Health registries
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- Norwegian Registry of Pregnancy Termination
Norwegian Registry of Pregnancy Termination
The Registry of Pregnancy Termination collects data about abortions in Norway which is made available for research and health surveillance.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Cause of Death Registry
Norwegian Cause of Death Registry
The official cause of death statistics for Norway are issued by the Cause of Death Registry.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry
Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry
The Cardiovascular Disease Registry is a registry of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.[Kategori] Fagområde - Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Medical Birth Registry of Norway
The Medical Birth Registry collects data about pregnancies and births for research and analysis.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS)
Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS)
Notification of infectious diseases to MSIS is an important part in the surveillance of infectious diseases in Norway.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Immunisation Registry SYSVAK
Norwegian Immunisation Registry SYSVAK
SYSVAK is a national, electronic immunisation registry that records an individual’s vaccination status and vaccination coverage in Norway.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Drug Resistance (NORM)
Norwegian Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Drug Resistance (NORM)
NORM is the national monitoring system for antimicrobial resistance among humans.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD)
Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD)
The Prescription Database gives an overview over all prescription drugs dispensed from pharmacies in Norway. Drugs used in hospitals, nursing homes and for animals are also included.[Kategori] Fagområde - Norwegian Surveillance System for Antiviral Resistance (RAVN)
Norwegian Surveillance System for Antiviral Resistance (RAVN)
Viruses with resistance to antiviral treatment are registered in the Norwegian Surveillance System for Virus Resistance.[Kategori] Fagområde