Targets and indicators for NCDs - overview
Here is an overview of all nine targets and 25 indicators for NCDs in WHO’s strategy for the period 2010-2025.
The indicators are presented in the same order as the World Health Organization presents them.
Originally all the targets referred to the period 2010-2025. Several of the targets have later been updated:
- The main target to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by 25 per cent between 2010 and 2025 had been adjusted to a 33 per cent reduction during 2015-2030 and is included in the United Nations' goals for sustainable development.
- Target 2 on reduction in alcohol use has been updated to a 20 per cent reduction for the period 2010-2030
- Target 3 on reduction in physical inactivity has been updated to a 15 per cent decrease for the period 2016-2030
- The other targets apply to the period 2010-2025
NCDs here refer to the following specific non-communicable diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease.
The reduced mortality targets are set out below, followed by the risk factor indicator targets and targets for national prevention and treatment measures.
Target 1: To reduce overall mortality from NCDs by 33 per cent during 2015-20301
Target 2: At least 20 per cent reduction in the harmful use of alcohol during 2010-20302
Total alcohol consumption per capita
Target 3: 15 per cent reduction in insufficient physical activity during 2016-20303
Physical activity, adolescents
Target 4: 30 per cent reduction in mean population intake of salt/sodium
Target 5: 30 per cent reduction in tobacco use
Tobacco, adolescents
Tobacco, adults
Target 6: 25 per cent reduction in the prevalence of raised blood pressure, or contain it at a low level
Blood pressure:
Raised blood pressure
Blood pressure level
Target 7: Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity
Diabetes in adults
Overweight and obesity in adolescents
Overweight and obesity in adults
Target 8: Drug therapy and counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes in eligible persons
Drug therapy and counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes in eligible persons
Target 9: Essential medicines and basic technologies for the treatment of serious NCDs
Availability of essential NCD medicines
Indicators not directly linked to the nine targets
- Saturated fat
- Fruit and vegetables
- Total cholesterol
- Palliative cancer care
- Limit saturated fat
- HPV vaccine
- Reduce the impact of marketing aimed at children
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- Cervical cancer screening
Overview table
Morbidity and mortality |
Target |
Indicator |
1. Deaths before 70 years of age: 33 per cent decline1 |
1. Premature mortality from NCDs |
Additional indicator |
2. Cancer incidence |
Behavioural risk factors |
Target |
Indicators |
2. Alcohol: At least 20 per cent reduction in harmful use2 |
3. Total alcohol consumption per capita 4. Heavy episodic drinking 5. Alcohol dependence |
3. Physical inactivity: 15 per cent reduction3 |
6. Physical inactivity in adolescents 7. Physical inactivity in adults |
4. Salt in the diet: 30 per cent reduction |
8. Salt intake
5. Tobacco use: 30 per cent reduction |
9. Tobacco use in adolescents 10. Tobacco use in adults |
Biological risk factors |
Target |
Indicators |
6. Raised blood pressure: 25 per cent decline in the proportion of individuals with raised blood pressure |
11. Raised blood pressure and blood pressure level |
7. Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity |
12. Diabetes in adults 13. Overweight and obesity in adolescents 14. Overweight and obesity in adults |
Additional indicators |
15. Saturated fat 16. Low fruit and vegetable consumption 17. High cholesterol and cholesterol level |
National health systems |
Target |
Indicators |
8. At least 50 per cent of those who need it receive drug therapy to prevent heart attacks and strokes |
18. Drug therapy and counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes in eligible persons
9. At least 80 per cent of the population has access to medical treatment for NCDs |
19. Availability of essential NCD medicines |
Additional indicators |
Indicators |
20. Palliative cancer care 21. Limit saturated fat 22. HPV vaccine 23. Reduce the impact of marketing aimed at children 24. Hepatitis B vaccine 25. Cervical cancer screening |