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Children with incomplete vaccine uptake in Norway




This project is part of a broader ongoing work to assess attitudes to vaccination in Norway, and to identify risk factors for declining vaccine uptake.


This project is part of a broader ongoing work to assess attitudes to vaccination in Norway, and to identify risk factors for declining vaccine uptake. The childhood vaccination programme is a right for children in Norway and is offered free of charge at municipal primary health clinics. The coverage is currently high. Still, there may be population subgroups with lower vaccine uptake. It is important to identify whether there are subgroups with low vaccine uptake, so that communication- and outreach activities can be better targeted. We will use population data from the National Registry and data on vaccination from the Norwegian Immunization Registry (SYSVAK) to study the coverage of measles and pertussis vaccination at 2 years of age for children born in Norway in 2000 to 2016 from parents originating from ten selected non-western countries. These children have had the same access to the childhood vaccination programme as all children in Norway. We will assess country specific vaccine coverage and whether vaccination practices are affected by parents country of birth or time since arrival in Norway.

Project leader

Bo Lars Thorvald Terning Hansen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Jeanette Stålcrantz, Infection Control and Vaccines, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Preben Aavitsland, Infection Control Division Management, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Health Services Research, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Evy Therese Dvergsdal, Infectious Disease Registries, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Sherin Jennes, University of Oslo








Regional committees for medical and health research ethics

Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

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