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List of projects using data from MoBa




This list shows all projects using data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).

Please note: There will be projects in the list that are not active research projects. If you would like more information about a specific project, please contact the MoBa administration.

Registry abbreviations: 

DÅR= Norwegian Cause of Death Registry
FHI = Norwegian Institute of Public Health
FHR = Forsvarets Helseregister
FREG = National Population Register
HUNT = Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag
HUSK = Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland
Kreftreg = Norwegian Cancer Registry
KPR = Kommunalt pasientregister
KUHR = The KUHR-database (health reimbursement)
LMR = Norwegian Prescribed Drug Registry
MFR = Medical Birth Registry of Norway
MoBa = Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study
MoBa Bio = Biological material from MoBa
MoBa EWAS = Methylation data fra MoBa
MoBa Gen = MoBa Genetics
MoBa inn = own collection of data and/or biological material from the participants 
MoBa Miljø = The environmental biobank
MSIS = Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases
NPR = Norwegian Patient Register
NTR = The National Twin Register
Reseptr = Norwegian prescription database
SSB = Statistics Norway
SYSVAK = Norwegian Immunisation Registry
Tromsø = Tromsøundersøkelsen

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List of projects using data from MoBa
Year Project titlePrincipal investigatorProject affiliationNo. RegisterLegal basis
2024Mapping the influences of Endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) on pubertal development and body composition in Norwegian children - The Bergen Growth Study 2Pétur JuliussonHaukeland Universitets-sykehus3405MoBa, MoBa bio, Bergen Growth Study (BGS2)6.1a) og e), 9.2a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9 og helseforskningsloven §15.
2024The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain during 
pregnancy and the impact on birth outcomes
Hilde Stendal RobinsonUiOD-831-1MoBa6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2024The interaction between environmental factors and X-linked genes in myopia and hyperopia susceptibility: a cohort studyRigmor BaraasUni. i Sørøst-NorgeD-785-2MFR, MoBa, MoBa bio, FHR6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2024MoBaCancerEivind HovigOUS3417DÅR, MoBa, HUNT-1, Kreftreg, Tromsø V, HUSK, NPR, MoBa Gen, LMR6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2024Understanding the genetic factors involved in autism and other neurodevelopmental traits and conditionsAlexandra Saasen-HavdahlFHI3412MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen, MoBa Bio6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Epigenetics differences associated with environmental risk factors for mental disorder at birthStephanie Le Hellard


3402MFR, MoBa, MoBa EWAS6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Antioxidants and development of leukaemia in childrenIda CaspersenFHI3398MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, MoBa Bio6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023How multilingualism affects attention levels and ADHD diagnosis in children: Evidence from a Norwegian Cohort StudyFranziska Maria Köder


3394MFR, MoBa, NPR6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023MoBa and Cancer RiskDana KristjanssonFHI3392MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, FREG, MoBa Gen, MoBa EWAS6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Prenatal exposure to plastic chemicals and reproductive health in children and adolescents from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa-PlastChem).Gro VillangerFHI3386MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Bio6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Early educational experiences as a foundation for academic successRagnhild Eek BrandlistuenFHI3379MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen, KPR6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Quality of Life in FamiliesEspen RøysambUiO3346MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Kjønnsdysfori - forekomst og årsakerPer MagnusFHI3334MoBa, NPR, KUHR6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Epigenetic changes as mechanism for leukemia in childrenPer MagnusFHI3245MoBa, Kreftreg6.1a) og e), 9.2 a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Longitudinell invarians av barndomsatferd og temperament: løsrive endringer, tilstander, egenskaper og målefeilHugo Cogo MoreiraHøgskolen i Østfold3373MoBa6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Epigenetic effects of medications during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood: Improving causal inference (UiORealArt)Kristina GervinUiO3307MoBa, FREG, KUHR, Ledd-protese-reg., MFR, NPR, SSB6.1e), 9.2j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2023Prospective study of risk factors of multiple sclerosis in the Norwegian Mother and Child CohortTrond RiiseUiB3213MoBa, NPR6.1a) og e), 9.2 a) og j), Supplerende rettsgrunnlag: Personopplysningsloven §§ 8 og 9.
2022KidImmune: The involvement of immunity in pediatric cancerPer MagnusFHI3206Kreftreg, MoBa, MoBa Bio 
2022Psychotropics including ADHD medication use in pregnancy - insights from the MoBa studyJacqueline CohenFHI3194MFR, MoBa, Reseptr, SSB 
2021Women's FertilitySiri HåbergFHI3195MFR, MoBa, NPR, KUHR 
2021Pre- and postnatal environmental- and genetic factors in relation to
brain development in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child
Cohort Study
Kristine B. WalhovdUiO3193MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2021HEDIMED-Norway MoBa (Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune-Mediated Disease-Norway-MoBa)Lars Christian SteneFHI3164MoBa 
2021The effects of genes and smoking on the etiology of hyperemesisPer MagnusFHI3158MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2021Social inequality, environmental toxicants and neurodevelopmental health effects in children (NeuroTox-CHAIN)Heidi AaseFHI3144MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa inn 
2021Genetic causes of supraventricular arrhythmias in the MoBa studyPer MagnusFHI3134MoBa, NPR, KUHR 
2021Prevent IBD. Prospective evaluation of early-life environmental triggers for pediatric inflammatory bowel diseaseKetil StørdalUiO3132Reseptr, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Bio 
2021BRCA1 promotor methylation status in newborn girls and boys and gestational length - twinsPer Eystein LønningUiB3102MFR, MoBa 
2021The maternal effect on childhood asthma - Telomere lengthPer MagnusFHI3066MoBa, MoBa Bio 
2021Pre- and postnatal environmental- and genetic factors in relation to brain development in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort StudyKristine B. WalhovdUiO3110MoBa, egne data, MFR, MoBa inn.  
2021TeraEpi: Teratogenicity of anti-seizure medication: the roles of epigenetics and folic acid supplementsKaja Kristine SelmerOUS3096MoBa, MoBa Gen, MFR, SSB  
2021DNA metylation in psychiatric disorders: mediation of gene by environment effects, from birth to adulthoodStephanie Le HellardUiB3079MFR, MoBa 
2021Revisiting and dissecting the maternal effect on childhood asthmaPer MagnusFHI3060Reseptreg, MoBa, NTR, NPR 
2021NordicWelfAir - Air pollution and asthma in childrenBente OftedalFHI2582Reseptr, MoBa, NPR  
2021NordicWelfAir - Air pollution and birth outcome Bente OftedalFHI2579MFR, MoBa, SSB 
2020The Norwegian Environmental Biobank - new collection Line Småstuen HaugFHI2985MoBa, MoBa Miljø, MoBa inn 
2020Re-thinking the programming hypothesis: Prenatal maternal stress, DNA methylation and child psychopathology. A sibling design. Mona BekkhusUiO2982MFR, MoBa 
2020MoBaTann Biobank - Human primary tooth tissues as biomarkers of environmental exposure, nutritional conditions and disease. Kristin KlockUiB2972MoBa 
2020Children with CHD at primary school: Occurrence and course of behavior and cognitive problemsMargarete Erika VollrathFHI2965MFR, MoBa, BERTE 
2020HBM4EU Aligned studyLine Småstuen HaugFHI2964MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø 
2020Course of symptoms of anxiety and depression in children with and without ADHD from preschool to school ageHeidi AaseFHI2961MFR, MoBa 
2020Anthropometrics of newborns born to mothers with polycystic ovary syndromeEszter VankyNTNU2945MoBa 
2020Genome-wide association study of essential and non-essential trace elementsKristian HveemNTNU2944MFR, MoBa, HUNT-1, MoBa Gen, MoBa Etox 
2020Sex hormones in pregnancy and children's risk of autismPål SurenFHI2934MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2020The epilepsy in young children (EPYC) studyPål SurenFHI2933MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2020HBM4EU Aligned studyLine Småstuen HaugFHI2894MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø, MoBa Etox 
2020Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in maternal plasma during pregnancy and maternal weight gain and postpartum weight retentionLine Småstuen HaugFHI2888MFR, MoBa 
2020Building and evaluating a prediction model for vitamin D levels at mid-pregnancy in The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child (MoBa) Cohort StudyPål SurenFHI2850MoBa 
2020MoBaRheuma - Identification of risk and protective factors (genetic and environmental factors) for the development of rheumatic diseaseHelga SannerOUS - Ullevål2836Reseptr, MoBa, NPR. SYSVAK, Egne data, MoBa Gen 
2020Effects of pharmacological treatment and special education on school performance in children with ADHDGuido BieleFHI2833MFR, KUHR, Reseptr, MoBa, SSB, FREG, NPR  
2020Using the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) to understand the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in NorwayPer MagnusFHI2824Reseptr, MoBa, MSIS, NPR, KUHR, MoBa Gen 
2020ATHLETE Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation (EU)Kristine B. GutzkowFHI2815MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn 
2020Reproduction, partner disruption and healthPer MagnusFHI2809DÅR, MFR, CONOR, MoBa, HUNT, KUHR, Kreftreg, NPR, FD-Trygd 
2020Societal openness, normative flux and the social modification of heritabilityTorkild LyngstadUiO2796MFR, MoBa, NTR, HUNT-1, SSB, MoBa Gen 
2020Brains and minds in transition (BRAINMINT): Parsing the heterogeneous developmental and genetic architecture of risk and resilience in the adolescent brainLars Tjelta WestlyeUiO2786MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, SSB, Folkereg, NPR, MoBa Gen. MoBa inn.  
2020Probiotic intake and effect on the immune system, pregnancy and child outcomesBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/ Östra2777MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2019Novel Tools for Early Childhood Predisposition to Obesity and Diabetes (ERC AdG - HARVEST) 315 Del II - Methylation analysis onlyPål Rasmus NjølstadUiB3049MoBa 
2019Spontaneous premature birth Bo JacobssonSahlgrenska Universitets-sjukhuset / Östra2776MFR, MoBa 
2019ECHIG - meta-analyseLine Småstuen HaugFHI2771MFR, MoBa 
2019Understanding development of mental health problems in the population utilizing large-scale health data and novel molecular genetic methods, part 2Ted Reichborn-KjennerudFHI2768MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, KUHR, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd 
2019Has maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy impact on childrens healthAnne Lise BrantsæterGøteborgs universitet2759MFR, MoBa, MoBa Etox 
2019Prenatal methylmercury exposure and offspring weight in Norway and ChinaAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI2736MFR, MoBa, MoBa Etox 
2019Genetic variation and alcohol intake in pregnancyPer MagnusFHI2735MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2019Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and persistent endocrine disrupting chemicalsAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI2711MFR, MoBa 
2019MoBa Ung PilotRagnhild Eek BrandlistuenFHI2696MoBa 
2019Genetic studies of income to understand social inequality in healthPer MagnusFHI2688MFR, MoBa, HARVEST 
2019A retrospective assessment of protective GBS capsular polysaccharide levels in newborn Norwegian infants participating in the Norwegian Mother Child Cohort-StudyClaus KlingenbergUNN2686MoBa, MSIS 
2019Plasma concentrations of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in pregnant women and the association with child's prenatal and postnatal growth -HBM4EU Danmark. Line Småstuen HaugFHI2681MFR, MoBa 
2019Socioeconomic disparities in offer and uptake of antenatal careAnne ReneflotFHI2680MoBa 
2019Drop out in MoBaPer MagnusFHI2676MFR, MoBa 
2019Telomere length and preeclampsiaPer MagnusFHI2670MFR, MoBa 
2019Understanding development of mental health problems in the population utilizing large-scale health data and novel molecular genetic methodsTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI2668MFR, MoBa, KUHR, MoBa Gen 
2019Association between in utero infection and childhood leukaemiaPer MagnusFHI2666MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2019Cesarean section and infections in childrenMaria Christine MagnusFHI2646MFR, MoBa, Reseptr. SSB, NPR, NUDB  
2019MoBaKinderMari Vaage WangFHI2643MFR, MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa inn 
2019HbA1c measurements in the mother during pregnancy and pregnancy and birth outcomesHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI2623MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø 
2019Intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6 and n-3) in pregnancy and significance for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and premature birth in MoBaJan AlexanderFHI2545MFR, Reseptr, MoBa 
2019Prenatal exposure to acrylamide and effect on neurodevelopment in children in the Norwegian mother and child studyJan AlexanderFHI2544MFR, MoBa 
2018Comparing DNA methylation across different technologies - pilotSiri HåbergFHI2617MoBa 
2018Determinants of adolescents’ energy balance-related behaviors –differences by socioeconomic position and the role of the environment. Mekdes GebremariamUiO2611MoBa 
2018Social inequality in Norway and children's mental developmentEivind YstrømUiO2601MoBa, NUDB, NTR, SSB, MoBa Gen, FREG 
2018NON-PROTECTED: The impact of perfluorinated toxicants & the gut microbiome on vaccine responses in children. Merethe EggesbøFHI2596MoBa, SYSVAK, HUMIS, MoBa Miljø 
2018The SAMBA Study. Growing up in the Arctic. Siv KvernmoUiT2575MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn 
2018Expansion of the HUMIS study and validation of exposure assessmentMerethe EggesbøFHI2574MoBa 
2018VKM - intake of energy drinks in 13-year-olds FHI2573MoBa 
2018Prognostic Modeling for Childhood ObesityJanet WojcickiUCLA2572MFR, MoBa 
2018Development of ADHD from preschool to early school yearsGuido BieleFHI2565MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2018NON-PROTECTED. The impact of perfluorinated toxicants and the gut microbiome on vaccine responses in children. Merethe EggesbøFHI2564MoBa, HUMIS, SYSVAK, MoBa Miljø 
2018Sleep, sedentary activity and weight development in childrenIngunn Holden BerghFHI2563MFR, MoBa 
2018Intrauterine environmental exposures and pregnancy outcomesMaria Christine MagnusFHI2552MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2018Genetics of hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattentionStefan JohanssonUiB2550MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen 
2018Metabolomics, IVF and pregnancy outcomesSiri HåbergUniv. Bristol2535MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2018The relationship between diet, behavior and school outcomesTonje Holte SteaUiAgder2524MoBa 
2018Infant weight gain seen in light of maternal smoking habits and breastfeeding patternsHanne StensheimKreftreg2523MoBa 
2018Environmental and genetic causes of migraine in children and adolescentsBendik Slagsvold WinsvoldOUS -Ullevål2513MoBa, KUHR, MoBa Gen 
2018LifeCycle - Early-life stressors mediating risk for disease throughout the life cycleJennifer R. HarrisFHI2512MFR, MoBa 
2018Plasma concentrations of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in pregnant women and the association with child's prenatal and postnatal growth. Line Småstuen HaugFHI2460MFR, MoBa 
2018Early childhood weight trajectories in eating disordersDeborah Lynn ReasOUS HF2456MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2018What additional factors affect the risk of delayed language development and autistic traits after exposure to antiepileptic drugs in the fetus? A prospective controlled cohort study of children of mothers with epilepsyMarte Helene BjørkUiB2452MoBa 
2018BRCA1 promotor methylation status in newborn girls and boys and gestational lengthPer Eystein LønningHaukeland US2448MoBa 
2018MoBa Psychiatric Genetics. Identifying the missing heritability of psychiatric disorders combining hospital and population samples and leveraging novel analytical toolsOle A. AndreassenOUS -Ullevål2445MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, SSB, NPR, KUHR, NUDB, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd 
2018Child abuse and pregnancy planning within the Norwegian Mother and child cohort studyElisabeth Krefting BjellandAhus2444MFR, MoBa 
2018Language and learning, part IIMari Vaage WangFHI2443MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn 
2018Infection and immunity and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - HOVEDSTUDIETed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI2429MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2018Genetic factors associated with febrile seizures in childrenStefan JohanssonUiB2426MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa Gen 
2018SAMBA studySiv KvernmoUiT2400MoBa, Egne data 
2018DNA methylation in newborns in relation to in utero exposures and child health outcomes (PACE)Per MagnusFHI2393MFR, MoBa Reseptr,  
2018Tackling socioeconomic differences in weight development among youth: assessing trends, mechanisms and potential interventionsMekdes GebremariamUiO2365MFR, MoBa 
2017Relationship between air pollution and health and welfare in Nordic countries (NordicWelfAir) Infant crying and sleep problems. Short- and long-term perspectivesBente OftedalFHI2435DÅR, MFR, Reseptr, NPR, MoBa, CONOR, SSB, FREG  
2017Infant crying and sleep problems. Short- and long-term perspectivesRandi AndenæsHøgskolen i Akershus2404MoBa 
2017Maternal anxiety/depression and diet in pregnancy and child outcomes: Gene haplotype associations in parent-child- triosMona BekkhusUiO2401MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2017CASPARWenche NystadFHI2391MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, MoBa inn 
2017Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology (START) - epigenetic mechanismsSiri HåbergFHI2374MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2017Genetic studies of pregnancy nauseaPer MagnusFHI2368MoBa, MoBa Gen, MFR, MoBa,  
2017Association between perinatal light imprinting of circadian clocks & system and childhood cancer (PLICCS)Per MagnusFHI2364Kreftreg, MFR, MoBa,  
2017Intergenerational transmission of education and health: Evidence from Molecular GenomicsAlexandra Saasen-HavdahlFHI2350SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen 
2017The CATCH-UP project: The impact of pre- and postnatal exposure to mixtures of environmental toxicants on catch-up growth, obesity and cardio-metabolic health in childrenAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI2349MFR, MoBa, MoBa Miljø 
2017Maternal gestational hypercholesterolemia and offspring cardiovascular risk: sub cohort in MoBaKirsten HolvenUiO2333MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn 
2017Twin Family Study of Mental Disorders in MoBa - ITOR-II (MOBA GEN)Eivind YstrømFHI2330MFR, MoBa, Egne data, MoBa Gen 
2017Telomere length, epigenetic age and T cells in women who give birthPer MagnusFHI2327MFR, MoBa 
2017Pathway analysis: a novel approach to characterise biological mechanisms underlying developmental hip dysplasia at skeletal maturity in the Bergen Birth Hip CohortKaren RosendahlHaukeland US2325MoBa, NTR, Egne data, NPR, MoBa Gen 
2017Prenatal exposure to toxicants and childhood neurodevelopmental disorders and cognitive functions (NEUROTOX) - PHASE II of pdb 1606Heidi AaseFHI2322MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR  
2017Pediatric Growth and Risk of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C)Per MagnusFHI2318MoBa, Kreftreg 
2017Maternal probiotic intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding complicationsBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra2317MFR, MoBa 
2017Relation between maternal gestational hypercholesterolemia and offspring cholesterol levels: Using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)Kirsten HolvenUiO2315MFR, MoBa 
2017Use of dietary supplements among children in The Norwegian Mother and ChildIda CaspersenFHI2309MFR, MoBa 
2017Rare MoBa pilotMichael B. LensingOUS- Ullevål2307MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2017Genetic vulnerability to mental disorders in a birth cohortTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI2306MFR, Reseptr. MoBa, SSB, NPR, MoBa Gen, FD-Trygd 
2017Preconception diet for health in the next generation – a novel target within public health? (PRECONDIET)Nina C. ØverbyUiA2297MFR, MoBa 
2017Maternal height and preeclampsiaPer MagnusFHI2293MFR, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2017Health and environment-wide associations based on large population (HEALS)Isabella Annesi-MaesanoFHI2251MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2017Perfluoroalkyl substances in maternal plasma during pregnancy and duration of breastfeedingAnne Lise BrantsæterNIEHS2249MFR, MoBa 
2017Beneficial effect of breastfeeding on offspring long-term health: consequence or maternal pre-existing risk profile?Eszter VankyNTNU2247MFR, MoBa 
2017Epigenetic effects of medications during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood - Part twoRobert LyleOUS- Ullevål2240MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR 
2017Socioemotional problems in children with language disorders: Risk, protective and moderating factorsEspen RøysambFHI2222MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2016Phase II - Outcomes of IBD and environmental risk factorsMorten VatnUiO2217MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2016The influence of macronutrient dietary patterns on pregnancy weight (BBMRI-LPC)Janet E. CadeUniv. Leeds2206MoBa 
2016Long and shorter effect of prenatal exposure to maternal anxiety on child behaviour. A re-examination using a sibling design. Mona BekkhusUiO2194MFR, MoBa 
2016Bullying and vulnerable children - a quantitative study of incidence and developmentMari Vaage WangFHI2186MoBa, Egne data 
2016Telomeres and fecundityPer MagnusRutgers Univ. 2170MFR, MoBa 
2016Maternal dietary selenium intake and selenium status during pregnancy in relation to pregnancy outcomes, neonatal outcomes and child healthBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra2143MFR, MoBa, HARVEST 
2016Folic acid supplements, paracetamol and fever in pregnancy and IQ, working memory, and language development in offspringTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI2115MFR, MoBa, ABC, Egne data, NorFlu 
2016CASPAR - using data collected in the BRAPUST sub-studyWenche NystadFHI2114MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2016The importance of prenatal and postnatal iron status on ADHD and cognitive functions in childrenHeidi AaseFHI2100MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2016Novel methods for using observational studies to investigate safety and efficacy of psychotropic medication use during pregnancyHedvig NordengUiO2096MFR, MoBa 
2016Hyperemesis gravidarum and cardiovascular disease; effect on child growthØyvind NæssFHI2092MFR, MoBa 
2016Maternal Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and preeclampsia in 3 birth cohorts (Meta-analysis)Maria Christine MagnusUniv. Bristol2084MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2016Immunogenetics of birthweight and preeclampsia in a Norwegian CohortAshley MoffettUniv. Cambridge2082MFR, MoBa 
2016Telomeres and autism: a study of child and parents in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyAbraham AvivRutgers Univ. 2062MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2016Characteristics of a health promoting childhood environmentGeir AamodtNMBU2030MoBa, Egne data 
2016Long term impact of pre-pregnancy body mass index and weight change on childhood weight, brain and cognitive functionUnni Mette Stamnes KøppSørlandet syk. 2026MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2016Mixture exposure to environmental toxins before and after birth and weight developmentAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI2022MoBa, Egne data 
2016Associations of pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain with pregnancy outcome and postpartum weight retentionMargaretha HaugenFHI2020MoBa 
2016The importance of prenatal and postnatal nutrition on ADHD and cognitive functions in childrenHeidi AaseFHI2014MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2016Prenatal and postnatal environmental determinants: what can we learn from the dental exposome?Natalie ShawNIEHS2003MFR, MoBa 
2016Natural course of preeclampsiaKari KlungsøyrUiB1817MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2015Paternal obesity-associated DNA methylation: an investigation into its reproducibility, reversibility and association with fetal growth restrictionPer MagnusUCL Hospital2138MFR, MoBa, Egne data, HARVEST 
2015What significance does the mother's pregnancy and birth have for the daughter's quality of life as an adult?Kjell HaugUiB1993MFR, MoBa 
2015Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to analgesics and anti-migraine drugs - updated projectHedvig NordengUiO1992MFR, MoBa 
201512 years - flawless teeth?Nina J. WangUiO1967MoBa, Egne data 
2015Novel methods for assessing presence of residual confounding by considering fathers medication useHedvig NordengUiO1966MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa 
2015Genetic causes of growth development in children (participation in EGG)Bo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1963MFR, MoBa  
2015Genetic causes of growth development in children (Participation in EGG consortia - HARVEST)Pål Rasmus NjølstadUiB1962MFR, MoBa , HARVEST 
2015Validation of the Food Frequency Questionnaire - results from MoBaAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI1957MoBa 
2015Exploring the genetics of irritable bowel syndrome: the Bellygenes initiative (BBMRI-LPC) FHI1952MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2015Biomarkers of HPV infection and two increasing cancers (BBMRI-LPC)Per MagnusFHI1943MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data 
2015Biomarkers of ischemic stroke in prospective cohorts- BiSTROKE (BBMRI-LPC)Per MagnusFHI1941MoBa, Egne data, HKR, NNr.  
2015Effect of exposure to ambient air pollution in in utero and postnatal life: the role of oxidative stress in child health outcomes using the HELIX DNA samplesKristine B. GutzkowFHI1929MoBa, Egne data 
2015Telomeres in Preeclampsia: the Roles of Parental and Newborn Telomere Length. Per MagnusFHI1928MFR, MoBa 
2015Identifying genetic risk factors in psychiatric disorders leveraging new statistical methods and long range phasing – HARVESTOle A. AndreassenOUS- Ullevål1917MoBa, HARVEST 
2015Impact of maternal factors on nutritional status and inflammation markers in early pregnancyAnne Lise Bjørke MonsenFHI1906MFR, MoBa 
2015IPPIC Network of Pre-eclampsia and StillbirthJohn AlloteyBarts and the London Sch. Med. Dent. 1889MFR, MoBa,  
2015Development of sleep in children with ADHDBørge SivertsenFHI1882MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2015The role of parental occupational exposure to benzene as a risk factor of childhood leukemia - a prospective study in the Norwegian Mother and Child StudyJorunn KirkeleitUiB1854MoBa, Kreftreg, SSB 
2015PAGE - based on Q and collaboration with BSMBLars Christian SteneFHI1853MFR, MoBa, NPR, Barnediabreg 
2015Families in Norway: Parenting, Unity and ConflictEspen RøysambFHI1851MoBa, SSB, Egne data, Folkereg 
2015Plant foods and the risk of pregnancy outcomes in the Norwegian Mother and Child CohortSerena TonstadUiO1850MFR, MoBa 
2015Whole grain and nut consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality and cancer incidence in the MoBa studySerena TonstadUiO1849DÅR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2015Child care and obesity in the Norwegian Mother and Child CohortSara Benjamin NeelonJohns Hopkins Sch. Public Health1848MFR, MoBa 
2015Perinatal and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children exposed during gestation to medicated and not medicated maternal hypothyroidism - a study from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyHedvig NordengUiO1845MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR 
2015Personal injuries in NorwayEyvind OhmFHI1838DÅR, CONOR, MoBa, SSB, Ungdoms-undersøkelser, Folkereg, NPR 
2015Maternal use of analgesics during pregnancy and risk of CP in the offspringKatrine Strandberg-LarsenFHI1834MoBa, Egne data 
2015Maternal thyroid function and risk of CP and related neurodevelopmental outcome in offspringAnne Marie Nybo AndersenFHI1833MoBa, Egne data 
2015Intrauterine growth and risk of CPPål SurénFHI1832MoBa, Egne data 
2015Effect of the interaction between perinatal inflammatory events and maternal consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids on risk of cerebral palsy in offspringDiana HaggertyFHI1831MoBa, Egne data 
2015Maternal autoimmune diseases and risk of CP in offspringMette C. TollånesKreftreg1830MoBa, Egne data 
2015Maternal fever and infections and risk of CP in offspringDag MosterFHI1829MoBa, Egne data 
2015Maternal consumption of coffee and caffeine-containing beverages and CP in a large prospective birth cohortKatrine Strandberg-LarsenFHI1828MoBa, Egne data 
2015Association between maternal obesity and risk of CP in offspringDag MosterFHI1827MoBa, Egne data 
2015Parental socioeconomic status and risk of CP in offspringDag MosterFHI1826MoBa, Egne data 
2015Association between maternal nausea in early pregnancy and CP in offspringDag MosterFHI1825MoBa, Egne data 
2015Early signs of CPDag MosterFHI1824MoBa, Egne data 
2015Periconceptional use of multivitamins and folic acid supplements and risk of cerebral palsyKatrine Strandberg-LarsenFHI1823MoBa, Egne data 
2015Genotyping of height, BMI and weight in GIANT (Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits) (HARVEST/NJØLSTAD)Pål Rasmus NjølstadUiB1822MoBa 
2015Prenatal exposure to dental restorative materials and possible developmental effects in childLars BjörkmanUni Health/Uni Research AS1821MFR, MoBa 
2015Language & Learning: Influence from home and childcareMari Vaage WangFHI1820MoBa, SSB, NPR 
2015EUROMIXTrine HusøyFHI1818MoBa, Egne data 
2015Quality of life of mother 18 months after birthKjell HaugUiB1808MFR, MoBa 
2015Maternal obesity and offspring consequencesPer MagnusFHI1807MoBa 
2015Sleep, sleeping pills and mental illnessJørgen Gustav BramnessUiO1804MFR, MoBa 
2015Human Environment biobank IIHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI1803MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn 
2015The metabolic pathways of renal cell carcinoma – the MetKid project (BBMRI-LPC)Mattias JohanssonIARC1792DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2015Epigenetic analyses in the ABC StudyCamilla StoltenbergFHI1791MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2015Timing of probiotic consumption during pregnancy and its effect on the incidence of preeclampsia and preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort studyBo JacobssonFHI1787MFR, MoBa 
2015Hyperemesis gravidarum and cardiovascular disease (MoBa and CONOR)Sigrun HalvorsenOUS- Ullevål1785MFR, CONOR, MoBa 
2015Father's mental health and children's social, emotional and behavioralEva Kristin Hope Aaker BiringerHelse Fonna HF1766MoBa 
2015Analysis of whole blood. Pilot study on Mother and Child material. FHI1764MoBa 
2015Use of anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills in pregnant women - unwanted pregnancy and birth outcomesMarte HandalFHI1759MFR, MoBa 
2015Use of illegal drugs in pregnant womenSvetlana SkurtveitFHI1758MFR, MoBa 
2015Language-8: Developmental trajectories of childhood language impairment; Understanding the role of behavioral and biological markersRagnhild Bang NesFHI1757MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2015Plasma concentration of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in relation to menstrual characteristicsLine Småstuen HaugFHI1731MFR, MoBa 
2015The PD-PDD model to limit the progression of Parkinson's dementiaPer MagnusFHI1545MFR, Reseptr, CONOR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa 
2014MoBa Genetics FHI2363  
2014The Global Pregnancy CoLaboratory (CoLab) - to screen for the early diagnosis of preeclampsia (pilot)James M. RobertsUniv. Pittsburgh1770MoBa 
2014Genomic methods to investigate human gestational age and fetal/neonatal maturation (HARVEST)Bo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1724MFR, MoBa, Egne data, HARVEST 
2014The influence of environmental factors in the first years of life on the occurrence of type 1 diabetes and celiac disease in children and adolescentsKetil StørdalFHI1723MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR 
2014Mild- to moderate iodine deficiency in pregnancy and early age and risk of impaired neuropsychological developmentAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI1717MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Maternal intergenerational effects on the gestational age (metaanalysis)Bo JacobssonFHI1713MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Risk of cardiovascular complications after use of antidepressants in pregnancy: a study from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyHedvig NordengUiO1712MFR, MoBa 
2014Multi-site/country data pooling of different ASD screening instruments: A joint effort towards early detection in EuropeRicardo Bedia CanalUniv. Salamanca1711MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2014Konsekvenser av multippel sklerose for svangerskap og fødselMarte Helene BjørkHaukeland US1691MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2014Maternal pregnancy BMI and core blood methylation - PACE consortiumWenche NystadFHI1688MoBa 
2014Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain developmentKristine B. WalhovdUiO1683MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Impact of the diet consumed in pregnancy on offspring risk of cancerSjúrdur Fróđi OlsenSSI, Danmark1681MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data 
2014Body image, postpartum weight gain, and depression: Evidence from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyAlexandra BrewisArizona State Univ1663MoBa 
2014Neonatal presence of cancer dispositions in children who later develop childhood cancer - "omics"Monica Munthe-KaasFHI1660MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data 
2014Perfluoroalkyl substances and neuropsychological developmentMerethe EggesbøFHI1659MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Eye-tracking protocol development through data analysis of M-CHAT/ESAT data – ABC studyRoald ØienUiTromsø1658MoBa, ABC 
2014Continuity and discontinuity in Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in preschool childrenPål ZeinerOUS- Ullevål1655MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Fruit and vegetable intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality and cancer incidence in the MoBa studySerena TonstadUiO1644DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2014ART registerstudienSiri HåbergFHI1643MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR 
2014Exposure to psychotropic drugs during fetal life and ADHD in childrenMarte HandalFHI1635MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR 
2014Infection and immunity and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -PILOTTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1634MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, NPR 
2014Burden of varicella-zoster virus infections in NorwayElmira FlemFHI1625DÅR, MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR 
2014Prenatal exposure to organic and inorganic neurotoxic compounds and relationship with ADHD symptoms and diagnosis in Norwegian childrenGro VillangerFHI1606MFR, MoBa 
2014Potential early markers of ADHD: Analysis of miRNA and DNA methylation status in ADHD triadsNur DualeFHI1605MoBa, NPR 
2014Is exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances during pregnancy associated with the development of type 1 diabetes in the child?Johanna BodinFHI1604MoBa, MIDIA, Egne data 
2014Placenta: does physical activity influence the variation in size?Elisabeth BjellandFHI1595MFR, MoBa 
2014GRIT: Genetic risk factors of Hormone Related Venous ThrombosisAnders Erik Astrup DahmAhus1593MoBa 
2014Consequences of foetal exposure to NSAIDs - a study among 30 000 siblings in Norway. Katerina Nezvalova HenriksenUiO1592MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2014Using polygenic risk profiles to predict restrictive eating in childhoodCynthia M. BulikUNC1586MFR, MoBa 
2014Recreational activity and spontaneous preterm as well as early term delivery and neonatal outcomeBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1581MFR, MoBa 
2014Measurements of cell type specific DNA methylation patterns in cord blood - A sub study of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa)»Robert LyleOUS- Ullevål1576MoBa 
2014Etiology of monogenic and complex eye disorders - pilot prosjektEivind RødahlHaukeland US1575MoBa, NPR 
2014Environmental noise and children`s sleep and health - using the MoBa CohortGunn Marit AasvangFHI1569MoBa, SSB 
2014Prenatal and perinatal paracetamol eksponering og foreningen til Autism Spectrum Disorder og Aspergers syndrom: et søsken kontrollert cohort studyManuel CifuentesUniv. Massachusetts- Lowell1568MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR 
2014Early onset psychoses and psychotic like experiences in a population-based birth cohortTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1567MoBa, NPR 
2014Uncovering prenatal and early childhood environmental risk factors for ADHD using a novel exposure biomarker Annet1559MFR, MoBa 
2014Adherence to the New Nordic Diet during pregnancy and its association with maternal long-term weight retention and infant postnatal growth, psychomotor and mental development. Nina C. ØverbyUiAgder1554MFR, MoBa 
2014Developmental psychopathology of restrictive and binge eating in childhood in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyCynthia M. BulikUNC1551MoBa 
2014Parent of origin effects (POE) in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder traits (HARVEST). Stefan JohanssonUiB1542MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, MoBa Gen 
2014Epilepsy, pregnancy and conditions concerning medication, diet and eating disorders. Marte Helene BjørkUiB1541MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2014Genetic overlap in nausea and vomiting in pregnancy in relation to spontaneous preterm deliveryBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1529MFR, MoBa 
2014Hyperemesis gravidarum: betydningen av angst og depresjonMalin M C Eberhard-GranFHI1527MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa 
2014The development of self-esteem during the transition to motherhoodWiebke BleidornTilburg Univ. 1519MoBa 
2014Validation of 5 year questionnaire. An extended data collection of Språk 8Ragnhild Bang NesFHI1518MoBa 
2014Full breastfeeding, weaning time and risk of infections. Ketil StørdalFHI1502MFR, MoBa 
2014Maternal and paternal diabetes and risk of congenital malformations in a large Norwegian pregnancy cohortRoy Miodini NilsenUiB1500MFR, MoBa 
2013Varicella-zoster virusinfeksjoner hos gravide i Norge (MoBa) - del II av pdb 1070Birgitte Freiesleben de BlasioFHI1755MFR, MoBa 
2013Maternal caffeine consumption and childhood growth, neurocognitive development and behaviour problems in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (DATA)Bo JacobssonFHI1555MFR, MoBa 
2013Childhood PFAS exposureUnni Cecilie NygaardNIEHS1503MFR, MoBa 
2013Maternal occupational exposure to potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals across Europe and pregnancy outcomesMartine VrijheidCREAL1486MoBa 
2013Prenatal environmental risk factors for Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a population-based birth cohortTed Reichborn- KjennerudFHI1483MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Effect of antiepileptic drugs on maternal and fetal weight gain and the potential long-term neurodevelopmental consequences for the infant. Sonia Hernadez- DiazHarvard Sch. Public Health1482MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013In-Utero beta blocker exposure, fetal weight gain, and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. Brian T. BatemanHarvard Med School1481MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and neurodevelopment in the offspringHelga ZoegaUniv. Iceland, Reykjavík1480MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Identifying genetic risk factors in psychiatric disorders leveraging new statistical methods and long range phasingOle A. AndreassenFHI1479MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2013Socioemotional problems in children with language disorders: Risk, protective and moderating factorsEspen RøysambFHI1474MoBa 
2013Psykiatriske symptomer, andre diagnoser og medikamentbruk blant barn med autisme- spekterforstyrrelser (ASD)Pål SurénFHI1467MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2013Early life determinants of sedentary behaviour and physical activityUlf EklundNorges idrettshøgsk. 1464MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2013Immunotoxic effects of prenatal and childhood exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances - PFAS-ImmToxBerit GranumFHI1460MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2013Immunotoxic effects of prenatal and childhood exposure to perfluoroalkyl substancesBerit GranumFHI1454MoBa, Egne data 
2013Generalised EMF Research using Novel Methods – an integrated approach: from research to risk assessment and support to risk management -GeronimoJan AlexanderFHI1451MFR, MoBa 
2013Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large populations SurveysIsabella Annesi-MaesanoUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie1445MoBa, NTR 
2013Human miljøbiobank, del I: Betydningen av ernæringsstatus for effekten av tungmetaller på helsen til mødre og deres barn (MoBa-ETox)Helle Margrete MeltzerFHI1440MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2013Better Health by harvesting biobank (HARVEST PARAPLY)Per MagnusFHI1438CONOR, MoBa, HARVEST 
2013Exposure of the father and implications for the child: Analysis of genetic and epigenetic changes in triads. Kristine B. GutzkowFHI1432MoBa 
2013Preconceptional paternal exposure: Analysis of the epigenetic status in children, mother and father (triads) from MoBa. Supplement to HELIXGunnar BrunborgFHI1431MoBa 
2013Maternal occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and electrical shocks and reproductive outcomesAnke HussUtrecht Univ. 1430MoBa 
2013Bilingualism and language delayFufen JinFHI1424MFR, MoBa 
2013Phase III: Nutrition and DNA methylation - Genome-wide association and lipidomics in the MoBa Methylation ProjectWenche NystadFHI1423MFR, Reseptr, MoBa 
2013INTERESSESØKNAD: Maternally acting gene alleles as contributors to IUGRWilliam G. JohnsonUniv. Med. Dent. New Jersey1422MoBa 
2013Mental health and psychosocial characteristics of cosmetic breast surgery patients: a study using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyTilmann von SoestUiO1418MoBa 
2013Et helhetssyn på fisk og sjømat i norsk kostholdMargaretha HaugenFHI1413MoBa 
2013Evaluering av potensielle mottakelighetsgener felles for brystkreft og preeklampsiLinda Tømmerdal RotenNTNU1402MFR, CONOR, MoBa 
2013Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) - fetal exposure to A-vitamins, alcohol and smoking. A population based case-cohort study. Maria Teresa Grønning DaleFHI1400DÅR, MFR, MoBa, BERTE, Egne data  
2013Grandmaternal smoking and grandchild birth weightGeorge Davey-SmithFHI1398MFR, MoBa 
2013Genetic causes of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)Per MagnusFHI1391MFR, MoBa 
2013Folate and fatty acids in early life and neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental language delay as an early marker - utvidelse av 165Per MagnusFHI1390MFR, MoBa 
2013Common and rare genetic risk factors for ADHDTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1382MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood ADHDTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1381MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Maternal use of folate supplement and iodine during pregnancy and childhood ADHDTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1380MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Subsequent pregnancy and delivery of a live-born baby after stillbirthPer Morten SandsetOUS- Riks1379MFR, MoBa 
2013The Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX) – novel tools for integrating early-life environmental exposures and child health across EuropeHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI1376MFR, MoBa, SSB, Egne data, MoBa inn 
2013Work-home strains, psychological distress and sickness absence among mothers- A prospective study of mechanisms and protective factorsWendy NilsenUiO1361MoBa, SSB  
2013Maternal use of folic acid supplements during pregnancy and child emotional and behavior problems: a sibling discordance studyTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1360MFR, MoBa 
2013Maternal SSRI use during pregnancy: Effects on child cognitive developmentAnnika MelinderUiO1359MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2013Prenatal health of female cancer survivors and the physical and mental development of the offspring of cancer survivors – data from the Norwegian MoBa study. Inga MR JohannesdottirOUS- Radiumhosp. 1358MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2013Hypertensjon etter svangerskap: Identifisering av kvinner som har høy risiko under svangerskapetGrace EgelandFHI1357MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, FREG 
2013Identify putative novel biomarkers/risk factors and mechanisms for gestational diabetes (GDM)Agneta HolmängUniv. Göteborg1355MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2013Nausea and Vomiting during pregnancy: dietary modifications and birth outcomes – a study performed in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyMarit VeierødUiO1354MFR, MoBa 
2013Cerebral parese i de norske og danske mor og barn-kohortene (CP-studien)Camilla StoltenbergFHI1352DÅR, MFR, SSB, NPR, MoBa,  
2013Colab fetal gender study - pre-eclampsiaPer MagnusFHI1338MFR, MoBa 
2013Co-occurring use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs during pregnancy: developmental outcomes in children at 36 monthsIngunn Olea LundSIRUS1337MoBa 
2013Is adherence to a New Nordic Diet during pregnancy associated with reduced risk of preeclampsia and preterm delivery?Nina C. ØverbyUiAgder1336MFR, MoBa 
2013Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in young adults in NorwayPål ZeinerOUS HF1324MoBa, NPR 
2013Long term health effects of cesarean delivery in children: food allergy, celiac disease, growth/obesity, rate of infectious diseases and neuropsychological development and the underlying characteristics in gut microbiotaMerethe EggesbøFHI1322MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2013Glycotoxins from food and their impact on widespread lifestyle diseasesTrine HusøyFHI1318MoBa, Egne data, Vann-verksreg 
2013Zygosity of MoBa twinsEivind YstrømFHI1316MFR, MoBa 
2012Early biomarkers of autism and other neuro-developmental disordersCamilla StoltenbergFHI1466MoBa, ABC 
2012Metabolic traits and risk of preeclampsia: a Mendelian randomization studyRoberta B. NessUniv. Texas Sch.   Public Health1317MFR, MoBa 
2012Epigenetic effects of paracetamol during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD) in childhoodRobert LyleOUS- Ullevål1299MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2012Developmental epidemiology of anxiety and depressive disordersJack HettemaFHI1298MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2012Pelvic girdle pain after delivery: prognostic factors and consequencesMalin M C Eberhard-GranFHI1295MFR, Reseptr, MoBa 
2012Samarbeid mellom Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen (MoBa) og den danske undersøkelsen Bedre sundhed for mor og barn (DNBC) angående kostholdsfaktorer og fødselsutfallThorhallur Ingi HalldorssonFHI1293MFR, MoBa 
2012Autism Birth Cohort: Gastrointestinal symptoms and autismMichaeline BresnahanColumbia Univ. 1288MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2012Validation of CEBQLeila TorgersenFHI1285MoBa 
2012Temperament/personlighet som prediktor av overvekt og vektøkning mellom 3 og 8 årMargarete Erika VollrathFHI1278MFR, MoBa 
2012Postnatal use of maternal medications and breastfeeding outcomesLisa AmirLa Trobe  Univ. 1273MFR, MoBa 
2012Plural birth and maternal mental healthEivind YstrømFHI1272MFR, MoBa 
2012Validation of the Norwegian Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HIPIC): Full and short versionsMargarete Erika VollrathFHI1263MoBa 
2012The association between alcohol drinking in pregnancy and candidate genes for alcohol dependencePer MagnusFHI1254MoBa 
2012The effects of preterm status and psychosocial risk factors on behavior problems and communication problemsMargarete Erika VollrathFHI1245MFR, MoBa 
2012Maternal excessive weight gain during and after pregnancyTilmann von SoestUiO1243MFR, MoBa 
2012Contribution of in utero exposure to maternal & paternal smoking maternal nicotine placement therapy and parental smoking in infancy to the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in childrenSteven MoylanDeakin Univ. 1242MFR, MoBa 
2012Adherence to a New Nordic Diet during pregnancy and risk of excessive weight gain in mother and childNina C. ØverbyUiAgder1233MFR, MoBa 
2012Romantic relationship quality across the transition to parenthood and its effects on pregnancy outcome and child development. Jared A. DurtschiKansas Univ. 1229MFR, MoBa 
2012The effect on mother´s mental health, life satisfaction and self-esteem of having a child with ADHD or behavior problems in the study S-07281a ADHD in preschool ageHeidi AaseFHI1228MoBa, Egne data 
2012The development of internalizing problems from infancy to early childhood: the importance of comorbid problems in the child and the parentsLeila TorgersenFHI1227MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2012Added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages and birth weightTrond MarkestadUiB1226MFR, MoBa 
2012PARAPLY: Risk factors and biomarkers for Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a population based birth cohortTed Reichborn-KjennerudFHI1223MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, NPR 
2012Maternal intake of sugar in pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes. Anne Kjersti N. DaltveitUiB1221MFR, MoBa 
2012The transition to parenthood: Couple Relationship Quality and Health. Frode ThuenHøgskolen i Bergen1220Reseptr. MoBa, Egne data 
2012Validation of SMFQ and SCAREDLeila TorgersenFHI1218MFR, MoBa 
2012Prediction of autoimmune diabetes and celiac disease in childhood by Genes and perinatal Environment (PAGE)Lars Christian SteneFHI1207MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR, Barne-diabreg 
2012The Norwegian Childhood Vaccination Program- predictors for vaccine uptakeLill Iren TrogstadFHI1204MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NPR, KUHR 
2012Anal incontinence during pregnancy and the postpartum period: risk factors and familial predispositionElham BaghestanHaukeland US1203MFR, MoBa 
2012In utero exposure to pharmacologic sex hormones and birth outcomesPer MagnusNIEHS1202MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa 
2012Reproductive history and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomeGordon CS SmithUniv. Cambridge1201MFR, MoBa 
2012Epilepsy in young children - a study based on The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Pål SurénFHI1195MoBa, Egne data, NPR, MoBa inn 
2012Prenatal exposure to perfluorinated compounds (PFC) and immune-related health effects in childhoodUnni Cecilie NygaardFHI1185MFR, MoBa 
2012Sleep medication in toddlers and young childrenLeila TorgersenFHI1176MFR, Reseptr, MoBa 
2012Associations of light and moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy with risk of severe language delay in childrenPer MagnusFHI1174MoBa 
2012Young parenthood and psychological distressAnne ReneflotFHI1173MFR, MoBa, SSB  
2012Perifluorinated alkyl levels in plasma in relation to preeclampsia, and validation of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model of perifluorinated compounds in pregnancy. Merethe EggesbøNIEHS1169MFR, MoBa 
2012Vitamin D and growth: Intrauterine, post-natally and early school ageKetil StørdalFHI1165MFR, MoBa 
2012Paraply - Cøliaki FHI1164MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2012Methylmercury exposure in early life; the cost – benefit effect of maternal seafood consumption during pregnancy on language and motor developmental in pre-school childrenKristine VejrupFHI1124MFR, MoBa 
2011Genetic causes of ADHD in preschool children (GWAs)Gun Peggy KnudsenFHI1412MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2011Phase II - ADHD in early school age - The follow-up studyHeidi AaseFHI1252MoBa, Egne data 
2011Exploring BRCA1 promoter methylation in umbilical cord, maternal and paternal peripheral blood cellsPer Eystein LønningUiB1159MoBa 
2011Maternal probiotic use in pregnancy and early childhood respiratory healthStephanie J. LondonNIEHS1158MFR, MoBa 
2011Outcomes of pregnancy in IBD and environmental risk factorsMorten VatnAhus1153MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data, NPR, Vann-verksreg, MoBa inn 
2011Neonatal presence of cancer dispositions (by epigenetic profiles or presence of pre-leukemic cells) in children who later develop childhood cancer (I4C project)Monica Munthe-KaasFHI1152MoBa, Kreftreg, Egne data 
2011Yearly trends and cohort effects within MoBaPer NafstadUiO1151MFR, MoBa 
2011Validation of height and weight at age 3 in the MoBa cohortMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS1150MoBa, Egne data 
2011CHICOS case-study: Effects of socio-economic status and alcohol drinking during pregnancy on birth outcomesKatrine Strandberg-LarsenKøbenhavns universitet1149MoBa 
2011Undiagnosed celiac disease in pregnancy part 2; a risk for celiac disease in the child?Ketil StørdalFHI1148MoBa, NPR 
2011Undiagnosed celiac disease in pregnancy (part 1); a risk for intrauterine growth restriction?Ketil StørdalFHI1147MFR, MoBa 
2011In utero exposure to pharmacologic sex hormones and obesity at age 36 monthsPer MagnusFHI1145Reseptr. MoBa 
2011Celiac disease and risk factors in a Norwegian birth cohort (data)Ketil StørdalFHI1144MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2011Trans-generational risk for eating disorders: A MoBa Generation-StudyLeila TorgersenFHI1141MFR, MoBa 
2011Phase one: Reliability of free and total BPA analyte measures in MoBaStephanie M. EngelUNC1129MFR, MoBa 
2011Sleep problems in toddlers and young children – prevalence, risk factors and consequencesBørge SivertsenFHI1125MFR, MoBa 
2011The influence of maternal diet during pregnancy and the child’s diet on the development of food allergy in early childhoodBerit GranumFHI1123MFR, MoBa 
2011Prøveforbytting i MoBa-prosjektetTrine Waagsbø SkjerdenFHI1116MoBa 
2011Co-occurrence of ASD and ADHD symptoms in children participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)Camilla StoltenbergFHI1112MFR, MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2011Mothers with epilepsy: Why do some children of mothers with epilepsy suffer from adverse development and neuropsychiatric disease?Nils Erik GilhusUiB1111MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa, HARVEST 
2011Case Study: Fish intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes - a chicos projectHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI1110MFR, MoBa 
2011Abuse and breastfeedingMirjam LukasseNTNU1099MFR, MoBa 
2011Validity of ADHD Rating Scale in NorwayHeidi AaseFHI1094MoBa, Egne data 
2011Prevalence, refeReseptr. al and treatment of children with ADHD in NorwayHeidi AaseFHI1093Reseptr. MoBa, NPR 
2011The Norwegian Longitudinal ADHD Cohort Study – Phase II: Early school-aged children. Heidi AaseFHI1092MFR, Reseptr. MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2011An epidemiologic study of cerebral palsy in the Norwegian and Danish Birth CohortsPål SurénFHI1090DÅR, MoBa, MFR, SSB, NPR, Egne data,  
2011Genetic studies of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a genome-wide analysis in preschool childrenPål ZeinerOUS- Ullevål1089MoBa, Egne data 
2011Maternal infection and obstetric complications in the etiology of schizophrenia: A follow-up of the MoBa study. Bjørn Rishovd RundUiO1088MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2011C-reactive protein and physical activity during pregnancy in a sub-sample of the MoBa CohortMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS1086MFR, MoBa 
2011Tracking of food pattern and overweight in the MoBa study from age (0) 1. 5 yr to 7 yrLene Frost AndersenUiO1079MFR, MoBa 
2011The potential effect of the pneumococcal vaccine on respiratory infections and asthma in early childhoodWenche NystadFHI1077MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK 
2011Intrauterine infections and risk of stillbirths and delayed language developmentSusanne G. DudmanFHI1070MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, MoBa inn 
2011Breech presentation at term, cesarean section or vaginal birth, which gives better outcome?Jon Øyvind OdlandUiTromsø1055MFR, MoBa 
2011Clubfoot etiology: a prospective cohort study from the Norwegian Mother Child StudyEmily Ruth DodwellHospital for Sick Children, Toronto1054MFR, MoBa 
2011Case study: Combined analysis of maternal occupation and the risk of adverse birth outcomes across CHICOS birth cohortsMark NieuwenhuijsenCREAL1047MoBa, Egne data 
2011Cumulative stress and impact on breastfeeding outcomesKatherine P. TheallTulane Univ, New Orleans1045MoBa 
2011The effect of prenatal exposure to dietary toxicants on the incidence of infections and the development of allergy- and asthma-related health outcomes in childhood - a follow-up of the NewGeneris projectBerit GranumFHI1041MFR, MoBa 
2011Prenatal Phthalate, Phenol and organophosphate (OPs) exposure and symptoms of ADHD in NorwayHeidi AaseFHI1040MFR, MoBa, Egne data, NPR 
2011Test-retest reliabilitet av The Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA)i studien ADHD i førskolealderHeidi AaseFHI1037MoBa, Egne data 
2011Sweet beverages, dietary patterns, glycemic properties and risk of preterm delivery. Bo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1036MFR, MoBa 
2011Environmental contaminants and effects on reproduction in MoBa children (part of a CoE application)Ann-Karin OlsenFHI1035MFR, MoBa 
2011Environmental contaminants, immunotoxicity and respiratory outcomes in MoBa children (part of CoE application)Berit GranumFHI1034MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK 
2011Environmental contaminants and overweight, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in MoBa children (part of CoE application). Margaretha HaugenFHI1033MFR, MoBa 
2011PARAPLY "Folat-forskningsfilen i MoBa"Stein Emil VollsetFHI1023MFR, MoBa 
2011Spontaneous preterm delivery: a system biology approach in the MoBa -part 2 PROTEOMICSBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/Östra1019MFR, MoBa 
2011The impact of maternal factors on nutritional status (B vitamins and related amino acids) and inflammation markers in pregnancyStein Emil VollsetUiB1017MFR, MoBa 
2011Prenatal parental, and birth, biomarkers predictive of a later diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. Camilla StoltenbergFHI1002MoBa, ABC 
2011Prevalence, predictors and prognosis of depression during and after pregnancy in mothers with epilepsy. Data from the prospective and controlled Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort studyNils Erik GilhusUiB1000MFR, MoBa 
2011Parental use of mobile phone and reproductive outcomesBente E. MoenUiB999MFR, MoBa 
2011Perinatal outcomes and children's health after prenatal exposure to influenza and influenza vaccinationLill Iren TrogstadFHI996MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, Egne data, NPR, NorFlu 
2011Anxiety for pandemic influenza infection and influenza vaccination in pregnancy and birth complicationsJorid EideFHI986MFR, MoBa, NorFlu 
2011Intergenerational transmission of risk for common mental disorders: A longitudinal extended children-of-twins cohort study (ITOR study)Eivind YstrømFHI981MFR, MoBa, Tvilling 
2011Harmful substances and birth outcomes in the NewGeneris projectMargaretha HaugenFHI976MoBa, Egne data 
2011When do Norwegian children learn to walk, and does it matter which prewalking strategy they use? Does late onset of walking or alternative prewalking strategies give any woReseptr. ies concerning a child's development?Grete Helene BratbergNTNU968MoBa 
2011Phase III Asthma Group - Genetics (UTGÅTT)Wenche NystadFHI965MoBa 
2011Maternal caffeine intake and pregnancy outcome as well as childhood development and healthBo JacobssonFHI636MFR, MoBa 
2010Phase 1: Prenatal alcohol exposure, childhood development and teenage drinking: a study of trans-generational effects (DATA)George D. SmithUniv. Bristol1095MFR, MoBa 
2010The associations between maternal heavy drinking and psychosocial adjustment and development in their offspringLeila TorgersenFHI960MFR, MoBa 
2010Gender based violence and childbirth - analyzing data from European cohort studiesMirjam LukasseNTNU959MFR, MoBa 
2010Språkutvikling og læringsutbytte fra 6 mnd til 8 år - påvirkning fra hjem, barnehage og skoleMari Vaage WangFHI955MoBa 
2010Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to analgesics and anti-migraine drugs - a population-based cohort studyHedvig NordengUiO928MFR, MoBa 
2010Work participation and work-related health: a life course perspectivePetter KristensenSTAMI924DÅR, MFR, MoBa, SSB 
2010Risk factors for childhood obesity among siblings in MoBaMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS918MoBa 
2010Physical activity during pregnancy and fetal deathMette JuhlKøbenhavns universitet917MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2010Clinical features of autism spectrum disordersCamilla StoltenbergFHI913MoBa, ABC 
2010Safety of herbal drugs during pregnancyHedvig NordengFHI911MoBa 
2010Genetic studies of preeclampsia in Central Asian and European populations (InterPregGen)Linda MorganUniv. Nottingham909MFR, MoBa 
2010Option: Biomarkers in preeclampsia and childhood disorders: a prospective studyRoy Miodini NilsenUiB905MFR, MoBa 
2010NorFluLill Iren TrogstadFHI902MFR, MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu, KUHR 
2010Hyperemesis gravidarum: Risikofaktorer og svangerskapsutfallPer MagnusFHI896MFR, MoBa 
2010IgG and IgG subclasses in pregnant women and immune response after pandemic vaccination and infectionLisbeth M. NæssFHI889MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu 
2010Prevalence of antibodies to the pandemic influenza virus in mothers and children in the NorFlu studyOlav HungnesFHI888MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, NorFlu 
2010Validation of a questionnaire based parental checklist for identifying children at 3 years with delayed language development. A population based questionnaire validated in two clinical samples (ABC & ADHD)Camilla StoltenbergFHI883MFR, MoBa, ABC, Egne data 
2010GWAS of homogenous subsets of preterm birthDavid A. SavitzFHI882MFR, MoBa 
2010Immunity to pandemic influenza: risk factors for severe infections, and implications for preventive measures. Siri MjaalandFHI880MoBa, MSIS, SYSVAK, Egne data, NorFlu 
2010Risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in relation to prenatal iodine and iron nutritionAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI877MFR, MoBa 
2010Why do women continue to smoke during pregnancy or relapse after birth? A study in 90 000 mothers from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyMargarete Erika VollrathFHI876MFR, MoBa 
2010Why do pregnant women drink alcohol? The role of mental health, stress and personalityKim Stene-LarsenFHI875MFR, MoBa 
2010Time-to-pregnancy and folate receptor blocking autoantibodiesAbee L. BoylesNIEHS874MoBa 
2010Prenatal alcohol exposure, childhood development and teenage drinking: a study of trans-generational effectsGeorge Davey-SmithUniv. Bristol873MoBa 
2010Neurodevelopment of children exposed in utero to psychotropic drugs - a population-based cohort studyHedvig NordengFHI861MFR, MoBa 
2010The influence of prenatal and postnatal exposure to dioxins and PCBs on ADHD related behaviour in Norwegian childrenHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI854MFR, MoBa 
2010Anxiety: Investigating causal factors suggested by an evolutionary approachBjørn GrindeFHI852MoBa 
2010Components of the metabolic syndrome and early life exposure to tobacco smoking in the MoBa mothersMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS851MFR, MoBa 
2010Role of early life factors in epilepsy (REaLEpi)Maura PugliattiUiB850MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2010Women exposed to violence at Hordaland county – identifying risk factors, pattern of lesions and incidence. Inge MorildUiB849MoBa, Egne data 
2010Outcome in children born to mothers with epilepsy - validation studyNils Erik GilhusUiB838MoBa, Egne data 
2010Altered food preferences during pregnancy of women experiencing nausea and vomiting and their influences upon pregnancy weight change, gestational length and child birthweight. Margaretha HaugenFHI837MFR, MoBa 
2010Samliv og helse. 2. delprosjekt; rusmidler og samlivFrode ThuenHøgskolen i Bergen836MoBa 
2010Emotional disorders in 3-4 year olds with symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)Heidi AaseFHI812MoBa, Egne data 
2010The impact of a child’s special health care needs on maternal sickness and work participationMargarete Erika VollrathFHI790MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, SSB 
2010The Norwegian Influenza Cohort Study (NorFlu)Lill Iren TrogstadFHI789MFR, Reseptr, MoBa, MSIS, Egne data 
2010The impact of maternal diet and infant and child feeding practices on weight development, overweight and obesity, at age 3 and 7 yearsHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI788MFR, MoBa 
2010Assessment of paternal dietary habits in relation to socioeconomic status and children's development. A project in the Norwegian mother and child cohort studyMargaretha HaugenFHI783MFR, MoBa 
2010Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain development in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyKristine B. WalhovdUiO782MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2010ADHD in preschool children: The relation between behavioural and neuropsychological characteristicsHeidi AaseFHI771MoBa, Egne data 
2010Influence of in utero exposure to perfluorinated components on the immune status in 3 year old childrenBerit GranumFHI768MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2010Validation of mothers' reports of their child's weight and height for the MoBa questionnaires at child age 5, 7, and 8 yearsMargarete Erika VollrathFHI766MoBa, Egne data 
2010Epilepsy; Psychiatric and social aspects in females and males with epilepsy as examined by the MoBa-databaseNils Erik GilhusUiB759MFR, MoBa 
2010Disruptive behaviour disorders in 3-4 year olds with symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Heidi AaseFHI716MoBa, Egne data 
2009Phase II: Biological mechanisms underlying the increased risk in Breast Cancer Following Pregnancy. Rebecca TroisiOUS- Ullevål762MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2009Folic acid in pregnancy - prevention of congenital heart defects?Nina ØyenUiB757DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2009Mutasjonsanalyse av DNA-minisatelitter fra triader inkludert i BraMiljø - en sub-cohort til MoBaGunnar BrunborgFHI756MFR, MoBa,  
2009Duration of breastfeeding and health effectsMerete EggesbøFHI751MFR, MoBa 
2009Family, health and social benefits. Advantages of center-based childcare on language and social adaptation. Arnstein MykletunFHI748MFR, MoBa,  
2009Co-occurring problems with developmental language delayKristin S MathiesenFHI747MoBa 
2009From early social skills and communication to later language outcome and the effects of child and family related factors. Kristin S MathiesenFHI746MFR, MoBa 
2009Parent’s choice of day care solution and children’s developmentKristin S MathiesenFHI745MFR, MoBa 
2009Feeding difficulties in children with CHD: The Norwegian Mother and Child Study. Ingrid HellandOUS- Riks740MFR, MoBa,  
2009Preschool ADHD: Altered learning mechanisms and increased movement variability as early behavioural markers for ADHD?Heidi AaseFHI737MoBa, Egne data 
2009Causes of autism spectrum disordersCamilla StoltenbergFHI728MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2009Contribution of early life nutritional exposures to the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in childrenFelice N JackaDeakin Univ. 721MFR, MoBa 
2009Kobling av ABC og NPR - utgått, se PDB 141Camilla StoltenbergFHI720MoBa, NPR  
2009Diabetes and time to pregnancy in MoBaMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS713MFR, MoBa 
2009Fathers’ mental health and socio-emotional and behavioral development in their childrenEva Kristin Hope Aaker BiringerHelse Fonna HF712MFR, MoBa 
2009The mental health of young mothersAnne ReneflotFHI711MoBa 
2009Investigating the role of preconceptional, first and second trimester folate intake and spontaneous preterm birth using data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyBo JacobssonFHI703MFR, MoBa 
2009Mental distress and partner factors as predictors of workforce participation and sickness leave in mothers of preschool-aged childrenRagnhild E. ØrstavikFHI700MFR, MoBa 
2009Mental health during pregnancy and obstetric outcomeMalin M C Eberhard-GranFHI698MFR, MoBa 
2009Paternal age and childhood cancer- The I4C Cancer ConsortiumSiri HåbergFHI686MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2009The epidemiology of multiple births. Rolv SkjærvenUiB682MFR, MoBa 
2009Prenatal environmental exposures associated with childhood cancers: The I4C Cancer Consortium. TeReseptr. y DwyerMurdoch Childrens Research Inst. 679MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2009Obesity, motherhood, and work participationMargarete Erika VollrathFHI678MoBa, SSB 
2009Epigenetic profiles of ART babiesKarin B. MichelsHarvardMed School677MFR, MoBa 
2009LINE-1 methylation in folate-related congenital birth defectsAbee L. BoylesNIEHS676MFR, MoBa 
2009Childhood epilepsy: incidence, aetiology, genetics, prenatal anxiety as a risk factor and associated morbiditiesRichard FM ChinNeurosciences Unit and MRC Centre of Epid. 670MoBa, ABC, NPR 
2009Effects of maternal use of prescribed psychotropics during pregnancy and lactation on child behavior outcomesMarte HandalFHI668MFR, Reseptr. , MoBa 
2009Forprosjekt - Pre- and postnatal environmental and genetic factors in relation to brain development in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyKristine B. WalhovdUiO667MoBa, Egne data 
2009Biomonitoring levels of PFC in a small mother-child cohort studyGunnar BrunborgFHI651MoBa  
2009Language skills and neuropsychological functioning in preschool children with ADHD symptomsHeidi AaseFHI647MoBa, Egne data 
2009Perfluorinated alkyl levels in plasma in relation to time-to-pregnancyMerethe EggesbøNIEHS646MFR, MoBa 
2009Validering av gravides røykevaner i den norske mor og barn undersøkelsenKjell HaugUiB640MFR, MoBa 
2009Assosiasjonen mellom for tidlig fødsel og språkforsinkelse hos tre-åringer målt ved Ages and Stages Questionnaires"Per MagnusFHI637MFR, MoBa 
2009Identifying causal determinants of adiposity in childhood - A family based approach to study early life determinants based on the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyØyvind NæssFHI629MFR, MoBa 
2009Violence against women, reproductive and perinatal health outcomesBerit ScheiNTNU622MFR, MoBa 
2009The effect of smoking on the risk of hyperemesisPer MagnusFHI621MoBa 
2009Longitudinal effect of active and passive smoking on risk for preeclampsia among singleton pregnancies in the MoBa cohortStephanie M. EngelNew York Univ. 618MFR, MoBa 
2009Delaying childbirth - Risk factors for preterm birth in older womenDag MosterKarolinska institutet617MFR, MoBa 
2009Postponing parenthood-Associations between high parental age and infant development and daily life. Ulla WaldenstrømKarolinska institutet616MFR, MoBa 
2009Psychological aspects of becoming a mother in late reproductive lifeUlla WaldenstrømKarolinska institutet599MFR, MoBa 
2009Delaying childbirth: Postnatal experiences such as experience of childbirth, duration of breastfeeding and breastfeeding complications in older first-time mothersUlla WaldenstrømKarolinska institutet598MFR, MoBa 
2009Factors associated with high maternal and paternal age when having the first babyUlla WaldenstrømKarolinska institutet563MFR, MoBa 
2008The role of Killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and HLA-C-genes in reproductive successAshley MoffettUniv. Cambridge612MoBa 
2008Partners of women with eating disordersCynthia M. BulikFHI611MFR, MoBa 
2008B vitamins and deregulation of imprinted genes. Anne Kjersti N. DaltveitUiB601MFR, MoBa 
2008Epigenetic, genetic and environmental risk factors of childhood leukemia – a nested case-control study in the Norwegian Mother and Child cohortJorunn KirkeleitUiB597DÅR, MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2008Prospective study of risk factors for multiple sclerosisTrond RiiseUiB596MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2008Phase II MoBa Asthma Group - Follow-up ages 7-10 years (UTGÅTT)Wenche NystadFHI595MoBa 
2008Phase I MoBa Asthma Group - Pregnancy and Early childhood respiratory and allergic outcomesWenche NystadFHI594MFR, MoBa Reseptr. ,  
2008Maternal obesity and underweight: pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcome among participators in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa) studyNils-Halvdan MorkenUiB591MFR, MoBa 
2008Språkutvikling hos premature barnChristine RothFHI586MFR, MoBa 
2008Exposure to folic acid antagonists during pregnancy and the risk of neurological abnormalities: present at birth or manifesting later in childhood. Per MagnusFHI585MFR, MoBa, Reseptr, BERTE 
2008Risk factors for respiratory diseases, asthma and atopyWenche NystadFHI583MoBa, NPR SYSVAK, Egne data,  
2008A pilot analysis of levels of metabolites of organophosphate (OP) pesticides, phthalates, and bisphenol A (BPA) in pooled urine specimens from pregnant women participating in MoBaMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS578MoBa 
2008Consumption of Omega-3 during the pregnancy and how it spreads/ distributes in the socioeconomic groups. Tonje BraatenUiTromsø574MoBa 
2008Pre-pregnant body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy in relation to pregnancy outcome. Margaretha HaugenFHI569MFR, MoBa 
2008Is there agreement between information in MoBa and the MBRN for the same variables? - a quality control projectKari KlungsøyrFHI552MFR, MoBa 
2008Job adjustment during pregnancy and perinatal healthKarl-Christian NordbySTAMI551MFR, MoBa 
2008Maternal prenatal alcohol consumption and infant sleepLisa DeRooNIEHS549MFR, MoBa 
2008Maternal prenatal alcohol consumption and risk of fetal deathLisa DeRooNIEHS548MoBa 
2008Maternal alcohol consumption and obstetric complicationsLisa DeRooNIEHS547MFR, MoBa 
2008Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy: concuReseptr. ent vs. retrospective reports and the influence of partner substance useLisa DeRooNIEHS546MFR, MoBa 
2008Predictors of maternal child-feeding style at 36 months: maternal and child characteristicsLeila TorgersenFHI545MFR, MoBa 
2008The emergence of eating problems in 36 month children of the MoBa CohortLeila TorgersenFHI544MFR, MoBa 
2008The emergence of eating problems and eating disorder related behaviours in 7 year old children of the MoBa CohortCynthia M. BulikFHI543MFR, MoBa 
2008Spontaneous preterm birth: a systems biology approach (genomics, proteomics and metabolomics) in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyBo JacobssonSahlgrenska US /Östra540MFR, MoBa 
2008Reliability of daughters' reports on their mother's smoking during pregnancy among subjects in MoBaMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS533MoBa 
2008Prescription and use of asthma medication - Forskrivning og bruk av astmamedisinerWenche NystadFHI532Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data 
2008Temporal variability of prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and bisphenol A in the MoBa cohortMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS531MoBa 
2008Selected environmental risk factors, genetic risk factors and gene-environment interactions for oral cleftsRolv Terje LieUiB508MFR, MoBa 
2008Prospective study of risk factors for multiple sclerosis (Bio)Trond RiiseFHI501MoBa 
2008An epidemiological and epigenetic approach to understanding outcomes in assisted reproductive technologyRobert LyleFHI496MFR, MoBa 
2008Intergenerational transmission of obesity risk from the mother to the child: the role of individual differencesMargarete Erika VollrathFHI495MFR, MoBa 
2008Folate, Paternal Age and De Novo Genetic and Epigenetic Events - genetiske faktorer i autisme- spekterforstyrrelser (ASD kasus og deres foreldre) - et delprosjekt av ABC studienGun Peggy KnudsenFHI492MFR, MoBa 
2008Forskrivning og bruk av legemidler - Kobling MoBa og RESEPTR. Per MagnusFHI485Reseptr, MoBa, Egne data 
2008Effects of maternal substance use during pregnancy on child behavioral outcomesCarol PrescottUniv. Bristol S. California469MFR, MoBa 
2008Infections, contagion and respiratory diseasesWenche NystadFHI468MoBa, Egne data 
2008PEARL - linkage between registry data and birth cohorts - ALSPAC, MoBa etc. John McleodUniv. 466MFR, MoBa 
2008The association of pregnancy hypertension and blood pressure increases in otherwise normotensive pregnancies with maternal breast cancer risk: The role of angiogenic factor concentrationsRebecca TroisiNCI, USA456MFR, MoBa, Kreftreg 
2008Longitudinal study of the molecular genetics of anxiety and mood disorders in childrenKenneth S. KendlerVirginia Commonwealth Univ. 445MoBa 
2008The effect of recuReseptr. ent spontaneous abortions and infertility on fetal growth in offspring of nulliparous womenPer MagnusFHI444MFR, MoBa 
2008Language and learning, a prospective study of language development and delay, risk factors and developmental trajectories. Mari Vaage WangFHI439MFR, MoBa, NPR, MoBa inn 
2008Maternal and fetal genes, tobacco exposure, and intrauterine growth restrictionDavid A. SavitzNew York Univ435MoBa 
2008Paraply -The International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C)TeReseptr. y DwyerMurdoch Childrens Research Inst. 430MoBa, Kreftreg 
2008The role of maternal and offspring metabolic and anthropometric gene variants in fetal and childhood growthTimothy FraylingPeninsulaMed School414MoBa 
2008The relationship between emotion regulation and language and social competence in 3 year oldsSynnve SchjølbergFHI409MoBa 
2008Early life exposure to tobacco smoke and subsequent reproduction in MoBa mothersMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS408MFR, MoBa 
2008Systematic eReseptr. ors in the attribution of gestational ageOlga BassoNIEHS403MFR, MoBa 
2007Genome-wide association screening for maternal and fetal susceptibility genes for pre-eclampsiaLinda MorganUniv. Nottingham431MoBa 
2007Diet and LDL cholesterol and spontaneous preterm birthJanette Jamil KhouryOUS-Ullevål401MoBa 
2007Prenatal smoking, maternal and fetal genetic variation, & risk of preeclampsiaStephanie M. EngelUNC392MFR, MoBa 
2007Foetal life and lung diseases. A validation study. Fosterlivet og lungesykdommer. Delprosjekt - valideringsstudie av luftveissykdommer. Wenche NystadFHI378MoBa, Egne data 
2007Breastfeeding in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD)Henrik HolmstrømOUS- Riks374MoBa, BERTE 
2007AutismedatabasenCamilla StoltenbergFHI370MFR, MoBa, NPR 
2007Genetic epidemiology of pre-eclampsiaRigmor AustgulenNTNU368MoBa 
2007Betydningen av amming for mors vektretensjonAnne Lise BrantsæterFHI367MFR, MoBa 
2007Influence of maternal dietary habits on maternal weight gain during pregnancyMargaretha HaugenFHI366MFR, MoBa 
2007European diet in pregnancy project (EARNEST study)Michelle A. MendezIMIM, Barcelona358MoBa 
2007Sex ratio of offspring in women with eating disorders-(PDB 35)Cynthia M. BulikFHI355MFR, MoBa 
2007The Reliability Study / "Gjentagelsesstudien"Merethe EggesbøFHI352MoBa 
2007Cerebral palsy in a joint Norwegian and Danish Birth Cohort (CP-NODA)Allen J. WilcoxNIEHS347MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2007The identification of genetic variants associated with mate choice and offspring sex-ratio: A replication study in MoBaCamilla StoltenbergFHI346MoBa 
2007Maternal BMI, maternal weight changes during pregnancy and the child's weight development predicted by sleep habitsWenche NystadFHI345MoBa 
2007Mothers of children with congenital heart disease (CHD): psychosocial problems from pregnancy through child age 3 yearsMargarete Erika VollrathFHI329MFR, MoBa, BERTE 
2007Novel Tools for Early Predisposition to Obesity Pål Rasmus NjølstadUiB315DÅR, MFR, MoBa, HUNT, SSB, MoBa Gen Barne-diabreg,  
2007Characteristics of young children with injuriesGrete DybNKVTS312MFR, MoBa 
2007Generations, reproduction and birth outcomeRolv SkjærvenFHI310MFR, MoBa 
2007Paraply; Research file for generation studies -"Forskningsfil for generasjonsstudier"Per MagnusFHI309MFR, MoBa 
2007Exposure to potentially traumatic events: Effects on mother’s mental health and life satisfaction, and on mental health and adjustment in the child. Siri ThoresenNKVTS307MoBa 
2007Sleeping position in early life as risk factor for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis and intussusceptionRobert BiggarSSI, Danmark306MFR, MoBa 
2007Healthy environment and children’s health. NewGeneris / "BraMiljø –Barnets helse" WP11Gunnar BrunborgFHI300MFR, MoBa, MoBa inn 
2007ADHD-studien: Preschool AD/HD: Early characteristics, developmental trajectories, risk and protective factors in a prospective birth cohort (Phase I of The ADHD Study)Heidi AaseFHI299MoBa, Egne data, MoBa inn 
2007Caffeine intake in relation to pregnancy and birth outcomes in The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI298MFR, MoBa 
2007Validation of the Food Frequency Questionnaire to be used in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI297MoBa 
2007Mother's physical activity during pregnancy and fetal lossMatthew P. LongneckerNIEHS296MoBa 
2007Phase I: Nutrients, genes and epigenetic modification of DNA in relation to asthma and atopy (UTGÅTT)Wenche NystadFHI291MFR, MoBa 
2007B; The association between polymorphisms in the VNTR-Insulin gene and the risk of pre-eclampsiaDag UndlienUiO290MFR, MoBa 
2007Feeding styles in mothers with eating disorders - (PDB 35)Cynthia M. BulikUNC287MFR, MoBa 
2007Gestational diabetes in women with eating disorders symptom - (PDB 35)Cynthia M. BulikUNC286MFR, MoBa 
2007Developmental factors associated with variations in the serotonin transporter gene and the FTO gene in childrenCynthia M. BulikUNC285MFR, MoBa 
2007Perinatal health among Pakistan women in NorwayBabill Stray-PedersenOUS-Riks284MFR, MoBa 
2007Risk and protection factors related to the mental well-being of mothers during pregnancy and early childhood years – importance of family life. Kristian TambsFHI283MFR, MoBa 
2007MOBADIA – Nutrition and infections in utero and during early childhood years as a risk factor of type 1 diabetesLars Christian SteneFHI278MFR, MoBa, Barne-diabreg 
2007Pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy makes labour more difficult. Myth or reality?Wenche NystadFHI277MFR, MoBa 
2007Angiogenic associated factors in urine and serum in second trimester as predictors for preeclampsia/Angiogenetiske faktorer i urin og serum i andre trimester som prediktorer for preeklampsi. Anne Cathrine StaffOUS- Ullevål270MFR, MoBa 
2007Use of food supplements and birth outcome in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study Margaretha HaugenFHI269MFR, MoBa 
2007Dietary patterns/indexes and pregnancy outcome (MoBa)Margaretha HaugenFHI268MFR, MoBa 
2007Pregnancy outcomes and mental healthEva Kristin Hope Aaker BiringerHelse Fonna HF156MFR, MoBa 
2006Anxiety during pregnancy and method of deliveryMalin M C Eberhard-GranFHI267MoBa 
2006Violence and traumatic stress, (data from MoBa)Line SchouFHI266MoBa  
2006Predictors for transition in smoking behaviour in the reproductive periode. Ragnhild HovengenFHI261MFR, MoBa 
2006Predictors for childhood weight developmentWenche NystadFHI260MFR, MoBa 
2006Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy: Risk factors and prognostic factorsMalin M C Eberhard-GranFHI259MFR, MoBa 
2006Physical abuse and pregnancy outcomeBerit ScheiNTNU257MFR, MoBa 
2006Physical activity and preeclampsiaPer MagnusFHI253MFR, MoBa 
2006Physical activity in pregnancy and infant neurodevelopmentAnne Marie JukicNIEHS251MoBa 
2006GAIN - Whole genome association study of low birth weightRobert LyleFHI250MFR, MoBa 
2006Can co morbidity between language impairment and emotional problems be detected in 3 year old childrenSynnve SchjølbergFHI249MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2006Does developmental language disorder (DLD) relate to other neuropsychiatric or neurodevelopmental disorders (NPD/NND) at 3 yearsSynnve SchjølbergFHI248MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2006Communicative interactions between children with language impairments and their mothersSynnve SchjølbergFHI247MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2006Prenatal biomarkers for delayed language development and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)Camilla StoltenbergFHI243MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2006Biomarkers of immunotoxic risk in newborns - BraMat - et delprosjekt (Workpackage 9) under EU-prosjektet NewGenerisBerit GranumJanssen-CilagAS241MFR, MoBa, SYSVAK, MoBa inn 
2006Outcome in children born to mothers with epilepsyNils Erik GilhusUiB236MFR, MoBa 
2006Prososial atferd hos tre år gamle barn av mødre som rapporterer om angst og depresjon i barnas første leveårStephen von TetzchnerUiO235MoBa 
2006Pair relation and healthFrode ThuenUiB233MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2006Prediction of dental caries in small childrenNina J. WangUiO231MFR, MoBa 
2006Mental health and development in children with congenital heart diseaseMargarete Erika VollrathFHI230MFR, MoBa, BERTE 
2006Dietary intake and gestational diabetesTina Marie SaldanaNIEHS229MFR, MoBa 
2006Can the mother’s anxiety and depression in pregnancy affect the child’s behaviour at 6 months of age?Rannveig NordhagenFHI228MoBa 
2006The influence of maternal dietary habits during pregnancy with maternal weight gain and birth size?Lene Frost AndersenUiO218MFR, MoBa 
2006CYP1A2 gene and caffeine metabolism: effects on fetal growthMichael B. BrackenYale Univ214MFR, MoBa 
2006Biomarkers of immunotoxic risk in newborns, - et delprosjekt (Workpackage 9) under EU-prosjektet NewGenerisMartinus LøvikFHI198MoBa 
2006Angst og depresjon gjennom svangerskap og barsel (se 267)Malin M C Eberhard-GranFHI194MFR, MoBa 
2006Mother’s dietary exposure to dioxins, PCBs, PBDEs and mercury – relation to foetal growth and thyroid hormone status of the child. Helle Margrete MeltzerFHI193MFR, MoBa 
2006Genes and gene-environment interactions in failed rescue by birth in stillbirthsFrederik FrøenFHI191MFR, MoBa 
2006Teeth in MoBaKristin KlockUiB189MoBa, MoBa inn 
2006Maternal psychological characteristics and caesarean section. Lorentz M. IrgensFHI188MFR, MoBa 
2006Comparing dental caries among twins in Brazil to twins in Norway based on molecular genetic analysisJørn A. AasUiO187MoBa 
2006UTGÅTT: Putting the Norwegian health surveys on the map: Assessing air-pollution and water quality using GISGeir AamodtFHI186CONOR, MoBa 
2006Cerebral palsy in the Norwegian National Mother-and-Child cohortKari Kveim LieFHI185MoBa, ABC 
2006Prenatal folate metabolism and postnatal neurodevelopmentEzra SusserColumbia Univ184MoBa, ABC 
2006An MRI investigation of brain development in young children with autism within the Autism Birth Cohort (ABC) The-MRI studyEinar HeiervangHaukeland US183MoBa, ABC 
2006The contribution nutrition and LDL-cholesterol level in early pregnancy to premature birthJanette Jamil KhouryOUS- Riks170MFR, MoBa 
2006Pregnancy, one-carbon metabolism and related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)Stein Emil VollsetFHI168MFR, MoBa 
2006Influence of maternal KIR and fetal HLA-C genes on pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and reproductive successAshley MoffettUniv. Cambridge167MFR, MoBa 
2006Does cytomegalovirus infection contribute to development of preeclampsia?Rigmor AustgulenNTNU166MFR, MoBa, Egne data 
2006Folate and fatty acids in early life and neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental language delay as an early markerPer MagnusFHI165MFR, MoBa 
2006Recruiting analysisRoy Miodini NilsenFHI164MFR, MoBa, SSB 
2006M-CHAT and ESAT screening questionnaires at 18 months: issues of overlap and external validitySynnve SchjølbergFHI163MFR, MoBa 
2006Comparison of the level of anxiety and depression, as measured by questionnaire responses in MoBa, in women who participate or do not participate in MIDIA. Per MagnusFHI162MFR, MoBa, MIDIA 
2006Short time effects of maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy based on the Norwegian Mother and child cohort studyPer MagnusFHI157MFR, MoBa 
2006Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy: The effect of life style on birth outcomeNils Erik GilhusUiB155MFR, MoBa 
2006Biological and social pathways from maternal fetal life to pregnancy outcome: secondary analysis of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (NMCCS)Nick SpencerUniv. Warwick154MFR, MoBa 
2006Natural trajectories, gene-environment interactions and AD/HD pathogenesis in a prospective birth cohort (se 299)Heidi AaseFHI152MFR, MoBa, ABC 
2006Gene-environment interactions in an Autism Birth Cohort: The Autism Birth Cohort (ABC)- studyPål SurénFHI141MFR, MoBa, ABC, MoBa inn 
2006Stomach aches in 6 year olds in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort StudyPer Olav VandvikSykehuset innlandet139MoBa 
2006Organic food, pregnancy and healthHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI138MFR, MoBa 
2006Birth anxiety related to physical abuse during the mother's childhoodRannveig NordhagenFHI129MFR, MoBa 
2006NewGenerisJan AlexanderFHI128MoBa, Egne data 
2006Prenatal maternal stress and anxiety and infant outcomesKari SlinningFHI127MFR, MoBa 
2006(ESCAPE MoBa) The impact of ambient air pollution on pregnancy outcomesPer NafstadFHI117DÅR, MoBa, SSB 
2006Healthy eating patterns and indexes and pregnancy outcome (se268)Margaretha HaugenFHI109MFR, MoBa 
2005Pregnancy, safety and health in a gender perspectiveAnne Kjersti N. DaltveitUiB301MFR, MoBa 
2005Spontaneous preterm birth: genetics and proteinsBo JacobssonUniv. Göteborg289MFR, MoBa 
2005Long term health effects of Cesarean delivery and antibiotics in children: food allergy, growth/obesity, antibiotic and rate of infectious diseasesMerete EggesbøFHI252MoBa 
2005Effekt av ulike folatberikningsstrategier på folatinntaket hos barn og voksneMargaretha HaugenFHI202MFR, MoBa 
2005Social determinants, individual preferences and caesarean sectionGrete BottenUiO195MFR, MoBa 
2005Coffee, caffeine, methylxantines and gestational length and birth weightHelle Margrete MeltzerFHI192MFR, MoBa 
2005Occasional smokers in pregnancy are different from pre pregnancy occasional smokersRagnhild HovengenFHI182MFR, MoBa  
2005Sick leave during pregnancyRannveig NordhagenFHI180MFR, MoBa 
2005Fødselsasfyksi og inflammatoriske mediatorer hos barn født til terminAlf MebergSykehuset i Vestfold HF171MFR, MoBa 
2005The role of genetic polymorphism in genes on the IGF axis in the development of fetal growth restrictionPhillip BakerFHI169MFR, MoBa 
2005Effects of prenatal mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillingsLars BjörkmanUni Health/Uni Research160MFR, MoBa 
2005The association between baby swimming and infectionsWenche NystadFHI116MFR, MoBa 
2005Spontaneous preterm birth and genetics (289)Bo JacobssonSahlgrenska US/ Östra114MoBa 
2005X chromosome inactivation pattern in patients with pre-eclampsiaKaren Helene ØrstavikOUS- Riks113DÅR, MoBa, Abort-reg 
2005Reported alcohol use during pregnancy and mental health. Kari SlinningFHI37MFR, MoBa 
2005Eating disorders and pregnancy outcome in 100 000 birthsCynthia M. BulikUNC35MFR, MoBa 
2005Fertility of couples in the developed worldDonna D. BairdNIEHS32MFR, MoBa 
2005Psychobiological interaction effects. Can problems with attention or hyperactivity related to ADHD be observed in a child’s second year of life?Anne Inger Helmen BorgeUiO31MFR, MoBa 
2005Children’s temperament and overweightMargarete Erika VollrathFHI30MFR, MoBa 
2005Mothers impulsivity, negative way of upbringing, and overweight in childrenMargarete Erika VollrathFHI29MFR, MoBa 
2005Stability and change in subjective well beingEspen RøysambFHI28MFR, MoBa 
2005Natures draw, resources or behaviour? What is the relationship between health at birth and the socio-economic position of parents?Astrid GrasdalUiB27MFR, MoBa 
2005Subgroups of preterm birth and infectious risk factors of spontaneous preterm birth in the Norwegian Mother and Child cohort study. Nils-Halvdan MorkenSykehuset i Telemark26MFR, MoBa 
2005Acute infectious inflammation in pregnancy – a link to preeclampsia?Lill Iren TrogstadFHI25MFR, MoBa 
2005Contraceptive practices- relations to preeclampsia. Lill Iren TrogstadFHI24MFR, MoBa 
2005Hyperemesis gravidarum and dietPer MagnusFHI23MFR, MoBa 
2005Maternal morbidity and pregnancy outcomes among pregnant women with respiratory symptoms and asthmaWenche NystadFHI21MFR, MoBa 
2005Foetal life and lung diseases. Does development of lung disease begin during foetal life?Per NafstadFHI16MFR, MoBa 
2004Developmental psychopathology in infants and support systems (early childcare)Mona BekkhusUiO242MFR, MoBa 
2004Urinary incontinence during pregnancySteinar HunskårUiB212MFR, MoBa 
2004Maternal autoantibodies against folate receptors: A risk factor for folate sensitive birth defects?Abee L. BoylesNIEHS136MFR, MoBa 
2004HUMIS: Mat og miljøgifter. Risikable kostvaner til hvilken pris? Effekten av miljøgifter på barns helse. Merethe EggesbøFHI52MFR, MoBa, HUMIS 
2004Pharmacoepidemiologic study of medication use during pregnancyHedvig NordengFHI38MFR, MoBa 
2004Psykisk helse blant mødre gjennom svangerskap og fødselsfasen - en prospektiv kohortstudieKari SlinningFHI36MoBa 
2004Subfertilitet og eksposisjoner i Mor-barn undersøkelsenJohanne SundbyUiO34MoBa 
2004Does atopic status decrease with subsequent pregnancies?Stephanie J. LondonFHI33MFR, MoBa  
2004Biotilgjengelighet av et utvalg mineraler i kosttilskudd brukt i Den norske mor og barn undersøkelsen. Olaug SiqvelandFHI22MFR, MoBa 
2004Physical activity, pregnancy and birthWenche NystadFHI17MFR, MoBa 
2004Which factors are associated with breastfeeding during the first six months?Helle Margrete MeltzerFHI15MFR, MoBa 
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