Publications list for Medical Birth Registry of Norway
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List of academic articles based on data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Health registries are an important tool to monitor the health status of the population. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is responsible for several large health registries.
This is an overview of published articles (based on data from the Medical Birth Registry) extracted from academic index databases. The search results rely on the registry being cited correctly in the summary. It may not be complete.
Reports and newsletters
- Fødselsnytt Nr. 2 2021. Bergen: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, Medisinsk fødselsregister, 2022.
- Fødselsnytt Nr. 1 2022. Bergen: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, Medisinsk fødselsregister, 2022.
- Medisinsk fødselsregister. Veileder til utfylling av melding til Medisinsk fødselsregister. Elektronisk fødselsmelding versjon 1.2. Folkehelseinstituttet, Bergen, 2022.
- Ames HMR, Forsetlund L, Larun L, Hval G, Muller AE. Betydningen av lang reisevei til fødeinstitusjon og følgetjeneste for gravide/fødende: Systematisk oversikt – revidert utgave. Report. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsetjenester, Oslo, 2022.
- Løkeland M, (redaktør), Akerkar R, Askeland OM, Faugstad LA, Halvorsen GS, Heiberg-Andersen R, Hornæs MT, Juliusson PB, Berg AT. Rapport om svangerskapsavbrot 2021. Register over svangerskapsavbrot (Abortregisteret). ISSN: 1891-6392. Folkehelseinstituttet, Bergen, 2022.
- Sverre JM, Smedslund G, Stoinska-Schneider AK, Kucuk B, Castaneda MG, Refsdal TL, Brurberg KG. Første trimester-screening for utvikling av preeklampsi med bruk av algoritme: En fullstendig metodevurdering [First-trimester screening for preeclampsia with the use of an algorithm: a health technology assessment]. Report. ISBN: 978-82-8406-326-3. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsetjenester, Oslo, 2022.
- Vist GE, Hestevik CH, Forsetlund L, Hval G, Underland V, Kucuk B, Kirkehei I. Forskningskart om behandling av sykdommer hos kvinner. Report. ISBN: 978-82-8406-295-2. Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for helsetjenester, Oslo, 2022.
- Wang MV, Eliassen E, Bårdstu SK. Sammenhenger mellom læringsmiljø, sosial fungering og skoleprestasjoner i grunnskolen [Associations between learning environment, social functioning and school performance in early education]. ISBN: 978-82-8406-275-4. Folkehelseinstituttet, Oslo, 2022.
- Lunde ES, Lunde ES, Ramm JS, Syse A. Kvinners liv og helse siste 20 år. Report. ISBN: 9788258715945. Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo - Kongsvinger, 2022.
- Moen A. The Norwegian Neonatal Healthcare Atlas. In: Schulman J, editor. The Problem of Practice Variation in Newborn Medicine: Springer, Cham; 2022:87-108.
Dissertations – PhD, Master's, Bachelor's and medical student special theses
- Aker K. Perinatal asphyxia in a global perspective: How can we improve outcomes? Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2022.
- Alexandersen N. The Role of Early Educational Experiences in Child Development: Evidence from a Context of Universal Access. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo; 2022.
- Dyrkorn OA. The Impact of Childbirth before and after Mid-Urethral Sling Surgery: New Knowledge derived from Norwegian Health Registries. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Gjerde A. Low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction and risk of chronic kidney disease in adult age. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen; 2022.
- Harris GME. Migraine pharmacotherapy during pregnancy : utilization patterns and associations with child neurodevelopment. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Husebye ESN. Maternal pregnancy folate status and association to language impairment in children of women with epilepsy after prenatal antiseizure medication exposure. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen; 2022.
- Linde LE. Postpartum hemorrhage in families: A Norwegian population-based study. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2022.
- Nedberg IH. Cesarean sections in Georgia and Norway : what contributes to too much, too little, or just right? : the role of maternal risk factors and efforts to reduce high cesarean section rates. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2022.
- Skaug E. Borderline personality disorder traits in early adulthood : development, causes and predictors [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Sole KB. Exploring hypertensive disorders of pregnancy risk factors, prevalence and time trends. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Torjusen H. Organic food, pregnancy and health: Associations between consumption of organic food in pregnancy, maternal characteristics and pregnancy health outcomes in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Trønnes JN. Medication safety in pregnancy: with focus on analgesics and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Vatne A. Sepsis and antibiotic exposure in the neonatal period. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen; 2022.
- Wilhelmsen T, Wilhelmsen T, Universitetet i Oslo Psykologisk i, Universitetet i Oslo Det samfunnsvitenskapelige f. Children’s mental health and the quality of their early childhood education and care [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Yang Q. Individual and joint effects of chronotype and sleep patterns on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: a Mendelian randomization study. Thesis [PhD]. Bristol: University of Bristol; 2022.
- Øvrebø B. Evaluations of school-based and fiscal efforts on diet-related behaviors and weight, emphasizing fruit, vegetables, candy, and soda. Thesis [PhD]. Kristiansand: University of Agder; 2022.
- Breidvik L. Fullfører tjenestepliktige som er født prematurt førstegangstjenesten på lik linje som de som er født etter fullgått svangerskap? - De små kjempene, blir de krigere? Thesis [Master]: Forsvarets høgskole; 2022.
- Evensen TL. Kliniske manifestasjoner, MR-funn og risikofaktorer hos barn med dyskinetisk CP i Norge. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2022.
- Haaland H, Rømma PH, Selart M. En fødepopulasjon i endring : En empirisk studie av kostnader og underliggende kostnadsdrivere i fødeavdelingen på Oslo Universitetssykehus. Thesis [Master]. Bergen: Norges handelshøyskole; 2022.
- Zugic M. Preventative association of antidepressant treatment in pregnant women with eating disorders on antenatal mental outcomes - results from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
- Duesund ME. COVID-19 and Zika-infections during pregnancy - Effects on the pregnant woman, the placenta and her offspring. Thesis [Student-særoppgave]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2022.
Journal articles published in 2022, including e-published articles from previous years that appeared in the paper edition in 2022
- Aizer A, Devereux P, Salvanes K. Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why children of teen mothers do worse in life. The Journal of Human Resources. 2022;57(6):2012-2047.
- Alvestad S, Nilsen Husebye ES, Christensen J, Dreier JW, Sun Y, Igland J, Leinonen M, Gissler M, Gilhus NE, Tomson T, Bjørk M. Folic Acid and Risk of Preterm Birth, Preeclampsia, and Fetal Growth Restriction Among Women With Epilepsy: A Prospective Cohort Study. Neurology. 2022;99(6):e605-e15.
- Amberntsson A, Bärebring L, Winkvist A, Lissner L, Meltzer HM, Brantsæter AL, Papadopoulou E, Augustin H. Maternal vitamin D status in relation to infant BMI growth trajectories up to 2 years of age in two prospective pregnancy cohorts. Obes Sci Pract. 2022;8(5):670-81.
- Arge LA, Håberg SE, Wilcox AJ, Næss Ø, Basso O, Magnus MC. The association between miscarriage and fecundability: the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Hum Reprod. 2022;37(2):322-32.
- Askeland RB, Hannigan LJ, Ask H, Ayorech Z, Tesli M, Corfield E, Magnus P, Njølstad PR, Andreassen OA, Davey Smith G, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Havdahl A. Early manifestations of genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;63(7):810-9.
- Babić Ž, Macan M, Franić Z, Hallmann S, Havmose MS, Johansen JD, John SM, Symanzik C, Uter W, Weinert P, van der Molen HF, Kezic S, Turk R, Macan J. Association of hairdressing with cancer and reproductive diseases: A systematic review. J Occup Health. 2022;64(1):e12351.
- Bachmann CS, Risnes K, Bjørngaard JH, Schei J, Pape K. Relative Age and Psychotropic Drug Use in Preterm and Term-Born Children and Young Adults. Pediatrics. 2022;150(6):e2022057085.
- Bakken KS, Nermo KR, Nedrebø BG, Korevaar TIM, Strand TA. Antenatal thyroid hormone therapy and antithyroid drug use in Norway from 2004 to 2018. Endocr Connect. 2022;11(4):e210631.
- Baravelli CM, Macsali F, Telle K, Kinge JM, Oakley L, Magnus MC, Håberg SE. Impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy-related healthcare utilisation: a prospective nationwide registry study. BMJ Open. 2022;12(10):e064118.
- Barlinn R, Dudman SG, Rollag H, Trogstad L, Lindstrøm JC, Magnus P. Maternal cytomegalovirus infection and delayed language development in children at 3 years of age-a nested case-control study in a large population-based pregnancy cohort. PLoS One. 2022;17(12):e0278623.
- Basso O, Magnus MC, Arge LA, Håberg SE. Parents' age at birth and daughters' time to pregnancy: a study within the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort. Hum Reprod. 2022;37(8):1896-906.
- Bekkhus M, Lee Y, Samuelsen SO, Tsotsi S, Magnus P. Maternal and paternal anxiety during pregnancy: Comparing the effects on behavioral problems in offspring. PLoS One. 2022;17(10):e0275085.
- Biele G, Lekhal R, Overgaard KR, Vaage Wang M, Eek Brandlistuen R, Friis S, Zeiner P. The effect of special educational assistance in early childhood education and care on psycho-social difficulties in elementary school children. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2022;16(1):14.
- Biele G, Overgaard KR, Friis S, Zeiner P, Aase H. Cognitive, emotional, and social functioning of preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity problems. BMC Psychiatry. 2022;22(1):78.
- Bilsteen JF, Alenius S, Bråthen M, Børch K, Ekstrøm CT, Kajantie E, Lashkariani M, Nurhonen M, Risnes K, Sandin S, van der Wel KA, Wolke D, Andersen AN. Gestational Age, Parent Education, and Education in Adulthood. Pediatrics. 2022;149(1):e2021051959.
- Bjørk MH, Zoega H, Leinonen MK, Cohen JM, Dreier JW, Furu K, Gilhus NE, Gissler M, Hálfdánarson Ó, Igland J, Sun Y, Tomson T, Alvestad S, Christensen J. Association of Prenatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medication With Risk of Autism and Intellectual Disability. JAMA Neurol. 2022;79(7):672-81.
- Blix E, Eskild A, Skau I, Grytten J. The impact of the introduction of intrapartum fetal ECG ST segment analysis. A population study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101(7):809-18.
- Bohlin J, Page CM, Lee Y, Pettersson JH, Jugessur A, Magnus P, Håberg SE. Age and sex effects on DNA methylation sites linked to genes implicated in severe COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 host cell entry. PLoS One. 2022;17(6):e0269105.
- Brantsæter AL, Garthus-Niegel S, Brandlistuen RE, Caspersen IH, Meltzer HM, Abel MH. Mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency and symptoms of emotional distress and depression in pregnancy and six months postpartum - Results from a large pregnancy cohort. J Affect Disord. 2022;318:347-56.
- Brigtsen AK, Jacobsen AF, Dedi L, Melby KK, Espeland CN, Fugelseth D, Whitelaw A. Group B Streptococcus colonization at delivery is associated with maternal peripartum infection. PLoS One. 2022;17(4):e0264309.
- Børresen K, Rosendahl-Riise H, Brantsæter AL, Egeland GM. Intake of sucrose-sweetened beverages and risk of developing pharmacologically treated hypertension in women: cohort study. BMJ Nutr Prev Health. 2022;5(2):277-85.
- Baardstu S, Coplan RJ, Eliassen E, Brandlistuen RE, Wang MV. Exploring the Role of Teacher–Child Relationships in the Longitudinal Associations Between Childhood Shyness and Social Functioning at School: A Prospective Cohort Study. School Mental Health. 2022;14(4):984-96.
- Carlsen E, Caspersen IH, Ask H, Brandlistuen RE, Trogstad L, Magnus P. Association between work situation and life satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: prospective cohort study in Norway. BMJ Open. 2022;12(4):e049586.
- Carlsen E, Harmon Q, Magnus MC, Meltzer HM, Erlund I, Stene LC, Håberg SE, Wilcox AJ. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in mid-pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):759-68.
- Carlsen E, Lee Y, Magnus P, Jugessur A, Page CM, Nustad HE, Håberg SE, Lie RT, Magnus MC. An examination of mediation by DNA methylation on birthweight differences induced by assisted reproductive technologies. Clin Epigenetics. 2022;14(1):151.
- Carlsen E, Magnus MC, Oakley L, Fell DB, Greve-Isdahl M, Kinge JM, Håberg SE. Association of COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy With Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Infants. JAMA Intern Med. 2022;182(8):825-31.
- Caspersen IH, Magnus P, Trogstad L. Excess risk and clusters of symptoms after COVID-19 in a large Norwegian cohort. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022;37(5):539-48.
- Che X, Hornig M, Bresnahan M, Stoltenberg C, Magnus P, Surén P, Mjaaland S, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Susser E, Lipkin WI. Maternal mid-gestational and child cord blood immune signatures are strongly associated with offspring risk of ASD. Mol Psychiatry. 2022;27(3):1527-41.
- Cheesman R, Borgen NT, Lyngstad TH, Eilertsen EM, Ayorech Z, Torvik FA, Andreassen OA, Zachrisson HD, Ystrom E. A population-wide gene-environment interaction study on how genes, schools, and residential areas shape achievement. NPJ Sci Learn. 2022;7(1):29.
- Cheesman R, Eilertsen EM, Ayorech Z, Borgen NT, Andreassen OA, Larsson H, Zachrisson H, Torvik FA, Ystrom E. How interactions between ADHD and schools affect educational achievement: a family-based genetically sensitive study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;63(10):1174-85.
- Clayborne ZM, Colman I, Kingsbury M, Torvik FA, Gustavson K, Nilsen W. Prenatal work stress is associated with prenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety: Findings from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). J Affect Disord. 2022;298(Pt A):548-54.
- Coi A, Santoro M, Pierini A, Rankin J, Glinianaia SV, Tan J, Reid AK, Garne E, Loane M, Given J, Ballardini E, Cavero-Carbonell C, de Walle HEK, Gatt M, García-Villodre L, Gissler M, Jordan S, Kiuru-Kuhlefelt S, Kjaer Urhoj S, Klungsøyr K, Lelong N, Lutke LR, Neville AJ, Rahshenas M, Scanlon I, Wellesley D, Morris JK. Survival of children with rare structural congenital anomalies: a multi-registry cohort study. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2022;17(1):142.
- Collet B, Desalegn AA, Swart K, Naderman M, Iszatt N, Stigum H, Jensen TK, Brouwer A, Eggesbø M, van der Burg B. Anti-androgenic compounds in breast milk and cryptorchidism among Norwegian boys in the HUMIS birth cohort. Sci Total Environ. 2022;803:149746.
- Corbin S, Togawa K, Schüz J, Le Cornet C, Fervers B, Feychting M, Wiebert P, Hansen J, Dalton SO, Kjærheim K, Nordby KC, Østrem RS, Skakkebæk NE, Uuksulainen S, Pukkala E, Olsson A. Parental occupational exposures in wood-related jobs and risk of testicular germ cell tumours in offspring in NORD-TEST a registry-based case-control study in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2022;95(6):1243-53.
- Denault WRP, Bohlin J, Page CM, Burgess S, Jugessur A. Cross-fitted instrument: A blueprint for one-sample Mendelian randomization. PLoS Comput Biol. 2022;18(8):e1010268.
- Eid K, Torkildsen Ø, Aarseth J, Celius EG, Cortese M, Holmøy T, Kapali A, Myhr KM, Torkildsen CF, Wergeland S, Gilhus NE, Bjørk MH. Abuse and revictimization in adulthood in multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study during pregnancy. J Neurol. 2022;269(11):5901-9.
- Eid K, Torkildsen Ø, Aarseth J, Aalstad M, Bhan A, Celius EG, Cortese M, Daltveit AK, Holmøy T, Myhr KM, Riise T, Schüler S, Torkildsen CF, Wergeland S, Gilhus NE, Bjørk MH. Association of adverse childhood experiences with the development of multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2022;93(6):645-50.
- Eilertsen EM, Cheesman R, Ayorech Z, Røysamb E, Pingault JB, Njølstad PR, Andreassen OA, Havdahl A, McAdams TA, Torvik FA, Ystrøm E. On the importance of parenting in externalizing disorders: an evaluation of indirect genetic effects in families. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;63(10):1186-95.
- Elhakeem A, Taylor AE, Inskip HM, Huang J, Tafflet M, Vinther JL, Asta F, Erkamp JS, Gagliardi L, Guerlich K, Halliday J, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, He JR, Jaddoe VWV, Lewis S, Maher GM, Manios Y, Mansell T, McCarthy FP, McDonald SW, Medda E, Nisticò L, de Moira AP, Popovic M, Reiss IKM, Rodrigues C, Salika T, Smith A, Stazi MA, Walker C, Wu M, Åsvold BO, Barros H, Brescianini S, Burgner D, Chan JKY, Charles MA, Eriksson JG, Gaillard R, Grote V, Håberg SE, Heude B, Koletzko B, Morton S, Moschonis G, Murray D, O'Mahony D, Porta D, Qiu X, Richiardi L, Rusconi F, Saffery R, Tough SC, Vrijkotte TGM, Nelson SM, Nybo Andersen AM, Magnus MC, Lawlor DA, Assisted Reproductive T, Future Health Cohort C. Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology With Offspring Growth and Adiposity From Infancy to Early Adulthood. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(7):e2222106.
- Engeland A, Nystad W, Selmer R. The Cancer Registry of Norway – “a ground for scientific harvesting”. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):101-5.
- Engen T, Owe KM, Horn J, Sulo G, Næss Ø E, Juliusson PB, Morken NH, Egeland GM. Preconception leisure-time physical activity and family history of stroke and myocardial infarction associate with preterm delivery: findings from a Norwegian cohort. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022;22(1):341.
- Engjom H, van den Akker T, Aabakke A, Ayras O, Bloemenkamp K, Donati S, Cereda D, Overtoom E, Knight M. Severe COVID-19 in pregnancy is almost exclusively limited to unvaccinated women - time for policies to change. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022;13:100313.
- Eri TS, Blix E, Downe S, Vedeler C, Nilsen ABV. Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey. Midwifery. 2022;109:103321.
- Euro-Peristat Research Network incl.:, Akerkar R, Engjom H, Klungsøyr K. Population birth data and pandemic readiness in Europe. BJOG. 2022;129(2):179-84.
- Fernández-Barrés S, Robinson O, Fossati S, Márquez S, Basagaña X, de Bont J, de Castro M, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Maitre L, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Romaguera D, Urquiza J, Chatzi L, Iakovides M, Vafeiadi M, Grazuleviciene R, Dedele A, Andrusaityte S, Marit Aasvang G, Evandt J, Hjertager Krog N, Lepeule J, Heude B, Wright J, McEachan RRC, Sassi F, Vineis P, Vrijheid M. Urban environment and health behaviours in children from six European countries. Environ Int. 2022;165:107319.
- Fraser A, Markovitz AR, Haug EB, Horn J, Romundstad PR, Dalen H, Rich-Edwards J, Åsvold BO. Ten-Year Cardiovascular Disease Risk Trajectories by Obstetric History: A Longitudinal Study in the Norwegian HUNT Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022;11(2):e021733.
- Fuentes-Paez G, Escaramís G, Aguilar-Lacasaña S, Andrusaityte S, Brantsæter AL, Casas M, Charles MA, Chatzi L, Lepeule J, Grazuleviciene R, Gützkow KB, Heude B, Maitre L, Ruiz-Arenas C, Sunyer J, Urquiza J, Yang TC, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Vilor-Tejedor N, Bustamante M. Study of the Combined Effect of Maternal Tobacco Smoking and Polygenic Risk Scores on Birth Weight and Body Mass Index in Childhood. Front Genet. 2022;13:867611.
- GBD 2019, Clarsen B, Nylenna M, Klitkou ST, Vollset SE, Baravelli CM, Bølling AK, Aasvang GM, Sulo G, Naghavi M, Pasovic M, Asaduzzaman M, Bjørge T, Eggen AE, Eikemo TA, Ellingsen CL, Haaland Ø A, Hailu A, Hassan S, Hay SI, Juliusson PB, Kisa A, Kisa S, Månsson J, Mekonnen T, Murray CJL, Norheim OF, Ottersen T, Sagoe D, Sripada K, Winkler AS, Knudsen AKS. Changes in life expectancy and disease burden in Norway, 1990-2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022;7(7):e593-e605.
- Gissler M, Durox M, Smith L, Blondel B, Broeders L, Hindori-Mohangoo A, Kearns K, Kolarova R, Loghi M, Rodin U, Szamotulska K, Velebil P, Weber G, Zurriaga O, Zeitlin J, Euro-Peristat Research Network incl Akerkar R, Klungsøyr K. Clarity and consistency in stillbirth reporting in Europe: why is it so hard to get this right? Eur J Public Health. 2022;32(2):200-6.
- Glinianaia SV, Rankin J, Pierini A, Coi A, Santoro M, Tan J, Reid A, Garne E, Loane M, Given J, Cavero-Carbonell C, de Walle HEK, Gatt M, Gissler M, Heino A, Khoshnood B, Klungsøyr K, Lelong N, Neville AJ, Thayer DS, Tucker D, Urhøj SK, Wellesley D, Zurriaga O, Morris JK. Ten-Year Survival of Children With Congenital Anomalies: A European Cohort Study. Pediatrics. 2022;149(3):e2021053793.
- Grytten J, Skau I, Eskild A. Does the use of Doppler ultrasound reduce fetal mortality? A population study of all deliveries in Norway 1990-2014. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;50(6):2038-47.
- Grzeskowiak LE, Saha MR, Ingman WV, Nordeng H, Ystrom E, Amir LH. Incidence, antibiotic treatment and outcomes of lactational mastitis: Findings from The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2022;36(2):254-63.
- Grzeskowiak LE, Saha MR, Nordeng H, Ystrom E, Amir LH. Perinatal antidepressant use and breastfeeding outcomes: Findings from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101(3):344-54.
- Gustavson K, Davey Smith G, Eilertsen EM. Handling unobserved confounding in the relation between prenatal risk factors and child outcomes: a latent variable strategy. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022;37(5):477-94.
- Hálfdánarson Ó, Cohen JM, Karlstad Ø, Cesta CE, Bjørk MH, Håberg SE, Einarsdóttir K, Furu K, Gissler M, Hjellvik V, Kieler H, Leinonen MK, Nørgaard M, Öztürk Essen B, Ulrichsen SP, Reutfors J, Zoega H. Antipsychotic use in pregnancy and risk of attention/deficit-hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: a Nordic cohort study. Evid Based Ment Health. 2022;25(2):54-62.
- Hall AM, Ramos AM, Drover SS, Choi G, Keil AP, Richardson DB, Martin CL, Olshan AF, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Zeiner P, Øvergaard KR, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Gestational organophosphate ester exposure and preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child cohort study. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2022;248:114078.
- Hall AM, Thistle JE, Manley CK, Roell KR, Ramos AM, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Zeiner P, Cequier E, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Organophosphorus Pesticide Exposure at 17 Weeks' Gestation and Odds of Offspring Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(24):16851.
- Hanevik HI, Ekerhovd E. Fertilitetsbehandling. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift. 2022;130(1):36–41.
- Harris GM, Wood M, Ystrom E, Nordeng H. Association of Maternal Use of Triptans During Pregnancy With Risk of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Offspring. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(6):e2215333.
- Hauge SH, de Blasio BF, Håberg SE, Oakley L. Influenza hospitalizations during childhood in children born preterm. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2022;16(2):247-54.
- Havdahl A, Wootton RE, Leppert B, Riglin L, Ask H, Tesli M, Bugge Askeland R, Hannigan LJ, Corfield E, Øyen AS, Andreassen OA, Tilling K, Davey Smith G, Thapar A, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Stergiakouli E. Associations Between Pregnancy-Related Predisposing Factors for Offspring Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Parental Genetic Liability to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, and Schizophrenia: The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(8):799-810.
- Havdal LB, Bøås H, Bekkevold T, Bakken Kran AM, Rojahn AE, Størdal K, Debes S, Døllner H, Nordbø SA, Barstad B, Haarr E, Fernández LV, Nakstad B, Inchley C, Flem E. Risk factors associated with severe disease in respiratory syncytial virus infected children under 5 years of age. Front Pediatr. 2022;10:1004739.
- Havdal LB, Bøås H, Bekkevold T, Kran AB, Rojahn AE, Størdal K, Debes S, Døllner H, Nordbø SA, Barstad B, Haarr E, Fernández LV, Nakstad B, Inchley C, Flem E. The burden of respiratory syncytial virus in children under 5 years of age in Norway. J Infect. 2022;84(2):205-15.
- He JR, Hirst JE, Tikellis G, Phillips GS, Ramakrishnan R, Paltiel O, Ponsonby AL, Klebanoff M, Olsen J, Murphy MFG, Håberg SE, Lemeshow S, Olsen S, Qiu X, Magnus P, Golding J, Ward MH, Wiemels JL, Rahimi K, Linet MS, Dwyer T. Common maternal infections during pregnancy and childhood leukaemia in the offspring: findings from six international birth cohorts. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):769-77.
- Helgeland Ø, Vaudel M, Sole-Navais P, Flatley C, Juodakis J, Bacelis J, Koløen IL, Knudsen GP, Johansson BB, Magnus P, Kjennerud TR, Juliusson PB, Stoltenberg C, Holmen OL, Andreassen OA, Jacobsson B, Njølstad PR, Johansson S. Characterization of the genetic architecture of infant and early childhood body mass index. Nat Metab. 2022;4(3):344-58.
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- Suarez EA, Bushnell GA. Association Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotics in Pregnancy-Questions Remain. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(12):e2246896.
- Sundbakk LM, Gran JM, Wood ME, Handal M, Skurtveit S, Nordeng H. Association of Prenatal Exposure to Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotics With Risk of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(12):e2246889.
- Sørbye IK, Bains S, Vangen S, Sundby J, Lindskog B, Owe KM. Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence: a nationwide cohort study. BJOG. 2022;129(3):423-31.
- Sørensen LMN, Aamodt G, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Papadopoulou E. Diet quality of Norwegian children at 3 and 7 years: changes, predictors and longitudinal association with weight. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022;46(1):10-20.
- Taraldsen S, Vangen S, Øian P, Sørbye IK. Risk of obstetric anal sphincter injury associated with female genital mutilation/cutting and timing of deinfibulation. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022;101(10):1163-73.
- Taylor K, McBride N, Zhao J, Oddie S, Azad R, Wright J, Andreassen OA, Stewart ID, Langenberg C, Magnus MC, Borges MC, Caputo M, Lawlor DA. The Relationship of Maternal Gestational Mass Spectrometry-Derived Metabolites with Offspring Congenital Heart Disease: Results from Multivariable and Mendelian Randomization Analyses. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2022;9(8):237.
- Tessema GA, Håberg SE, Pereira G, Magnus MC. The role of intervening pregnancy loss in the association between interpregnancy interval and adverse pregnancy outcomes. BJOG. 2022;129(11):1853-61.
- Tessema GA, Håberg SE, Pereira G, Regan AK, Dunne J, Magnus MC. Interpregnancy interval and adverse pregnancy outcomes among pregnancies following miscarriages or induced abortions in Norway (2008-2016): A cohort study. PLoS Med. 2022;19(11):e1004129.
- Tharaldsen G, Hollung SJ, Vik T, Andersen GL. High occurrence of perinatal risk factors and more severe impairments in children with postneonatal cerebral palsy in Norway. Acta Paediatr. 2022;111(4):812-9.
- Thistle JE, Ramos A, Roell KR, Choi G, Manley CK, Hall AM, Villanger GD, Cequier E, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Zeiner P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Øvergaard KR, Herring A, Aase H, Engel SM. Prenatal organophosphorus pesticide exposure and executive function in preschool-aged children in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Environ Res. 2022;212(Pt D):113555.
- Tingleff T, Vikanes Å, Räisänen S, Sandvik L, Murzakanova G, Laine K. Risk of preterm birth in relation to history of preterm birth: a population-based registry study of 213 335 women in Norway. BJOG. 2022;129(6):900-7.
- Torres Toda M, Avraam D, James Cadman T, Fossati S, de Castro M, Dedele A, Donovan G, Elhakeem A, Estarlich M, Fernandes A, Gonçalves R, Grazuleviciene R, Harris JR, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, Heude B, Ibarluzea J, Iñiguez C, Wv Jaddoe V, Lawlor D, Lertxundi A, Lepeule J, McEachan R, Moirano G, Lt Nader J, Nybo Andersen AM, Pedersen M, Pizzi C, Roumeliotaki T, Santos S, Sunyer J, Yang T, Vafeiadi M, Gm Vrijkotte T, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Vrijheid M, Foraster M, Dadvand P. Exposure to natural environments during pregnancy and birth outcomes in 11 European birth cohorts. Environ Int. 2022;170:107648.
- Torvik FA, Eilertsen EM, Hannigan LJ, Cheesman R, Howe LJ, Magnus P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Andreassen OA, Njølstad PR, Havdahl A, Ystrom E. Modeling assortative mating and genetic similarities between partners, siblings, and in-laws. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):1108.
- Trinh NTH, Nordeng HME, Bandoli G, Eberhard-Gran M, Lupattelli A. Antidepressant and mental health care utilization in pregnant women with depression and/or anxiety: An interrupted time-series analysis. J Affect Disord. 2022;308:458-65.
- Trinh NTH, Nordeng HME, Bandoli G, Palmsten K, Eberhard-Gran M, Lupattelli A. Antidepressant Fill and Dose Trajectories in Pregnant Women with Depression and/or Anxiety: A Norwegian Registry Linkage Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2022;14:1439-51.
- Troisi R, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Gissler M, Kitahara CM, Ording AG, Sæther SMM, Sköld C, Sørensen HT, Trabert B, Bjørge T. The role of pregnancy in maternal cancer risk: Epidemiologic evidence from the Nordic Countries Linked Birth and Cancer Registries Cohort Project. Norsk epidemiologi. 2022;30(1-2):93-100.
- Trønnes JN, Lupattelli A, Ystrom E, Nordeng H. Analysis of Prenatal Exposure to Opioid Analgesics and Scholastic Skills in Children in Fifth Grade in Norway. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(7):e2222425.
- Unnarsdóttir AB, Lovik A, Fawns-Ritchie C, Ask H, Kõiv K, Hagen K, Didriksen M, Christoffersen LAN, Garðarsson AB, McIntosh A, Kähler AK, Campbell A, Hauksdóttir A, Erikstrup C, Mikkelsen DH, Altschul D, Thordardottir EB, Frans EM, Kvale G, Tómasson G, Kariis HM, Jónsdóttir HL, Rúnarsdóttir H, Magnúsdóttir I, Eid J, Jakobsdóttir J, Nielsen KR, Kaspersen KA, Milani L, Trogstad LS, Yi L, Bruun MT, Sullivan PF, Magnus PM, Shen Q, Nesvåg R, Brandlistuen RE, Mägi R, Ostrowski SR, Løkhammer S, Solem S, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Hansen TF, Werge T, Aspelund T, Porteous DJ, Fang F, Lehto K, Andreassen OA, Pedersen OBV, Hellard SL, Valdimarsdóttir UA. Cohort Profile: COVIDMENT: COVID-19 cohorts on mental health across six nations. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):e108-e22.
- Valla L, Helseth S, Småstuen MC, Misvær N, Andenæs R. Factors associated with maternal overall quality of life six months postpartum: a cross sectional study from The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022;22(1):4.
- van den Bosch M, Basagaña X, Mudu P, Kendrovski V, Maitre L, Hjertager Krog N, Aasvang GM, Grazuleviciene R, McEachan R, Vrijheid M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. Green CURIOCITY: a study protocol for a European birth cohort study analysing childhood heat-related health impacts and protective effects of urban natural environments. BMJ Open. 2022;12(1):e052537.
- van Meel ER, Mensink-Bout SM, den Dekker HT, Ahluwalia TS, Annesi-Maesano I, Arshad SH, Baïz N, Barros H, von Berg A, Bisgaard H, Bønnelykke K, Carlsson CJ, Casas M, Chatzi L, Chevrier C, Dalmeijer G, Dezateux C, Duchen K, Eggesbø M, van der Ent C, Fantini M, Flexeder C, Frey U, Forastiere F, Gehring U, Gori D, Granell R, Griffiths LJ, Inskip H, Jerzynska J, Karvonen AM, Keil T, Kelleher C, Kogevinas M, Koppen G, Kuehni CE, Lambrechts N, Lau S, Lehmann I, Ludvigsson J, Magnus MC, Mélen E, Mehegan J, Mommers M, Andersen AN, Nystad W, Pedersen ESL, Pekkanen J, Peltola V, Pike KC, de Moira AP, Pizzi C, Polanska K, Popovic M, Porta D, Roberts G, Santos AC, Schultz ES, Standl M, Sunyer J, Thijs C, Toivonen L, Uphoff E, Usemann J, Vafeidi M, Wright J, de Jongste JC, Jaddoe VWV, Duijts L. Early-life respiratory tract infections and the risk of school-age lower lung function and asthma: a meta-analysis of 150 000 European children. Eur Respir J. 2022;60(4):2102395.
- Vedeler C, Nilsen A, Blix E, Downe S, Eri TS. What women emphasise as important aspects of care in childbirth - an online survey. BJOG. 2022;129(4):647-55.
- Vederhus J, Husebye ESN, Eid K, Gilhus NE, Bjørk MH. Prevalence of self-reported emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and association with fear of childbirth in pregnant women with epilepsy: The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. Epilepsia. 2022;63(7):1822-34.
- Vegrim HM, Dreier JW, Alvestad S, Gilhus NE, Gissler M, Igland J, Leinonen MK, Tomson T, Sun Y, Zoega H, Christensen J, Bjørk MH. Cancer Risk in Children of Mothers With Epilepsy and High-Dose Folic Acid Use During Pregnancy. JAMA Neurol. 2022;79(11):1-10.
- Vejrup K, Agnihotri N, Bere E, Schjølberg S, LeBlanc M, Hillesund ER, Øverby NC. Adherence to a healthy and potentially sustainable Nordic diet is associated with child development in The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Nutr J. 2022;21(1):46.
- Vejrup K, Brantsæter A-L, Meltzer HM, Mohebbi M, Knutsen HK, Alexander J, Haugen M, Jacka F. Prenatal mercury exposure, fish intake and child emotional behavioural regulation in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. BMJ Nutr Prev Health. 2022;5(2):313-20.
- Vejrup K, Magnus P, Magnus M. Lost to follow-up in the Norwegian mother, father and child cohort study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2022;36(2):300-9.
- Vogelezang S, Bradfield JP, Grant SFA, Felix JF, Jaddoe VWV, Early Growth Genetics Consortium. Genetics of early-life head circumference and genetic correlations with neurological, psychiatric and cognitive outcomes. BMC Med Genomics. 2022;15(1):124.
- Walle KM, Askeland RB, Gustavson K, Mjaaland S, Ystrom E, Lipkin WI, Magnus P, Stoltenberg C, Susser E, Bresnahan M, Hornig M, Reichborn‐Kjennerud T, Ask H. Risk of attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder in offspring of mothers with infections during pregnancy. JCPP advances. 2022;2(2):e12070.
- Wilhelmsen T, Alexandersen N, Røysamb E, Moser T, Brandlistuen RE, Wang MV. Teachers' competence promote close relationships to children with externalising problems and conflictual relationships. Educational psychology (Dorchester-on-Thames). 2022;42(6):673-93.
- Wortinger LA, Engen K, Barth C, Andreassen OA, Nordbø Jørgensen K, Agartz I. Asphyxia at birth affects brain structure in patients on the schizophrenia-bipolar disorder spectrum and healthy participants. Psychol Med. 2022;52(6):1050-9.
- Wortinger LA, Jørgensen KN, Barth C, Nerland S, Smelror RE, Vaskinn A, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Agartz I. Significant association between intracranial volume and verbal intellectual abilities in patients with schizophrenia and a history of birth asphyxia. Psychol Med. 2022;52(15):3698-707.
- Yang Q, Borges MC, Sanderson E, Magnus MC, Kilpi F, Collings PJ, Soares AL, West J, Magnus P, Wright J, Håberg SE, Tilling K, Lawlor DA. Associations between insomnia and pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: Evidence from mendelian randomization and multivariable regression analyses. PLoS Med. 2022;19(9):e1004090.
- Yang Q, Magnus MC, Kilpi F, Santorelli G, Soares AG, West J, Magnus P, Wright J, Håberg SE, Sanderson E, Lawlor DA, Tilling K, Borges MC. Investigating causal relations between sleep duration and risks of adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: linear and nonlinear Mendelian randomization analyses. BMC Med. 2022;20(1):295.
- Zaçe D, Orfino A, Mariaviteritti A, Versace V, Ricciardi W, ML DIP. A comprehensive assessment of preconception health needs and interventions regarding women of childbearing age: a systematic review. J Prev Med Hyg. 2022;63(1):E174-E99.
- Øksendal E, Brandlistuen RE, Holte A, Wang MV. Associations between poor gross and fine motor skills in pre-school and peer victimization concurrently and longitudinally with follow-up in school age - results from a population-based study. Br J Educ Psychol. 2022;92(2):e12464.
- Örtqvist AK, Dahlqwist E, Magnus MC, Ljung R, Jonsson J, Aronsson B, Pasternak B, Håberg SE, Stephansson O. COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women in Sweden and Norway. Vaccine. 2022;40(33):4686-92.
- Örtqvist AK, Magnus MC, Söderling J, Oakley L, Nybo Andersen AM, Håberg SE, Stephansson O. The association between maternal characteristics and SARS-CoV-2 in pregnancy: a population-based registry study in Sweden and Norway. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):8355.
- Øvrebø B, Stea TH, Bergh IH, Bere E, Surén P, Magnus P, Juliusson PB, Wills AK. A nationwide school fruit and vegetable policy and childhood and adolescent overweight: A quasi-natural experimental study. PLoS Med. 2022;19(1):e1003881.
Journal articles only e-published in 2022, which will appear in a paper edition in 2023 or later
- Aradhya S, Tegunimataka A, Kravdal Ø, Martikainen P, Myrskylä M, Barclay K, Goisis A. Maternal age and the risk of low birthweight and pre-term delivery: a pan-Nordic comparison. Int J Epidemiol. 2023 (?).
- Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Singh A, Mannseth J, Harmon QE, Kvalvik LG. Long-term cardiovascular mortality in women with twin pregnancies by lifetime reproductive history. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37(1):19-27.
- Bergman JEH, Barišić I, Addor MC, Braz P, Cavero-Carbonell C, Draper ES, Echevarría-González-de-Garibay LJ, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Klungsøyr K, Kurinczuk JJ, Latos-Bielenska A, Luyt K, Martin D, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Neville AJ, O'Mahony MT, Perthus I, Pierini A, Randrianaivo H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rouget F, Sayers G, Schaub B, Stevens S, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wiesel A, Gerkes EH, Perraud A, Loane MA, Wellesley D, de Walle HEK. Amniotic band syndrome and limb body wall complex in Europe 1980-2019. Am J Med Genet A. 2023;191(4):995-1006.
- Bjørndal LD, Kendler KS, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ystrom E. Stressful life events increase the risk of major depressive episodes: A population-based twin study. Psychol Med. 2023 (?):1-9.
- Christensen JJ, Bogsrud MP, Holven KB, Retterstøl K, Veierød MB, Nordeng H. Use of statins and other lipid-modifying agents across pregnancy: A nationwide drug utilization study in Norway in 2005-2018. Atherosclerosis. 2023 (?).
- Clayborne ZM, Nilsen W, Torvik FA, Gustavson K, Bekkhus M, Gilman SE, Khandaker GM, Fell DB, Colman I. Positive maternal mental health attenuates the associations between prenatal stress and children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
- Cohen JM, Srinivas C, Furu K, Cesta CE, Reutfors J, Karlstad Ø. Prevalence trends and individual patterns of ADHD medication use in pregnancy in Norway and Sweden, 2010-2019. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;79(1):173-80.
- Cohen JM, Alvestad S, Cesta CE, Bjørk MH, Leinonen MK, Nørgaard M, Einarsdóttir K, Engeland A, Gissler M, Karlstad Ø, Klungsøyr K, Odsbu I, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Tomson T, Ulrichsen SP, Zoega H, Furu K. Comparative Safety of Antiseizure Medication Monotherapy for Major Malformations. Ann Neurol. 2023;93(3):551-562
- Daltveit DS, Klungsøyr K, Engeland A, Ekbom A, Gissler M, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Ording AG, Sørensen HT, Troisi R, Bjørge T. Sex differences in childhood cancer risk among children with major birth defects: a Nordic population-based nested case-control study. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2023;52(2):450-65.
- Elgen SKF, Røiseland MA, Bircow EI, Vollsæter M, Hysing M. Symptoms and antecedents of autism in children born extremely premature: a national population-based study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
- Engel SM, Villanger GD, Herring A, Nethery RC, Drover SSM, Zoeller RT, Meltzer HM, Zeiner P, Knudsen GP, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Longnecker MP, Aase H. Gestational thyroid hormone concentrations and risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37(3):218-28.
- Hegvik TA, Klungsøyr K, Kuja-Halkola R, Remes H, Haavik J, D'Onofrio B M, Metsä-Simola N, Engeland A, Fazel S, Lichtenstein P, Martikainen P, Larsson H, Sariaslan A. Labor epidural analgesia and subsequent risk of offspring autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a cross-national cohort study of 4.5 million individuals and their siblings. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2023;228(2):233 e1- e12.
- Huybrechts KF, Straub L, Karlsson P, Pazzagli L, Furu K, Gissler M, Hernandez-Diaz S, Nørgaard M, Zoega H, Bateman BT, Cesta CE, Cohen JM, Leinonen MK, Reutfors J, Selmer RM, Suarez EA, Ulrichsen SP, Kieler H. Association of In Utero Antipsychotic Medication Exposure With Risk of Congenital Malformations in Nordic Countries and the US. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023;80(2):156-66.
- Haavaldsen C, Morken NH, Saugstad OD, Eskild A. Is the increasing prevalence of labor induction accompanied by changes in pregnancy outcomes? An observational study of all singleton births at gestational weeks 37-42 in Norway during 1999-2019. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023;102(2):158-73.
- Kitahara CM, Daltveit DS, Ekbom A, Engeland A, Gissler M, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Lagerros YT, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Männistö T, Sørensen HT, Troisi R, Bjørge T. Maternal Health, Pregnancy and Offspring Factors, and Maternal Thyroid Cancer Risk: A Nordic Population-Based Registry Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2023;192(1):70-83.
- Kjøllesdal MKR, Labberton AS, Reneflot A, Qureshi S, Suren P. Diagnoses of infectious diseases among Norwegian-born children to immigrant parents - the role of parental socioeconomic position. Scand J Public Health. 2023 (?):14034948221082455.
- Magnus MC, Håberg SE, Carlsen E, Kwong JC, Buchan SA, Fell DB. Pregnancy Status at the Time of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination and Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2023;76(1):57-65.
- Moen GH, Nivard M, Bhatta L, Warrington NM, Willer C, Åsvold BO, Brumpton B, Evans DM. Using Genomic Structural Equation Modeling to Partition the Genetic Covariance Between Birthweight and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors into Maternal and Offspring Components in the Norwegian HUNT Study. Behav Genet. 2023;53(1):40-52.
- Overgaard KR, Oerbeck B, Friis S, Pripp AH, Aase H, Biele G, Ingeborgrud CB, Polanczyk GV, Zeiner P. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from preschool to school age: change and stability of parent and teacher reports. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
- Petersen SH, Westvik-Johari K, Spangmose AL, Pinborg A, Romundstad LB, Bergh C, Åsvold BO, Gissler M, Tiitinen A, Wennerholm UB, Opdahl S. Risk of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy After Fresh and Frozen Embryo Transfer in Assisted Reproduction: A Population-Based Cohort Study With Within-Sibship Analysis. Hypertension. 2023;80(2):e6-e16.
- Pingault JB, Barkhuizen W, Wang B, Hannigan LJ, Eilertsen EM, Corfield E, Andreassen OA, Ask H, Tesli M, Askeland RB, Davey Smith G, Stoltenberg C, Davies NM, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ystrom E, Havdahl A. Genetic nurture versus genetic transmission of risk for ADHD traits in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
- Sandvei MS, Pinborg A, Gissler M, Bergh C, Romundstad LB, van Leeuwen FE, Spaan M, Tiitinen A, Wennerholm UB, Henningsen AK, Opdahl S. Risk of ovarian cancer in women who give birth after assisted reproductive technology (ART)-a registry-based Nordic cohort study with follow-up from first pregnancy. Br J Cancer. 2023;128(5):825-32.
- Tingleff T, Räisänen S, Vikanes Å, Sandvik L, Sugulle M, Murzakanova G, Laine K. Different pathways for preterm birth between singleton and twin pregnancies: a population-based registry study of 481 176 nulliparous women. BJOG. 2023;130(4):387-95.
- Vatne A, Hapnes N, Stensvold HJ, Dalen I, Guthe HJ, Støen R, Brigtsen AK, Rønnestad AE, Klingenberg C, Norwegian Neonatal N. Early empirical antibiotics and adverse clinical outcomes in infants born very preterm: A population-based cohort. J Pediatr. 2023;253:107-14 e5.
- Westvik-Johari K, Lawlor DA, Romundstad LB, Bergh C, Wennerholm UB, Gissler M, Henningsen AA, Håberg SE, Tiitinen A, Spangmose AL, Pinborg A, Opdahl S. Risk of stillbirth and neonatal death in singletons born after fresh and frozen embryo transfer: cohort study from the Committee of Nordic Assisted Reproduction Technology and Safety. Fertil Steril. 2023;119(2):265-76.
- Widding-Havneraas T, Markussen S, Elwert F, Lyhmann I, Bjelland I, Halmøy A, Chaulagain A, Ystrom E, Mykletun A, Zachrisson HD. Geographical variation in ADHD: do diagnoses reflect symptom levels? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 (?).
- Ystrom E, Degerud E, Tesli M, Høye A, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Næss Ø. Alcohol consumption and lower risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality: the impact of accounting for familial factors in twins. Psychol Med. 2023 (?):1-9.
Reports and newsletters:
1. Løkeland M, (redaktør), Akerkar R, Askeland OM, Faugstad LA, Halvorsen GS, Heiberg-Andersen R,Hornæs MT, Juliusson PB, Jonasson ØA. report about pregnancy termination 2020. Registry of Pregnancy Termination (Abortregisteret). Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen, 2021. Report: ISSN: 1891-6392.
2. Kinsner-Ovaskainen A, Perraud A, Lanzoni M, Morris J, Garne E. European Monitoring of Congenital Anomalies: JRC EUROCAT Report on Statistical Monitoring of Congenital Anomalies (2009-2018). European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2021.
3. Magnus P, Håberg SE. Centre for Fertility and Health - Annual report 2020. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Centre for Fertility and Health, Oslo, 2021.
4. Stoltenberg C, Golberg P, Boehlke N, Rolfheim-Bye C, Øgaard T, Vikum E, Fougner S. Norwegian Institute of Public Health - Annual report 2020. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2021. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8406-178-8
5. Fødselsnytt Nr. 1 2021. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Medical Birth Registry; 2021.
Theses, 5 PhD and 3 Master
6. Akhtar W. Investigation of the expression profile of miRNAs regulating ADHD candidate genes. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University - storbyuniversitetet; 2021.
7. Andresen LÅS. Snus, svangerskapsutfall og sykdomsaktivitet hos kvinner med inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (IBD). Thesis [Master]. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås; 2021.
8. Berge LAM. Use of prescription drugs and risk of cutaneous melanoma. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
9. el Khalil N. Tyreoideasykdom i svangerskapet - En populasjonsbasert kohortstudie basert på datamateriale fra fire norske Health registries. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
10. Haan E. Maternal smoking, alcohol and caffeine use during pregnancy and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) risk in offspring : is the association causal? Thesis [PhD]. Bristol: University of Bristol; 2021.
11. Hjorth S. Childhood outcomes after prenatal exposure to analgesics or antibiotics. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
12. Modzelewska D. Methodological considerations in epidemiological studies in perinatal medicine. Thesis [PhD]. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy; 2021.
13. Skogheim TS. Maternal levels of environmental toxicants and essential elements during pregnancy and associations with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder and cognitive functions in children. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2021.
14. Prami T, Juuti R, Iso-Mustajärvi I. Pharmacoepidemiological Research Data Sources in the Nordic Countries—Administrative Registers in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. In: Sturkenboom M, Schink T, editors. Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research. Cham, Denmark: Springer International Publishing; 2021:91-108.
Scientific publications including review – published in 2021 (160):
15. Agnihotri N, Overby NC, Bere E, Wills AK, Brantsaeter AL, Hillesund ER. Childhood adherence to a potentially healthy and sustainable Nordic diet and later overweight: The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Matern Child Nutr. 2021;17(2):e13101.
16. Agnihotri N, Rudjord Hillesund E, Bere E, Wills AK, Brantsaeter AL, Øverby NC. Development and description of New Nordic Diet scores across infancy and childhood in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Matern Child Nutr. 2021;17(3):e13150.
17. Alexandersen N, Zachrisson HD, Wilhelmsen T, Wang MV, Brandlistuen RE. Predicting selection into ECEC of higher quality in a universal context: The role of parental education and income. Early childhood research quarterly. 2021;55:336-48.
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106. Lindeman B, Johansson Y, Andreassen M, Husøy T, Dirven H, Hofer T, Knutsen HK, Caspersen IH, Vejrup K, Paulsen RE, Alexander J, Forsby A, Myhre O. Does the food processing contaminant acrylamide cause developmental neurotoxicity? A review and identification of knowledge gaps. Reprod Toxicol. 2021;101:93-114.
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108. Lozano M, Yousefi P, Broberg K, Soler-Blasco R, Miyashita C, Pesce G, Kim WJ, Rahman M, Bakulski KM, Haug LS, Ikeda-Araki A, Huel G, Park J, Relton C, Vrijheid M, Rifas-Shiman S, Oken E, Dou JF, Kishi R, Gutzkow KB, Annesi-Maesano I, Won S, Hivert MF, Fallin MD, Vafeiadi M, Ballester F, Bustamante M, Llop S. DNA methylation changes associated with prenatal mercury exposure: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies from PACE consortium. Environ Res. 2021;204(Pt B):112093.
109. Lupattelli A, Mahic M, Handal M, Ystrom E, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Nordeng H. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children following prenatal exposure to antidepressants: results from the Norwegian mother, father and child cohort study. BJOG. 2021;128(12):1917-27.
110. Maeland KS, Morken NH, Schytt E, Aasheim V, Nilsen RM. Placental abruption in immigrant women in Norway: A population-based study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100(4):658-65.
111. Magnus MC, Fraser A, Rich-Edwards JW, Magnus P, Lawlor DA, Håberg SE. Time-to-pregnancy and risk of cardiovascular disease among men and women. Eur J Epidemiol. 2021;36(4):383-91.
112. Magnus MC, Gjessing HK, Eide HN, Wilcox AJ, Fell DB, Håberg SE. Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy and First-Trimester Miscarriage. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(21):2008-10.
113. Magnus MC, Havdahl A, Morken NH, Wensaas KA, Wilcox AJ, Håberg SE. Risk of miscarriage in women with psychiatric disorders. Br J Psychiatry. 2021;219(3):1-6.
114. Magnus MC, Morken NH, Wensaas KA, Wilcox AJ, Håberg SE. Risk of miscarriage in women with chronic diseases in Norway: A registry linkage study. PLoS Med. 2021;18(5):e1003603.
115. Magnus MC, Wilcox AJ, Fadum EA, Gjessing HK, Opdahl S, Juliusson PB, Romundstad LB, Håberg SE. Growth in children conceived by ART. Hum Reprod. 2021;36(4):1074-82.
116. Maitre L, Julvez J, López-Vicente M, Warembourg C, Tamayo-Uria I, Philippat C, Gützkow KB, Guxens M, Andrusaityte S, Basagaña X, Casas M, de Castro M, Chatzi L, Evandt J, Gonzalez JR, Gražulevičienė R, Smastuen Haug L, Heude B, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Kampouri M, Manson D, Marquez S, McEachan R, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Robinson O, Slama R, Thomsen C, Urquiza J, Vafeidi M, Wright J, Vrijheid M. Early-life environmental exposure determinants of child behavior in Europe: A longitudinal, population-based study. Environ Int. 2021;153:106523.
117. Mannseth J, Berentsen GD, Skaug HJ, Lie RT, Moster D. Variation in use of Caesarean section in Norway: An application of spatio-temporal Gaussian random fields. Scand J Public Health. 2021;49(8):891-8.
118. Markovitz AR, Haug EB, Horn J, Fraser A, Tilling K, Rimm EB, Missmer SA, Williams PL, Romundstad PR, Åsvold BO, Rich-Edwards JW. Normotensive preterm delivery and maternal cardiovascular risk factor trajectories across the life course: The HUNT Study, Norway. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100(3):425-35.
119. Marks KJ, Northstone K, Papadopoulou E, Brantsæter AL, Haug LS, Howards PP, Smarr MM, Flanders WD, Hartman TJ. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and exposure to persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals in two European birth cohorts. Environmental advances. 2021;6(C):100130.
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122. Modzelewska D, Solé-Navais P, Brantsæter AL, Flatley C, Elfvin A, Meltzer HM, Sengpiel V, Barman M, Jacobsson B. Maternal Dietary Selenium Intake during Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. Nutrients. 2021;13(4):1239.
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133. Papadopoulou E, Botton J, Caspersen IH, Alexander J, Eggesbø M, Haugen M, Iszatt N, Jacobsson B, Knutsen HK, Meltzer HM, Sengpiel V, Stratakis N, Vejrup K, Brantsæter AL. Maternal seafood intake during pregnancy, prenatal mercury exposure and child body mass index trajectories up to 8 years. Int J Epidemiol. 2021;50(4):1134-46.
134. Papadopoulou E, Stratakis N, Basagaña X, Brantsæter AL, Casas M, Fossati S, Gražulevičienė R, Småstuen Haug L, Heude B, Maitre L, McEachan RRC, Robinson O, Roumeliotaki T, Sabidó E, Borràs E, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, Zhao Y, Slama R, Wright J, Conti DV, Vrijheid M, Chatzi L. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to PFAS and cardiometabolic factors and inflammation status in children from six European cohorts. Environ Int. 2021;157:106853.
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142. Sammallahti S, Cortes Hidalgo AP, Tuominen S, Malmberg A, Mulder RH, Brunst KJ, Alemany S, McBride NS, Yousefi P, Heiss JA, McRae N, Page CM, Jin J, Pesce G, Caramaschi D, Rifas-Shiman SL, Koen N, Adams CD, Magnus MC, Baïz N, Ratanatharathorn A, Czamara D, Håberg SE, Colicino E, Baccarelli AA, Cardenas A, DeMeo DL, Lawlor DA, Relton CL, Felix JF, van IMH, Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ, Kajantie E, Räikkönen K, Sunyer J, Sharp GC, Houtepen LC, Nohr EA, Sørensen TIA, Téllez-Rojo MM, Wright RO, Annesi-Maesano I, Wright J, Hivert MF, Wright RJ, Zar HJ, Stein DJ, London SJ, Cecil CAM, Tiemeier H, Lahti J. Maternal anxiety during pregnancy and newborn epigenome-wide DNA methylation. Mol Psychiatry. 2021;26(6):1832-45.
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148. Skogheim TS, Weyde KVF, Aase H, Engel SM, Surén P, Øie MG, Biele G, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Brantsæter AL, Haug LS, Sabaredzovic A, Auyeung B, Villanger GD. Prenatal exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and associations with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder in children. Environ Res. 2021;202:111692.
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159. Tapia G, Suvitaival T, Ahonen L, Lund-Blix NA, Njølstad PR, Joner G, Skrivarhaug T, Legido-Quigley C, Størdal K, Stene LC. Prediction of Type 1 Diabetes at Birth: Cord Blood Metabolites vs Genetic Risk Score in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106(10):e4062-e71.
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165. Trogstad L, Robertson AH, Mjaaland S, Magnus P. Association between ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination and bleeding episodes: Large population-based cohort study. Vaccine. 2021;39(40):5854-7.
166. Trønnes JN, Lupattelli A, Handal M, Skurtveit S, Ystrom E, Nordeng H. Association of Timing and Duration of Prenatal Analgesic Opioid Exposure With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(9):e2124324.
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168. van den Broek S, Lupattelli A, Frank AS, Haug LS, Nordeng H. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy in pregnancy and motor function, communication skills, and behavior of preschool children: The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2021;30(6):716-26.
169. van der Wel KA, Dahl E, Hermansen Å, Saltkjel T. Utsatte unges livsbaner før og etter NAV-reformen: flere «integrerte», sammenhengende, progressive og effektive forløp? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 2021;24(01):62-84.
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171. Van Lippevelde W, Vik FN, Wills AK, Strömmer ST, Barker ME, Skreden M, Anderson Berry A, Hanson C, Brantsæter AL, Hillesund ER, Øverby NC. The impact of diet during adolescence on the neonatal health of offspring: evidence on the importance of preconception diet. The HUNT study. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2021;12(5):798-810.
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173. Westvik-Johari K, Romundstad LB, Lawlor DA, Bergh C, Gissler M, Henningsen AA, Håberg SE, Wennerholm UB, Tiitinen A, Pinborg A, Opdahl S. Separating parental and treatment contributions to perinatal health after fresh and frozen embryo transfer in assisted reproduction: A cohort study with within-sibship analysis. PLoS Med. 2021;18(6):e1003683.
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183. Øyri LKL, Bogsrud MP, Christensen JJ, Ulven SM, Brantsæter AL, Retterstøl K, Brekke HK, Michelsen TM, Henriksen T, Roeters van Lennep JE, Magnus P, Veierød MB, Holven KB. Novel associations between parental and newborn cord blood metabolic profiles in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. BMC Med. 2021;19(1):91.
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Scientific publications e-published 2021, assumed fully published in 2022 (31):
185. Arge LA, Håberg SE, Wilcox AJ, Næss Ø, Basso O, Magnus MC. The association between miscarriage and fecundability: the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Hum Reprod. 2022;37(2):322-32.
186. Askeland RB, Hannigan LJ, Ask H, Ayorech Z, Tesli M, Corfield E, Magnus P, Njølstad PR, Andreassen OA, Davey Smith G, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Havdahl A. Early manifestations of genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022.
187. Bauer AE, Avery CL, Shi M, Weinberg CR, Olshan AF, Harmon QE, Luo J, Yang J, Manuck T, Wu MC, Klungsøyr K, Trogstad L, Magnus P, Engel SM. Do Genetic Variants Modify the Effect of Smoking on Risk of Preeclampsia in Pregnancy? Am J Perinatol. 2022.
188. Baardstu S, Wang MV, Brandlistuen RE. The role of ECEC teachers for the long-term social and academic adjustment of children with early externalizing difficulties: a prospective cohort study. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 2022.
189. Clayborne ZM, Colman I, Kingsbury M, Torvik FA, Gustavson K, Nilsen W. Prenatal work stress is associated with prenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety: Findings from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). J Affect Disord. 2022;298(Pt A):548-54.
190. Corbin S, Togawa K, Schüz J, Le Cornet C, Fervers B, Feychting M, Wiebert P, Hansen J, Dalton SO, Kjærheim K, Nordby KC, Østrem RS, Skakkebæk NE, Uuksulainen S, Pukkala E, Olsson A. Parental occupational exposures in wood-related jobs and risk of testicular germ cell tumours in offspring in NORD-TEST a registry-based case-control study in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2022.
191. Euro-Peristat Research Network incl.:, Akerkar R, Engjom H, Klungsøyr K. Population birth data and pandemic readiness in Europe. BJOG. 2022.
192. Grytten J, Skau I, Eskild A. Does the use of Doppler ultrasound reduce fetal mortality? A population study of all deliveries in Norway 1990-2014. Int J Epidemiol. 2022.
193. Grzeskowiak LE, Saha MR, Ingman WV, Nordeng H, Ystrom E, Amir LH. Incidence, antibiotic treatment and outcomes of lactational mastitis: Findings from The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2022;36(2):254-63.
194. He JR, Hirst JE, Tikellis G, Phillips GS, Ramakrishnan R, Paltiel O, Ponsonby AL, Klebanoff M, Olsen J, Murphy MFG, Håberg SE, Lemeshow S, Olsen S, Qiu X, Magnus P, Golding J, Ward MH, Wiemels JL, Rahimi K, Linet MS, Dwyer T. Common maternal infections during pregnancy and childhood leukaemia in the offspring: findings from six international birth cohorts. Int J Epidemiol. 2022.
195. Helland MS, Holt T, Gustavson K, Larsen LPN, Røysamb E. Validation and short-form development of Conflict and Problem-solving Strategy Scales. Journal of Family Studies. 2022.
196. Hjorth S, Pottegård A, Broe A, Hemmingsen CH, Leinonen MK, Hargreave M, Nörby U, Nordeng H. Prenatal exposure to nitrofurantoin and risk of childhood leukaemia: a registry-based cohort study in four Nordic countries. Int J Epidemiol. 2022.
197. Haan E, Sallis HM, Zuccolo L, Labrecque J, Ystrom E, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Andreassen O, Havdahl A, Munafò MR. Prenatal smoking, alcohol and caffeine exposure and maternal-reported attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in childhood: triangulation of evidence using negative control and polygenic risk score analyses. Addiction. 2022.
198. Kjøllesdal M, Labberton AS, Reneflot A, Hauge LJ, Qureshi S, Surén P. Variation in disease in children according to immigrant background. Scand J Public Health. 2022:14034948211039397.
199. Kvalevaag AL, Aβmus J, Biringer E. Fathers' Mental Health and Children's Aggressive Behaviour A Study Based on Data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2022.
200. Lupattelli A, Barone-Adesi F, Nordeng H. Association between antidepressant use in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2022;31(2):247-56.
201. Magnus MC, Oakley L, Gjessing HK, Stephansson O, Engjom HM, Macsali F, Juliusson PB, Nybo Andersen AM, Håberg SE. Pregnancy and risk of COVID-19: a Norwegian registry-linkage study. Bjog. 2022;129(1):101-9.
202. Oakley LL, Örtqvist AK, Kinge J, Hansen AV, Petersen TG, Söderling J, Telle KE, Magnus MC, Mortensen LH, Anne-Marie N, Stephansson O, Håberg SE. Preterm birth after the introduction of COVID-19 mitigation measures in Norway, Sweden and Denmark: a registry-based difference-in-differences study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022.
203. Olstad EW, Nordeng HME, Gervin K. Prenatal medication exposure and epigenetic outcomes: a systematic literature review and recommendations for prenatal pharmacoepigenetic studies. Epigenetics. 2022.
204. Overgaard KR, Oerbeck B, Friis S, Pripp AH, Aase H, Zeiner P. Predictive validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from ages 3 to 5 Years. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022.
205. Schjølberg S, Shic F, Volkmar FR, Nordahl-Hansen A, Stenberg N, Torske T, Larsen K, Riley K, Sukhodolsky DG, Leckman JF, Chawarska K, Øien RA. What are we optimizing for in autism screening? Examination of algorithmic changes in the M-CHAT. Autism Res. 2022;15(2):296-304.
206. Shaikh F, Kjollesdal MK, Carslake D, Thoresen M, Næss Ø. Cardiovascular risk factors in extended family members and birthweight in offspring. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2022;13(1):83-9.
207. Sørbye IK, Bains S, Vangen S, Sundby J, Lindskog B, Owe KM. Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence: a nationwide cohort study. BJOG. 2022;129(3):423-31.
208. Sørensen LMN, Aamodt G, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Papadopoulou E. Diet quality of Norwegian children at 3 and 7 years: changes, predictors and longitudinal association with weight. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022;46(1):10-20.
209. Sørensen LMN, Aamodt G, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Papadopoulou E. Diet quality of Norwegian children at 3 and 7 years: changes, predictors and longitudinal association with weight. Int J Obes (Lond). 2022;46(1):10-20.
210. Tingleff T, Vikanes Å, Räisänen S, Sandvik L, Murzakanova G, Laine K. Risk of preterm birth in relation to history of preterm birth: a population-based registry study of 213 335 women in Norway. BJOG. 2022.
211. Vedeler C, Nilsen A, Blix E, Downe S, Eri TS. What women emphasise as important aspects of care in childbirth - an online survey. Bjog. 2022.
212. Vejrup K, Magnus P, Magnus M. Lost to follow-up in the Norwegian mother, father and child cohort study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2022;36(2):300-9.
213. Wortinger LA, Engen K, Barth C, Andreassen OA, Nordbø Jørgensen K, Agartz I. Asphyxia at birth affects brain structure in patients on the schizophrenia-bipolar disorder spectrum and healthy participants. Psychol Med. 2022:1-10.
214. Wortinger LA, Jørgensen KN, Barth C, Nerland S, Smelror RE, Vaskinn A, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Agartz I. Significant association between intracranial volume and verbal intellectual abilities in patients with schizophrenia and a history of birth asphyxia. Psychol Med. 2022.
215. Øyen J, Brantsæter AL, Nøstbakken OJ, Birkeland KI, Haugen M, Madsen L, Egeland GM. Intakes of Fish and Long-chain n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplements During Pregnancy and Subsequent Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in a Large Prospective Cohort Study of Norwegian Women. Diabetes Care. 2022.
Reports, etc. (8)
1. Løkeland-Stai M, Hornæs MT, Tufta JG, Askeland O, Hammer EL, Strøm MS, Pedersen AG, Kvåle R, Slungård GF, Stangenes KM, Øgle MW, Løvlie A, Bakke H, Løwer HL, Simonsen GS, Kran A-MB, Husabø KJ. Driftsreport 2019 Health registries at Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway, 2020.
2. Løkeland M, (redaktør), Akerkar R, Askeland OM, Heiberg-Andersen R, Hornæs MT, Juliusson PB, Jonasson ØA, Seliussen I. report about pregnancy termination 2019. Registry of Pregnancy Termination (Abortregisteret). Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen, 2020. Report.: ISSN: 1891-6392.
3. Macsali F. (Ansvarlig redaktør), Stangenes K, Júlíusson PB, Eriksen SW. Fødselsnytt Nr. 2 2020. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Medical Birth Registry; 2020.
4. Magnus P, Håberg SE. Centre for Fertility and Health - Annual report 2019. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Centre for Fertility and Health, Oslo, 2020.
5. Medical Birth Registry. Veileder til utfylling av melding til Medical Birth Registry. Elektronisk fødselsmelding versjon 1.2. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen, 2020.
6. Stangenes K. (Ansvarlig redaktør), Macsali F, Askeland OM, Juliusson PB. Fødselsnytt Nr. 1 2020. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Medical Birth Registry; 2020.
7. Stoltenberg C, Egner I, Boehlke N, Rolfheim-Bye C, Øgaard T, Fougner S. Norwegian Institute of Public Health – Annual report 2019. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2020.
8. Sperre Saunes I, Karanikolos M, Sagan A. Norway: health system review. Health Systems in Transition. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2020. Report.: Print ISSN 1817-6119 Web ISSN 1817-6127.
Theses - PhD, Master and Bachelor (12)
9. Andreassen IS. Maternal omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid status in pregnancy and asthma in children at 3 years. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet; 2020.
10. Bernhardsen GP. Pre- and postnatal factors related to cardiometabolic health and adiposity in children and adolescents: Does physical activity matter? Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: Norwegian school of sport sciences; 2020.
11. Breivik A-L. Determinants of Health and Labor Market Outcomes: Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
12. Halland F. Reproductive factors and maternal long-term mortality. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2020.
13. Larsen S. Placental weight - associations with maternal factors and preeclampsia. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; 2020.
14. Lehmann S. Trial of labor after a previous cesarean section, Norway 1989–2014: A justified practice? Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2020.
15. Mirinaviciute G. Infections associated with varicella-zoster virus in Norway: disease burden and healthcare resource utilization. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine; 2020.
16. Nardo KA. Prevalence of prescription opioid use during pregnancy: Indication of use, duration of use, and description of maternal characteristics. Thesis [Master]. California: eScholarship, University of California; 2020.
17. Pettersen AHH. En kvantitativ studie about sammenhengen mellom pragmatisk kompetanse at 8,5år, og språk- og kommunikasjonsutvikling at 18 og 36 måneder. Basert på informasjon fra Den norske mor, far og barn undersøkelsen, og Språk-8 studien. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT Norways arktiske universitet; 2020.
18. Shaikh F. Intergenerational association between birth weight and cardiovascular disease; a population-based study of offspring, their parents, aunts and uncles. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2020.
19. Stangenes KM. Sleep habits and sleep problems among children born extremely preterm: A Norwegian population-based cohort study. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
20. Vik ES. Adverse neonatal outcomes in migrant women in Norway. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2020.
21. Bjelic-Radisic V, Esfandbod M, Alipour S. Pregnancy in Breast Cancer Survivors. In: Alipour S, Omranipour R, editors. Diseases of the Breast during Pregnancy and Lactation. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:165-74.
22. Johansson ALV, Stensheim H. Epidemiology of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer. In: Alipour S, Omranipour R, editors. Diseases of the Breast during Pregnancy and Lactation. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020:75-9.
23. Philpot P, Greenspan J, Aghai ZH. Problems During Delivery as an Etiology of Cerebral Palsy in Full-Term Infants. In: Miller F, Bachrach S, Lennon N, O'Neil M, editors. Cerebral Palsy. Switzerland: Springer; 2020:67-76.
24. Sachdeva M, Miller I, (eds), editors. Obstetric and Gynecologic Nephrology. Switzerland: Springer; 2020.
Scientific publications and letters (182):
25. Abel MH, Caspersen IH, Sengpiel V, Jacobsson B, Meltzer HM, Magnus P, Alexander J, Brantsæter AL. Insufficient maternal iodine intake is associated with subfecundity, reduced foetal growth, and adverse pregnancy outcomes in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. BMC Med. 2020;18(1):211.
26. Agier L, Basagaña X, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Maitre L, Tamayo Uria I, Urquiza J, Andrusaityte S, Casas M, de Castro M, Cequier E, Chatzi L, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Giorgis-Allemand L, Gonzalez JR, Grazuleviciene R, Gützkow KB, Haug LS, Sakhi AK, McEachan RRC, Meltzer HM, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Robinson O, Roumeliotaki T, Sunyer J, Thomsen C, Vafeiadi M, Valentin A, West J, Wright J, Siroux V, Vrijheid M, Slama R. Association between the pregnancy exposome and fetal growth. Int J Epidemiol. 2020;49(2):572-86.
27. Ahmadian L, Salehi F, Bahaadinbeigy K. Application of geographic information systems in maternal health: a scoping review. East Mediterr Health J. 2020;26(11):1403-14.
28. Akingbuwa WA, Hammerschlag AR, Jami ES, Allegrini AG, Karhunen V, Sallis H, Ask H, Askeland RB, Baselmans B, Diemer E, Hagenbeek FA, Havdahl A, Hottenga JJ, Mbarek H, Rivadeneira F, Tesli M, van Beijsterveldt C, Breen G, Lewis CM, Thapar A, Boomsma DI, Kuja-Halkola R, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Magnus P, Rimfeld K, Ystrom E, Jarvelin MR, Lichtenstein P, Lundstrom S, Munafò MR, Plomin R, Tiemeier H, Nivard MG, Bartels M, Middeldorp CM. Genetic Associations Between Childhood Psychopathology and Adult Depression and Associated Traits in 42 998 Individuals: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020;77(7):715-28.
29. Al-Zirqi I, Vangen S. Prelabour uterine rupture: characteristics and outcomes. BJOG. 2020;127(13):1637-44.
30. Amalia N, Orchard D, Francis KL, King E. Systematic review and meta-analysis on the use of probiotic supplementation in pregnant mother, breastfeeding mother and infant for the prevention of atopic dermatitis in children. Australas J Dermatol. 2020;61(2):e158-e73.
31. Andersson A, Hegvik TA, Chen Q, Rosenqvist MA, Kvalvik LG, Almqvist C, D'Onofrio BM, Hartman C, Klungsøyr K, Haavik J, Tuvblad C, Larsson H. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and smoking habits in pregnant women. PLoS One. 2020;15(6):e0234561.
32. Bakken IJ, Ariansen AMS, Knudsen GP, Johansen KI, Vollset SE. The Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Registry for Primary Health Care: Research potential of two nationwide health-care registries. Scand J Public Health. 2020;48(1):49-55.
33. Barlinn R, Trogstad L, Rollag H, Frøen F, Magnus P, Dudman SG. Parvovirus B19 DNAemia in pregnant women in relation to perinatal death: A nested case-control study within a large population-based pregnancy cohort. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;99(7):856-64.
34. Barman M, Brantsaeter AL, Nilsson S, Haugen M, Lundh T, Combs GF, Zhang G, Muglia LJ, Meltzer HM, Jacobsson B, Sengpiel V. Maternal dietary selenium intake is associated with increased gestational length and decreased risk of preterm delivery. Br J Nutr. 2020;123(2):209-19.
35. Belizna C, Meroni PL, Shoenfeld Y, Devreese K, Alijotas-Reig J, Esteve-Valverde E, Chighizola C, Pregnolato F, Cohen H, Fassot C, Mattera PM, Peretti P, Levy A, Bernard L, Saiet M, Lagarce L, Briet M, Rivière M, Pellier I, Gascoin G, Rakotonjanahary J, Borghi MO, Stojanovich L, Djokovic A, Stanisavljevic N, Bromley R, Elefant-Amoura E, Bahi Buisson N, Pindi Sala T, Kelchtermans H, Makatsariya A, Bidsatze V, Khizroeva J, Latino JO, Udry S, Henrion D, Loufrani L, Guihot AL, Muchardt C, Hasan M, Ungeheuer MN, Voswinkel J, Damian L, Pabinger I, Gebhart J, Lopez Pedrera R, Cohen Tervaert JW, Tincani A, Andreoli L. In utero exposure to Azathioprine in autoimmune disease. Where do we stand? Autoimmun Rev. 2020;19(9):102525.
36. Bendiksen B, Aase H, Diep LM, Svensson E, Friis S, Zeiner P. The Associations Between Pre- and Postnatal Maternal Symptoms of Distress and Preschooler's Symptoms of ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Anxiety. J Atten Disord. 2020;24(7):1057-69.
37. Bengtson MB, Haugen M, Brantsæter AL, Aamodt G, Vatn MH. Intake of dairy protein during pregnancy in IBD and risk of SGA in a Norwegian population-based mother and child cohort. BMC Gastroenterol. 2020;20(1):28.
38. Berg MR, Sahlin Y. Oppfølging at skader av analsfinkter etter fødsel. (Follow-up of postpartum anal sphincter injuries). Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2020;140(2):150-4.
39. Berge LAM, Andreassen BK, Stenehjem JS, Heir T, Furu K, Juzeniene A, Roscher I, Larsen IK, Green AC, Veierod MB, Robsahm TE. Use of Antidepressants and Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma: A Prospective Registry-Based Case-Control Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2020;12:193-202.
40. Berge LAM, Andreassen BK, Stenehjem JS, Heir T, Karlstad Ø, Juzeniene A, Ghiasvand R, Larsen IK, Green AC, Veierød MB, Robsahm TE. Use of Immunomodulating Drugs and Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma: A Nationwide Nested Case-Control Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2020;12:1389-401.
41. Bergholt T, Skjeldestad FE, Pyykonen A, Rasmussen SC, Tapper AM, Bjarnadottir RI, Smarason A, Masdottir BB, Klungsoyr K, Albrechtsen S, Kallen K, Gissler M, Lokkegaard ECL. Maternal age and risk of cesarean section in women with induced labor at term - A Nordic register-based study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;99(2):283-9.
42. Bernhardsen GP, Stensrud T, Hansen BH, Steene-Johannesen J, Kolle E, Nystad W, Anderssen SA, Hallal PC, Janz KF, Kriemler S, Andersen LB, Northstone K, Resaland GK, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF, Ried-Larsen M, Ekelund U. Birth weight, cardiometabolic risk factors and effect modification of physical activity in children and adolescents: pooled data from 12 international studies. Int J Obes (Lond). 2020;44(10):2052-63.
43. Bernhardsen GP, Stensrud T, Nystad W, Ekelund U. Pre- and post-natal factors and physical activity in childhood: The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2020;30(11):2264-74.
44. Best KE, Rankin J, Dolk H, Loane M, Haeusler M, Nelen V, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Garne E, Sayers G, Mullaney C, O'Mahony MT, Gatt M, De Walle H, Klungsoyr K, Carolla OM, Cavero-Carbonell C, Kurinczuk JJ, Draper ES, Tucker D, Wellesley D, Zymak-Zakutnia N, Lelong N, Khoshnood B. Multilevel analyses of related public health indicators: The European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) Public Health Indicators. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2020;34(2):122-9.
45. Bjellmo S, Andersen GL, Hjelle S, Klungsøyr K, Krebs L, Lydersen S, Romundstad PR, Vik T. Does caesarean delivery in the first pregnancy increase the risk for adverse outcome in the second? A registry-based cohort study on first and second singleton births in Norway. BMJ Open. 2020;10(8):e037717.
46. Bratsberg B, Rogeberg O, Skirbekk V. Fathers of children conceived using ART have higher cognitive ability scores than fathers of naturally conceived children. Hum Reprod. 2020;35(6):1461-8.
47. Brekke I, Evensen M, Hart RK. Uptake of Attendance Benefit for Children with a Disability in Norway: Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Immigrant Background. Scandinavian journal of disability research: SJDR. 2020;22(1):127-36.
48. Brevik EJ, Lundervold AJ, Haavik J, Posserud MB. Validity and accuracy of the Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) symptom checklists in discriminating between adults with and without ADHD. Brain Behav. 2020;10(6):e01605.
49. Brew BK, Gong T, Wood ME, Cohen JM, Ystrom E, Nordeng HME, Hernandez-Diaz S. Modelling paternal exposure as a negative control. Letter and response. Int J Epidemiol. 2020;49(3):1053-5.
50. Cadiou S, Bustamante M, Agier L, Andrusaityte S, Basagaña X, Carracedo A, Chatzi L, Grazuleviciene R, Gonzalez JR, Gutzkow KB, Maitre L, Mason D, Millot F, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Papadopoulou E, Santorelli G, Saulnier PJ, Vives M, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Slama R. Using methylome data to inform exposome-health association studies: An application to the identification of environmental drivers of child body mass index. Environ Int. 2020;138:105622.
51. Cardoso-Dos-Santos AC, Magalhães VS, Medeiros-de-Souza AC, Bremm JM, Alves RFS, Araujo VEM, Macario EM, Oliveira WK, França GVA. International collaboration networks for the surveillance of congenital anomalies: a narrative review. (Redes internacionais de colaboração para a vigilância das anomalias congênitas: uma revisão narrativa.) Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2020;29(4):e2020093.
52. Carlsen E, Magnus MC, Omsland TK, Magnus PM, Håberg SE, Wilcox AJ. Stumped by the Hump: The Curious Rise and Fall of Norwegian Birthweights, 1991-2007. Epidemiology. 2020;31(4):587-94.
53. Cesta CE, Engeland A, Karlsson P, Kieler H, Reutfors J, Furu K. Incidence of Malformations After Early Pregnancy Exposure to Modafinil in Sweden and Norway. JAMA. 2020;324(9):895-7.
54. Cheesman R, Eilertsen EM, Ahmadzadeh YI, Gjerde LC, Hannigan LJ, Havdahl A, Young AI, Eley TC, Njolstad PR, Magnus P, Andreassen OA, Ystrom E, McAdams TA. How important are parents in the development of child anxiety and depression? A genomic analysis of parent-offspring trios in the Norwegian Mother Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). BMC Med. 2020;18(1):284.
55. Chen J, Bacelis J, Sole-Navais P, Srivastava A, Juodakis J, Rouse A, Hallman M, Teramo K, Melbye M, Feenstra B, Freathy RM, Smith GD, Lawlor DA, Murray JC, Williams SM, Jacobsson B, Muglia LJ, Zhang G. Dissecting maternal and fetal genetic effects underlying the associations between maternal phenotypes, birth outcomes, and adult phenotypes: A mendelian-randomization and haplotype-based genetic score analysis in 10,734 mother-infant pairs. PLoS Med. 2020;17(8):e1003305.
56. Cleary B, Loane M, Addor MC, Barisic I, de Walle HEK, Matias Dias C, Gatt M, Klungsoyr K, McDonnell B, Neville A, Pierini A, Rissmann A, Tucker DF, Zurriaga O, Dolk H. Methadone, Pierre Robin sequence and other congenital anomalies: case-control study. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2020;105(2):151-7.
57. Cohen JM, Cesta CE, Furu K, Einarsdóttir K, Gissler M, Havard A, Hernandez-Diaz S, Huybrechts KF, Kieler H, Leinonen MK, Li J, Reutfors J, Schaffer A, Selmer R, Yu Y, Zoega H, Karlstad Ø. Prevalence trends and individual patterns of antiepileptic drug use in pregnancy 2006-2016: A study in the five Nordic countries, United States, and Australia. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2020;29(8):913-22.
58. Cohen JM, Selmer R, Furu K, Karlstad O. Interrupted time series analysis to assess changes in prescription filling around conception and implications for exposure misclassification. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2020;29(6):745-9.
59. Cui C, Li M, Yang Y, Liu C, Cao P, Wang L. The effects of paternal perinatal depression on socioemotional and behavioral development of children: A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Psychiatry Res. 2020;284:112775.
60. Dalbye R, Blix E, Frøslie KF, Zhang J, Eggebø TM, Olsen IC, Rozsa D, Øian P, Bernitz S. The Labour Progression Study (LaPS): Duration of labour following Zhang's guideline and the WHO partograph - A cluster randomised trial. Midwifery. 2020;81:102578.
61. Daltveit AK, Løkeland-Stai M, Stangenes KM, Akerkar RR, Askeland OM, Júlíusson PB. Færre vert gravide [Article in Norwegian]. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2020;140(11):1110-2.
62. Daltveit DS, Klungsoyr K, Engeland A, Ekbom A, Gissler M, Glimelius I, Grotmol T, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Ording AG, Saether SMM, Sorensen HT, Troisi R, Bjorge T. Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects: large Nordic population based case-control study among children, adolescents, and adults. BMJ. 2020;371:m4060.
63. Dean CR, Bruin CM, O'Hara ME, Roseboom TJ, Leeflang MM, Spijker R, Painter RC. The chance of recurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum: A systematic review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol X. 2020;5:100105.
64. Drevin J, Hallqvist J, Sonnander K, Rosenblad A, Pingel R, Bjelland EK. Childhood abuse and unplanned pregnancies: a cross-sectional study of women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. BJOG. 2020;127(4):438-46.
65. Dypvik J, Larsen S, Haavaldsen C, Saugstad OD, Eskild A. Placental Weight and Risk of Neonatal Death. JAMA Pediatr. 2020;174(2):197-9.
66. Dypås LB, Gützkow KB, Olsen AK, Duale N. MiRNA profiles in blood plasma from mother-child duos in human biobanks and the implication of sample quality: Circulating miRNAs as potential early markers of child health. PLoS One. 2020;15(4):e0231040.
67. Dyrkorn OA, Staff AC, Kulseng-Hanssen S, Schiotz HA, Svenningsen R. Childbirth after mid-urethral sling surgery: effects on long-term success and complications. Int Urogynecol J. 2020;31(3):485-92.
68. Eapen A, Ryan GL, Ten Eyck P, Van Voorhis BJ. Current evidence supporting a goal of singletons: a review of maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with twin versus singleton pregnancies after in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertil Steril. 2020;114(4):690-714.
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Scientific publications and letters
Abel MH, Brandlistuen RE, Caspersen IH, Aase H, Torheim LE, Meltzer HM, Brantsaeter AL. Language delay and poorer school performance in children of mothers with inadequate iodine intake in pregnancy: results from follow-up at 8 years in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Eur J Nutr. 2019;58(8):3047-58. Available from:
Agier L, Basagana X, Maitre L, Granum B, Bird PK, Casas M, Oftedal B, Wright J, Andrusaityte S, de Castro M, Cequier E, Chatzi L, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Grazuleviciene R, Haug LS, Sakhi AK, Leventakou V, McEachan R, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Petraviciene I, Robinson O, Roumeliotaki T, Sunyer J, Tamayo-Uria I, Thomsen C, Urquiza J, Valentin A, Slama R, Vrijheid M, Siroux V. Early-life exposome and lung function in children in Europe: an analysis of data from the longitudinal, population-based HELIX cohort. Lancet Planet Health. 2019;3(2):e81-e92. Available from:
Al-Zirqi I, Daltveit AK, Vangen S. Maternal outcome after complete uterine rupture. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019;98(8):1024-31. Available from:
Alriksson-Schmidt AI, Ahonen M, Andersen GL, Eggertsdottir G, Haula T, Jahnsen R, Jarl J, Jeglinsky-Kankainen I, Jonsdottir G, Seid AK, Asgeirsdottir TL, Moller-Madsen B, Nordbye-Nielsen K, Saha S, Steskal D, Saaksvuori L, Hagglund G. CP-North: living life in the Nordic countries? A retrospective register research protocol on individuals with cerebral palsy and their parents living in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. BMJ Open. 2019;9(10):e024438. Available from:
Andreassen BK, Stoer NC, Martinsen JI, Ursin G, Weiderpass E, Thoresen GH, Debernard KB, Karlstad O, Pottegard A, Friis S. Identification of potential carcinogenic and chemopreventive effects of prescription drugs: a protocol for a Norwegian registry-based study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(4):e028504. Available from:
Bakken KS, Stray-Pedersen B. Emergency cesarean section among women in Robson groups one and three: A comparison study of immigrant and Norwegian women giving birth in a low-risk maternity hospital in Norway. Health Care Women Int. 2019;40(7-9):761-75. Available from:
Berge LAM, Andreassen BK, Stenehjem JS, Larsen IK, Furu K, Juzeniene A, Roscher I, Heir T, Green A, Veierod MB, Robsahm TE. Cardiovascular, antidepressant and immunosuppressive drug use in relation to risk of cutaneous melanoma: a protocol for a prospective case-control study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(2):e025246. Available from:
Bernhardsen GP, Stensrud T, Nystad W, Dalene KE, Kolle E, Ekelund U. Early life risk factors for childhood obesity-Does physical activity modify the associations? The MoBa cohort study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2019;29(10):1636-46. Available from:
Berntsen S, Soderstrom-Anttila V, Wennerholm UB, Laivuori H, Loft A, Oldereid NB, Romundstad LB, Bergh C, Pinborg A. The health of children conceived by ART: 'the chicken or the egg?'. Hum Reprod Update. 2019;25(2):137-58. Available from:
Biele G, Gustavson K, Czajkowski NO, Nilsen RM, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Magnus PM, Stoltenberg C, Aase H. Bias from self selection and loss to follow-up in prospective cohort studies. Eur J Epidemiol. 2019;34(10):927-38. Available from:
Bjellmo S, Hjelle S, Krebs L, Magnussen E, Vik T. Adherence to guidelines and suboptimal practice in term breech delivery with perinatal death - a population-based case-control study in Norway. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019;19(1):330. Available from:
Borge TC, Brantsaeter AL, Caspersen IH, Meltzer HM, Brandlistuen RE, Aase H, Biele G. Estimating the Strength of Associations Between Prenatal Diet Quality and Child Developmental Outcomes: Results From a Large Prospective Pregnancy Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2019;188(11):1902-12. Available from:
Caspersen IH, Thomsen C, Haug LS, Knutsen HK, Brantsaeter AL, Papadopoulou E, Erlund I, Lundh T, Alexander J, Meltzer HM. Patterns and dietary determinants of essential and toxic elements in blood measured in mid-pregnancy: The Norwegian Environmental Biobank. Sci Total Environ. 2019;671:299-308. Available from:
Cesta CE, Cohen JM, Pazzagli L, Bateman BT, Broms G, Einarsdottir K, Furu K, Havard A, Heino A, Hernandez-Diaz S, Huybrechts KF, Karlstad O, Kieler H, Li J, Leinonen MK, Gulseth HL, Tran D, Yu Y, Zoega H, Odsbu I. Antidiabetic medication use during pregnancy: an international utilization study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2019;7(1):e000759. Available from:
Chong HP, Froen JF, Richardson S, Liquet B, Charnock-Jones DS, Smith GCS. Age at menarche and the risk of operative delivery. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019;32(3):411-18. Available from:
Clemente DBP, Vrijheid M, Martens DS, Bustamante M, Chatzi L, Danileviciute A, de Castro M, Grazuleviciene R, Gutzkow KB, Lepeule J, Maitre L, McEachan RRC, Robinson O, Schwarze PE, Tamayo I, Vafeiadi M, Wright J, Slama R, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Nawrot TS. Prenatal and Childhood Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure and Telomere Length in European Children: The HELIX Project. Environ Health Perspect. 2019;127(8):87001. Available from:
Cohen JM, Wood ME, Hernandez-Diaz S, Ystrom E, Nordeng H. Paternal antidepressant use as a negative control for maternal use: assessing familial confounding on gestational length and anxiety traits in offspring. Int J Epidemiol. 2019;48(5):1665-72. Available from:
Coi A, Santoro M, Garne E, Pierini A, Addor MC, Alessandri JL, Bergman JEH, Bianchi F, Boban L, Braz P, Cavero-Carbonell C, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Klungsoyr K, Kurinczuk JJ, Lanzoni M, Lelong N, Luyt K, Mokoroa O, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Neville AJ, O'Mahony MT, Perthus I, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rouget F, Schaub B, Tucker D, Wellesley D, Wisniewska K, Zymak-Zakutnia N, Barisic I. Epidemiology of achondroplasia: A population-based study in Europe. Am J Med Genet A. 2019;179(9):1791-8. Available from:
Cornish R, Staff AC, Boyd A, Lawlor DA, Tretli S, Bradwin G, McElrath TF, Hyer M, Hoover RN, Troisi R. Maternal reproductive hormones and angiogenic factors in pregnancy and subsequent breast cancer risk. Cancer Causes Control. 2019;30(1):63-74. Available from:
Czamara D, Eraslan G, Page CM, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Hamalainen E, Kajantie E, Laivuori H, Villa PM, Reynolds RM, Nystad W, Haberg SE, London SJ, O'Donnell KJ, Garg E, Meaney MJ, Entringer S, Wadhwa PD, Buss C, Jones MJ, Lin DTS, MacIsaac JL, Kobor MS, Koen N, Zar HJ, Koenen KC, Dalvie S, Stein DJ, Kondofersky I, Muller NS, Theis FJ, Raikkonen K, Binder EB. Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):2548. Available from:
Dahm AEA, Jacobsen EM, Wik HS, Jacobsen AF, Mollnes TE, Kanse SM, Sandset PM. Elevated Complement C3 and C4 Levels are Associated with Postnatal Pregnancy-Related Venous Thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2019;119(9):1481-8. Available from:
Dale MTG, Magnus P, Leirgul E, Holmstrom H, Gjessing HK, Brodwall K, Haugen M, Stoltenberg C, Oyen N. Intake of sucrose-sweetened soft beverages during pregnancy and risk of congenital heart defects (CHD) in offspring: a Norwegian pregnancy cohort study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2019;34(4):383-96. Available from:
Danielsson KC, Gilhus NE, Borthen I, Lie RT, Morken NH. Maternal complications in pregnancy and childbirth for women with epilepsy: Time trends in a nationwide cohort. PLoS One. 2019;14(11):e0225334. Available from:
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Reports, books, chapters etc
Baldersheim M-L. Driftsreport 2018 – Medical Birth Registry. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Område for Helsedata og digitalisering. Bergen, 2019. Report. Available from:
Dahm KT, Flodgren GM, Straumann GH, Dalsbø TK, Vist GE. Effekten av å screene alle gravide sammenlignet med å screene gravide med risikofaktorer for å avdekke svangerskapsdiabetes: en systematisk oversikt. [The effectiveness of screening all pregnant women versus pregnant women with risk factors for gestational diabetes: a systematic review]. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2019. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8406-007-1 Available from:
Kornør H, Sandberg H, Muller AE, Dahm KT. Buprenorfin sammenlignet med metadon for gravide kvinner i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR): systematisk oversikt. [Buprenorphine versus methadone for pregnant women in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT)]. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Område for helsetjenester, Oslo, 2019. Report.: 978-82-8406-034-7. Available from:
Løkeland M, Heiberg‐Andersen R, Akerkar R, Pedersen Y, Askeland OM, Hornæs M, Seliussen I, Juliusson PB. Registry of Pregnancy Termination (Abortregisteret): report about pregnancy termination for 2018. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Abortregisteret. Bergen, 2019. Report.: ISSN: 1891‐6392. Available from: termination-for-2018/.
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Folkehelsemeldinga: gode liv i eit trygt samfunn. Meld. St. 19 (2018–2019). Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Oslo: Departementenes servicesenter; 2019. Available from:
Nasjonal overdosestrategi 2019-2022: Javisst kan du bli rusfri - men først må du overleve. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Oslo: Helsedirektoratet; 2019. Available from:
Lowe SA, Bowyer L, Beech A, Robinson H, Armstrong G, Marnoch C, Grzeskowiak L. SOMANZ Guideline For Management Of Nausea And Vomiting In Pregnancy And Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Australia: Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand; 2019.
Vinck J, Brekke I. Gender and education inequalities in parental employment when having a young child with increased care needs: Belgium and Norway compared. CSB Working Papers 2019(04):1-32.
Vonen B, Byhring HS, Balteskard L, Shu J, Mathisen S, Leivseth L, Steindal AH, Olsen F, Førde OH, Uleberg B, Øian P. Helseatlas for fødselshjelp. Bruk av helsetjenester innen fødselshjelp i perioden 2015–2017. Tromsø: Senter for klinisk dokumentasjon og evaluering (SKDE); 2019. ISBN: 978-82-93141-38-9.
Theses: PhD, master and bachelor
Abel MH. Iodine nutrition in pregnancy, materenal thyroid function and child neurodevelopment: results from the Norwegian mother and child cohort study. Thesis. Oslo: OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan, Faculty of Health Sciences University, Department of Life Sciences and Health; 2019. Available from:
Drover SSM. The Association Between Maternal Thyroid Function And Preschool Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder And Executive Function: Effect Measure Modification By Deiodinase-encoding Gene Variants, Maternal Selenium And Iodine Intake, And Child Sex. Thesis [PhD]. USA, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina; 2019. Available from:
Dypvik J. Diabetes, preeclampsia and infant death: the associations with placental weight. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine; 2019. Available from:
Eilertsen EM. The effect of prenatal alcohol consumption and depression on offspring ADHD symptoms: A study of genetic and environmental intergenerational transmission. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2019.
Fossum S. Long-term cardiovascular risk in women with a history of hyperemesis gravidarum. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine; 2019. Available from:
Grøsland M. Investigating how the information and health literacy channels affect choices regarding child birth. Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Design. Thesis [Master]: University of Oslo, Department of Economics; 2019. Available from:
Haggerty DK. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Infection in the Prenatal Period and the Risk of Cerebral Palsy: An Epidemiologic Analysis Using the MOBAND-CP Dataset. Thesis [PhD]. Michigan: Michigan State University, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition; 2019. Available from:
Haraldstad K, Hårstadhaugen H, Stave SG. Maternelle og neonatale utfall i vannfødsel: Et kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt at en kvinneklinikk i Norway. Maternal and neonatale outcomes, a quality improvement project in waterbirth in a hospital in Norway [Master]. Bergen: Høgskulen på Vestlandet; 2019. Available from:
Hollung SJ, Andersen GL, Vik T, Bakken IJ. Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Norway; a national registry-based study. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2019. Available from:
Kolstad E. Overweight and eating disorders in people with epilepsy. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2019. Available from:
Lindström L. Born Small for Gestational Age: Beyond Size at Birth. Thesis [PhD]. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Women's and Children's Health; 2019. Available from:
Mannseth J. Bayesian and frequentist computation with application to data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2019. Available from:
Mortensen JHS. Folic acid in pregnancy and subsequent cancer risk in mothers and their children : an epidemiologic study in Norway, 1999-2010. Thesis [PhD ]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2019. Available from:
Myrbø NL. Har nye nasjonale retningslinjer for diagnostisering av svangerskapsdiabetes ført til endringer i prevalens, håndtering og utfall av svangerskapene? En retrospektiv studie. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU, Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap, Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk; 2019. Available from:
Møen KA. Cervical cancer screening among immigrants in Norway : challenges, possibilities and the effect of an intervention. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2019. Available from:
Næss M. Intergenerational transmission of overweight and obesity in HUNT families. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Department of Public Health and Nursing Sciences; 2019. Available from:
Roman FJO. Behandling av pre-eklampsi. En sammenlikning av aktuelle guidelines. Studentoppgave. Oslo: Universitet i Oslo, Det medisinske fakultet; 2019. Available from:
Sørbye LM. Maternal weight, weight change and perinatal outcomes: can physical activity and gestational weight gain modify the risk? Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2019.
Teigset CM, University of Oslo Psykologisk i, University of Oslo Det samfunnsvitenskapelige f. Early-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders : cognitive function, clinical characteristics and obstetric complications. Oslo: University of Oslo, Faculty or Social Sciences, Department of Psychology; 2019. Available from: DC, Andersen E. Det viktige møtet med jordmor: Kvinners opplevelse av en dødfødsel. Thesis [Master]. Oslo Met: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Institutt for sykepleie og helsefremmende arbeid; 2019. Available from:
Scientific publications and letters
Aaberg KM, Bakken IJ, Lossius MI, Lund Soraas C, Tallur KK, Stoltenberg C, Chin R, Suren P. Short-term Seizure Outcomes in Childhood Epilepsy. Pediatrics. 2018;141(6):e20174016.
Aaseth J, Hilt B, Bjorklund G. Mercury exposure and health impacts in dental personnel. Environ Res. 2018;164:65-9.
Abel MH, Korevaar TIM, Erlund I, Villanger GD, Caspersen IH, Arohonka P, Alexander J, Meltzer HM, Brantsaeter AL. Iodine Intake is Associated with Thyroid Function in Mild to Moderately Iodine Deficient Pregnant Women. Thyroid. 2018;28(10):1359-71.
I, Daltveit AK, Vangen S. Infant outcome after complete uterine rupture. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219(1):109 e1- e8.
Ask H, Gustavson K, Ystrom E, Havdahl KA, Tesli M, Askeland RB, Reichborn-Kjennerud T. Association of Gestational Age at Birth With Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children. JAMA Pediatr. 2018;172(8):749-56.
Barlinn R, Dudman SG, Trogstad L, Gibory M, Muller F, Magnus P, Rollag H. Maternal and congenital cytomegalovirus infections in a population-based pregnancy cohort study. Apmis. 2018;126(12):899-906.
Bateman BT, Heide-Jorgensen U, Einarsdottir K, Engeland A, Furu K, Gissler M, Hernandez-Diaz S, Kieler H, Lahesmaa-Korpinen AM, Mogun H, Norgaard M, Reutfors J, Selmer R, Huybrechts KF, Zoega H. beta-Blocker Use in Pregnancy and the Risk for Congenital Malformations: An International Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2018;169(10):665-73.
Bauchat J, Wong CA. Pain Management During Pregnancy and Lactation (Chapter 39). In: Benzon HT, Raja SN, Liu SS, Fishman SM, Cohen SP, editors. Essentials of Pain Medicine (Fourth Edition): Elsevier; 2018:339-44.e1.
Bauer AE, Avery CL, Shi M, Weinberg CR, Olshan AF, Harmon QE, Luo J, Yang J, Manuck TA, Wu MC, Williams N, McGinnis R, Morgan L, Klungsoyr K, Trogstad L, Magnus P, Engel SM. A Family Based Study of Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide Signalling Genes and Preeclampsia. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2018;32(1):1-12.
Bekkhus M, Lee Y, Nordhagen R, Magnus P, Samuelsen SO, Borge AIH. Re-examining the link between prenatal maternal anxiety and child emotional difficulties, using a sibling design. Int J Epidemiol. 2018;47(1):156-65.
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Theses: PhD, master and bachelor
Alsnes IV. A study of the association between hypertension in pregnancy and metabolic and hormonal risk factor profiles in mothers and their offspring later in life. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norways teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU); 2018.
Andreassen SM. Sammenhengen mellom mors fysiske aktivitetsnivå i svangerskapet og barnets vektstatus at syv års alder blant 36 258 mødre og barn fra den norske mor og barnundersøkelsen. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Norways Idrettshøyskole; 2018.
Bacelis J. Genetic factors affecting pregnancy duration in humans. Thesis [PhD]. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg; 2018.
Fjalstad JW. Antibiotic therapy for neonatal sepsis: studies on epidemiology, gentamicin safety, and early adverse effects of antibiotics. Thesis [PhD]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 2018.
Haug EB. A life course study of the relationship between pregnancy and cardiovascular health in women: the HUNT study in Norway. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norways teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU); 2018.
Helland SS. Longitudinal associations between language difficulties and internalizing problems. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2018.
Iversen JM. Pain and perinatal factors : association of preterm birth and low birth weight with long-term chronic pain and experimental pain sensitivity. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: Norways teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin.; 2018.
Kvalvik LG. Smoking among pregnant women in Norway. Prevalence, self-report validity, and associations to SGA and «early programming» using family and sibling design. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2018.
Skorpen CG. The interaction of pregnancy and systemic lupus erythematosus: results from a prospective multicenter study. Thesis [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2018.
Svee T. Keisersnitt i Helse Nord i perioden 2013-2015 - En analyse av variasjonen i keisersnittfrekvens innen Helse Nord i perioden 2013 – 2015 med et spesielt fokus på fødeavdelingen at Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norway, Harstad. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2018.
Tähtinen R. The Impact of Women’s Smoking, Obesity and Mode of Delivery on Urinary Incontinence. Thesis [PhD]. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki; 2018.
Westin AA. The impact of pregnancy on maternal serum concentrations of antiepileptic, antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs: Evidence from therapeutic drug monitoring [PhD]. Trondheim: NTNU; 2018.
Reports, books, chapters, etc
Ebbing M (Ansvarlig redaktør), Askeland O (Redaktør). Fødselsnytt Nr. 1 2018. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Medical Birth Registry; 2018.
Stangenes K. (Ansvarlig redaktør), Askeland OM, Juliusson PB. Fødselsnytt Nr. 2 2018. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Medical Birth Registry; 2018.
Løkeland M, Heiberg-Andersen R, Akerkar R, Pedersen Y, Bøyum B, Hornæs M, Seliussen I, Ebbing M. report about pregnancy termination for 2017. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen, 2018. Report.: ISSN (elektronisk): 891-6392.
Årlig driftsreport for Medical Birth Registry 2017. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen, 2018. Report.
Kornør H, Flodgren GM, Mosdøl A, Strømme H, Holte HH. Systematisk oversikt - Nedtrapping av buprenorfin eller metadon for gravide i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) Norwegian Institute of Public Health Oslo, 2018. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8082-953-5 (Elektronisk).
Mosdøl A, Ding KY, Vist GE, Straumann GH. Begrenset vektendring hos gravide med fedme: en systematisk oversikt. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2018. Report.: ISBN (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-922-1.
Sjetne IS, Holmboe O. Brukeres erfaringer med fødsels- og barselomsorgen i 2017. Nasjonale resultater. Norwegian Institute of Public Health Oslo, 2018. Report.: ISSN: 1890‐1565.
Stoltenberg C, Egner I, Rolfheim-Bye C, Boehlke N. Norwegian Institute of Public Health - Annual report 2017. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2018. Report.: ISBN (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-913-9.
OECD/EU. Health at a Glance: Europe: State of Health in the EU Cycle. OECD/EU, Paris, 2018. Report.: ISBN 978-92-64-30335-5 (PDF).
Preeclampsia. Saito S, editor. Singapore: Springer; 2018.
Shahzadi S. Annual report for Nasjonalt kvalitetsindikatorsystem 2017. Sekretariatet for Nasjonalt kvalitetsindikatorsystem - Avdeling statistikk. 2018. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8081-517-0.
Aaberg KM, Gunnes N, Bakken IJ, Lund Soraas C, Berntsen A, Magnus P, Lossius MI, Stoltenberg C, Chin R, Suren P. Incidence and Prevalence of Childhood Epilepsy: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Pediatrics. 2017;139(5):e20163908.
Aaberg KM, Suren P, Soraas CL, Bakken IJ, Lossius MI, Stoltenberg C, Chin R. Seizures, syndromes, and etiologies in childhood epilepsy: The International League Against Epilepsy 1981, 1989, and 2017 classifications used in a population-based cohort. Epilepsia. 2017;58(11):1880-91.
Abel MH, Caspersen IH, Meltzer HM, Haugen M, Brandlistuen RE, Aase H, Alexander J, Torheim LE, Brantsaeter AL. Suboptimal Maternal Iodine Intake Is Associated with Impaired Child Neurodevelopment at 3 Years of Age in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. J Nutr. 2017;147(7):1314-24.
Abel MH, Ystrom E, Caspersen IH, Meltzer HM, Aase H, Torheim LE, Askeland RB, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Brantsaeter AL. Maternal Iodine Intake and Offspring Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Results from a Large Prospective Cohort Study. Nutrients. 2017;9(11):E1239.
Alsnes IV, Vatten LJ, Fraser A, Bjorngaard JH, Rich-Edwards J, Romundstad PR, Asvold BO. Hypertension in Pregnancy and Offspring Cardiovascular Risk in Young Adulthood: Prospective and Sibling Studies in the HUNT Study (Nord-Trondelag Health Study) in Norway. Hypertension. 2017;69(4):591-8.
Al-Zirqi I, Daltveit AK, Forsen L, Stray-Pedersen B, Vangen S. Risk factors for complete uterine rupture. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;216(2):165 e1- e8.
Angelsen H, Norum J, Angelsen V, Murer FA, Erlandsen R. A Model-Based Cost-Minimization Analysis as a Decision Tool in Obstetric Care in Helgeland, Northern Norway. Glob J Health Sci. 2017;9(1):191-200.
Bakken KS, Skjeldal OH, Stray-Pedersen B. Obstetric Outcomes of First- and Second-Generation Pakistani Immigrants: A Comparison Study at a Low-Risk Maternity Ward in Norway. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017;19(1):33-40.
Barlinn R, Rollag H, Trogstad L, Vainio K, Basset C, Magnus P, Dudman SG. High incidence of maternal parvovirus B19 infection in a large unselected population-based pregnancy cohort in Norway. J Clin Virol. 2017;94:57-62.
Bengtson MB, Aamodt G, Mahadevan U, Vatn MH. Inadequate Gestational Weight Gain, the Hidden Link Between Maternal IBD and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2017;23(7):1225-33.
Birks L, Guxens M, Papadopoulou E, Alexander J, Ballester F, Estarlich M, Gallastegi M, Ha M, Haugen M, Huss A, Kheifets L, Lim H, Olsen J, Santa-Marina L, Sudan M, Vermeulen R, Vrijkotte T, Cardis E, Vrijheid M. Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts. Environ Int. 2017;104:122-31.
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Doctorates, etc.
Ankenbrandt N. The Relationship between Caesarean Delivery and Increased Risk of Developing Asthma in Childhood - Review. Thesis (Master): Pacific University Oregon; 2017.
Berg E. Oral cleft – causes and consequences. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2017.
Byberg KK. An epidemiological study on the associations between preeclampsia exposure, growth and physical activity in preschool age and subsequent allergy, asthma and lung function in late childhood. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: The University of Bergen; 2017.
Chortatos A. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: effects on maternal diet, health, and birth outcomes. An investigation using the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Englund-Ogge L. Glycemic properties of maternal diet in relation to preterm delivery and abnormal birth weight. Thesis [PhD]. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy; 2017.
Fosdal S. The use of logistic regression and quantile regression in medical statistics. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU; 2017.
Gravensteen IK. Stillbirth: women's long-term quality of life, mental health and the subsequent pregnancy : results from two observational studies on women with a history of stillbirth. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Grundt JH. Biological and behavioral determinants of fetal and childhood growth and risk of developing obesity. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2017.
Gunnes MW. Adult life challenges in survivors of young age cancer. A Norwegian national cohort study focusing on reproduction, economic independence and violent deaths. Thesis [PhD]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2017.
Johannessen HG. Obesity and health in pregnancies after assisted reproductive technology. Thesis [Master]. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); 2017.
Karlsrud A. Hvordan opplever kvinner som har gjennomgått svangerskapsavbrudd emosjonelle reaksjoner og møtet med helsevesenet og hvordan kan vi bidra til at deres behov for informasjon blir ivaretatt? Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Lehre TH. Rettslig grunnlag for fosterreduksjon. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Leirvåg BB. Venter vi for lenge med å få barn? Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Høyskolen Kristiania; 2017.
Lenters VC. Assessing our multi-pollutant burden: environmental chemical exposures and reproductive and child health. Thesis [PhD]: Utrecht University; 2017.
Long EC. Developmental Trajectories of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorder. Thesis [PhD]. Richmond: Virginia Commonwealth University; 2017.
Marrable SRN. Utviklingstrend i prevalens av diabetes blant gravide, og preeklampsi blant gravide med diabetes at Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norway og Nordlandssykehuset i 2004-2015. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø 2017.
Nestaker ME, Tveit RR. Har bruk av fentanyl administrert intravenøst, som smertelindring i fødsel, innvirkning på den første spontane ammingen? Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus; 2017.
Nilsen CL. Sykepleie til det premature barnet: Hvordan kan sykepleier bidra til å fremme positivt samspill og trygg tilknytning mellom mor og det premature barnet? Studentoppgave (Bachelor Thesis). 2017.
Nordbø DR. Assistert befruktning og flerlingesvangerskap. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Nyfløt LT. Risk factors for severe postpartum hemorrhage: a case-control study [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Persson (Bott) KM. Essays on behavioural change. Thesis [PhD]: Norwegian School of Economics (NHH); 2017.
Skar JB. Women’s experiences of using a smartphone- application, the Pregnant+app, to manage Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - a qualitative study. Thesis [Master]. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus; 2017.
Suhrke P. The incidence and treatment of breast cancer in Norway over three decades : the relationship between mammography, hormone therapy use and overdiagnosis. Thesis [PhD]. Oslo: University of Oslo; 2017.
Taranger KL. En litteraturstudie om traumatiske hodeskader etter operativ vaginal forløsning og keisersnitt. Thesis [Master]. Tromsø: UiT Norways arktiske universitet; 2017.
Reports, etc.
Ebbing M, Reigstad N, (Ed.). Fødselsnytt Nr. 2 2017. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Avdeling for Medical Birth Registry; 2017.
Flaten TP, Irgens LM, Næss TP, editors. Medical Birth Registry 50 år. (Enkeltartikler relatert til MFR er sitert hver for seg som kapitler i boken "Medical Birth Registry..."). Trondheim: Norsk Epidemiologi 2017;27(1-2):1-64.
Klungsøyr K, Reigstad N, (Ed.). Fødselsnytt Nr. 1 2017. Bergen: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Avdeling for Medical Birth Registry; 2017.
Løkeland M, (redaktør), Mjaatvedt A, Akerkar R, Pedersen Y, Bøyum B, Hornæs M, Seliussen I, Ebbing M. report about pregnancy termination for 2016 (Report on Pregnancy Termination 2016). Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Abortregisteret, Bergen, 2017. Report.: ISSN 1891-6392.
Health Statistics for the Nordic Countries 2017. 1 ed. Nomesco EG, editor. Copenhagen: Copenhagen: NOMESCO-NOSOSCO; 2017.
Kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet - 2016. Meld. St. 6 (2017-2018). Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet; 2017.
Brandt L, Ebbing M, Hagen E, Eide HN, Stensland E. Kartlegging av variabler i nasjonale Health registries, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Nasjonalt helseregisterprosjekt og «Health Registries for Research». Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-838-5.
Eggesbø MÅ, Mandal S, Peddada S, Midtvedt T. Early colonization in caesarian children. In: Heidt PJ, Bosch TCG, Midtvedt T, Rusch V, editors. Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 30: The magnificent microbiome - future aspects. Herborn-Dill, Germany: Old Herborn University Foundation; 2017;30:49-60.
Knudsen AK, Tollånes MC, Haaland ØA, Kinge JM, Skirbekk V, Vollset SE. Sykdomsbyrde i Norway 2015. Resultater fra Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015). Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8082-840-8.
Myrhaug HT, Brurberg KG, Hov L, Håvelsrud K, Reinar LM. Prognose for og oppfølging av ekstremt premature barn: En systematisk oversikt. Oppsummert forskning 01 2017. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN (elektronisk): 978-82-8082-799-9.
Saunes IS, Hansen TM, Tomic O, Lindahl AK. Helse i Norway – 2017: Kommentarreport til OECDs sammenligning av helse i ulike land. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISBN: 978-82-8082-883-5.
Shahzadi S, Nygren MK. Annual report for Nasjonalt kvalitetsindikatorsystem 2016. Helsedirektoratet, Sekretariatet for Nasjonalt kvalitetsindikatorsystem - Avdeling statistikk. Oslo, 2017. Report.: IS-2606.
Sjetne IS, Holmboe O. Brukererfaringer med fødsels- og barselomsorgen i 2016 (PasOpp-reporter). Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.: ISSN: 1890-1565.
Stoltenberg C, Rolfheim-Bye C, Heyerdahl BT, Egner I. Norwegian Institute of Public Health - Annual report 2016 Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2017. Report.
Al-Zirqi, I., Daltveit, A. K., Forsen, L., Stray-Pedersen, B., & Vangen, S. (2016). Risk factors for complete uterine rupture. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oct 22 [epub ahead of print].
Al-Zirqi, I., Stray-Pedersen, B., Forsen, L., Daltveit, A. K., & Vangen, S. (2016). Uterine rupture: trends over 40 years. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 123(5), 780-787.
Anonymous. (2016). Correction: Long-term mortality in mothers with perinatal losses and risk modification by surviving children and attained education: A population-based cohort study (BMJ Open (2016) 6 (e012894)
Berg, E., Haaland, O. A., Feragen, K. B., Filip, C., Vindenes, H. A., Moster, D., . . . Sivertsen, A. (2016). Health Status Among Adults Born With an Oral Cleft in Norway. JAMA Pediatr, 170(11), 1063-1070.
Berg, E., Sivertsen, A., Ariansen, A. M., Filip, C., Vindenes, H. A., Feragen, K. B., . . . Haaland, O. A. (2016). Socio-Economic Status and Reproduction among Adults Born with an Oral Cleft: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Norway. PloS One, 11(9), e0162196.
Bin, Y. S., Roberts, C. L., Nicholl, M. C., Nassar, N., & Ford, J. B. (2016). Contribution of changing risk factors to the trend in breech presentation at term. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 56(6), 564-570.
Bjelland, E. K., Owe, K. M., Pingel, R., Kristiansson, P., Vangen, S., & Eberhard-Gran, M. (2016). Pelvic pain after childbirth: a longitudinal population study. Pain, 157(3), 710-716.
Bjorge, T., Gissler, M., Ording, A. G., Engeland, A., Glimelius, I., Leinonen, M., . . . Grotmol, T. (2016). Reproductive history and risk of colorectal adenocarcinoma in parous women: a Nordic population-based case-control study. British Journal of Cancer, 115(11), 1416-1420.
Bjorge, T., Skare, G. B., Bjorge, L., Trope, A., & Lonnberg, S. (2016). Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes After Treatment for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 128(6), 1265-1273.
Bjorke-Monsen, A. L., Ulvik, A., Nilsen, R. M., Midttun, O., Roth, C., Magnus, P., . . . Ueland, P. M. (2016). Impact of Pre-Pregnancy BMI on B Vitamin and Inflammatory Status in Early Pregnancy: An Observational Cohort Study. Nutrients, 8(12).
Blencowe, H., Cousens, S., Jassir, F. B., Say, L., Chou, D., Mathers, C., . . . Lawn, J. E. (2016). National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis. Lancet Glob Health, 4(2), e98-e108. Erratum in Lancet Glob Health. 2016;2014(2013):e2164.
Blondel, B., Alexander, S., Bjarnadottir, R. I., Gissler, M., Langhoff-Roos, J., Novak-Antolic, Z., . . . Zeitlin, J. (2016). Variations in rates of severe perineal tears and episiotomies in 20 European countries: a study based on routine national data in Euro-Peristat Project. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 95(7), 746-754.
Boe, T., Hysing, M., & Zachrisson, H. D. (2016). Low Family Income and Behavior Problems in Norwegian Preschoolers: Is Child Emotionality a Marker for Sensitivity of Influence? Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 37(3), 213-222.
Bohlin, J., Haberg, S. E., Magnus, P., Reese, S. E., Gjessing, H. K., Magnus, M. C., . . . Nystad, W. (2016). Prediction of gestational age based on genome-wide differentially methylated regions. Genome Biology, 17(1), 207.
Brantsaeter, A. L., Torjusen, H., Meltzer, H. M., Papadopoulou, E., Hoppin, J. A., Alexander, J., . . . Haugen, M. (2016). Organic Food Consumption during Pregnancy and Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism at Birth: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(3), 357-364.
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