illustrasjon av en dame i en gyngestol