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Latest from non-communicable diseases

171 hits
  1. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy of advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma: Treatment benefits and cost in an unselected real-life population

    Immunotherapy and targeted therapy of advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma: Treatment benefits and cost in an unselected real-life population


  2. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy of advanced melanoma: Treatment benefits and cost in an unselected real-life population

    Immunotherapy and targeted therapy of advanced melanoma: Treatment benefits and cost in an unselected real-life population


  3. New study links number of children to dementia risk

    New study links number of children to dementia risk


    Individuals with no children, one child or more than four children have a higher risk of dementia at age 70 than those with two or three children, according to a study from The Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
    Research findings
    Illustrasjonsbilde av en familie
  4. Significant Decline in Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Nordic Countries

    Significant Decline in Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Nordic Countries


    The past decades, prostate cancer mortality rate has significantly decreased in all the Nordic countries, with the most substantial decline observed in Norway, shows a new study from the Cancer Registry of Norway at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
    Research findings
  5. Cancer in Families (FAMCAN)

    Cancer in Families (FAMCAN)


    FAMCAN is a research project developed in close collaboration with the Norwegian Cancer Society, Ung Kreft and end users.
  6. Registry tool for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in Norway – RegTool AFNOR

    Registry tool for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in Norway – RegTool AFNOR


    The overall aim of the project is to identify targets and tools for better stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation patients.
  7. Cancer incidence (Indicator 2)

    Cancer incidence (Indicator 2)


    The indicator describes the following: cancer incidence, by type of cancer, per 100 000 person years.
    Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD)
  8. ENABLE: Enabling environments for non-communicable disease (NCD) risk reduction in Ethiopia

    ENABLE: Enabling environments for non-communicable disease (NCD) risk reduction in Ethiopia


    ENABLE aims to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by reducing the life-long prevalence of major NCD risk factors among pregnant women in Ethiopia.
  9. Palliative cancer care (Indicator 20)

    Palliative cancer care (Indicator 20)


    The indicator describes the following: Access to palliative care assessed by morphine-equivalent consumption of strong opioid analgesics (in grams of morphine) per death from cancer.
    Indikatorer for ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD)
  10. Statistics



    Statistics from the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry can be found in our statistic banks. The statistic banks and annual reports are only available in Norwegian.
    Forstørrelsesglass med tabeller inni glasset
  11. About the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry

    About the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry


    The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry is a registry of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Here is a short description of what is registered.
    Hjerte med en graf inne i ved siden av en dame som jobber på en pc. Illustrasjon.
  12. Hip fractures in Norway: Predictors, incidence and survival. Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS)

    Hip fractures in Norway: Predictors, incidence and survival. Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS)


    The aim of the project is to explore the possible causes for the high incidence of hip fractures in Norway.
  13. Cost-effectiveness of robot assisted surgery for prostate cancer

    Cost-effectiveness of robot assisted surgery for prostate cancer


    We have evaluated the extent to which robot-assisted prostatectomy fulfills the priority setting criteria for the Norwegian health service; disease severity, resource use and health benefits.
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  14. Robot assisted hysterectomy

    Robot assisted hysterectomy


    The purpose of this health technology assessment was to investigate the clinical effects, and to conduct a health economic evaluation of robot assisted hysterectomy for individuals with endometrial cancer and benign conditions.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde
  15. Robot–assisted hysterectomy for benign conditions

    Robot–assisted hysterectomy for benign conditions


    The purpose of this rapid health technology assessment is to examine the clinical effect of robot-assisted hysterectomy, compared with laparoscopic and open hysterectomy, in benign indications.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  16. Robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer

    Robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer


    The purpose of this health technology assessment (HTA) was to evaluate the clinical effects and to conduct a health economic evaluation of robot-assisted rectal resection for rectal cancer.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. bilde.
  17. Robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer

    Robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer


    The purpose of this HTA was to evaluate the clinical effects and safety of robot-assisted prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Robot-assisted prostatectomy was compared to open prostatectomy.
    Health technology assessment
    Rapportens forside. Bilde.
  18. The maternal effect on childhood asthma

    The maternal effect on childhood asthma


    The background for this project is that the risk of asthma in children is higher when the mother has asthma than when the father has asthma.
  19. Open Seminar on MoBa and Cancer Research

    Open Seminar on MoBa and Cancer Research


    • 07.10.2024
    • 06:45 - 13:00
    • Seminar
    • Lovisenberggata 8, 0456 Oslo Auditorium 1013
    Join us for an open seminar and workshop on Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) and Cancer on October 7th. This seminar provides a unique opportunity for researchers, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders to come together and exchange ideas regarding MoBa and cancer research, with a focus on the impact on the well-being of children.
  20. Prevention of injuries in the home – Mapping of systematic reviews published between 2019 and 2024

    Prevention of injuries in the home – Mapping of systematic reviews published between 2019 and 2024


    The purpose of this project was to identify and carry out a simple survey of existing systematic reviews published from 2019 to 2024.
    Mapping review
    Forsiden til rapporten. Bilde
  21. Less dementia among occupational groups with cognitively demanding jobs

    Less dementia among occupational groups with cognitively demanding jobs


    A study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health shows that people with cognitively demanding jobs during their 30s to 60s have a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia after 70 years of age than people with less cognitively demanding jobs.
    Research findings
    Illustrasjonsbilde av en skolelærer
  22. PainFACT publications

    PainFACT publications


    Here is a list of publications from PainFACT.
    Illustrasjon over publikasjoner
  23. Our team

    Our team


    To achieve the objectives of PainFACT we have on board a solid team of partner institutions, collaborators and personnel with leading expertise within their respective fields.
  24. Our work

    Our work


    To achieve our overall aim of identifying molecular mechanisms of pain related disorders, we have organized our work into 8 work packages (WP1-WP8).
    Stetoskop og tastatur
  25. Overview of health registries at FHI

    Overview of health registries at FHI


    The mandatory national health registries were established to maintain national functions.
    Helsefagperson med PC