Prices for access to data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) will charge for actual expenses in connection with administrative work, processing and delivery of data.
Hourly rate
The hourly rate is 1 115 Norwegian kroner per hour excl. VAT.
Price examples
The examples are for guidance only. The real cost will depend on actual time spent on processing and data delivery. The time used will depend on the complexity of the order, the quality of the received data etc. The price examples do not include any processing time by the Health Data Service.
Health registries
- Overview of health registries at FHI
- Register data (without/with linkage to other data): NOK 10,000–60,000 excl. VAT
- Statistics: Preparation and availability that takes less than one hour will not be invoiced. Particularly extensive statistics may cost NOK 25,000–60,000 excl. VAT.
Health Surveys
- Applications for questionnaire data from one source: NOK 10,000–30,000 excl. VAT
- Applications for data linked with other data sources/special adaptations/complex applications: NOK 15,000–60,000 excl. VAT
Health surveys covered by the price list
The price list applies to making data available from the following health surveys managed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health:
- The National Public Health Survey (NHUS)
- The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Survey (MoBa). Please note that there are separate prices for biological material from MoBa.
- County Health Surveys (FHUS)
- Nationwide Health Surveys (LHU)
- The Norwegian Twin Registry (NTR)
- The Growth Cohort
If you want data from the Cohort of Norway (CONOR), see Access to Data from the Cohort of Norway (, only in Norwegian).
Prices for Biological Material from MoBa
When using biological material, additional fees apply for the biobank's work with extraction, processing, shipping, and possible return of the material. Access to biological material from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Survey (MoBa) is specifically regulated (see price list below).
Prices for Health Data Service
When applying for access to data, each individual register or health survey invoices for the costs associated with the preparation and availability of data. In addition, the Health Data Service invoices for the costs associated with the processing of the application. The Health Data Service has decision-making authority for access to data from health registers and health surveys at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
- Prices for access to health data (