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About the Corona Child Study




A study about the role of children in the transmission of the new coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) in childcare centres,primary schools and secondary schools (1st to 10th grade). This research provides important evidence for future advice and infection control measures to slow spread in these settings.

Aim of the study

The study will investigate:

  • The role of children in the transmission of the new coronavirus in childcare centres and schools (1st to 10th grade)
    • How many close contacts are infected?
    • Is there a difference in transmission in childcare centres and schools with and without close contact with adults who have tested positive for coronavirus?
  • How many of those infected become ill and how severe are their symptoms?
  • Which factors increase the risk of getting infected with coronavirus in these settings?
  • Is the virus among people with confirmed coronavirus in the same childcare centre/school genetically similar, and are there differences between viruses identified at different childcare centres/schools
  • Is it possible to identify antibodies in saliva from people infected with the new coronavirus

Who can participate?

Children between 2 and 16 years who attend a childcare centre or primary or secondary school can participate in this study if they are diagnosed with coronavirus or are identified as a close contact at the childcare centre/school.

Only childcare centres and schools that have been contacted by the NIPH regarding a case can participate in this study.

How is the study conducted?

  • Participants in this study will be included for a period of up to 10 days, during which they will be asked to complete a short questionnaire at the start and end. They will be asked to monitor their symptoms every day during this period.
  • Participants will receive a sample kit to collect two saliva samples at home at the start and end of the follow-up period. The samples will be collected from the participant's home or at the childcare centre/school.
  • The samples will be analysed as soon as possible to determine if the participant has been infected with coronavirus. Participants will be informed of the results.

For those invited to participate in the study

Have you been invited to participate in the “Corona child study” or have you already said “yes” to participate? Here you can find the information letters in various languages with more information about the study and what it means to participate:


The project has been approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK), reference number 151649.


Participants receive these questionnaires during the study periode:


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