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Section of colorectal cancer screening

The Section of colorectal cancer screening at the Cancer Registry of Norway, National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), operates the national ColorectalScreen Norway.


Department manager

Kristin Ranheim Randel

The program aims to detect precancerous lesions of colorectal cancer at an early stage of disease development, in order to offer more gentle treatment and reduce the risk of short- and long-term side effects of advanced treatment, and to reduce mortality from the disease. The target groups for screening are women and men from 55 to 65 years of age to be screened for occult blood in their stools every other year.

The section cooperates closely with the national screening laboratory, which performs analyses on blood in stool samples, and with the screening centers that perform follow-up colonoscopy for participants with a positive screening test, and with the pathology laboratories. The section also has an extensive research activity within the field of colorectal cancer screening and prevention.


Kristin Ranheim Randel

Kristin Ranheim Randel

Anita Jørgensen

Anita Jørgensen

Photo of Anita Jørgensen
Anna Lisa Schult

Anna Lisa Schult

Anne Lindis Undset Eriksen

Anne Lindis Undset Eriksen

Photo of Anne Lindis Undset Eriksen
Erik Natvig

Erik Natvig

Kristin Johansen

Kristin Johansen

Nadia Iqbal

Nadia Iqbal

Paula Marianna Berstad

Paula Marianna Berstad


Photo of Paula Marianna Berstad
Stine Langbråten

Stine Langbråten