Information for MoBa researchers
Here you will find the price list, the variable list, MoBa protocols, admission documents and guidelines for publications.
How to apply for access?
We have gathered relevant information for researchers applying for access to data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) here:
Prices for data and biological material
Variable list and biological material form
Note! From March 15 2023 variables from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN) will no loger be available through MoBa.
The form should be filled out and submitted with the application for data and/or biological material from MoBa.
Publication guidelines
All articles based on MoBa must follow MoBa's publication guidelines to ensure that MoBa is described correctly.
More information about guidelines and text to be included in the manuscript can be found here:
A PDF of the published article should be sent to
Protocol 1 describes the recruitment phase (Norwegian and English). Protocol 2 describes the next work phase in the study. It is only available in English and was revised in 2012.
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
MoBa has conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment in accordance with the new Personal Data Act, which has been approved by the Data Protection Officer at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The document describes and assesses the processing of personal data in MoBa. It is currently only available in Norwegian.
Questionnaires and available data
Invitation, statements of consent, questionnaires and instrument documentation for MoBa can be found here:
Information about available MoBa data research files:
Relevant information and documentation when working with data from MoBa are available on the MoBa GitHub site
- MoBa wiki (
Agreement and admission documents
The MoBa agreement documents describe conditions for access to and use of data and biological material from MoBa for research purposes. The documents include the MoBa statutes and the agreement with the Standard terms and conditions.
- The MoBa Statutes: includes organizational provisions for MoBa.
- The agreement: consists of both external framework conditions (e.g. laws, regulations, approvals and consent), and the conditions for access to use of MoBa. The agreement is structured as follows:
- Project- specific part for signing
- Project- specific attachment based on electronic application and decision
- Financial provisions
- Standard terms and conditions for access and use of MoBa that are not subject to negotiations:
The MoBa newsletter for researchers is aimed at researchers and other interested parties who are working with MoBa data and biological material.