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Facts and brochures about lice. Head lice, body lice and pubic lice live on humans.

Facts about head lice and other lice

Head lice
Skadedyrhåndboka: Head lice

Information about lice infection, symptoms, treatment and measures in schools and kindergartens

Facts about body lice
Skadedyrhåndboka: Facts about body lice

Body lice (Pediculus humanus) are one of three lice types that can live on humans. The other two are head lice and pubic lice. Body lice keep mostly to clothes and move on to the body to suck blood.

Facts about pubic lice
Skadedyrhåndboka: Facts about pubic lice

Pubic lice (Pthirus pubis) are one of three types of lice that can live on humans. The other two are head lice and body lice. Pubic lice occur in Norway, but are rare.

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