Section of Breast Cancer Screening
The Section of breast cancer screening at the Cancer Registry of Norway, NIPH, operates BreastScreen Norway.
The BreastScreen Norway, which aims to detect breast cancer at an early stage of disease development, to be able to offer more gentle treatment and reduce the side and late effects, as well as reducing mortality from the disease. BreastScreen Norway invites women between the ages of 50 and 69 to an X-ray examination of their breasts every other year. Participation is voluntary. The section plays a key role in monitoring breast cancer incidence, the effectiveness of screening measures and in helping to shape national guidelines for early detection of breast cancer. By collecting comprehensive data, they contribute to a better understanding of breast cancer incidence and the importance of screening programs to strengthen prevention and treatment. The Cancer Registry of Norway thus has both a coordinator and operational role in BreastScreen Norway.
The actual screening takes place at 30 screening units around the country, while interpretation of screening mammograms, supplementary examination, assessment, diagnostics and treatment takes place at 16 breast centers. Staff in the mammography section and professionals employed at the breast centers work very closely together.
The Section of breast cancer screening also conducts research within detection of breast cancer and mammography screening in Norway, and also plays a key role in this field internationally.