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All about influenza vaccine

21 hits
  1. Influenza Virological and Epidemiological 2023-2024 season report

    Influenza Virological and Epidemiological 2023-2024 season report


    Overall, the 2023-2024 influenza season was of low-to-moderate magnitude, had a protracted course, with influenza A(H1N1) dominating also this season, but cocirculating with A(H3N2) viruses and with much less influenza B/Victoria-lineage viruses.
    forside_influensarapport 2024.png
  2. Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women

    Influenza and coronavirus vaccines for pregnant women


    Information about coronavirus and influenza vaccination during pregnancy.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv til gravide om korona- og influensavaksine
  3. Influenza vaccine

    Influenza vaccine


    Information note about vaccine against seasonal influenza. The publication contains information about risk groups and health benefits of influenza vaccination.
    Information note
    skjermdump infoskriv influensavaksine risikogrupper
  4. Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines

    Brief guide to influenza and coronavirus vaccines


    Brief information from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus in several languages.
    Information note
    Skjermdump infoskriv kortversjon influensa- og koronavaksine
  5. Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?

    Dear colleague/Do you work in the health service?


    Two different versions of a poster for health care workers.
    Skjermdump av engelsk versjon av plakat om influensavaksine, rettet mot helsepersonell
  6. Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus

    Pregnant? Poster for vaccines against  influenza and coronavirus


    Pregnant women and infants have a higher risk of a severe disease course form coronavirus and influenza. Talk to your doctor about vaccines against influenza and coronavirus.
    Skjermdump av plakat til gravide om influensa- og koronavaksine
  7. Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere 2025

    Influenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere 2025


    During the 2023-24 season, both A(H1N1) 5a.2a and 5a.2a1 viruses circulated, with a slightly higher prevalence of the 5a.2a1 during the winter outbreak. The A(H3N2) viruses have been mainly from the 2a.3a.1 clade, with J.1 during the winter and J.2 the latest months.
    Influenza report for 2024
  8. Talk to your doctor about vaccination. Poster for vaccines for adults

    Talk to your doctor about vaccination. Poster for vaccines for adults


    Skjermdump av plakat om vaksiner til voksne
  9. Vaccine recommendations for influenza season 2024-2025

    Vaccine recommendations for influenza season 2024-2025


    Almost 1.6 million people in Norway belong to groups with an increased risk of complications from influenza. They are recommended to take the seasonal influenza vaccine.
    Illustrasjon av mann og dame på benk
  10. Influenza vaccine for children

    Influenza vaccine for children


    Most children and young adolescents can tolerate influenza (the ‘flu), but some can become seriously ill. Children and young people in risk groups often have a severe disease course and are therefore recommended to receive the influenza vaccine.
    Tegning av barn på sofa
  11. Influenza vaccine for pregnant women

    Influenza vaccine for pregnant women


    Pregnant women are at increased risk of a severe influenza disease course. Pregnant women in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters should take the influenza vaccine. Women in the 1st trimester with other additional risk factors are also recommended to take the vaccine.
    Tegning av gravid dame
  12. Influenza vaccine for risk groups

    Influenza vaccine for risk groups


    Anyone can become seriously ill from influenza, but certain risk groups are more susceptible to a severe disease course than others. The health benefits can be considerable if people in these risk groups are vaccinated.
    Tegning av en eldre mann
  13. Interim influenza virological and epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Northern Hemisphere 2024/2025

    Interim influenza virological and epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Northern Hemisphere 2024/2025


    The preceding 2022-2023-influenza outbreak developed early, with a sharp peak during Christmas/New Year.
    Forside av rapporten om influensa og råd til WHO om vaksinetype 2024/2024
  14. Are you 65 years or older? Poster for vaccines against pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus

    Are you 65 years or older? Poster for vaccines against pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus


    Thumbnail of poster for pneumococcal disease, influenza and coronavirus vaccines
  15. Are you 65 years or older? Poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccines

    Are you 65 years or older? Poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccines


    Two alternatives for the poster, available in blue or black and white, in A3 and A4.
    Thumbnail of poster for influenza and coronavirus vaccination - couple walking
  16. Influenza - Fact sheet about seasonal influenza

    Influenza - Fact sheet about seasonal influenza


    Influenza causes fever and body aches as well as respiratory symptoms. Typically, five to ten per cent of the population becomes ill during a winter season. Influenza seasons vary in severity.
  17. Bedret barnevaksinasjon og beredskap mot sesong og pandemisk influensa: betydning av cellulær immunitet

    Bedret barnevaksinasjon og beredskap mot sesong og pandemisk influensa: betydning av cellulær immunitet


    The project assesses prevalence of past pneumococcal infections and influenza in Ethiopia with techniques to determine cellular immune protection against new influenza strains.
  18. Information material about influenza vaccine

    Information material about influenza vaccine


    Films and information notes about the seasonal influenza vaccine.
  19. Early risk assessment: What to expect of the 2018/19 influenza season in Norway

    Early risk assessment: What to expect of the 2018/19 influenza season in Norway


    This brief report presents the assessment by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health(NIPH) on the influenza situation early in the 2018/2019 season.
    Scenariorapport for 2018-19_omslag_WEB.jpg
  20. Influenza epidemiological information prepared for WHO informal meeting on strain composition for inactivated influenza vaccines for use in season 2018-19

    Influenza epidemiological information prepared for WHO informal meeting on strain composition for inactivated influenza vaccines for use in season 2018-19


    Report submitted by Norway to WHO's influenza vaccine meeting in Geneva, February 2018.
  21. What to expect of the 2017/18 influenza season in Norway

    What to expect of the 2017/18 influenza season in Norway


    This report presents the assessment by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) on the influenza situation early in the 2017/2018 season.
    FHI-rapport_influensa senariorapport 2017_forside_WEB.png