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About the Registry of Pregnancy Termination




In Norway, hospitals and specialists who perform pregnancy terminations must report these to the Registry of Pregnancy Termination at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

What information is registered?

The Registry of Pregnancy Termination contains administrative and medical information about the woman and the pregnancy, and about the procedure. The register is not directly personally identifiable; the woman's name, address or social security number are not registered.

What is the information used for?

The purpose of the Registry of Pregnancy Termination is to provide a basis for statistics on the practice of the Abortion Act, to help evaluate measures against unwanted pregnancies and pregnancy terminations, as well as to contribute to good resource utilisation and quality of women's reproductive health treatment. Furthermore, data in the register may be used for management, planning and quality assurance of the health and care services, and for research.

Privacy and data protection

Data processing in the Registry of Pregnancy Termination takes place in line with the provisions in the Personal Data Act and the Health Register Act, and in the Registry of Pregnancy Termination regulations. All information in the registry is treated as strictly confidential. Only authorised personnel who need it for their work with the registry have access to the information.  

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