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Centre for antimicrobial resistance - The AMR Centre




The centre’s research aims to strengthen technological and analytical capacities for surveillance of the incidence of antibiotic resistance and consumption of antimicrobial remedies - on a national and international level.

This is in line with the national strategy against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the national action plan against AMR, and the national action plan for improved infection control in the health services. 

About the AMR Centre

The centre’s main purpose is to coordinate AMR-relevant research at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and contribute to policy making on the area. Specifically, the centre will study how interventions against AMR affect public health.

The strategic goals for the AMR Centre include strengthening expertise, implementing measures against AMR, and assessing the effectiveness of measures against AMR. 
The NIPH established the AMR Centre in the autumn of 2017. Since 2020 it has been directed by Specialist director Ulf R. Dahle. 

The centre shall:

  • Study the effect of measures to reduce the risk of development and spread of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Study the spread of antimicrobial resistance, including genetic mobility.
  • Assess how measures that secure good access to antibiotics and stimulate correct use can reduce resistance development.
  • Study the effect of infection control measures, including the effect of vaccines on resistance development.
  • Study how exposure data and the genetic profiles of infectious agents can be used in evaluations and modelling of measures against AMR.
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