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MoBa tannstudien




This study will use the child's baby teeth collected in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Study (MoBa) to investigate the connection between environmental exposure and the development of disease in children.


MoBa tooth study

This study will use the child's baby teeth collected in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Study (MoBa) to investigate the connection between environmental exposure and the development of disease in children.


There is an increase in the incidence of several pediatric disorders, including type 1 diabetes, coeliac disease, obesity, cryptorchidism and early puberty. The increase in the incidence of these diseases suggests that new environmental exposures, rather than genetic factors, may play an important role. This study will use the child's baby teeth collected in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Study (MoBa) to investigate the connection between environmental exposure and the development of disease in children. Children's milk teeth are formed at the fetal stage and are fully developed during the first years of life. The substances built into the tooth tissue during tooth formation mostly remain there. This is a new method for mapping the significance of environmental exposure on the child's development. Knowledge from this study can contribute to future preventive measures.

Project leader

Per Magnus, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Per Magnus, Senter for fruktbarhet og helse, Norwegian Institute of Public Health








Regional committees for medical and health research ethics

Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project manager

Per Magnus

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