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Mother with newborn child on her lap
IpreventNCD is about implementing a life course approach in antenatal and postnatal care settings in Nepal. Photo: Dhulikhel Hospital

Our project




Built on a life-course approach, the IpreventNCD project addresses the increasing burden of NCDs among reproductive aged women and focuses on NCD prevention during early life stages when it is most effective. The co-creation approach will enhance stakeholder engagement and ownership and is expected to contribute to system-level sustainability of the implemented interventions and strategies.

The problem 

The high burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), primarily diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease, disproportionally affects low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Over 85% of the premature NCD deaths occur in LMICs. Most countries, including Nepal, are off-track in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal target 3.4, to reduce premature NCD deaths. NCDs and their complications affect quality of life, education and workforce productivity. It has a long-term impact on health systems, and the overall development of the country. 

Maternal and child health is inextricably linked with NCDs. Pregnancy and post-pregnancy periods provide crucial windows of opportunities to prevent NCDs in current and future generations. However, interventions targeting NCD risk factors – tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity – are often insufficiently implemented. 

The solution

Local ownership through stakeholder engagement, and the identification and handling of context specific implementation determinants, are necessary components for successful and sustainable implementation efforts. We will work with stakeholders and users throughout the project. First we will conduct a health system needs and assets assessment of determinants for implementing interventions targeting tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity, and maternal assessment of gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, and weight gain/retention; second, we will develop context specific implementation strategies tailored to the identified determinants in an iterative co-creation process with relevant stakeholders; third we will evaluate implementation, service and client outcomes of the interventions and tailored strategies.  

The NCD interventions targeting tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity are defined in line with the WHO package of essential NCD interventions (WHO PEN), and the maternal assessment interventions according to WHO’s recommendations on ANC for a positive pregnancy experience, and maternal and newborn care for a positive PNC experience.

The impact

The IpreventNCD project aims to leverage the windows of opportunity - pregnancy and post-pregnancy - to prevent and reduce risks for NCDs. This study addresses the increasing burden of NCDs among women of reproductive age in Nepal. The co-creation approach will enhance stakeholder ownership and engagement at multiple levels, and is expected to contribute to system-level sustainability. 

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