Chronic Diseases
The Department of Chronic Diseases is responsible for conducting research in the field of chronic diseases and drug safety in the population, mainly using data from population-based health registries and longitudinal health studies.
Switchboard:: +47 210 77 000
Visiting address
Marcus Thranes gate 6, 0473 Oslo
Post address
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, PO Box 222 Skøyen, N-0213 Oslo
The core tasks of the department
The main goal is to generate and disseminate new knowledge of high quality about the development of chronic diseases, highlighting the effects of new and established risk factors, as well as the use of prescription drugs, to identify targets for prevention and to contribute to adequate and safe drug treatment. We focus on non-communicable diseases as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, lung diseases and chronic pain as these conditions constitute major contributors to disease burden and premature mortality in the Norwegian population. We direct attention to research on co- and multimorbidity including polypharmacy.
A research initiative at the department aims to generate new knowledge about how the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced the development of chronic diseases and associated risk factors. This initiative also includes investigation into the safety of the vaccines used during the pandemic.
We also carry out non-interventional Post Authorization Safety studies (PASS) imposed on drug companies by medicines agencies (EMA, FDA). Many of our projects study the importance of socioeconomic conditions, gender, and immigrant background.
Research profile
The department has about 20 employees with interdisciplinary expertise in epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, statistics, medicine, pharmacy, psychology, nutrition, physiology, molecular biology, and sports science. We have thorough knowledge of different population-based health registries and health studies and high competence in applying advanced epidemiological and statistical methods in studies where such data are used. The department also emphasizes expertise in data management and -protection.
Main deliveries, important partners, and users
The department's responsibility is to generate and disseminate new knowledge of high quality for the health authorities, the health system, and the public in our research areas.
The research findings are disseminated through scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals, scientific lectures, popular science articles, news summaries on the website of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and in the media. Research findings are also communicated directly to the Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Norwegian Directorate of Health. We contribute to several chapters in the Public Health Report (Folkehelserapporten), and we arrange and contribute to meetings for different user groups and the public.
The department emphasizes collaboration and knowledge-sharing across disciplines, and all the research projects involve national and international partners. We also include a wide range of stakeholders and user groups to enhance the relevance and the public health impact of our research.
Some major projects in the department:
- Molecular Mechanisms Associating Chronic Pain with Fatigue, Affective Disorders, Cardiovascular Disease and Total Comorbidity PainFact NIPH, PainFact EU
- Nordic and International Pregnancy Drug Safety Studies NorPress/InPress
- Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases Hedimed
- A life-course approach to noncommunicable diseases in an ageing population- A life-course approach to noncommunicable diseases in an ageing population- NCDNOR
- Preventing an opioid epidemic In Norway: Focusing on treatment of chronic pain POINT
- NCD indicator website with information on the status in Norway for the nine targets established by WHO to combat NCDs NCD indicator website
Svetlana Ondrasova Skurtveit
Senior Researcher/Professor University of Oslo
- Mob: +47 411 03 614
- Send e-mail