Department { "@context": "", "@type": "Department", "datePublished": "2017-08-11", "dateModified": "2017-08-11", "name": "", "headline": "", "author": "Folkehelseinstituttet", "image": "Model.MainImage.GetImageUrl()", "hideImage":"False", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Folkehelseinstituttet", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } } Division of Health Data and Digitalisation - management and staff Division of Health Data and Digitalisation Employees Christine Bergland Christine Bergland Send e-mail Gard Maurud Gard Maurud Mob: +47 920 45 935 Send e-mail Ingvild Eide Graff Ingvild Eide Graff Specialist director Mob: +47 926 52 814 Send e-mail Lars Fredrik Hatlehol Lars Fredrik Hatlehol CTO Mob: +47 480 12 564 Send e-mail Linda Irene Kristoffersen Linda Irene Kristoffersen Location coordinator Mob: +47 456 52 618 Send e-mail Ninia Margrethe Johnsen Ninia Margrethe Johnsen Send e-mail Roger Schäffer Roger Schäffer CIO Send e-mail Siri Margrethe Bækken Siri Margrethe Bækken Senior advisor Send e-mail