Publications from MoBaTooth
The numbered publications in the list below are based on data from the MoBaTooth biobank. You will also find a list of master theses about the MoBaTooth biobank.
- Tvinnereim HM, Lygre GB, Haug K, Schreuder P, Klock K. A biobank of primary teeth within the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa): a resource for the future. Paediatr Perinatal Epidemiol. 2012; 26(3):264-71.
- Dolphin, AE, Dundas, SH, Kosler, J, Tvinnereim, HM, Geffen, A. A comparison of techniques measuring the trace element content of human teeth: laser ablation ICP-MS versus solution ICP-MS of micromilled enamel. International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2012, 2(3):189-195.
- Tvinnereim HM, Lygre GB, Haug K, Schreuder P, Klock K. A biobank of primary teeth within the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) per 2014: A resource for the future. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology. 2014 Des; 24 (1-2):135-140. In: Theme: The Norwegian Mother and Child cohort Study-history, scientific activities and future opportunities.
- Jensen SS, Klock KS, Lygre GB. MoBaTann - en biobank for fremtiden. Status og validering av målinger på innsamlede melketenner. Nor Tannlegeforen Tid. 2019; 129: 442-50.
- Jensen SS, Austin C, Arora M, Lie SA, Øilo M, Klock KS. Toxic and essential trace elements in human primary teeth: A baseline study within The MoBaTooth Biobank and The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Environmental Advances. 2023;13:100418.
Master theses:
- Synnøve Stokke Jensen. MoBaTann: Biobank for humane melketenner innenfor Den norske mor og barn kohort studien (MoBa). Status og validering av målinger per 2016. Hva kan en slik biobank brukes til nå og i fremtiden? Masteroppgave UiB 2017.
- Marte Krohn Sjursen, Ida Haugenes Aleksandersen. Analysemetoder for biomarkører i melketenner. Masteroppgave UiB 2019.