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Capasity building on vector-borne infections, B 1710




Capacity- and network-building on vector-borne diseases in the Barents region is needed due to microclimatic changes that may influence the northern distribution of ticks and mosquitoes.


Capasity- and network-building on vector-borne diseases in the Barents region is needed due to microclimatic changes that may influence the northern distribution of ticks and mosquitos. Norway and Russia have a common interest concerning distribution of vectors and pathogens. NIPH collaborates with 6  territories in Russia. Vector-borne pathogens; tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Inkoo virus (INKV) and other pathogens from ticks and mosquitoes, may cause fever, encephalitis and immunological conditions in humans and animals. These may be a threat to global biodiversity, eco-systems, wildlife, animal- and human health. The strong network and gained experiences from the previous project are beneficial. In times with difficult relationship between our countries it is important to maintain the good professional collaboration.

Project leader

Åshild Kristine Andreassen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Project participants

Kristin Skarsfjord Edgar, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Arnulf Soleng, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Nikolay Tokarevich, Russia
Elena Torgersen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Rose Vikse, Norwegian Institute of Public Health







Project owner/ Project manager

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Participant at FHI

Rose Vikse

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