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About the Norwegian COVID-19 certificate




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The EU will close the COVID-19 certificate scheme on 30 June 2023. The COVID-19 certificate will then be unavailable. For a print out of vaccines given to you in Norway, log in to Helsenorge's vaccine overview

Control page for entry into Norway and international use

The COVID-19 certificate's control page for use abroad and at border crossings is blue and marked EU / EEA.

The EU has made guidelines for what data to display, however each EU country determines its own rules. On the Re-open EU website, you will find the travel rules that apply between these countries. On this website, you will also see the infection situation in the various countries. The information is continually updated and is available in 24 languages.

You must familiarise yourself with the rules that apply wherever you intend to use the certificate, such as the rules in countries you are going to travel to. Border control in the country you are visiting will check that the certificate contains the necessary information for entry, or whether the certificate authorises you for a through journey/transit country. For example, there are variations as regards the number of days that countries require after vaccination with the second of two doses, whether they relax the restrictions on persons who have received their first vaccine dose, whether they accept the combination of vaccine and COVID-19 disease, and whether or not a negative test result is sufficient.

What does the EU/EEA control page contain?  

The control page is blue and contains a QR code for each of the components where the certificate will find relevant information. Below the QR codes you can press "View printer-friendly page" and find the relevant data for vaccines, negative test and immunity, respectively.


  • The certificate will only show the most recent COVID-19 vaccine administered (or registered) in Norway. Information about previous vaccine doses are not available in the certificate. You can view detailed information about the type of vaccine, the date of vaccination and which number the vaccine dose is in the vaccination regime. According to EU guidelines, the last vaccine dose should be displayed as a fraction (1/2, 2/2) to indicate how many doses the person has received (numerator), and how many doses the person should receive to be considered fully vaccinated (denominator).

Negative test results

  • A negative result from a PCR or antigen test will be shown if the test was taken within the last seven days and no positive test results have been registered during the same period. Previous negative test results will not be shown. It should be noted that the length of time it takes for a negative test result to be approved varies from country to country, and that this will normally be considerably less than seven days.

Immunity after having had COVID-19 disease

  • If you are protected after having had COVID-19 disease, your certificate will show the result of a PCR or antigen test registered in Norway when you tested positive.
  • If you test positive again more than three months after your first test, the new test result will be shown. The test result will be visible 10 days after the positive test.
  • Results that are more than six months old will be omitted from the certificate. Antibody test will not be indicated on the certificate.

Are there any errors or omissions in the COVID-19 certificate?

Missing or inaccurate information on your COVID-19 certificate may invalidate the certificate when you attempt to use it. If you discover any incorrect or missing vaccination information or test results in your certificate, you must first check whether the vaccination status is missing from the Vaccination view and whether any test results are missing from the Test results view at If there is incorrect or missing information here too, you can contact the centre where you were vaccinated or tested in order to have it corrected.

Certificate validity

Your certificate is valid if any one of the three components (vaccination, immunity or negative test result) meets the requirements set out in the rules. The component with the longest duration will apply. There is a difference between what results in a valid certificate and how long the certificate is valid for (technical validity).

The COVID-19 certificate can be downloaded and used without internet access, or a paper version can be printed out and used. Both digital and analogue versions of the certificate have a limited period of validity (technical validity) of up to 90 days into the future. This does not mean that anyone with the status of either protected or fully vaccinated is only immunologically protected for 90 days after having had the disease or being vaccinated. You simply have to retrieve a new certificate (online in the app, download or print out a paper version). There are no restrictions on how often you can obtain a new certificate, and it does not matter if you do not obtain a new certificate until after the expiry date.

The COVID-19 certificate is only valid for 90 days into the future in order to prevent it from being misused, and to ensure that the certificate is consistent with what we know about the virus, immunity and vaccines at all times.

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