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Advice for universities, colleges, vocational schools and folk high schools


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The article provides advice on infection prevention at universities, colleges, vocational colleges and folk high schools.

Normal operations according to infection control advice are now recommended.

It is important to normalise academic studies, and universities, colleges and vocational colleges should have tuition with physical attendance. Arrangements should still be made for students with symptoms to have digital tuition, especially when participation is compulsory.

Basic infection control recommendations remain important and will limit the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. See:

For staff, including PhD and post-doc fellows, the same advice applies as in working life in general. For more information see: 

Advice for risk groups can also be found there. The employer is recommended to facilitate working conditions at educational institutions so that people in risk groups have the necessary flexibility.

For folk high schools, reference is also made to the guidelines for upper secondary schools. Advice about boarding schools can also be found here: 

The requirement for operations according to infection control guidelines in the COVID-19 regulations is repealed. There are still requirements for these operations in accordance with regulations on environmental health care, which apply to all businesses, and which set requirements for the business to be planned, operated and closed so that infectious diseases are prevented.

Students and staff who are sick (with respiratory tract symptoms) should not come to the campus. See:

There should be good access to hand washing / hand disinfection. See

Thorough cleaning is important. See

The risk of transmission is higher in rooms with poor ventilation, especially when many people are gathered. Good ventilation is therefore an important infection control measure. 

Universities and colleges that teach medicine and health sciences must adhere to current recommendations for healthcare professionals and the health institutions where the teaching takes place.

Study trips and international students 

The infection control advice for travel is updated regularly and can change at short notice.  It is important to familiarise yourself with the regulations that apply at any time.

There are no longer entry restrictions to Norway. However, educational institutions have a responsibility for informing international students and employees about the current rules and recommendations.

Students who are going abroad should have a good dialogue with their educational institution and check which rules and recommendations apply.

Many countries are not yet back to a normalised situation and still have strict entry restrictions and infection control measures in place.

See also:

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