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The Building Stronger Public Health Institutions and Systems (BIS) Programme in global and regional networks




The BIS programme, through its work with global, international and regional institutions, seeks to strengthen global and regional networks in their support of low and middle- income countries (LMIC).

Aims of the BIS Collaboration

The team supporting global and regional initiatives have three workstreams:

  • Collaboration with the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) to develop a portfolio of activities, in line with IANPHI’s strategy and in support of LMICs.
  • Collaboration with the Africa CDC by: 1) supporting the development of Africa CDC’s Health Economics Unit (HEU) and 2) secondment of a NIPH personnel to support capacity building in varied public health topics and themes expressed through Joint Action Plans.
  • Collaboration with the World Health Organization with 1) the development and use of global instruments/tools across multiple focus areas, including systematic reviews and guideline development, 2) Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 3) tools and training materials to support individual-level data use, in partnership with the University of Oslo.

Latest Updates in BIS Global

  • NIPH seconded a senior scientist from September 2022 to Africa CDC.
  • NIPH continues to support needs, as identified by the Africa CDC Health Economics Program, through capacity strengthening activities as they take on a stronger role in guiding Africa through evidence-based decision making. Most recently, a health economics workshop took place in Addis Ababa.
  • NIPH is working with the local Nepalese public health actors and WHO Nepal with a local needs assessment with a focus on implementation science and Non-Communicable Diseases.
  • NIPH has worked with UiO to design a DHIS2 ANC Tracker based on WHO’s Digital Adaptation Kit (DAK). The ANC Tracker has been released as a Global Public Good and in the DHIS2 community of practice.
  • NIPH and IANPHI with PHIM leading the effort, are developing a case story which focuses on the Creation Story of PHIM. Additionally, an article soon to be released on the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) deep dive in Malawi via the IANPHI Insider.

NIPH Collaborative Team

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