Christian Madsen
Senior researcher
PhD in epidemiology
Projects and publications
- Ingunn Olea Lund, Pia Myklebust Johannessen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Alexandra Havdahl, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Helga Ask, (2025). Patterns of psychiatric healthcare use during pandemic times among boys and girls with pre-existing diagnoses: a Norwegian nationwide primary and specialist healthcare registry study. BMC Psychiatry doi: 10.1186/s12888-024-06422-7
- Anton Nilsson, Louise Emilsson, Kasper P. Kepp, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Ingeborg Forthun, Christian Madsen, Jonas Björk, Tea Lallukka, (2024). Cause-specific excess mortality in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020–2022: a study using nationwide population data. European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) s. 1037-1050. doi: 10.1007/s10654-024-01154-0
- Ingeborg Forthun, Christian Madsen, Louise Emilsson, Anton Nilsson, Kasper P. Kepp, Jonas Björk, Stein Emil Vollset, Tea Lallukka, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, (2024). Excess mortality in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020–2022. European Journal of Public Health s. 737-743. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckae091
- Mohsen Naghavi, Kanyin Liane Ong, Amirali Aali, Hazim S. Ababneh, Yohannes Habtegiorgis Abate, Cristiana Abbafati, Rouzbeh Abbasgholizadeh, Mohammadreza Abbasian, Mohsen Abbasi-Kangevari, Abbastabar Hedayat, Samar Abd ElHafeez, Michael Abdelmasseh, Sherief Abd-Elsalam, Ahmed Abdelwahab Abdelwahab, Abdollahi Mohammad, Mohammad-Amin Abdollahifar, Meriem Abdoun, Deldar Morad Abdulah, Auwal Abdullahi, Mesfin Abebe, Samrawit Shawel Abebe, Abedi Aidin, Kedir Hussein Abegaz, E S Abhilash, Hassan Abidi, Olumide Abiodun, Richard Gyan Aboagye, Hassan Abolhassani, Meysam Abolmaali, Mohamed Abouzid, Tone Bjørge, Alemayehu Hailu, Dominic Sagoe, Marcin Wlodzimierz Wojewodzic, Javaid Nauman, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Christian Madsen, Ingeborg Forthun, Adnan Kisa, Sezer Kisa, Axel Wolf, Terje Andreas Eikemo, Stein Emil Vollset, Zhiyong Zou, Liesl Joanna Zuhlke, Alimuddin Zumla, Elric Zweck, Samer H. Zyoud, Eve E Wool, Christopher J.L. Murray, (2024). Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet s. 2100-2132. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00367-2
- Austin E Schumacher, Hmwe Hmwe Kyu, Amirali Aali, Cristiana Abbafati, Jaffar Abbas, Rouzbeh Abbasgholizadeh, Madineh Akram Abbasi, Mohammadreza Abbasian, Samar Abd ElHafeez, Michael Abdelmasseh, Sherief Abd-Elsalam, Ahmed Abdelwahab Abdelwahab, Mohammad Abdollahi, Meriem Abdoun, Auwal Abdullahi, Ame Mehadi Abdurehman, Mesfin Abebe, Aidin Abedi, Armita Abedi, Tadesse M. Abegaz, Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zuñiga, E S Abhilash, Olugbenga Olusola Abiodun, Richard Gyan Aboagye, Hassan Abolhassani, Mohamed Abouzid, Lucas Guimarães Abreu, Woldu Aberhe Abrha, Michael R. M. Abrigo, Dariush Abtahi, Samir Abu Rumeileh, Niveen ME Abu-Rmeileh, Salahdein Aburuz, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Juan Manuel Acuna, Tim Adair, Isaac Yeboah Addo, Oladimeji M. Adebayo, Terje Andreas Eikemo, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Stein Emil Vollset, Adnan Kisa, Sezer Kisa, Marcin Wlodzimierz Wojewodzic, Javaid Nauman, Mahmood Khosrowjerdi, Tone Bjørge, Christian Madsen, Christopher JL Murray, Gavin Pereira, Omid Dadras, (2024). Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet s. 1989-2056. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00476-8
- Eyvind Ohm, Christian Madsen, Hans Magne Ulrik Gravseth, Søren Brage, Else Karin Grøholt, Kari Alver, Kristin Holvik, (2024). Post-injury long-term sickness absence and risk of disability pension: The role of socioeconomic status. Injury doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111480
- Pia Jensen, Bo Lars Engdahl, Kristin Gustavson, Ingunn Olea Lund, Johanne Hagen Pettersen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Helga Ask, Ragnar Nesvåg, (2023). Incidence rates of treated mental disorders before and during the COVID-19 pandemic—a nationwide study comparing trends in the period 2015 to 2021. BMC Psychiatry doi: 10.1186/s12888-023-05157-1
- Pia Jensen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Kristin Gustavson, Ingunn Olea Lund, Johanne Hagen Pettersen, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir, Helga Ask, Ragnar Nesvåg, (2023). Contact with primary care physicians among adults with pre-existing common mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: a registry-based study from Norway. BMC Health Services Research doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-10108-3
- Cecilie Dahl, Eyvind Ohm, Siri Marie Solbakken, Nudrat Anwar, Kristin Holvik, Christian Madsen, Frede Frihagen, Åshild Marit Bjørnerem, Frida Igland Nissen, Lene Bergendal Solberg, Tone Kristin Omsland, (2023). Forearm fractures–are we counting them all? An attempt to identify and include the missing fractures treated in primary care. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care s. 247-256. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2023.2231028
- Cecilie Dahl, Christian Madsen, Tone Kristin Omsland, Anne-Johanne Søgaard, Ketil Tunheim, Hein Stigum, Kristin Holvik, Haakon Eduard Meyer, (2022). The Association of Cold Ambient Temperature With Fracture Risk and Mortality: National Data From Norway - A Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research s. 1527-1536. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4628
- Christian Madsen, Belinda J Gabbe, Kristin Holvik, Kari Alver, Else Karin Grøholt, Johan Lund, Jane Lyons, Ronan A Lyons, Eyvind Ohm, (2022). Injury severity and increased socioeconomic differences: A population-based cohort study. Injury s. 1904-1910. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2022.03.039
- Eyvind Ohm, Lars Johan Hauge, Christian Madsen, Else Karin Grøholt, Miriam Evensen, Anne Reneflot, (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the treatment of injuries during lockdown in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health s. 689-696. doi: 10.1177/1403494821993725
- Cecilie Dahl, Christian Madsen, Tone Kristin Omsland, Anne-Johanne Søgaard, Grethe S. Tell, Kristin Holvik, Haakon E Meyer, (2020). Contribution of elevation and residential proximity to the coast in explaining geographic variations in hip fracture incidence. A Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) study. Osteoporosis International s. 1-6. doi: 10.1007/s00198-020-05736-y
- Liv Grøtvedt, Grace M. Egeland, Liv Grimstvedt Kvalvik, Christian Madsen, (2020). Evaluation of incomplete maternal smoking data using machine learning algorithms: a study from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth s. 1-11. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03384-y
- Eyvind Ohm, Kristin Holvik, Marte Karoline Råberg Kjøllesdal, Christian Madsen, (2020). Health care utilisation for treatment of injuries among immigrants in Norway: a nationwide register linkage study. Injury Epidemiology doi: 10.1186/s40621-020-00286-7
- Bjørnar Finnanger Garshol, Geir Aamodt, Christian Madsen, Morten Vatn, May-Bente Bengtson, (2020). The effect of nitrogen dioxide on low birth weight in women with inflammatory bowel disease: a Norwegian pregnancy cohort study (MoBa). Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology s. 272-278. doi: 10.1080/00365521.2020.1726446
- Eyvind Ohm, Kristin Holvik, Christian Madsen, Kari Alver, Johan Lund, (2019). Incidence of injuries in Norway: linking primary and secondary care data. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health s. 323-330. doi: 10.1177/1403494819838906
- Kari Alver, Christian Madsen, Eyvind Ohm, (2018). Skader og ulykker.
- Christian Madsen, Bjørn Heine Strand, (2018). Sosiale helseforskjeller.
- Christian Madsen, Siri Eldevik Håberg, Geir Aamodt, Hein Stigum, Per Magnus, Stephanie J. London, Wenche Nystad, Per Nafstad, (2017). Preeclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy in areas with relatively low levels of traffic air pollution. Maternal and Child Health Journal s. 512-519. doi: 10.1007/s10995-017-2417-6
- Christian Madsen, Siri Eldevik Håberg, Maria Christine Magnus, Geir Aamodt, Hein Stigum, Stephanie J. London, Wenche Nystad, Per Nafstad, (2017). Pregnancy exposure to air pollution and early childhood respiratory health in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015796
- Marianne Dæhlen, Christian Madsen, (2016). School enrolment following multisystemic treatment: A register-based examination among youth with severe behavioural problems. Children and Youth Services Review s. 76-83. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.05.016
- Ming-Yi Tsai, Gerard Hoek, Marloes Eeftens, Kees de Hoogh, Rob Beelen, Timea Beregszaázi, Giulia Cesaroni, Marta Cirach, Josef Cyrys, Audrey De Nazelle, Frank de Vocht, Regina Ducret-Stich, Kirsten Eriksen, Claudia Galassi, Regina Gražuleviciene, Tomas Gražulevicius, Georgios Grivas, Alexandros Gryparis, Joachim Heinrich, Barbara Hoffmann, Minas Iakovides, Menno Keuken, Ursula Krämer, Nino Künzli, Timo Lanki, Christian Madsen, Kees Meliefste, Anne-Sophie Merritt, Anna Mölter, Gioia Mosler, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Göran Pershagen, Harish Phuleria, Ulrich Quass, Andrea Ranzi, Emmanuel Schaffner, Ranjeet Sokhi, Morgane Stempfelet, Euripides Stephanou, Dorothea Sugiri, Pekka Taimisto, Marjan Tewis, Orsolya Udvardy, Meng Wang, Bert Brunekreef, (2015). Spatial variation of PM elemental composition between and within 20 European study areas - Results of the ESCAPE project. Environment International s. 181-192. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.04.015
- Aleksandra Jedynska, Gerard Hoek, Marloes Eeftens, Josef Cyrys, Menno Keuken, Christophe Ampe, Rob Beelen, Giulia Cesaroni, Francesco Forastiere, Marta Cirach, Kees de Hoogh, audrey de nazelle, Christian Madsen, Christophe Declercq, Kirsten Eriksen, Klea Katsouyanni, Helgah Makarem Akhlaghi, timo lanki, Kees Meliefste, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Marieke Oldenwening, Arto Pennanen, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Bert Brunekreef, Ingeborg M. Kooter, (2014). Spatial variations of PAH, hopanes/steranes and EC/OC concentrations within and between European study areas. Atmospheric Environment s. 239-248. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.01.026
- Rob Beelen, Gerard Hoek, Danielle Vienneau, Marloes Eeftens, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Xanthi Pedeli, Ming-Yi Tsai, Nino Künzli, Tamara Schikowski, Alessandro Marcon, Kirsten Eriksen, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Euripides Stephanou, Evridiki Patelarou, timo lanki, Tarja Yli-Toumi, Christophe Declercq, Gregoire Falq, Morgane Stempfelet, Matthias Birk, Josef Cyrys, Stephanie von Klot, Gizella Nador, MJ Varró, Audrius Dedele, Regina Grazuleviciene, anna Mölter, Sarah Lindley, Christian Madsen, Giulia Cesaroni, Andrea Ranzi, Chiara Badaloni, Barbara Hoffmann, Michael Nonnemacher, Ursula Krämer, Thomas Kuhlbusch, Marta Cirach, audrey de nazelle, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Tom Bellander, Michal Korek, David Olsson, Magnus Strömgren, Evi Dons, michael jerrett, Paul Fischer, Meng Wang, Bert Brunekreef, K de Hoogh, (2013). Development of NO2 and NOx land use regression models for estimating air pollution exposure in 36 study areas in Europe - The ESCAPE project. Atmospheric Environment s. 10-23. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.02.037
- Meng Wang, Rob Beelen, Xavier Basagana, Thomas Becker, Giulia Cesaroni, K de Hoogh, Audrius Dedele, Christophe Declercq, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Marloes Eeftens, F Forastiere, Claudia Galassi, Regina Grazuleviciene, Barbara Hoffmann, Joachim Heinrich, Minas Iakovides, Nino Künzli, Michal Korek, Sarah Lindley, anna Mölter, Gioia Mosler, Christian Madsen, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Harish Phuleria, Xanthi Pedeli, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Andrea Ranzi, Euripides Stehanou, Dorothee Sugiri, Morgane Stempfelet, Ming-Yi Tsai, timo lanki, Orsolya Udvardy, MJ Varró, Kathrin Wolf, Gudrun Weinmayr, Tarja Yli-Tuomi, Gerard Hoek, Bert Brunekreef, (2013). Evaluation of Land Use Regression Models for NO2 and Particulate Matter in 20 European Study Areas: The ESCAPE Project. Environmental Science and Technology s. 4357-4364. doi: 10.1021/es305129t
- Kees de Hoogh, Meng Wang, Martin Adam, Chiara Badaloni, Rob Beelen, Matthias Birk, Giulia Cesaroni, Marta Cirach, Christophe Declercq, Audrius Dedele, Evi Dons, Audrey de Nazelle, Marloes Eeftens, Kirsten Eriksen, Charlotta Eriksson, Paul Fischer, Regina Gražulevičienė, Alexandros Gryparis, Barbara Hoffmann, Michael Jerrett, Klea Katsouyanni, Minas Iakovides, Timo Lanki, Sarah Lindley, Christian Madsen, Anna Mölter, Gioia Mosler, Gisella Nádor, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Göran Pershagen, Annette Peters, Harisch Phuleria, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Ulrich Quass, Andrea Ranzi, Euripides Stephanou, Dorothea Sugiri, Per E Schwarze, Ming-Yi Tsai, Tarja Yli-Tuomi, Mihaly J Varró, Danielle Vienneau, Gudrun Weinmayr, Bert Brunekreef, Gerard Hoek, (2013). Development of Land Use Regression Models for Particle Composition in Twenty Study Areas in Europe. Environmental Science and Technology s. 5778-5786. doi: 10.1021/es400156t
- Josef Cyrus, Marloes Eeftens, Joachim Heinrich, Christophe Ampe, Alexandre Armengaud, Rob Beelen, Tom Bellander, Timea Beregszaszi, Matthias Birk, Giulia Cesaroni, Marta Cirach, K de Hoogh, audrey de nazelle, Frank de Vocht, Christophe Declercq, Audrius Dėdelė, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Kirsten Eriksen, Claudia Galassi, Regina Gra˛ulevičienė, Georgios Grivas, Olena Gruzieva, Annika Hagenbjörk Gustafsson, Barbara Hoffmann, Minas Lakovides, Alex Ineichen, Ursula Krämer, timo lanki, Patricia Lozano, Christian Madsen, Kees Meliefste, Lars Modig, anna Mölter, Gioia Mosler, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Michael Nonnemacher, Marieke Oldenwening, Annette Peters, Sabrina Pontet, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Ulrich Quass, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Andrea Ranzi, Dorothee Sugiri, Euripides Stephanou, Pekka Taimisto, MY Tsai, Éva Vaskövi, Simona Villani, Meng Wang, Bert Brunekreef, Gerard Hoek, (2012). Variation of NO2 and NOx concentrations between and within 36 European study areas: Results from the ESCAPE study. Atmospheric Environment s. 374-390. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.07.080
- Marloes Eeftens, Ming-Yi Tsai, Christophe Ampe, Bernhard Anwander, Rob Beelen, Tom Bellander, Giulia Cesaroni, Marta Cirach, Josef Cyrus, K de Hoogh, audrey de nazelle, Frank de Vocht, Christophe Declercq, Audrius Dėdelė, Kirsten Eriksen, Claudia Galassi, Regina Gražulevičienė, Georgios Grivas, Joachim Heinrich, Barbara Hoffmann, Minas Lakovides, Alex Ineichen, Klea Katsouyanni, Michal Korek, Ursula Krämert, Thomas Kuhlbusch, timo lanki, Christian Madsen, Kees Meliefste, anna Mölter, Gioia Mosler, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Marieke Oldenwening, Arto Pennanen, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Ulrich Quass, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Andrea Ranzi, Euripides Stephanou, Dorothee Sugiri, Orsolya Udvardy, Éva Vaskövi, Gudrun Weinmayrt, Bert Brunekreef, Gerard Hoek, (2012). Spatial variation of PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and PMcoarse concentrations between and within 20 European study areas and the relationship with NO2 – Results of the ESCAPE project. Atmospheric Environment s. 303-317. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.08.038
- Marloes Eeftens, Rob Beelen, K de Hoogh, T Bellander, Giulia Cesaroni, Marta Cirach, Christophe Declercq, Audrius Dėdelė, em Dons, audrey de nazelle, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Kirsten Eriksen, g Falq, p Fischer, c Galassi, r Gražulevičienė, Joachim Heinrich, Barbara Hoffmann, michael jerrett, d keidel, m korek, timo lanki, s lindley, Christian Madsen, anna Mölter, g Nádor, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, m Nonnemacher, x Pedeli, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, Evridiki Patelarou, u Quass, a Ranzi, c Schindler, m Stempfelet, Euripides Stephanou, d Sugiri, MY Tsai, t Yli-Tuomi, MJ Varró, D Vienneau, Stephanie V Klot, k Wolf, Bert Brunekreef, Gerard Hoek, (2012). Development of Land Use Regression Models for PM2.5, PM2.5 Absorbance, PM10 and PMcoarse in 20 European Study Areas; Results of the ESCAPE Project. Environmental Science and Technology s. 11195-11205. doi: 10.1021/es301948k
- Christian Madsen, Pål Rosland, Dominic Anthony Hoff, Wenche Nystad, Per Nafstad, Øyvind Næss, (2012). The short-term effect of 24-h average and peak air pollution on mortality in Oslo, Norway. European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) s. 717-727. doi: 10.1007/s10654-012-9719-1
- Kinga Polańska, Wojciech Hanke, Joanna Jurewicz, Wojciech Sobala, Christian Madsen, Per Nafstad, Per Magnus, (2011). Polish mother and child cohort study (REPRO_PL) - Methodology of follow-up of the children. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health s. 391-398. doi: 10.2478/s13382-011-0026-y
- Christian Madsen, Ulrike Gehring, Siri Eldevik Håberg, Per Nafstad, Kees Meliefste, Wenche Nystad, Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen, Bert Brunekreef, (2011). Comparison of land-use regression models for predicting spatial NOx contrasts over a three year period in Oslo, Norway. Atmospheric Environment s. 3576-3583. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.03.069
- Christian Madsen, Ulrike Gehring, Sam-Erik Walker, Bert Brunekreef, Hein Stigum, Øyvind Erik Næss, Per Nafstad, (2010). Ambient air pollution exposure, residential mobility and term birth weight in Oslo, Norway. Environmental Research s. 363-371. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2010.02.005
- Fredrik Niclas Piro, Christian Madsen, Øyvind Erik Næss, (2009). Hvilken rolle spiller bosted for ulikheter i helse?. s. 136-150.
- Bente Margaret Oftedal, Bert Brunekreef, Wenche Nystad, Christian Madsen, Sam-Erik Walker, Per Nafstad, (2008). Residential outdoor air pollution and lung function in schoolchildren. Epidemiology s. 129-137. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31815c0827
- Fredrik Niclas Piro, Christian Madsen, Øyvind Erik Næss, Per Nafstad, Bjørgulf Claussen, (2008). A comparison of self reported air pollution problems and GIS-modeled levels of air pollution in people with and without chronic diseases. Environmental health doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-7-9
- Christian Madsen, Kevin L Durand, Per Nafstad, Per E Schwarze, Kjersti Skjold Rønningen, Lise L Håheim, (2008). Associations between environmental exposures and serum concentrations of Clara cell protein among elderly men in Oslo, Norway. Environmental Research s. 354-360. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.07.017
- Christian Madsen, Kevin Lewis Durand, Per Nafstad, Per E Schwarze, Kjersti Skjold Rønningen, Lise Lund Håheim, (2008). Associations between environmental exposures and serum concentrations of Clara cell protein among elderly men in Oslo, Norway. Environmental Research s. 354-360.
- Christian Madsen, Gerard Hoek, Bente Margaret Oftedal, Per Nafstad, Kees Meliefste, Randi Jacobsen, Wenche Nystad, Kai-Håkon Carlsen, Bert Brunekreef, (2007). Modeling the intra-urban variability of outdoor traffic pollution in Oslo, Norway - A GA(2)LEN project. Atmospheric Environment s. 7500-7511. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.05.039
- Christian Madsen, P Nafstad, Lars Eikvar, PE Schwarze, Kjersti S. Rønningen, Lise Lund Håheim, (2007). Association between tobacco smoke exposure and levels of C-reactive protein in the Oslo II Study. European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) doi: 10.1007/s10654-007-9121-6
- Christian Madsen, Per Nafstad, (2006). Associations between environmental exposure and blood pressure among participants in the Oslo Health Study (HUBRO). European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) s. 485-491.
- ? Yangzong, Per Nafstad, Christian Madsen, E Bjertness, (2006). Childhood asthma under the north face of Mount Everest. Journal of Asthma s. 393-398. doi: 10.1080/02770900600710326
- Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Ingeborg Forthun, Christian Madsen, Jesper Dahl, Trude Marie Lyngstad, Hilde Marie Tvedten, Preben Aavitsland, Marianne Strøm, Trine Hessevik Paulsen, Hege Marie Gjefsen, Stein Emil Vollset, Johan Øvrevik, German Tapia, Kari Anne Sveen, Hanne Løvdal Gulseth, (2024). Dødelighet i Norge under koronapandemien 2020-2023.
- Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Christian Madsen, Ingeborg Forthun, Hilde Marie Tvedten, Jesper Dahl, Trude Marie Lyngstad, Marianne Sørlie Strøm, Stephanie Jebsen Fagerås, German Tapia, Catherine Schwinger, Preben Aavitsland, Trine Hessevik Paulsen, Hilde Kløvstad, Carl Baravelli, Kari Anne Sveen, Per Henrik Zahl, Pétur Benedikt Juliusson, Hanne Løvdal Gulseth, (2023). Dødelighet i Norge under koronapandemien 2020–2022.
- Jeanette Stålcrantz, Elisabeth Henie Madslien, Christian Madsen, Bente Sørreime, Pawel Stefanoff, (2021). Kartlegging av smittesteder for covid-19 i Oslo - resultater fra en kasus-kontroll-undersøkelse .
- Eyvind Ohm, Christian Madsen, Kari Alver, (2019). Skadebildet i Norge. Fordeling etter utvalgte temaområder.
- Christian Madsen, Eyvind Ohm, Kari Alver, Else Karin Grøholt, (2017). Ulykkesskader i Oslo - Geografisk og sosial ulikhet for skader behandlet ved Oslo skadelegevakt.
- Marianne Dæhlen, Mette Løvgren, Christian Madsen, (2017). Med hjelp fra barnevernet - En registerstudie av skolegang, tiltak og meldinger.
- Øivin Christiansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, Dag Tore Skilbred, Christian Madsen, Karen J Skaale Havnen, Kristin Aarland, Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, (2015). Forskningskunnskap om barnevernets hjelpetiltak..
- Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Christian Madsen, Lars B Kristofersen, Bjørn Hvinden, (2014). Barnevern i Norge 1990-2010. En longitudinell studie.
- Tonje Gundersen, Christian Madsen, Aina Iren Winsvold, (2014). Tjenestetilbudet til voldsutsatte personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne.
- Ingri Myklestad, Kari Alver, Christian Madsen, Eyvind Ohm, Øyvind Hesselberg, Kåre Bævre, Arve Sjølingstad, Else-Karin Grøholt, (2014). Skadebildet i Norge. Hovedvekt på personskader i sentrale registre.
- Christian Madsen, Per Nafstad, (2009). Urban environmental exposures and potential markers of risk for cardiovascular disease.
- Annike Irene Totlandsdal, Christian Madsen, Marit Låg, Magne Refsnes, Per E Schwarze, Astri Amundsen, Ronny Klæboe, Karl Erik Hogstad, Anne Gislerud, (2007). Helseeffekter av luftforurensning i byer og tettsteder i Norge.
- Ingunn Olea Lund, Pia Jensen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Alexandra Havdahl, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Helga Ask, (2024). Age-group variations in patterns of psychiatric healthcare utilization during the pandemic among children and adolescents with pre-existing diagnoses.
- Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Ingeborg Forthun, Christian Madsen, (2023). Ingen fasit for beregning av overdødelighet. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0463
- Pia Jensen, Bo Lars Engdahl, Kristin Gustavson, Ingunn Olea Lund, Johanne Hagen Pettersen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Helga Ask, Ragnar Nesvåg, (2023). Erratum: Correction: Incidence rates of treated mental disorders before and during the COVID-19 pandemic-a nationwide study comparing trends in the period 2015 to 2021 (BMC psychiatry (2023) 23 1 (668)). BMC Psychiatry doi: 10.1186/s12888-023-05367-7
- Ingunn Olea Lund, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Pia Jensen, Anne Reneflot, Helga Ask, (2023). Psychiatric healthcare use prior to and during the pandemic among children and adolescents with pre-existing mental health problems.
- Cecilie Dahl, Christian Madsen, Lise Marie Frohn, Camilla Geels, Kristin Holvik, Haakon Eduard Meyer, (2022). Association between air pollution and fractures of the hip and forearm in Norway. A NOREPOS study. Norsk Epidemiologi, Supplement s. 64-64.
- Pia Jensen, Christian Madsen, Lars Johan Hauge, Kristin Gustavson, Ingunn Olea Lund, Johanne Hagen Pettersen, Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen, Anne Reneflot, Ragnhild Eek Brandlistuen, Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir, Helga Ask, Ragnar Nesvåg, (2022). Mental health treatment among adults with pre-existing mental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: a registry-based study from Norway.
- Cecilie Dahl, Christian Madsen, Tone Kristin Omsland, Anne-Johanne Søgaard, Kristin Holvik, Haakon E Meyer, (2021). Cold – a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures and fracture related mortality. Norsk Epidemiologi, Supplement s. 30-30.
- Oddvar Myhre, Christian Madsen, Per Everhard Schwarze, (2019). Comment on “Effect of short-term fluctuations in outdoor air pollution on the number of hospital admissions due to acute myocardial infarction among inhabitants of Kraków, Poland”. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine s. 75-77. doi: 10.20452/pamw.4465
- Christian Madsen, Eyvind Ohm, Kari Alver, Else Karin Grøholt, (2018). Ulykkesskader i Oslo. Oslospeilet s. 32-42.
- Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Marianne Dæhlen, Christian Madsen, (2017). Forskningsbasert diskusjon av MST. Dagsavisen
- Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Marianne Dæhlen, Christian Madsen, (2016). Det er ikke usaklig å etterlyse en uavhengig evaluering. Dagsavisen
- Marianne Dæhlen, Christian Madsen, (2016). Det godes problem. Dagsavisen
- Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Christian Madsen, Lars B. Kristofersen, Bjørn Hvinden, (2014). Barnevern i Norge 1990-2010.
- Ingri Myklestad, Christian Madsen, (2013). Skader og ulykker..
- Ingri Myklestad, Eyvind Ohm, Christian Madsen, (2013). Accidental injuries in Norway..
- Ingri Myklestad, Christian Madsen, (2012). Status for prosjektet Skadebildet i Norge..
- Rob Beelen, Kees de Hoogh, Marloes Eeftens, Kees Meliefste, Marta Cirach, Audrey de Nazelle, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Anna Molter, Josef Cyrys, Matthias Birk, Tom Bellander, Dorothea Sugiri, Ming-Yi Tsai, Alex Ineichen, Christian Madsen, Alexandros Gryparis, Lars Modig, Gioia Mosler, Danielle Vienneau, Gerard Hoek, (2011). Estimating Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution in 38 Study Areas in Europe in a Harmonized Way Using Land Use Regression Modeling (ESCAPE Project). Epidemiology s. S82-S82.
- Christian Madsen, U Gehring, SE Walker, B Brunekreef, Hein Stigum, Øyvind Erik Næss, Per Nafstad, (2009). Ambient Air Pollution Exposure, Residential Mobility and Term Birth Weight in Oslo, Nonway. Epidemiology s. S151-S151.
- G Hoek, R Beelen, M Eeftens, K Mehefste, G de Vrieze, D Briggs, J Cyrys, B Forsberg, Christian Madsen, M Nieuwenhuijsen, S Liu, A de Nazelle, B Brunekreef, (2009). Air Pollution Exposure in Europe-Assessment in the ESCAPE study. Epidemiology s. S254-S254.
- Christian Madsen, Per Nafstad, (2006). Associations between Environmental Exposure and Blood Pressure among participants in the Oslo Health Study (HUBRO).