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Use of MoBa data in consortia




On this page you will find information on the use of data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort study (MoBa) in consortia.

Researchers in ongoing MoBa projects who intend to contribute with aggregated project data or results in national or international consortia, such as meta-analyses, must inform the MoBa administration. 

Below, you will find the terms for using MoBa data in consortia, as well as guidelines on how the MoBa-administration should be informed.

Information about participation in the consortium will be published on our website to inform participants and other MoBa researchers. A list of projects contributing to consortia can be found at the norwegian site.

Terms for use of MoBa data in consortia

  • The analysis of the data (e.g., meta-analysis) must be within the scientific scope of MoBa, the participants' given consent, and the approvals for the contributing research project. The principal investigator (PI) of the MoBa project is responsible for ensuring this and must approve both the analysis and the sharing of aggregated data.
  • MoBa data at an aggregated level may be uploaded to a database for analytical purposes, and the results from the analysis may be shared on the consortium's website. However, it is not permitted to upload MoBa data at the individual level to a repository or database at any time.
  • MoBa must be acknowledged in articles, and the MoBa reference article should be cited. See MoBa's Guidelines for papers for more information.
  • The consortium must be informed that MoBa must be credited when results are used in further secondary analyses.
  • A pdf of the published article must be sent to

Summary data from genome wide association studies (GWAS) in MoBa may be made available on the following website: MoBa GWAS summary data.

Send the following information to the MoBa-administration

The MoBa administration requires a brief summary of the participation in the consortium and information about which MoBa project it concerns, as well as a confirmation that the conditions have been assessed and followed. Copy both tables below, fill them in and send them in an email to

Name of the PI in the MoBa project


MoBa project number (PDB-no.)


Name of consortium 


A link to the consortium website


A short description of the theme for the consortium and analyses (in Norwegian). This will be published on our websites.


I confirm that:


the planned use of data is approved by the responsible institution.


the planned use of data is within the scope and objective of the existing MoBa project.


the planned use of data use is covered by existing regulatory approvals (e.g. Norwegian REK) and complies with GDPR.


no MoBa data on an individual level will be uploaded into any repositories for storage and sharing.


the consortium is informed of MoBa's requirements for crediting when using MoBa data in secondary analyses and that a PFD of articles with secondary analyzes should be sent to

Journals requesting access to the research file

This standard text may be used for journals requesting access to the research file:

“The consent given by the MoBa participants does not allow for the storage of individual level data in any repositories or journals. Researchers who request access to MoBa data sets should submit an application through Access to data sets requires approval from The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway and a formal agreement with MoBa.”




questionnaire data, genetic data, data collected or other analysis results from biological material

Individual level data

Information about/on a single participant in MoBa

Aggregated data

combined individual level data


statistical procedure for combining data from multiple studies


two or more research groups combining data from different sources to provide more power to investigate common research questions

Primary analysis

analysing data on a cohort level

Secondary analysis

analysis being performed on data generated in the primary analysis


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