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Survey of healthcare needs among refugees from Ukraine




The aim of the survey is to measure self-reported health and healthcare needs in a sample of Ukrainian refugees in Norway. The survey is now closed. The main results can be found under Related Articles below.


•    Ukrainian: Опитування про потреби в медичних послугах серед біженців з України (Survey of healthcare needs among refugees from Ukraine)

•    Russian: Опрос о потребностях в медицинских услугах среди беженцев из Украины (Survey of healthcare needs among refugees from Ukraine)

The war in Ukraine has led to an increase in the number of refugees coming to Norway. There is a lack of systematic knowledge about the health state of refugees who have come, and their healthcare needs. This survey assesses the health and healthcare needs among Ukrainian refugees coming to Norway in 2022. 

The Ukrainian refugees who have arrived so far differ considerably in demographic compostion from refugees the Norwegian asylum system typically receives. There are also indications that their health and healthcare needs may be very different from other refugee groups. Most Ukrainian refugees are women, children and youth, and elderly. In the period from March til May 2022, more than 17.000 refugees from Ukraine arrived in Norway, of which 36 % of all registered asylum applications were for children and youth, and 79 % of adult applications were for women. 

More knowledge needed to provide quality health services

Norwegian municipalities and reception centres have reported that the demographic composition has been challenging because the system is not adapted to the arrival of such large numbers of women, children, elderly, and people with functional impairments and extensive care needs. However, it is uncertain how different the healthcare needs and use are among refugees, and whether and how they differ from the Norwegian general population. There is therefore a need for more systematic knowledge that can provide health authorities with information about how refugees, here from Ukraine, experience their own health and expected healthcare use.


The overall aim is to ensure good and timely health services for refugees who have come to Norway.

The aim of the survey is to measure self-reported health and healthcare needs in a sample of Ukrainian refugees in Norway. The results can inform health authorities about healthcare needs among Ukrainian refugees, as well as provide increased knowledge about their health status.

About the survey

The survey will be administered by digital questionnaire made available to Ukrainian refugees who have come to Norway. Participants answer the questionnaire by scanning a QR code or accessing the link to the the questionnaire via posters and flyers available at asylum reception centres, and non-profit organisations or municipal services for refugees. Participants can choose to answer the questionnaire in Ukrainian, Russian, English or Norwegian. Participants give consent in the questionnaire.

The survey items are largely from existing and previously administered questionnaires such as the Norwegian County Public Health Surveys and the EQ-5D-5L. Information that can directly identify individual participants will not be collected. 

A data protection assessment for the project has been completed and the project follows established guidelines to ensure participant's rights.


Project leader

Angela Susan Labberton, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Thea Steen Skogheim, Health Services, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ylva Helland, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Tonya Moen Hansen, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Tetyana Tkachenko, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Inger Opedal Paulsrud, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health







Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project manager

Angela Susan Labberton

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