Medical Birth Registry of Norway
The Medical Birth Registry collects data about pregnancies and births for research and analysis.
About the Registry
Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Medical Birth Registry of Norway
The Medical Birth Registry (MBRN) is a national health registry containing information about all births in Norway.
What is registered in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway?
What is registered in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway?
All births and pregnancies ended after gestation week 12 must be notified to the Medical Birth Registry of Norway.
Publications list for Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Publications list for Medical Birth Registry of Norway
List of academic articles based on data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway.
Access to data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Access to data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
Project managers in research institutions can apply for access to data from the MBRN for research purposes and scientific publishing.
All about the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
- No increased risk of malformations with metformin use in pregnancy with diabetesResearch findings
- Parents born after assisted reproductive technologies have no increased risk of complications when they themselves become pregnantResearch findings
- Infections and antibiotic use during pregnancy linked to childhood asthmaResearch findings