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The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry




The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry holds information on individuals who have received treatment for cardiovascular diseases in specialised healthcare services, as well as information on individuals whose cause of death is related to a cardiovascular disease diagnosis. The registry contains information from January 1, 2012 and onwards.

The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry consists of a Core registry and eight national medical quality registries. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is responsible for data management of The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry and serves as the data processor for the Core registry. St. Olav's Hospital HF, Oslo University Hospital HF, and Helse Bergen HF are data processors for the quality registries managed by their respective health enterprises.

Information in the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry

The core registry

The Core registry contains information regarding individuals who have been hospitalised or had outpatient consultations for cardiovascular diseases in specialised healthcare services. The registry also includes information about the cause of death for individuals who die from a cardiovascular disease diagnosis or who have previously received treatment for cardiovascular diseases in specialised healthcare services. The information in the core registry is based on data from the Norwegian Patient Registry, the Cause of Death Registry, and the National Registry.

Medical Quality Registries

The medical quality registries contain more detailed information about specific types of cardiovascular diseases and the treatments provided in additional to relevant individual information The information in the quality registries is collected from patient records and reported to the registries by healthcare personnel. Some quality registries also include patient-reported outcomes (PROM data) submitted through standardised questionnaires.

The following medical quality registries are included in the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry:

St. Olavs Hospital HF

Oslo University Hospital HF

Helse Bergen HF

Information Recorded

Some of the information included in The Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry is listed here:

Personal Information

  • Birth number or another unique identification number (these are stored encrypted, separate from other information)
  • Date of birth and date of death
  • Sex
  • Municipality of residence

Administrative Information

  • The treating institution
  • Information regarding consultations and admissions
  • Date and time of consultations and admissions

Medical Information

  • Information related to the treatment provided
  • Diagnoses and procedures

The medical quality registries contain more detailed information regarding patient treatment, risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and previous medical history.

A complete overview of the available information (variables) in the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry can be found on the website The Core registry and each medical quality registry have their own lists of variables.

Use of data from the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry

Data from the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry is used for research, to monitor the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the population, to improve the quality of healthcare services, and to enhance prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of common types of cardiovascular diseases is presented on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's website (, and an overview of the quality of healthcare services is presented on and

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