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Comprehensive evaluation of creating public open spaces for enhancing health in local communities (CO-CREATING PUBLIC HEALTH)




This project follows the development of public open spaces for physical and social activities in local communities from idea to completion, and for up to two years after establishment in seven municipalities in Eastern Norway.


This project follows the development of public open spaces for physical and social activities in local communities from idea to completion, and for up to two years after establishment in seven municipalities in Eastern Norway. Through this, the project will produce much needed research-based knowledge about the implementation, use and perceived qualities of such municipal public health measures in local communities. The participating municipalities are part of A fun detour (EMO), a project owned and implemented by Tverga (the Resource Center for self-organized sports and physical activity in Norway) in collaboration with Asplan Viak. From the EMO project, the seven selected municipalities receive both follow-up and guidance, as well as financial support to develop and realize their plans for the meeting places.

The research project has three different focus areas. The first focus area will examine the processes that take place within the municipalities in connection with the establishment of the meeting places. The process will be followed throughout the planning, focusing on needs assessment, participation, co-creation, realization, and maintenance. The research will be conducted using various methods such as document analysis, interviews with municipal employees and the municipalities' inhabitants, and Concept Mapping. In addition, the project will develop and test a tool for mapping the needs of residents when establishing such meeting places. The tool will help strengthen the municipalities' planning of meeting places for activity in the future.

The second focus area in this research project is to investigate the use of meeting places after establishment. We will map who the users are and how the meeting places are used for different purposes. Furthermore, we will study the significance of the meeting places design, as well as local environmental factors in the areas surrounding the meeting places, that might be important for the inhabitants' use. Both digital and on-site observations will be made in different periods and seasons, to map user groups, activities and when the meeting places are most and least used. A software will also be developed that will be available to municipalities that want to map the use of their meeting places over time.

The third, and final, focus area is to produce knowledge about the importance of such meeting places for the local community and public health. The impact of the meeting place on the residents' neighbourhood satisfaction, belonging, physical activity, social contact, well-being and quality of life will be mapped through surveys before and after the opening of the meeting places to investigate possible changes. This knowledge will also contribute to the development of new methods for how municipalities can evaluate and measure the importance of local environmental measures for health and quality of life.

More information on Cristin








Norges forskningsråd Prosjektkode: 326799

Project owner/ Project manager

Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

Participant at FHI

Guro Vollan Amundsen

Elling Tufte Bere

Guro Vollan Amundsen ved Avdeling for helse og ulikhet ved Folkehelseinstituttet Elling Tufte Bere ved Avdeling for helse og ulikhet ved Folkehelseinstituttet

External participants

Ingeborg Pedersen (Projektleder) ved Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Guro Vollan Amundsen ved Avdeling for helse og ulikhet ved Folkehelseinstituttet Elling Tufte Bere ved Avdeling for helse og ulikhet ved Folkehelseinstituttet Camilla Martha Ihlebæk ved Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Ellinor Moe ved Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Emma Charlott Andersson Nordbø ved Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
