Infection Control and Preparedness
The Department for Infection Control and Preparedness coordinates many of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's operational preparedness functions, particularly related to biological events.
The department is responsible for coordination of outbreak investigation and serves as the contact point for national (VESUV) and international alert systems (IHR/EWRS).
In addition to tasks related to general public health preparedness and epidemic intelligence, the department is responsible for activities related to waterborne and zoonotic pathogens, as well as healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance. These include conducting routine surveillance, providing advice regarding infection control, antibiotic management and resistance, microbiology, and water hygiene advice (technical and chemical water hygiene), conducting research, and contributing to the microbiological diagnostics of pathogens of special relevance for public health preparedness in Norway.
The department also contributes to various international activities in health preparedness and global health security. We serve as the contact point for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for relevant topics and collaborate closely with the World Health Organization (WHO). The department also participates actively in a number of international collaborations, including several EU Joint Actions
The Department of Infection Control and Preparedness has a good national and international epidemiological overview of relevant diseases and delivers advice and services of high quality. Key priorities include strengthening the ability to detect public health events and provide advice during outbreaks, including those caused by highly pathogenic agents and healthcare-associated infections.
We aim to seek external funding and enhance monitoring by improving data utilisation. We seek to strengthen collaboration with municipal medical officers, infection control personnel in the healthcare system, and water utility providers. We also aim to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration in research, surveillance, advice, and preparedness. Additionally, we strive to deliver high-quality deliverables and have employees who enjoy their work, experience professional development, and find their work meaningful.
The head of the department is Siri L. Feruglio.
The department is organised into three sections.
Section of Zoonotic and Waterborne Infections
These sections are responsible for preparedness, surveillance, and advice for diseases transmitted through animals (including insects and ticks) and water, water hygiene, outbreak management, and research in these areas.
Section for Resistance and Infection Prevention
The section develops evidence-based national recommendations to prevent healthcare-associated infections, contributes useful and timely surveillance data to the healthcare system and health authorities, and works on activities to prevent the spread of antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms, and ensure access to and facilitate appropriate antibiotic use.
Section for Outbreak Management
The section for outbreak management is part of the department's interdisciplinary team and performs tasks in epidemic intelligence and outbreak management. The section assists with providing advice, particularly regarding outbreak management, conducting exercises and after-action reviews, developing and implementing emergency plans, and updating and maintaining SOPs for public health alerts and epidemic intelligence.
Ongoing projects
- UNITED4Surveillance (EU4Health)
- EU-WISH (EU4Health)
- JA JAMRAI-2 (building upon JAMRAI-1)
- OneHealth4Surveillance (EU4Health)