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Disease Burden

The Department of Disease Burden does research, analysis, and forecasting of disease burden. The Centre for Disease Burden is a central part of the activities at the department.


Department manager

Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen

The department aims to provide a comprehensive description of the health situation in Norway through analyses of the disease burden resulting from diseases, injuries, and risk factors, across gender, age, geography, and over time. The department is an active user of the results from the Global Burden of Disease project (GBD) and is responsible for reviewing and ensuring the quality of these results and presenting them to the Norwegian public. In addition, the department is responsible for identifying and transfer Norwegian data for use in the GBD project. The department also develops and conducts its own research projects on disease burden using Norwegian and Nordic data, focusing on geographical and socio-economic disparities in disease burden, and conducts research and analysis on the forecasting of disease burden. 

The department has interdisciplinary expertise and applies various quantitative methods and analytical approaches using data from registers and surveys. The department produces scientific publications, reports, and other statistics, and communicates disease burden methodology to the research community and the public.  

The department is the Norwegian arm for the GBD, which is coordinated by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle, USA. The department also has important collaborations with other national and international environments researching disease burden.  


Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen

Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen

Department Director

Photo of Ann Kristin Skrindo Knudsen
Carl Michael Baravelli

Carl Michael Baravelli

Research Scientist

Photo of Carl Michael Baravelli
Catherine Monika Schwinger

Catherine Monika Schwinger

senior advisor

Photo of Catherine Monika Schwinger
Christian Madsen

Christian Madsen

Senior researcher

Photo of Christian Madsen
Ingeborg Forthun

Ingeborg Forthun


Photo of Ingeborg Forthun
Konstantinos Giannakis

Konstantinos Giannakis


Photo of Konstantinos Giannakis
Stein Emil Vollset

Stein Emil Vollset

Umut Altay

Umut Altay


Photo of Umut Altay