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Here are the definitions of suspected, probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19, of vaccination with primary vaccination series and risk groups.

Suspected COVID-19

A person who meets the clinical criteria: acute respiratory tract infection and one or more of the following symptoms; fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell/taste, or who is considered by a doctor to have suspected COVID-19.

Confirmed COVID-19

A person with coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) confirmed by RT-PCR test, other nucleic acid amplification test or rapid antigen test (rapid immunoassay). See requirements for rapid antigen tests.

Close contacts 

You are considered to be a "close contact" if 

  • you have been in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease less than 48 hours before onset of their first symptoms. (From time of testing if the person does not develop symptoms) 
  • the contact has been
    • less than two metres away for more than 15 minutes OR
    • in direct physical contact OR
    • in direct contact with secretions.

This does not apply when recommended personal protective equipment is used in the healthcare service.

Household members and equivalent close contacts 

People are considered to be household members and equivalent close contacts if they: 

  • Live in the same household.
  • Have had similar close physical contact as in a household (for example, boyfriend/girlfriend).

Vaccinated with primary vaccination series:

  • Those who have received a second dose of vaccine. Status applies from 1 week after the second vaccine dose.
  • Those who have had the disease and at least 3 weeks later have received a dose of vaccine. Status applies from 1 week after the vaccine dose.
  • Those who have received the first dose of vaccine and then, at least 3 weeks later, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. Status applies from one week after COVID-19 infection.
  • Those who have been vaccinated with a single dose vaccine, effective from 3 weeks following vaccination.
  • Those who have confirmed antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 by an approved laboratory method (with an antibody serology in a microbiological laboratory), and received one vaccine dose. The vaccine dose may be given the same day at the earliest. Status is valid 1 week following vaccination. 

Risk group refers to:

  • People aged 65 years or older
  • People with certain defined diseases / conditions that increase the risk of severe disease course and death from COVID-19 (medical risk groups).

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