Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum
Senior researcher
Communcation designer,illustrator, seniorpartner indesign companies from 1983-2005. Employed at Norwegian Knowledge Centre (now Norwegian Institute of Public Health)since 2005 (designer/researcher).PhD in 2010.
Projects and publications
- Vanesa A. Mora Ringle, Astrid Dahlgren, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Amanda Jensen-Doss, (2025). Critical thinking about health and treatments in the United States: a cross-sectional assessment of parents and undergraduate college students. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-025-21291-9
- Faith Chelagat Chesire, Andrew David Oxman, Margaret Kaseje, Violet Gisore, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, Christine Holst, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Simon Arnold Lewin, (2024). Process Evaluation of Teaching Critical Thinking About Health Using the Informed Health Choices Intervention in Kenya: A Mixed Methods Study. Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) s. 1-12. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-23-00485
- Michael Mugisha, Andrew David Oxman, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Anne Marie Uwitonze, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Simon Arnold Lewin, (2024). Process Evaluation of Teaching Critical Thinking About Health Using the Informed Health Choices Intervention in Rwanda: A Mixed Methods Study. Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) s. 1-15. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-23-00483
- Ronald Ssenyonga, Simon Arnold Lewin, Esther Nakyejwe, Faith Chesire Chelagat, Michael Mugisha, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Andrew David Oxman, Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, Christine Holst, Margaret Kaseje, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Nelson Sewankambo, (2024). Process Evaluation of Teaching Critical Thinking About Health Using the Informed Health Choices Intervention in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study. Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) s. 1-16. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-23-00484
- Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Christopher James Rose, Allen Nsangi, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Astrid Dahlgren, Simon Arnold Lewin, Mahima Venkateswaran, Eleni Papadopoulou, Andrew David Oxman, (2024). Effects of the informed health choices secondary school intervention after 1 year: a prospective meta-analysis using individual participant data. Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-08577-w
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Marlyn A Ochieng, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Esther Nakyejwe, Benson Ngatia, Gabriel Rada, Juan Vásquez-Laval, José Damián Garrido, Grace Baguma, Sam Kuloba, Edward Sebukyu, Richard Kabanda, Irene Mwenyango, Tonny Muzaale, Pamela Nandi, Jane Njue, Cyril Oyuga, Florian Rutiyomba, Felecien Rugengamanzi, Joan Murungi, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson Sewankambo, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Simon Arnold Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, Matthew Prescott Oxman, (2024). Teaching critical thinking about health information and choices in secondary schools: human-centred design of digital resources. F1000 Research doi: 10.12688/f1000research.132580.3
- Faith Chelagat Chesire, Margaret Kaseje, Marlyn Ochieng, Benson Ngatia, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Christopher James Rose, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Astrid Dahlgren, Simon Arnold Lewin, Nelson K Sewankambo, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, (2023). Effects of the informed health choices secondary school intervention on the ability of students in Kenya to think critically about health choices: A cluster-randomized trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) s. 275-284. doi: 10.1111/jebm.12556
- Ronald Ssenyonga, Andrew David Oxman, Esther Nakyejwe, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Matt Oxman, Christopher James Rose, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Margaret Kaseje, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Astrid Dahlgren, Simon Arnold Lewin, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2023). Use of the informed health choices educational intervention to improve secondary students’ ability to think critically about health interventions in Uganda: A cluster-randomized trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) s. 285-293. doi: 10.1111/jebm.12553
- Michael Mugisha, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Christopher James Rose, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Astrid Dahlgren, Margaret Kaseje, Simon Arnold Lewin, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, (2023). Effects of the Informed Health Choices secondary school intervention on the ability of students in Rwanda to think critically about health choices: A cluster-randomized trial. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) s. 264-274. doi: 10.1111/jebm.12551
- Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Christopher James Rose, Allen Nsangi, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Astrid Dahlgren, Simon Arnold Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, (2023). Effects of the Informed Health Choices secondary school intervention: A prospective meta-analysis. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) s. 321-331. doi: 10.1111/jebm.12552
- Laura Samsó Jofra, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Esther Cánovas Martínez, Carol de Britos Marsal, Ana Gallego Iborra, Ena Pery Niño de Guzman Quispe, Giordano Pérez-Gaxiola, Carolina Requeijo, Marta Roquéi Figuls, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Karla Salas-Gama, Iratxe Urreta-Barallobre, Laura Martínez García, (2023). Piloting the informed health choices resources in Barcelona primary schools: A mixed methods study. PLOS ONE s. 1-23. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0288082
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Marlyn A. Ochieng, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Esther Nakyejwe, Benson Ngatia, Gabriel Rada, Juan Vásquez-Laval, José Damián Garrido, Grace Baguma, Sam Kuloba, Edward Sebukyu, Richard Kabanda, Irene Mwenyango, Tonny Muzaale, Pamela Nandi, Jane Njue, Cyril Oyuga, Florian Rutiyomba, Felecien Rugengamanzi, Joan Murungi, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson Sewankambo, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Simon Arnold Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, (2023). Teaching critical thinking about health information and choices in secondary schools: human-centred design of digital resources. F1000 Research s. 1-32. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.132580.1
- Cristian Deliv, Declan Devane, El Putnam, Patricia Healy, Amanda M. Hall, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Elaine Toomey, (2023). Development of a video-based evidence synthesis knowledge translation resource: Drawing on a user-centred design approach. Digital Health s. 1-11. doi: 10.1177/20552076231170696
- Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, Heid Nøkleby, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). User experiences of structured stakeholder engagement to consider transferability: The TRANSFER approach. Campbell Systematic Reviews doi: 10.1002/cl2.1284
- Camilla Alderighi, Raffaele Rasoini, Giulio Formoso, Maria Grazia Celani, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). Feasibility of contextualizing the Informed Health Choices learning resources in Italy: A pilot study in a primary school in Florence. F1000 Research doi: 10.12688/f1000research.123728.1
- Faith Chelagat Chesire, Marlyn Ochieng, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Simon Lewin, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Margaret Kaseje, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). Contextualizing critical thinking about health using digital technology in secondary schools in Kenya: a qualitative analysis. Pilot and Feasibility Studies s. 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-01183-0
- Ronald Ssenyonga, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Solomon Kevin Mugagga, Esther Nakyejwe, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Matt Oxman, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Simon Lewin, Margaret Kaseje, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). Learning to think critically about health using digital technology in Ugandan lower secondary schools: A contextual analysis. PLOS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260367
- Laura Martínez García, Laura Samsó Jofra, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Eukane Ansuategi, Laia Asso Mistral, Monica Ballesteros, C Canelo-Aybar, Gonzalo Casino, Ana Gallego Iborra, Ena Pery Niño de Guzmán Quispe, Carolina Requeijo, Marta Roqué i Figuls, Karla Salas, Mar Ubeda, Iratxe Urreta, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2021). Teaching and learning how to make informed health choices: Protocol for a context analysis in Spanish primary schools. F1000 Research doi: 10.12688/f1000research.51961.2
- Jose Francisco Meneses Echavez, Sarah Rosenbaum, Gabriel Rada, Signe Flottorp, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Pablo Alonso-Coello, (2021). Users’ experiences with an interactive Evidence to Decision (iEtD) framework: a qualitative analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01532-8
- Michael Mugisha, Anne-Marie Uwitonze, Faith Chelagat Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Margaret Kaseje, Simon Arnold Lewin, Nelson Sewankambo, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2021). Teaching critical thinking about health using digital technology in lower secondary schools in Rwanda: A qualitative context analysis. PLOS ONE s. 1-18. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248773
- Andrew David Oxman, Claire Glenton, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Simon Arnold Lewin, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Atle Fretheim, (2020). Development of a checklist for people communicating evidence-based information about the effects of healthcare interventions: A mixed methods study. BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036348
- Allen Nsangi, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Daniel Semakula, Ronald Ssenyonga, Michael Mugisha, Faith Chelagat, Margaret Kaseje, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Iain Chalmers, Nelson Kaulukusi Sewankambo, (2020). Protocol for assessing stakeholder engagement in the development and evaluation of the Informed Health Choices resources teaching secondary school students to think critically about health claims and choices. PLOS ONE s. 1-15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239985
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Andrew David Oxman, Astrid Dahlgren, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Margaret Kaseje, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Yunpeng Ding, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2020). Effects of the Informed Health Choices primary school intervention on the ability of children in Uganda to assess the reliability of claims about treatment effects, 1-year follow-up: a cluster-randomised trial. Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3960-9
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Astrid Dahlgren, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Margaret Kaseje, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Christopher James Rose, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2020). Effects of the Informed Health Choices podcast on the ability of parents of primary school children in Uganda to assess the trustworthiness of claims about treatment effects: one-year follow up of a randomised trial. Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-4093-x
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Angela Morelli, Astrid Dahlgren, Margaret Kaseje, Michael Mugisha, Anne-Marie Uwitonze, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Atle Fretheim, Nelson Kaulukusi Sewankambo, (2020). Development of the informed health choices resources in four countries to teach primary school children to assess claims about treatment effects: a qualitative study employing a user-centred approach. Pilot and Feasibility Studies doi: 10.1186/s40814-020-00565-6
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, Astrid Dahlgren, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Margaret Kaseje, Angela Morelli, Atle Fretheim, Nelson Kaulukusi Sewankambo, (2019). Development of mass media resources to improve the ability of parents of primary school children in Uganda to assess the trustworthiness of claims about the effects of treatments: a human-centred design approach. Pilot and Feasibility Studies s. 1-17. doi: 10.1186/s40814-019-0540-4
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Andrew David Oxman, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Matt Oxman, Margaret Kaseje, Astrid Dahlgren, Christopher James Rose, Atle Fretheim, Nelson Sewankambo, (2019). Informed Health Choices media intervention for improving people's ability to critically appraise the trustworthiness of claims about treatment effects: A mixed-methods process evaluation of a randomised trial in Uganda. BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031510
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Astrid Dahlgren, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Margaret Kaseje, Christopher James Rose, Atle Fretheim, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2019). Informed health choices intervention to teach primary school children in low-income countries to assess claims about treatment effects: process evaluation. BMJ Open s. 1-13. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030787
- Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Theresa A. Lawrie, María Barreix, Soo Downe, Kenneth W. Finlayson, Tigest Tamrat, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Özge Tunçalp, (2019). Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) for Guidelines: Paper 3 – Using qualitative evidence syntheses to develop implementation considerations and inform implementation processes. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-019-0450-1
- Simon Arnold Lewin, Claire Glenton, Theresa A. Lawrie, Soo Downe, Kenneth W. Finlayson, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, María Barreix, Özge Tunçalp, (2019). Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) for Guidelines: Paper 2 – Using qualitative evidence synthesis findings to inform evidence-to-decision frameworks and recommendations. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-019-0468-4
- Soo Downe, Kenneth W. Finlayson, Theresa A. Lawrie, Simon Arnold Lewin, Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, María Barreix, Özge Tunçalp, (2019). Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) for Guidelines: Paper 1 – Using qualitative evidence synthesis to inform guideline scope and develop qualitative findings statements. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-019-0467-5
- Laura Martínez García, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Laia Asso Ministral, Clara Ballesté-Delpierre, Carlos Canelo Aybar, Carol de Britos, Ana Fernández Rodríguez, Ana Gallego Iborra, Victoria Leo Rosas, Paloma Llaquet, Ena Pery Niño de Guzmán Quispe, Giordano Pérez-Gaxiola, Carolina Requeijo, Karla Salas-Gama, Laura Samsó Jofra, Jordi Terres, Iratxe Urreta, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2018). Learning to make informed health choices: Protocol for a pilot study in schools in Barcelona. F1000 Research doi: 10.12688/f1000research.21292.2
- Pablo Alonso-Coello, Holger J. Schünemann, Jenny Moberg, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Elie A. Akl, Marina Davoli, Shaun Treweek, Reem A. Mustafa, Gabriel Rada, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Gordon Henry Guyatt, Andrew David Oxman, (2018). Marcos GRADE de la evidencia a la decision (EtD): un enfoque sistematico y transparente para tomar decisiones sanitarias bien informadas. 1: Introduccion. GACETA SANITARIA JOURNAL s. 166.e1-166.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2017.02.010
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jenny Moberg, Claire Glenton, Holger J Schünemann, Simon Arnold Lewin, Elie A Akl, Reem A. Mustafa, Angela Morelli, Joshua P Vogel, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Gabriel Rada, Juan Vasquez, Elena Parmelli, A Metin Gülmezoglu, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Andrew David Oxman, (2018). Developing Evidence to Decision Frameworks and an Interactive Evidence to Decision Tool for Making and Using Decisions and Recommendations in Health Care. Global Challenges doi: 10.1002/gch2.201700081
- Jenny Moberg, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Holger J. Schünemann, Gordon Guyatt, Signe Flottorp, Claire Glenton, Simon Arnold Lewin, Angela Morelli, Gabriel Rada, Pablo Alonso-Coello, (2018). The GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework for health system and public health decisions. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-018-0320-2
- Marit Johansen, Gabriel Rada, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Elizabeth Joan Paulsen, Nkengafac Villyen Motaze, Newton Opiyo, Charles Shey Wiysonge, Yunpeng Ding, Fidele K Mukinda, Andrew David Oxman, (2018). A comparative evaluation of PDQ-Evidence. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-018-0299-8
- Jenny Moberg, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Shaun Treweek, Douglas Badenoch, Robin Layfield, Robin Harbour, Sarah Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, Patricia Atkinson, Iain Chalmers, (2018). A plain language Glossary of Evaluation Terms for Informed Treatment choices (GET-IT) at Research for All s. 106-121. doi: 10.18546/RFA.02.1.10
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Andrew David Oxman, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Sarah Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Claire Glenton, Simon Lewin, Margaret Kaseje, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Yunpeng Ding, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2017). Effects of the Informed Health Choices primary school intervention on the ability of children in Uganda to assess the reliability of claims about treatment effects: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. The Lancet s. 374-388. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31226-6
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Andrew David Oxman, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Sarah Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Claire Glenton, Simon Lewin, Margaret Kaseje, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Doris Tove Kristoffersen, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2017). Effects of the Informed Health Choices podcast on the ability of parents of primary school children in Uganda to assess claims about treatment effects: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet s. 389-398. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31225-4
- Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Andrew David Oxman, Iain Chalmers, Sarah Rosenbaum, Øystein Guttersrud, (2017). Measuring ability to assess claims about treatment effects: the development of the 'Claim Evaluation Tools'. BMJ Open doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013184
- Rhona Mijumbi-Deve, Sarah Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, John N. Lavis, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2017). Policymaker experiences with rapid response briefs to address health-system and technology questions in Uganda. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-017-0200-1
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Andrew David Oxman, Matthew Oxman, Sarah Rosenbaum, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Margaret Kaseje, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2017). Does the use of the Informed Healthcare Choices (IHC) primary school resources improve the ability of grade-5 children in Uganda to assess the trustworthiness of claims about the effects of treatments: protocol for a cluster-randomised trial. Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1958-8
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Matthew Oxman, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Sarah Rosenbaum, Margaret Kaseje, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Atle Fretheim, Iain Chalmers, Andrew David Oxman, Nelson K. Sewankambo, (2017). Can an educational podcast improve the ability of parents of primary school children to assess the reliability of claims made about the benefits and harms of treatments: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials s. 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1745-y
- Pablo Alonso-Coello, Holger J. Schünemann, Jenny Moberg, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Elie A. Akl, Marina Davoli, Shaun Treweek, Reem A Mustafa, Gabriel Rada, Sarah Rosenbaum, Angela Morelli, Gordon Henry Guyatt, Andrew David Oxman, (2016). GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: A systematic and transparent approach to making well informed healthcare choices. 1: Introduction. BMJ (Clinical Research Edition) doi: 10.1136/bmj.i2016
- Alonso Carrasco-Labra, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Nancy Santesso, Ignacio Neumann, Reem A. Mustafa, Lawrence Mbuagbaw, Itziar Etxeandia Ikobaltzeta, Catherine De Stio, Lauren J. McCullagh, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Jörg J. Meerpohl, Per Olav Vandvik, Jan L. Brozek, Elie A. Akl, Patrick M.M. Bossuyt, Rachel Churchill, Claire Glenton, Sarah Rosenbaum, Peter S. Tugwell, Vivian Welch, Paul Garner, Gordon Henry Guyatt, Holger J. Schünemann, (2016). Improving GRADE evidence tables part 1: A randomized trial shows improved understanding of content in summary of findings tables with a new format. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology s. 7-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.12.007
- Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Andrew David Oxman, Iain Chalmers, Allen Nsangi, Claire Glenton, Simon Lewin, Angela Morelli, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Daniel Semakula, Nelson Sewankambo, (2015). Key concepts that people need to understand to assess claims about treatment effects. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine (JEBM) s. 112-125. doi: 10.1111/jebm.12160
- Alonso Carrasco-Labra, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Nancy Santesso, Ignacio Neumann, Reem A. Mustafa, Lawrence Mbuagbaw, Itziar Etxeandia Ikobaltzeta, Catherine De Stio, Lauren J. McCullagh, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Jörg J. Meerpohl, Per Olav Vandvik, Jan L. Brozek, Elie A. Akl, Patrick M.M. Bossuyt, Rachel Churchill, Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Peter Tugwell, Vivian Welch, Gordon Henry Guyatt, Holger J. Schünemann, (2015). Comparison between the standard and a new alternative format of the Summary-of-Findings tables in Cochrane review users: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0649-6
- Nancy Santesso, Tamara Rader, Elin Strømme Nilsen, Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Agustin Ciapponi, Lorenzo Moja, Jordi Pardo Pardo, Qi Zhou, Holger J Schunemann, (2015). A summary to communicate evidence from systematic reviews to the public improved understanding and accessibility of information: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology s. 182-190. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.04.009
- Annette Kristiansen, Linn Brandt, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Thomas Agoritsas, Elie A. Akl, Tara Conboy, Mahmoud Elbarbary, Mazen Ferwana, Wedad Medani, Mohammad Hassan Murad, David Rigau, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Frederick A. Spencer, Shaun Treweek, Gordon Guyatt, Per Olav Vandvik, (2015). Development of a novel, multilayered presentation format for clinical practice guidelines. Chest s. 754-763. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-1366
- Shaun Treweek, Andrew David Oxman, Philip Alderson, Patrick M. Bossuyt, Linn Brandt, Jan Brozek, Marina Davoli, Signe Flottorp, Robin Harbour, Suzanne Hill, Alessandro Liberati, Helena Liira, Holger J. Schünemann, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Judith Thornton, Per Olav Vandvik, Pablo Alonso-Coello, (2013). Developing and evaluating communication strategies to support informed decisions and practice based on evidence (DECIDE): protocol and preliminary results. Implementation Science doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-8-6
- Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2013). Cochrane i Norge - Hvordan formidler vi resultatene fra Cochrane-oversikter. Norsk Epidemiologi s. 215-219. doi: 10.5324/nje.v23i2.1647
- Joshua Vogel, Andrew David Oxman, Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Simon Lewin, A Metin Gulmezoglu, Joao Paulo Souza, (2013). Policymakers' and other stakeholders' perceptions of key considerations for health system decisions and the presentation of evidence to inform those considerations: an international survey. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-11-19
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Claire Glenton, Charles Shey Wiysonge, Edgardo Abalos, Luciano Mignini, Taryn Young, Fernando Althabe, Agustin Ciapponi, Sebastian Garcia Marti, Qingyue Meng, Jian Wang, Ana Maria de la Hoz Bradford, Suzanne N Kiwanuka, Elizeus Rutebemberwa, George W. Pariyo, Signe Flottorp, Andrew David Oxman, (2011). Evidence summaries tailored to health policy-makers in low- and middle-income countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization s. 54-61. doi: 10.2471/BLT.10.075481
- Claire Glenton, Nancy Santesso, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Elin Strømme Nilsen, Tamara Rader, Agustin Ciapponi, Helen Dilkes, (2010). Presenting the Results of Cochrane Systematic Reviews to a Consumer Audience: A Qualitative Study. Medical decision making s. 566-577. doi: 10.1177/0272989X10375853
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Claire Glenton, Andrew David Oxman, (2010). Summary-of-findings tables in Cochrane reviews improved understanding and rapid retrieval of key information. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology s. 620-626. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2009.12.014
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Claire Glenton, Hilde Kari Nylund, Andrew David Oxman, (2010). User testing and stakeholder feedback contributed to the development of understandable and useful Summary of Findings tables for Cochrane reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology s. 607-619. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2009.12.013
- Sarah Rosenbaum, Claire Glenton, Jane Cracknell, (2008). User experiences of evidence-based online resources for health professionals: user testing of The Cochrane Library. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-8-34
- Gro Jamtvedt, Sarah Rosenbaum, Kristin Thuve Dahm, Signe Agnes Flottorp, (2008). Chocolate bar as an incentive did not increase response rate among physiotherapists: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Research Notes doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-1-34
- Steven Woloshin, Christine Holst, Andrew David Oxman, Christopher James Rose, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, (2024). Communicating overall and statistical uncertainty: A randomized trial of ways to report the results of a study on wearing glasses to reduce COVID risk.
- Mona Bjørbæk, Ingeborg Hess Elgersma, Cathinka Halle Julin, Petter Elstrøm, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Atle Fretheim, Christine Holst, Unni Gopinathan, Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, Andrew David Oxman, Matthew Prescott Oxman, Christopher James Rose, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Runar Barstad Solberg, Tone Bruun, Arnfinn Helleve, Simon Arnold Lewin, Annlaug Selstø, (2024). Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research (CEIR) Annual Report 2023.
- Brunskill Pamela, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Anke Steckelberg, Leila Cusack, Allen Nsangi, Declan Devane, Tammy Hoffmann, Andrew David Oxman, (2022). Educational interventions to improve young students' ability to make informed health choices.
- Andrew David Oxman, Michael Mugisha, Faith Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Christopher James Rose, Allen Nsangi, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K Sewankambo, Astrid Dahlgren, Simon Arnold Lewin, Jenny Moberg, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). Effects of using the Informed Health Choices secondary school resources: protocol for a prospective meta-analysis.
- Ronald Ssenyonga, Andrew David Oxman, Esther Nakyejwe, Solomon Kevin Mugagga, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Faith Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Simon Arnold Lewin, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Matt Oxman, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2022). Does the use of the Informed Health Choices secondary school resources improve critical thinking about the effects of health among secondary school students in Uganda? A cluster-randomised trial protocol.
- Michael Mugisha, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Faith Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Astrid Dahlgren, Margaret Kaseje, Simon Arnold Lewin, Nelson K Sewankambo, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Andrew David Oxman, (2022). Effects of Informed Health Choices secondary school resources on the ability of Rwandan students to think critically about health: protocol for a cluster-randomised trial.
- Michael Mugisha, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Andrew David Oxman, Clarisse Marie Claudine Simbi, Faith Chesire, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Astrid Dahlgren, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K Sewankambo, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Simon Arnold Lewin, (2022). Use of the Informed Health Choices digital resources for teaching lower secondary school students in Rwanda to think critically about health: protocol for a process evaluation.
- Ronald Ssenyonga, Simon Arnold Lewin, Esther Nakyejwe, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Faith Chesire, Michael Mugisha, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Matt Oxman, Margaret Kaseje, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2022). Informed heath choices intervention to teach secondary school adolescents in Uganda to assess claims about treatment effects: a process evaluation protocol.
- Faith Chesire, Margaret Kaseje, Marlyn Ochieng, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Matt Oxman, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Astrid Dahlgren, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Andrew David Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Simon Arnold Lewin, (2022). Effect of the Informed Health Choices digital secondary school resources on the ability of lower secondary students in Kenya to critically appraise health claims: protocol for a process evaluation.
- Steven Woloshin, Andrew David Oxman, Christopher James Rose, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Lorena Diaz Hemard, Gabriel Rada, Camilo Vergara, Heather Eileen Menzies Munthe-Kaas, (2022). Communicating uncertainty about the effects of wearing glasses to reduce the chance of getting COVID: protocol for a randomized trial.
- Faith Chelagat, Michael Mugisha, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Ronald Ssenyonga, (2020). Protocol for a context analysis: Exploring the considerations for introducing digital learning resources for critical thinking about health in secondary schools.
- Andrew David Oxman, Astrid Dahlgren, Laura Martinez Garcia, Margaret Kaseje, Allen Nsangi, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Daniel Semakula, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2019). The effects of teaching strategies on learning to think critically in primary and secondary schools: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews.
- Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Matt Oxman, Andrew David Oxman, Faith Chelagat, Michael Mugisha, Ronald Ssenyonga, Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, (2019). Human-centred design development of Informed Health Choices (IHC) learning resources for secondary school students: Protocol.
- Daniel Semakula, Allen Nsangi, Claire Glenton, Margaret Kaseje, Simon Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Sarah Rosenbaum, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Iain Chalmers, Atle Fretheim, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2017). An educational podcast to improve the ability of parents of primary school children in Uganda to assess claims about treatment effects: Process evaluation protocol.
- Andrew David Oxman, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Andrew Garratt, Sarah Rosenbaum, (2017). Understanding of key concepts relevant to assessing claims about treatment effects: a survey of Norwegian adults.
- Allen Nsangi, Daniel Semakula, Claire Glenton, Simon Lewin, Andrew David Oxman, Matt Oxman, Sarah Rosenbaum, Astrid Austvoll-Dahlgren, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Margaret Kaseje, Atle Fretheim, Nelson K Sewankambo, (2016). Resources to teach primary school children in low-income countries to assess claims about treatment effects: Protocol for a process evaluation.
- Bente Evjen Schøning, Charlotte Wien, Torkjel Manning Sandanger, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2023). Forskningskommunikasjon - massevis av motivasjon men mangel på tid og opplæring.
- Andrew David Oxman, Atle Fretheim, Simon Lewin, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Claire Glenton, Arnfinn Helleve, Didrik Frimann Vestrheim, Bjørn Gunnar Iversen, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2022). Health communication in and out of public health emergencies: to persuade or to inform?. Health Research Policy and Systems doi: 10.1186/s12961-022-00828-z
- Jose Francisco Meneses Echavez, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Gabriel Rada, Signe Agnes Flottorp, Jenny Olivia Jenkins Moberg, Pablo Alonso-Coello, (2021). Correction to: Users’ experiences with an interactive Evidence to Decision (iEtD) framework: a qualitative analysis (BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, (2021), 21, 1, (169), 10.1186/s12911-021-01532-8). BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01559-x
- Charlotte Wien, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Jo Røislien, Audun Hetland, torgunn WÆrÅs, Julie Utler Gjengedal, Stig Brøndbo, Bente Evjen Schøning, Torkjel M Sandanger, (2021). Disseminating Public Health Knowledge through novel science communication Novel Science communication – how to build public health knowledge across the social gradient. The Healthy Choices Project (WP5)..
- Therese Kristine Dalsbø, Marita Sporstøl Fønhus, Kristin Thuve Dahm, Claire Glenton, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, (2019). "Briefly Summarised":Research evidence in plain language.
- Runar Eggen, Kjell Tjensvoll, Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum, Magne Nylenna, (2013). Use and users of the Norwegian Electronic Health Library.