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Anders Skrondal

Senior Researcher

Photo of Anders Skrondal


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Centre for Fertility and Health


Anders Skrondal is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Fertility and Health (Research Council of Norway Centre of Excellence), Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH); Adjunct Professor at CREATE/CEMO (Research Council of Norway Centre of Excellence), University of Oslo (UiO); and Adjunct Professor at BSE, University of California, Berkeley.

Skrondal started his career in the Economics and Biostatistics departments, UiO. HisPhD in Statistics was awarded the 1997 Psychometric Society Dissertation Prize, judged on "the level of originality in the ideas and techniques, the possible applications and their treatment, and potential impact". He was awarded a personal Postdoctoral Fellowship from The Research Council of Norway spent at the universities of London and Manchester. After returning to Norway, Skrondal became a Senior Researcher and Head of the Biostatistics Group at NIPH. In 2005 he became a Professor of Statistics at the London School of Economics (LSE) and was subsequently appointed Director of the LSE Methodology Institute. After four years at LSE, Skrondal returned to NIPH. He has also been Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Mathematics, UiO.

A major part of Skrondal's work has been on the Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Model (GLLAMM) framework which unifies and generalizes latent variable modeling and multilevel modeling. Output include papers published in (bio)statistical, psychometric and econometric journals as well as several bestselling books. He has published papers in more than 50 different peer-reviewed journals and 14 books, and his h-index is 61 in Google Scholar. The gllamm software for fitting GLLAMMs has been used in articles in more than 750 different journals.

Skrondal is regularly giving workshops and keynote lectures worldwide. Anders Skrondal served as President of the Psychometric Society for 2016-2017. He is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and formerly a co-editor of Statistical Methods in Medical Research and the Chapman & Hall/CRC book series Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Skrondal has been an Honorary Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, an elected member of the Research Section Committee of the Royal Statistical Society (selecting papers to be read for the Society), the Board of Trustees of the Psychometric Society and the editorial council of Psychometrika. A named scholarship was recently established by UiO. Skrondal has served on scientific committees for international conferences, taken part in expert panels evaluating academic institutions, served as member of international scientific advisory boards, and reviewed research proposals and/or research programs for various funding bodies worldwide.

Projects and publications