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EU-WISH (EU4Health Joint Action)




EU-WISH  (EU-Wastewater Integrated Surveillance for Public Health) is a Join Action under the EU4Health programme which supports the policy priority of strengthening  the capacity to prevent, prepare for and rapidly respond to serious cross-border health threats.


EU-WISH  (EU-Wastewater Integrated Surveillance for Public Health) is a Join Action under the EU4Health programme which supports the policy priority of strengthening  the capacity to prevent, prepare for and rapidly respond to serious cross-border health threats. Over 60 partners from all across Europe are working together in this project to strengthen national capacities for wastewater-based surveillance for public health purposes by exchanging knowledge and best practices based on scientific evidence. 

The project started November 2023 and will run until 31 October 2026.  Statens Serum Institut (SSI) in Denmark is coordinating this project.  Participants of EU-WISH will work towards the integration and complementarity of wastewater surveillance with other public health surveillance systems. Among the main activities, EU-WISH participants will define the main priority targets to investigate in wastewater, technical procedures for analysis and data interpretation, establish a governance framework to secure the sustainability of the approach and establish good and effective communication and capacity building strategies.

The expected results are: increased surveillance capacities at national and EU level, integration of wastewater surveillance into classic public health systems and implementation of this approach as early warning system for future outbreaks.NIPH and NVI are representing Norway. NIPH is leading WP4 on sustainability and capacity building. 

More about EU-WISH:

Project leader

Jose Antonio Baz Lomba, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Anne Margrete Urdahl, Mattrygghet og nye helsetrusler, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Ettore Amato, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elisabeth Henie Madslien, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Aina Elisabeth Fossum Moen, Method Development and Analytics, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Karoline Bragstad, Virology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ignacio Garcia Llorente, Bacteriology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Joakim Øverbø, Virology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Rasmus Kopperud Riis, Virology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Zuzana Nordeng, Researc Administrative Support, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ola Brønstad Brynildsrud, Method Development and Analytics, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Petter Langlete, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Siri Laura Feruglio, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Susanne Hyllestad, Infection Control and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

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