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Seroprevalence of pertussis and other vaccine preventable diseases in Norway




We will carry out a seroepidemiological study in the Norwegian population to map the immune status against Bordetella pertussis in the population.


Reported pertussis incidence in Norway is the highest in Europe although the vaccination coverage is very high. We will carry out a seroepidemiological study in the Norwegian population to map the immune status against Bordetella pertussis in the population. Immunity against B. pertussis may be due to infection or vaccination, and by comparing immune status with vaccination status, this study can provide knowledge about both the vaccine effect and the occurrence of the pertussis in Norway. Statistical strength calculation shows that we should collect about 263 serum samples in each age group below 18 years and approximately 152 serum samples in each age group above 18 years, giving a total of 3010 samples. The results of the study will be of importance for our vaccine recommendation and for targeted prevention of pertussis. It may also be appropriate to investigate seroprevalence against other vaccine preventable diseases.

Project leader

Audun Aase, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Tove Karin Herstad, Method Development and Analytics, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Gro Tunheim, Method Development and Analytics, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Didrik Frimann Vestrheim, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Jann Storsæter, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ida Laake, Method Development and Analytics, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingeborg Aase S. Aaberge, Infection Control, Norwegian Institute of Public Health








Regional committees for medical and health research ethics

Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project manager

Audun Aase

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