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The Norwegian Triple-S Cohort Study




The research project seeks to examine several aspects, both the extent and consequences of violence and abuse against children and youth.


The Stine Sofie's Foundation (SSF) is a foundation working to protect children from violence and abuse, to uncover violence and abuse against children, and to ensure children's legal rights. SSF operates the Stine Sofie Center, a course and coping center for children and youth who have been subjected to violence and abuse. Annually, about 700 clients receive help. Contact with clients at the center provides good opportunities to collect valuable data among children and youth and their parents/guardians, with consent. This data can be used to describe what clients have been subjected to and the consequences of violence and abuse. SSF is now collaborating with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on research on this vulnerable group. The project has a longitudinal research design based on data collected among children and youth, and their parents/guardians, at the center. The research project seeks to examine several aspects, both the extent and consequences of violence and abuse against children and youth. Recruitment of participants for the project is planned to take place over several years, and given the annual number of course participants (about 700), the project's goal is to include about 4000 children and parents. With funding, the project aims to conduct several follow-up surveys over many years. In the long term, the project will thus be able to contribute to a better understanding of the consequences of early exposure to violence and abuse from a life-course perspective.

Project leader

Børge Sivertsen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Marit Burkeland-Lie, Health Promotion, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Aida Babaii, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Vivian Irena Woodfin, Solli District Psychiatric Centre (DPS), Private Foundation Trusts in Western Norway
Kaia Kjørstad, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mari Hysing, University of Bergen
Kristin Stokke, Stine Sofies Stiftelse
Viktor Schønning, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
John Are Jonassen, Stine Sofies Stiftelse
Anders Dovran, Stine Sofies Stiftelse
Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, Norwegian Center for Studies on Violence and Traumatic Stress
Stian Tobiassen, Stine Sofies Stiftelse
Øystein Vedaa, Health Promotion, Norwegian Institute of Public Health








Regional committees for medical and health research ethics

Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project manager

Børge Sivertsen

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