All about social inequalities in health
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- Social Factors and Health: a Twin Study
Social Factors and Health: a Twin Study
We explore the genetic and environmental sources of covariance underlying the relationships between diverse types of social factors and their association with health outcomes.Project - Cancer incidence (Indicator 2)
Cancer incidence (Indicator 2)
The indicator describes the following: cancer incidence, by type of cancer, per 100 000 person years.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (Indicator 1)
Premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (Indicator 1)
Overall mortality from cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease, in the age group 30 to 69 years, age-standardised.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Main points
Main points
Since 2015, deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) before the age of 70 have fallen by 20 per cent. The decline in deaths caused by cancer and cardiovascular diseases has had the most significant impact.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Targets and indicators for NCDs - overview
Targets and indicators for NCDs - overview
Here is an overview of all nine targets and 25 indicators for NCDs in WHO’s strategy for the period 2010-2025.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Tobacco use among adults (Indicator 10)
Tobacco use among adults (Indicator 10)
The indicator describes the following: Proportion of adults who use tobacco.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Tobacco use among adolescents (Indicator 9)
Tobacco use among adolescents (Indicator 9)
The indicator describes the following: The proportion of adolescents using tobacco.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Total alcohol consumption per capita (Indicator 3)
Total alcohol consumption per capita (Indicator 3)
The indicator describes the following: Total recorded alcohol sales per capita (aged 15+) during one calendar year, in litres of pure alcohol.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Heavy episodic drinking (Indicator 4)
Heavy episodic drinking (Indicator 4)
The indicator describes the following: The proportion of adolescents and adults who engage in heavy episodic drinking.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Sickness in the family (SickFam) : A register study on the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members
Sickness in the family (SickFam) : A register study on the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members
This project will study the short- and long-term effects of severe sickness on family members.Project - Hearing loss in childhood and later in life
Hearing loss in childhood and later in life
We will investigate the significance of early hearing loss on hearing, psychosocial conditions and other health variables later in life.Project - Salt intake (Indicator 8)
Salt intake (Indicator 8)
The indicator describes the following: Age-standardised mean population intake of salt (sodium chloride) per day in grams in persons aged 18+ years.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Reproduction of socioeconomic differences and mental health across generations (REMENTA)
Reproduction of socioeconomic differences and mental health across generations (REMENTA)
Our aim is to understand the role of mental health in the reproduction of socioeconomic differences.Project - Lost in Transition? Uncovering Social and Health Consequences of Sub-Optimal Transitions in the Education System
Lost in Transition? Uncovering Social and Health Consequences of Sub-Optimal Transitions in the Education System
This project aims to understand the effects of transitions in the educational system on later labour market participation, family formation and health.Project - Physical inactivity in adults (Indicator 7)
Physical inactivity in adults (Indicator 7)
The indicator describes the following: The proportion of adults who are insufficiently physically active, defined as fewer than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity per weekIndikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Alcohol dependence (Indicator 5)
Alcohol dependence (Indicator 5)
The indicator describes the following: Alcohol related morbidity and mortality.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults (Indicator 12)
Raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults (Indicator 12)
Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes among persons aged 18+, defined as “long-term blood glucose” HbA1c ≥ 6.5 per cent (48 mmol/mol) or use of blood glucose-lowering drugs.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Research on measures to reduce workplace sickness absence - Protocol for evidence and gap map
Research on measures to reduce workplace sickness absence - Protocol for evidence and gap map
Project - Physical inactivity in adolescents (Indicator 6)
Physical inactivity in adolescents (Indicator 6)
The indicator describes the proportion of children and adolescents who are insufficiently physically active, defined as less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity daily.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Total cholesterol level (Indicator 17)
Total cholesterol level (Indicator 17)
The indicator describes the following: Mean total cholesterol in adults.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Raised blood pressure (Indicator 11)
Raised blood pressure (Indicator 11)
The indicator describes the following: Percentage of persons aged 18+ years with raised blood pressure.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Raised total cholesterol (Indicator 17)
Raised total cholesterol (Indicator 17)
The indicator describes the following: Percentage of persons aged 18+ years with raised cholesterol.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Blood pressure level (Indicator 11)
Blood pressure level (Indicator 11)
The indicator describes the following: Mean systolic blood pressure among adults.Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) - Work-related interventions for people on long-term sick leave
Work-related interventions for people on long-term sick leave
Project - Prevalence and severe outcomes from COVID-19 among immigrant and minority ethnic groups and among groups of different socio-economic status - Protocol for a systematic review
Prevalence and severe outcomes from COVID-19 among immigrant and minority ethnic groups and among groups of different socio-economic status - Protocol for a systematic review
We will summarise available research from Norway and countries with similar welfare system on prevalence of COVID-19 infection, rate of admission to hospital and poor prognosis.Project